Infinitystar's comments

Away (2020)
etim 7 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I made it up to part way through the 2nd ep. and skipped through the rest of it and the 3rd. I ain’t gonna watch 10 eps of poorly matched ‘professionals’ trudge their ways through each other’s hissy fits and pissing contests. Please, somebody post if anything worthwhile happens that’s not just more scifi-ized soap opera and drama queens. On the plus side, they didn’t skimp on their effects budget. 4/10

Infinitystar 9 points 3 years ago.

The ironic thing is that I had to go all the way to the bottom to find out about the show. The top voted “comments” were about voting not about the show…I just wanted to thank you for the info on the actual show, which is what i thought the comment section was for.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
Infinitystar 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

And I will say this again as I have on other comment sections. THE Mods need to stop taking sides and keep this a comment on the movie/show only.
I come here to find out how the show is not to read lectures on the opinions of the right or the left!!! And not one comment here is anything but a right/left fight.

Terra Nova (2011)
Infinitystar 4 points 3 years ago.

A favorite that I wish had more seasons. Maybe one day they will bring it back.

Uncle Tom (2020)
Infinitystar 5 points 3 years ago.

I wish the whole country would sit down and watch this. Larry Elder, Candace Owens and the others are amazing, this documentary is one of the best I have seen.

Cuties (2020)
etim 9 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is appalling.
I’m not talking about the movie, I’m talking about the comments of the ignorant reactionaries who are totally dissing the movie, screaming about “pedos!” and claiming it’s “child porn” and how “disgusting” it was to be showing kids (near teens) dancing so very “seductively”—as part of a dance competition.

It’s especially dismaying when (except for lolyh who said she(?) watched a few short pieces (Did you really? How much?) no one has actually watched the damned thing!!

Are you ALL up in arms and ready to grab your torches and pitchforks BECAUSE OF A RUMOR!? And because of what you IMAGINE that might be there?

Y’know, sometimes, what’s in your fevered imaginations (and so, in your hearts) is a lot more obscene than what’s actually going on in reality.

I saw the post for this film when it 1st came out and passed it by, uninterested. But after all the rabidly hyperbolic posts attacking it I felt obligated. I just finished checking the movie out. The WHOLE thing, not just bits and pieces. I was not offended. Or titillated.

It certainly does NOT need or deserve a “May contain adult material” warning on it. In fact, I think the director aimed it specifically at the young audience as a learning and growth tool to help with coping with the modern pressures of being a teen and surviving jr. high.

This film could easily have passed as a modern version of those after school specials that used to be on mainstream TV.
I’ve seen considerably worse exhibitionism and lewdness from cheerleaders on jr. high school basketball courts and football fields.

If ANY ONE of those who posted those offensive comments had actually bothered to stifle their imagined outrage and to watch it, they would have seen an ok (but not great) coming of age story about a new kid from a different culture trying to fit in at her new school. It had a fairly decent “tough lessons are well taught lessons” type message at the end.
But of course you totally missed what could have been a valuable learning and growth experience, both for you and your kids. But especially for you.

Infinitystar 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I have watched it and it is disgusting. And you calling an 11 year old CHILDREN “almost teens” is disgusting on your part. Just because you have seen worse does not make this ok. We as a society need to stop and say no. This is not a lesson or a growth experience you big gigantic nutcase, it is soft core kiddie porn made to look like a coming of age movie.

Uncle Tom (2020)
gadfly_mta 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So only positive reviews are ok? Heh. If you want to talk about loud and divisive just look at the subject matter of this “documentary”. I think this documentary is terrible, but I didnt trash anyone else here directly. I was called a bigot just for not liking this doc. Its funny you ignored that.

Infinitystar 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

No you came here and called people names, you did not just come here and “not like” it.
But I will help you. When you call people who commented here only about liking the documentary “kool aid drinkers” you are calling people names and not just commenting on the doc.

The Vampire Diaries (2009) S8 E16
Infinitystar 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I really dislike the character of Vickie. No idea why they kept shoving her in our faces off and on throughout the series, and now again in the last show. Very good ending though.

Inside the Mind of a Cat (2022)
Infinitystar 2 points 1 year ago.

Really good Documentary for cat lovers.

The Vampire Diaries (2009) S6 E20
Infinitystar 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Why would anyone want to take the cure????

The Sopranos (1999) S1 E2
Canuckian 1 points 4 years ago.

I know i am 20 yrs late to the party, but the only reason I have never watched this yet is because of how disappointing the ending supposedly was….and for me, knowing that the ending is NOT good, that it leaves too many unanswered questions etc. BEFORE i even watch a show is normally a deal breaker..but so few shows had the fan base as The Sopranos which is why the supposed bad ending was so upsetting at the time..hell, i remember it being all over the news back in the day lol..anyways, i have been looking for something a little older to watch and get into lately and this show came across my watch list so i figured what the hell…so, as a first time Soprano watcher, is there anything i need to know before i get more than 2 episodes in? lol

Infinitystar 2 points 3 years ago.

I think its more that we as fans did not want it to end but I thought the ending suited the show. The truth is the ending is odd not bad, but there are no unanswered questions at least not for me.

Uncle Tom (2020)
Infinitystar 2 points 3 years ago.

So three people came here and watched this and made respectful comments and then others came here and posted rude and divisive comments and we are not supposed to respond? Thanks for your support.

Believers (2020)
Sa7ori 0 points 3 years ago.

Go ahead and make fun, that’s ok. I guess you have never had a supernatural experience. I have never been more terrified than the night a demon tried to possess me…. if I had not known how to resist & the correct words to say to rebuke it they might be filming a movie about The Exorcism of Satori right now!
BTW I didn’t say the entities known as ghosts don’t exist, What we call ghosts do exist, but they are demons (or in some cases Angels) masquerading as dead people, not actual spirits of dead people.

Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago.

I say believe in what you want and ignore others “opinions” These days people love to tell you how to think and what to like and buy. Most of all they love to tell you what you should believe in.

Unhinged (2020)
Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is a movie about a deranged psychopath, this is not anything like Falling Down. Anyone who watched Falling Down and understood it would not compare the two. Most of Falling Down you felt bad or sorry for the man, in this I spent the whole movie wanting someone to shoot the man in the face.

I Spy Returns (1994)
JoMoCo 1 points 3 years ago.

Every time I see a Cosby movie, I wonder if he is guilty of everything that he was charged with, or if he was a target of the #Metoo movement, and some women that wanted to cash in. That was a WHOLE LOT of charges. Pennsylvania’s highest court says it will review the trial decision.

Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago.

I think most everyone who grew up with him wonder the same thing. I really wish it was not true.

The Dark Knight (2008)
Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is one of the best performances by an actor “Heath Ledger” I have ever seen. The only problems I have with this movie are Batman’s whisper voice and the women they chose for the Russian Ballet. But otherwise an excellent movie.

The Sopranos (1999) S1 E2
Canuckian 2 points 3 years ago.

Thank You Infinity, appreciate that. I am halfway through season 3 atm..taking my time, watching a couple episodes a week…i am TOTALLY hooked lol, and yes, i don’t want it to end already and i am trying to drag it out as long as possible as hard as it is lol

Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago.

Your welcome. I am watching all of them again for the fourth time, and this series never gets old. Have fun, I hope you continue to enjoy.

The Wire (2002) S5 E8
Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hated this episode, Omar deserved a better death than the writers gave him.

The Vampire Diaries (2009) S6 E5
Infinitystar 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They should never have Elena flirt, it is creepy, weird and makes you cringe every time. Not sure if it is the actress or the writing.

Gone Baby Gone (2007)
Infinitystar 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That do good foolish idiot actually gave that child back to that piece of trash mother. Very glad the girlfriend left him, the child was better off where she was. The movie ends with a good man in jail and a child’s life destroyed. Great movie with an infuriating ending. And there is no ethical conundrum here, I search for a good word to describe the mother but even calling her dirt is disrespectful to dirt. In the movie the sister-in-law calls the mothers friend a name, it perfectly describes both the friend and the mother.

Dawson's Creek (1998) S6 E2
Infinitystar 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Come on Dawson you can do better, she is the most annoying character ever to be dreamed up. And I say annoying because I cannot use the words that really describe her.

The Vampire Diaries (2009) S2 E9
Infinitystar 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I want to know why these several hundred year old vampires like Rose and others do not have daylight rings. A spell that was easy for new witch Bonnie to do for Caroline was out of reach for every witch all these other vampires had to come in contact with throughout hundreds of years. Seems to be a very silly plot hole.