Hazrdus's comments

Killjoys (2015)
Hazrdus 4 points 4 years ago*.

This show has been so unappreciated! So many hilarious one-liners. The banter and story are well done. The world building is excelent. If it had a bigger budget it would have been blocker buster level for sure. This is right up there with firefly. I’m sad this will be the last season but I have to say going out on a high note is worth it too.

Eden Log (2007)
Hazrdus 2 points 5 years ago.

This is a great concept but executed terribly. The camera movement made me nausious and gave me a headache. I had to scroll through some parts it got so bad. I really hope someday they will remake this and make it awesome.

Glitch (2015)
Hazrdus 2 points 5 years ago.

Been waiting ages to watch this. I really like it. Too bad they got cancelled though.

Good Girls (2018)
Hazrdus 2 points 5 years ago.

IDK how i missed this one when it first came out. im hooked. i love love love this show. i wanna be beth when i grow up…..lol!

Curfew (2019)
Hazrdus 2 points 5 years ago.

im loving this show.im already dreading the wait for a 2nd season, if we get one…….

Day 5 (2016)
Hazrdus 2 points 5 years ago.

So dissapointed there is no more seasons of this. The acting isnt the best but the concept is awesome. and they pulled the show off without any big names. i rly liked this. i want to know moreeeeeeee.

24 (2001)
Hazrdus 1 points 4 years ago*.

I love the show’s concept ect ect. But it has been an exercise in patientce. I have learned that watching old shows often will dissapoint me. Jack’s wife for instance, omg this lady makes me wanna scream. She and the daughter are the worst, suchs ninny’s about everything. All the females are such weak, feeble, fragile caracters. There is sooo much sniffling, omg all the sniffling and hysterical crying. If women really were all like that, the human population would have gone extinct ages ago. Any strong female is either playing for the wrong side and will be dead soon. And if she is on the right side it’s waiting till she gets killed. It’s easy to forget this show aired 18 years ago, untill the females show up, then it’s like, oh right it’s been a while.

Zombies (2017)
Hazrdus 1 points 5 years ago.

Not bad, ive seen worse. the only thing i rly didnt like was the dialog. it was so stilted, like a badly dubbed ninja movie.

Threshold (2005) S1 E1
Hazrdus 1 points 5 years ago.

Another show gone too early. Really loved this show and wanted to see where it would go. But allas it got chopped.

Dracula (2020)
Hazrdus 0 points 4 years ago.

Love this reimagening of the original Bram. I wish it could have been longer.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Marsh-mellow65 -2 points 5 years ago.

*So sorry I worded it wrong. It was never called that before till the last few yrs, it was basically the KKK, now anyone is called Alt-right if your not a Democrat or if you like President Trump!
Here’s a funny cool little break down of the right.. lol ..I wish they had one on the left. You might not like this guy but it’s a good break down of different groups on the right. Doesn’t mean I agree but I found it interesting.

Hazrdus 0 points 5 years ago.

Hi Marsh-mello. Speaking as a non American, who has lived on several continents and has been to the US a lot, I have to say Themoo is right. To the rest of the planet, the Americans are considerd far right and even extreem right. Europe isnt all that “liberal” as the right wing Americans like to call it. Most are conservative to centrists in their politics.

Black Summer (2019)
Hazrdus 0 points 5 years ago.

this was okay, not twd but still okay. it would have worked if the pace wasnt so slow. better dialog wouldnt have hurt either.