Bkr2110's comments

Cops (1989)
Bkr2110 6 points 3 years ago*.

Why don’t they just offer COPS and Live PD (one of the, if not the, top rated shows on cable) for like $1.99 a month for people who can handle it? I’ve never seen cops act inappropriately in these shows.

Ban these yet Grand Theft Auto cop killer video games are just fine.

Remove Elmer Fudd’s shotgun from Looney Tunes but leave Grand Theft Auto as is. Priorities. For the kids.

Yonderland (2013) S3 Special
SapphireStorm 4 points 3 years ago.

I sure wish they would do more of Yonderland. One of the funniest shows I’ve seen! I wish there were links for the 2013 Christmas special.

Bkr2110 4 points 3 years ago.

I just added one for the Christmas special for you.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
Bkr2110 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t think this movie was very good. Regarding US politics, Obama had to deal with the Bush recession. A record number of people were on food stamps under Obama. 95% of the jobs he supposedly helped create as part of the slowest economic recovery in history were part-time or contract. Trump doesn’t hide his temper as well as Biden but in my opinion, like him or not, he seems more cognizant, fit in that regard. Hunter Biden is on tape bragging about his and Joe’s relationship with “the f*cking Communist Chinese spy chief”.

Hunter arranged White House visits with Mexican businessmen and seemed very involved and enriched by it all. Burisma hired Hunter with the purpose of meeting the State Department. Biden visited the Ukraine within a month of his requested presence. Seems clear now Trump was impeached for what Biden did. Texts say not to refer to him by name. Most believe he is referred to as “the big guy”. 10% to 50% kickbacks on deals are alleged. This election is about issues, not personalities.

People don’t care if Biden or Trump are honest businessmen. Biden is a former segregationist who didn’t want his kids raised in a “racial jungle” and voted for every war in his 47 years in office, sending (primarily) the poor off to receive and partake in big budget atrocities, many returning dead, psychologically haunted or maimed for life, some on unauthorized extended duties with no relief in sight. He voted to tax social security and advocated repeatedly for cost of living freezes for seniors in need as Bernie pointed out.

He supported a disastrous crime bill that went after people, destroying the lives of mostly young people, many of them black lives, for minor drug offenses, all the while pulling strings to get leniency for his son’s drug offenses. He is adamant marijuana is a gateway drug. I am not a drug user but I know people who smoke pot and they haven’t moved onto anything heavier though. They are completely harmless and functional.

He struggled with a pandemic and got poor reviews by some health authorities. Not just Trump. No new wars under Trump which I am happy about. Under Obama/Biden we were in 8. Obama supported terrorists in Libya who advocated slavery and black slaves were auctioned off there in chains in 2017 due in large part to his decision to get involved there.

Young voter participation is up 200% and these Bernie Socialists who didn’t make it a priority to go to the polls in the past will likely tip this for Biden. Biden is winning amongst 18-34 and 65 and up. Trump is winning the rest, overwhelmingly amongst workers. I am hoping for the best with a President Biden which seems likely. Bernie is a more honest left winger in my opinion. I would have preferred a Trump/Sanders matchup. I am anti-war, pro civil liberties more than anything.

Lilya 4-Ever (2002)
Slimwhiteman 1 points 3 years ago.

Lilya 4-Ever is a very good and disturbing film. I just wish it would have ended with vengeance. 9/10

Bkr2110 3 points 3 years ago.

I agree. ‘Together’ is another great film by this director.

Des (2020)
Bkr2110 3 points 3 years ago.

Thanks for the heads up on this. Will definitely see. I only know David Tennant from ‘Bad Samaritan‘, which I really enjoyed taking it for what it was and nothing more, but he made me an immediate fan after viewing that. ‘The Escape Artist‘ is another one of his on my watchlist right now.

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Bkr2110 3 points 3 years ago*.

As a heads-up, HBOMax says this is premiering with them at 12 PM ET today. Hopefully, English language links to follow soon thereafter.

Conscious Capitalism (2016)
Bkr2110 4 points 3 years ago*.

“Socialism has been tried 42 times in the last 100 years, and 42 failures, it doesn’t work, it’s the wrong way,” “We have to keep capitalism, I would argue, we need conscious capitalism.” - John Mackey (Whole Foods CEO)

No One Would Tell (2018)
Bkr2110 3 points 3 years ago*.

I knew of Jamie Fuller, her killer. He was a punk in my hometown high school who hung around a group of kids who all wore black Triple F. A. T. Goose jackets. A clique more than a gang. All losers, a few very violent acting alone. He got caught one time breaking into gym lockers before this. Don’t remember any fights. I remember his mother being in the news too because of her response to the horrific madness this film highlights.

Tell No One (2006)
RoboPhone 4 points 3 years ago.

I seldom watch foreign films unless they come highly recommended. This one does not disappoint! It is a well-crafted intense suspense thriller with a Hitchcockian / Brian De Palma vibe about it that keeps the viewer riveted as the story unfolds. It also doesn’t hurt that the protagonist bears an almost uncanny resemblance to Dustin Hoffman. Director Guillaume Canet breathes such life into Harlan Coben’s novel, that the 131 minutes flew by as the twists and turns escalated as the tension mounted to its ultimately satisfying climax. As others have before me, I am highly recommending this taut thriller. It’s a must see for fans of the genre!

Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago*.

Yes, I liked it too. There is an American remake in the works. I read an article about it late last year. https://www.primewire.li/movie/1344561-watch-tell-no-one

The Son (2002)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago*.

This was on a a lot of Top 10 lists when released. Roger Ebert’s included. I am a big fan of these directors. They get their actors to portray genuine emotions and the movies of theirs I’ve seen are all lasting and memorable years later.

The Son and L’Enfant are my two favorites of theirs so far but Rosetta, Lorna’s Silence and La Promesse are also very good in my opinion.

I’ll put in a request for this one so hopefully it shows up for some of you to enjoy. In the meantime, you can check out Rosetta which is already available here if it strikes your fancy.

Ring of Death (2008)
Bkr2110 2 points 4 years ago.

Plot Summary:

Burke Wyatt (Johnny Messner) is a hardened ex-cop with a seasoned history of extreme and over-the-top methods during his time with the police, but having been dismissed for the past three years after drastically subduing a criminal, he wades through a rough stretch in his life; separated from his wife (Charlotte Ross), he plays a part-time father to their only son, Tommy (Uriah Shelton).

Taking Sides (2002)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago.

This story is set during the period of denazification investigations conducted in post-war Germany after the Second World War, and it is based on the real interrogations that took place between a U.S. Army investigator and the musical conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, who had been charged with serving the Nazi regime.

Tenet (2020)
Cops (1989)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago*.

COPS resumed filming six days ago to fulfill their obligations to international audiences. Another article said the next episode of COPS will air on October 11, 2020 on WGN America. They must mean rerun but they didn’t state that.

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (2020)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago.

A federal judge in North Brunswick, New Jersey yesterday survived an assassination attempt just days after being named in a case connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Judge Esther Salas’ 20 year old son was killed, and her husband in critical condition.

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (2005)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago.

A heartwarming story. The beautiful smart birds really bond with the homeless guy in San Francisco. Highly recommended.

Live PD (2016)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago*.

I just read (a 6/9/20 article) that Dan Abrams says Live PD is coming back at some point. A&E ratings declined 50% without it. They are in discussions about it now.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
silverfoxraven 5 points 3 years ago.

This is what I don’t understand. As a Trump supporter, how does everyone not feel lied to? He made so many promises in his 2016 campaign, that he still hasn’t made good on.

Repeal and replace Obamacare: No progress
A border wall paid for by Mexico: Not even close
Bringing Troops Home: Nope
Cutting Trade Deals with Other Countries: Nope
Ban on All Muslims entering the Country: Nope
Ending the Obama Cuba Thaw: Nope
Naming China as a Currency Manipulator: He did it, then reversed it.
Clearing the National Debt: Nope, it’s even bigger now.
Deporting all illegal immigrants: No Progress
Rebuilding the Countries Infrastructure: No Progress
Leaving NATO: Abandoned
The Approval of Torture: Abandoned
The Prosecution of Hillary Clinton: No Progress, likely abandoned

These aren’t my opinions, these are facts. None of these campaign promises were met. Why should I believe four more years is the answer :(

Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago*.

If I can jump in, I agree mostly with what you said. Trump did put together the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement which is marketed as a more favorable, revamped NAFTA. And, instead of a wall, he has gotten Mexico to finally pay for the use of its own military to guard our joint border with the goal of cutting down on human and drug trafficking. He also got the Individual Mandate ruled unconstitutional which was cited by some of his supporters as the most important thing to tackle.

Lawmakers from the Senate and the House have in the last three years sought to use legislation to prevent the president from pulling troops from Afghanistan, Syria, South Korea, and now Germany — unless the administration certifies that a withdrawal will not harm U.S. or allied interests which makes sense but is regarded by most experts as a tough thing to guarantee.

Looking at his votes, I can’t say I have agreed with much of anything Joe Biden has ever done. Joe himself, acknowledging his failed leadership and decision making, says most of these things are regrets now. He will be better for the environment (the economic impact uncertain) which I care about though. Cleaner air and water is likely I would say.

American Selfie: One Nation Shoots Itself (2020)
Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago.

This is the latest film by Nancy Pelosi’s daughter.

Hector (2015)
Alien 2 points 3 years ago*.

It’s a good thing I DL this at an earlier time.
Peter Mullen at his finest and bringing awareness to the homeless and down-trodden. Good movie.

Bkr2110 2 points 3 years ago*.

I enjoyed it as well. I found it on another site that claims to have a Mixdrop link as its source but I can’t capture it to bring over here like I usually can. If someone else wants to try, let me know.

Tenet (2020)
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man (1994)
snazzydetritus 3 points 3 years ago.

OK, guys, I put the rest of the links up earlier, but there were a few episodes in seasons 1 and 4 that I just couldn’t find available. Sorry about that.

Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago.

I just filled in the rest for everyone.

Staunch (2000)
Bkr2110 1 points 4 years ago*.

Plot Summary:

Staunch follows the politicisation of Ariana (Once Were Warriors’ Mamaengaroa Kerr-Bell) a young Māori woman who’s run into trouble with the law. Guided by a sympathetic social worker (Tamati Patuwai) she defends herself against assault charges following a police raid on her home. The Auckland-set TV3 drama was inspired by fact, and co-written by director Keith Hunter and playwright Toa Fraser; it won multiple gongs at the 2002 NZ TV Awards. Staunch was an early screen credit for Fraser (director of feature films No. 2, Dean Spanley, and ballet doco Giselle).

El Crimen Perfecto (The Perfect Crime) (2004)
Bkr2110 1 points 4 years ago*.

A really fun, imaginative movie. This one and Common Wealth are Alex De La Iglesia’s best.

Elevator to the Gallows (1958)
jjert 0 points 3 years ago.

no english subs

Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago*.

I just checked one, the Streamtape one, and it does.

The Atlanta Child Murders (2010)
Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago.

This is worth watching too. Starring Morgan Freeman and a few other notable big names.


The Head (2020)
Canterbury Tales (2003) S1 E4
Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
SnakePliscan 1 points 3 years ago.

Some really good points, is that snake Harris gonna help Biden get votes anywhere but california ?

Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago*.

Unfortunately, it seems likely. Kamala says she wants to bring the vengeance of the nation upon anyone who supports Trump. She says she will close the divide that exists in this nation. Joe has said “I don’t work for you” to a construction worker on the trail but he says he will be the President of all people. We are going to find out real soon is the most likely scenario.

Casablanca (1942)
Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago.

Casablanca in color. See the second dood.watch link I just submitted if interested.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
finigan1 3 points 3 years ago.

I would never say Canada is perfect, far from it. But there is a very big difference between the 2 countries. First of all, you don’t have to worry about being gunned down by pretty much everyone in Canada. You won’t loose your house if someone in your family gets sick, and racist and truly bigoted people will never get into office. There are as many dislikable people everywhere for ratio as anywhere else, but americans flaunt it, it is like a badge of honor to be hubris, self centered, racist and bigoted. Not all americans of course, but the picture they created for themselves is of nothing I would ever want anything to do with.

Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago*.

Have you spent time here? I don’t worry about being gunned down here. Massachusetts in particular is a very safe state. I think in some areas, mostly big tightly congested areas, overrun by poverty and drugs, a gang violence problems exists in this country. I have never seen anyone with a gun on their person or property besides a police officer here where I am.

I would be surprised if there is a big difference in the way people here behave from the way they behave in Toronto. There wasn’t when I visited Canada’s Wonderland in Toronto 20 years ago and spent time in Montreal and Quebec as well. I noticed no differences, just a language difference in Quebec.

Yes, it could happen that you could lose your house if someone gets real sick here I suppose. Thankfully, I have good private insurance. The perception is there is a wait time in Canada for some medical treatments that doesn’t exist here too. If that is true, then perhaps I would drop dead in Canada awaiting treatment and not worry about a house to live in. In reality, I don’t think either is likely for most people.

I’ve only encountered one racist person in my life. Some punk got upset about an interracial couple kissing in the food court 30 years ago when I was a teen traveling out of state in Connecticut with my family. You seem pretty proud of where you live and so am I.

Trump has a big mouth but he has made massive investments in primarily black colleges, he fought for criminal justice reform for nonviolent offenders and was praised by black leaders for it. He received awards from the NAACP, the Rosa Parks award, in the past. We have historically low black and latino prison populations right now under his watch. He used to date a black woman and be friends with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when he was a Democrat and Oprah thought he was great and should run for President. Blacks had their lowest unemployment rate ever before this mess hit starting in our many big congested cities with people having no symptoms at first and spreading it.

We had a conference in the Boston area where a Chinese person reportedly spread it to thousands. Biogen conference I believe it was. 40% have died in nursing homes where people had other existing symptoms to begin with and some passed it on to people there when they were dumped amongst healthier residents. True, Trump said there may be good people in a questionable group that has hate mongers within it and said a lot of bad Mexican people are coming here.

A lot of Mexican gangs and traffickers were coming across the border and there were ads on TV and how best to come here illegally there. Now, Mexico is using their military to guard the border. I don’t see all the hate and violence here that apparently you do. I think it is fringe elements. Surely greater or far greater than some places but your picture of America isn’t one I’ve experienced. I see it on the news is all.

The Control (2018)
Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago.

Summary: To send humanity to a distant galaxy, the mysterious CEO of The Fuller Corporation must develop a cutting-edge computer-brain interface to keep his hibernating colonizers safe and sane for a journey of unknown length.

Barcelona (1994)
Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago*.

Whit Stillman makes movies with witty, sarcastic dialogue often with uppity or stuffy types. Having enjoyed The Last Days of Disco and Metropolitan as well, this is the best one of his I’ve seen. This is one of my favorite movies period, actually. Here is the trailer in case you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2ZTOyuUfrg

Dale Archdale (2020)
Bkr2110 1 points 3 years ago.

Here is the trailer for this in case anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_mxzRRUtW8

I thought it was animation, even though it wasn’t labelled as such, so I decided to seek it out to verify. Unfortunately, it looks very bad. May win a Razzie Award bad.

1000 Tage (2006)
Bkr2110 0 points 4 years ago.

What if you could do whatever you always wanted to do for 1000 days?…That is the premise.

Going Places (1974)
Bkr2110 -1 points 4 years ago*.

3.5/5 for me. This is an interesting diversion. I like films that shock the senses. I like controversy. Movies about people behaving badly. I like Gerard Depardieu. I was the target audience. Although not a masterpiece, this worked for me.

I know some people on this site will give this 1 star without seeing it because it sounds ‘morally reprehensible’ and they don’t want you viewing it. I see it all the time when new movies are posted here with links. Those same people will downgrade this comment so it ends up in negative territory. I fully expect it. They don’t like to be exposed for what they are.

Japanese, Chinese, Gay, Religious and African American movies always get slammed by some without seeing them as well. And, of course, political ones. I enjoy reading the descriptions of different movies and link up a lot of them (I like bringing movie joy to people) so I spend a lot of time here and am in a position to observe this. Maybe it is just one judgmental loser most of the time. It is so obvious though. Right down the line right away with the one star ratings. Makes me want to give them 5 stars right away but I don’t.

I saw this though my library system on Kanopy. Some great movies on there for free that are hard to find.

Murder Comes to Town (2014) S5 E10
Killion 1 points 3 years ago.

Just an FYI:This is Episode 9

Beloved teacher Margaret Jack Sliger is murdered on her farm in the sleepy town of Mooresburg, Tenn. Hawkins County detectives are charged with finding the sinister perpetrator to bring their community justice.

I live in Hawkins County and never knew about this case because they cover up so much shit here because it is supposed to be the “model city” to live in.
So much corruption here it’s not even funny….

Bkr2110 0 points 3 years ago*.

I found a Streamtape one now that looks right.

The Perfect Human Diet (2013)
freeaswind -1 points 5 years ago.

links please

Bkr2110 0 points 4 years ago.

They are up now.

Full Frontal (2002)
Bkr2110 -1 points 4 years ago.

Worst movie of all-time. Pretentious garbage.

Return to Sender (2005)
Bkr2110 -1 points 4 years ago.

Also known as ‘Convicted’.

Marxist Lucifer King (2015)
Bkr2110 -2 points 3 years ago*.

This documentary with an incendiary title (no doubt triggering many to give it only 1 star here without watching it) by what some regard to be a “hate preacher” surprisingly makes some valid points. It points out that MLK, in his own words, did not believe in the virgin birth or that Jesus was the son of God. MLK referred to Christianity when talking about cults, “the other cults”, which surprised me. He was an adulterer who participated in orgies with prostitutes and the Pastor who made this film is morally outraged about that. Unbeknownst to me, he was investigated by Bobby Kennedy for his Communist ties which went back to the 40’s.

The filmmaker believes MLK, who would be 91 if he were alive today, was a Reverend only for political purposes. I disagree. Furthermore, to say that MLK is Lucifer is ridiculous. Deeds not words and MLK did plenty to bring this nation forward in Christ-like fashion. Politically, rightly or wrongly, MLK was clearly a Socialist who believed in some Marxist ideals like Universal Basic Income although some Republicans, including his evangelical niece, Alveida, who supports Trump, will claim he was a Republican at heart and would be one today.

Head-On (2004)
Bkr2110 0 points 3 years ago.

The story of a love that may never be fully realized between two people who are too alike not to be together. A beautiful, masterful film. I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. Highly recommended.

Robin and the Dreamweavers (2000)
Bkr2110 0 points 3 years ago.


Robin, the first girl born in Cyberspace, becomes a virtual DJ for Brenda Plump’s new virtual reality nightclub. However, she soon gains the attention of the leather-clad dominatrix XXX (pronounced “Triple X”), a cyber being who wants to enter the real world to turn everyone into sex-crazed maniacs. With the help of a band of psychic furries, Robin learns that her unique birth grants her special powers that help her face off against XXX.

Yes, God, Yes (2020)
Bkr2110 0 points 3 years ago*.

A livestreamed Q&A with the director about this movie is on Youtube tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgBmD-EmdPM&feature=youtu.be

For We Are Many (2019)
Bkr2110 0 points 3 years ago*.

Summary: Demons, as you probably guessed, and the variant retellings of their myths, are the subjects of this anthology film, comprising 15 episodes by 12 directors. So, many are very short in length since it is only 85 minutes long.

After the Night (2020) S1 E4
Bkr2110 0 points 3 years ago*.

Since a couple of people here commenting like the opening theme song (as do I), someone passed along to me that the music is by Felicity Hunter and Russel Fawcus and was especially written for this series. It hasn’t been released so far. Don’t know the title. You can email Felicity Hunter on her website to verify and find out if you are so inspired. Her name and dot com gets you there.

Borstal Boy (2000)
Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
finigan1 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

As in every american presidential election , people are given a choice between 2 morons. A day before the election I think its pretty obvious racists and bigots have the upper hand as per usual. So there will be 4 more years of the orange man. “Make America Great Again” is really an oxymoron, it has never been great, in fact it gets worse and worse with each passing day. The entire world thinks america is a joke, thats when we are not trying our best to pretend it doesn’t exist. Is that offensive? I am sure most would think the truth is very offensive, how dare I say what is known by all to be true. So cancel me and this comment as you do everything that doesn’t fit in your petty little worlds, even though I have the right to say it and its entirely the truth. Having a bunch of idiots online thinking they can control what other people think and say is absurd , and I for one will make you look stupid with every one of your hateful comments and down votes that are not deserving of an honest and truthful comment, and what many are fearful of saying because they will have backlash. You can’t say that is pretty much saying you have no rights, you are nothing. If that is true then why do you all get so offended when some nobody who doesn’t matter speaks the truth?

Bkr2110 -3 points 3 years ago*.

It is fashionable for citizens of the world to trash on America (even people of all skin colors, races and religions receiving huge subsidies we could use for our own people) and we are far from perfect. Yet it is America and Americans, these self-centered folks you despise and would like to forget exist, who consistently rank as the most generous and charitable people in the world. Where else do you hear of something such as an American dream? Where else do people try to break-in in such large numbers risking their lives to do so? Who would want to be around such horrible people?

Criticism is fine and when Americans criticize their own country it is absolutely patriotic as well but it would be nice if citizens of the world would thank America and Americans more often for their generosity and big heart. Canada, a nice place with nice people, a place I wouldn’t mind living, doesn’t crack the top 5 in generosity by the way.

Your present leader, Trudeau, who has worn blackface before, doesn’t come across as racially insensitive in other ways but there are reports of corruption and abuse like anywhere else. As you know, he created a job losing economy right away with his brilliant ideas. Canada was in the hole while we and much of the world prospered before this mess. We welcomed Canadians with open arms as they sought a better life in this land that is always run by “morons” when their brilliant leaders couldn’t provide enough for them. Personally, I have been all over the world and there is no place I would rather be. Hopefully, everyone else on here is equally as happy where they are as well regardless of who gets in politically.

America is absolutely great despite its shortcomings in my opinion. Canada has elected plenty of morons themselves. What does that say about them and their nation as a whole? Not much. Canada is still great. We are not our weakest link nor are they. We fall victim to clever marketing and false promises like everyone else. Were the Germans all racist morons for electing Hitler? Of course not. With all due respect, you are using the same moral superiority hubris nonsense logic as the Reich. ie Canadians are smarter and better at their genetic core. The scary fact is it could have happened anywhere under the right conditions and historical context. I don’t judge other nations by their politicians nor do most people of any sophistication and that’s great.

Tribe (2009)
Bkr2110 -1 points 4 years ago*.

In the darker side of Manila-by-night,”tribes” of youthful gangsters roam the streets in search of quick fixes and precarious thrills.

World-weary Tondo throbs to the beat of of hiphop and freestyle gangsta rap, and to the scents and sensations of drugs and sex and violence.

We witness this crepuscular underworld through the eyes of ten year-old Ebet. We follow him as he witnesses the deadly lives of teen age gang members in Tondo and the events that lead to their explosive confrontation.

The Thugz Angels tribe members chance upon a blood-soaked body of a member of another gang. Police arrest a Thugz Angels member for the murder.

The murdered teen is a member of the Sacred Brown Tribe, whose leaders vow to avenge their fallen member. They learn that Diablos gang members killed the SBT neophyte. During the wake, SBT members forge a reluctant alliance with the Thugz Angels,and assemble to raid the Diablos’ lair.

The Diablos are older, bigger, and confident of their fighting prowess. They know that they are being targeted for revenge and prepare accordingly.

Ebet lurks throughout the story, an enigma that is part innocent child and cynical adult. His loyalties are a mystery,and all that is clear to us is his love for his drug-addicted mother.

As the clock ticks towards midnight, guns are loaded, and knives are sharpened. The battle is about to begin!
And this is just part of the story.

Hailed as a gritty portrayal of Manila’s notoriously violent streets of Tondo, Jim Libiran’s Tribu is an ultrarealist depiction of youth corrupted by violence, death and decay, told documentary-style and punctuated by the poetically-charged street poetry of the cast.

The filmmaker employed real-life gang members as lead actors in this film. These gangs were from rival clans — working together to finish this difficult project triggered a wave of unification and peace in a large part of Tondo’s ghettos.

7th Festival Cinema Paris - “Pari de L’Avenir” (Bet for the future), 2007 Cinemalaya - Best Film, 2007 Cinemalaya - Best Sound, 2007 Cinemalaya - Best Ensemble Acting, 2007 Cinemalaya - Best Actor, 2007 Cinemalaya - Best Actress, 2008 Gawad Tanglaw - Best Picture (Teachers’ Choice Award), 2008 Gawad Tanglaw - Best Director (Teachers’ Choice Award), 2008 Urian Awards - Best Musical Score.

Film Festivals (Competition):
12th Pusan International Film Festival, New Currents Section, Berlinale International Film Festival 2008 (Forum Section), 10th Barcelona Asian Film Festival, 10th Osian’s International Film Festival (July 10-20, 2008; New Delhi), 22nd Fribourg International Film Festival ‘08 (Fribourg, Switzerland), 7th Festival Cinema Paris, Cinemalaya Film Festival ‘07, Cinemanila International Film festival ‘07

Film Festivals (Non- Competition):
Titanic Film Festival ‘08- Budapest, 19th Natfilm festival ‘08-Denmark, Black Movie Film Festival 2009, TekFestival Italy