YgraineDance's comments

Halo (2022) S2 E3
YgraineDance 8 points 2 months ago.

I’m really liking how they are developing the characters more. I wish all the eps. dropped at once, though, to binge.

La Brea (2021) S1 E3
YgraineDance 8 points 2 years ago.

I really do want to like this. There are some fun ideas to play with here, but I’m afraid the whole thing is going to be bogged down with that “a million melodramatic subplots” format that writers too often overuse in shows, especially sci/fantasy. I’m pointing at you, Under the Dome, Next, and V (2009).

Things become tedious when the show has 1) given viewers the setup, and 2) primes them for the action—-only to then 3) bog everything down with side drama that brings story advancement to a crawl. Every plan gets a monkey wrench. Every group has at least one loser and/or sly snake. Every forward step is matched by four steps back. Every. Single. Time.

Haunting of the Queen Mary (2023)
YgraineDance 7 points 8 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“The Shining” meets “Ghost Ship” — and the meeting doesn’t go well. There are some nice sets and shots, but the story is confusing as hell, jumping back and forth between different decades. We get some bits of interesting backstories for each of the lead couples, which might have added a lot of depth to things had the film just tried harder to flesh them out. As it is, there’s more of a feeling that we, the audience, have started watching in the middle of a story instead of near the beginning; pieces are missing, making us guess. Not a terrible movie, but it’s not as good as either of the films it heavily leans into.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S7 E16
Ray187 10 points 3 years ago*.

Protesters are there to protest. Looters are there to loot. And Anarchists just want to see the world burn. If you haven’t been noticing the protesters are turning on, and in, the looters and anarchists. People are always going to take advantage of any situation. Hey, they tried to let you know about what was going on by taking a knee, but people had a real problem with that. “A riot is the language of the unheard.”

YgraineDance 9 points 3 years ago.

Agree. Apparently, people have a real problem with anything other than “Sit down, shut up, and know your place.”

None of us want to see looting, but in our current climate, even peaceful protest gets vilified. What country is this again…? 🤐

Fallout (2024) S1 E8
YgraineDance 6 points 7 days ago.

Very fun show LOL But the future is NOT lookin’ good, y’all! We have Cyberdyne, SkyNet, Vought Industries, ConSec, LutherCorp, Banodyne - and now Vault-Tec on the horizon. And those are just some off the top of my head before I’ve had my tea! 😱
We all better bend over and kiss…well, y’all know the rest…

Moon Crash (2022)
PsyEnz 6 points 2 years ago.

lol ya, almost had me fooled. But I kinda like Asylum movies

YgraineDance 6 points 2 years ago*.

{I kinda like Asylum movies}

Same here. You go in knowing kinda what to expect….not all of them are awful:-)

Halo (2022) S2 E8
YgraineDance 6 points 1 month ago.

A win in my book. Lots of story still to tell, so like others here, I hope they continue. Great sets, effects, costumes, and skullduggery - unbeatable combination:-)

Loki (2021) S1 E1
YgraineDance 6 points 2 years ago.

This was fun! Once again Marvel brings the quality—-the acting, the sets, effects, and music all meld to create what appears to be a topnotch-can’t-miss. Very engaging; I’ll be following this one.

Chucky (2021) S1 E1
YgraineDance 8 points 2 years ago.

I’m so happy Brad Dourif signed on to this series—-He IS Chucky and has always brought his special brand of hilariously profane snark to the role. I’ve been waiting for this show as soon as I got wind of it awhile back. I hope they write it well!

Dark Winds (2022)
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

I almost whizzed right past this series, until I saw the cast list and the behind-the-camera names. The literature comes to life. Excellent first eps. and I’m looking forward to more.

Poker Face (2023) S1 E7
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

This series continues to be one of the most cleverly-written we’ve gotten this season. Turns out it IS more episodic than I first assumed. Each standalone outing takes Charlie to a new place, with completely new, interesting folks to meet and interact with. Charlie remains fun, quirky, frank and endearing in her scruffy way, sometimes surprised by events, but missing nothing. I’m at ep. 7 and, though she travels a lot, we do get a less-frantic vibe - so far. I’ve read several viewers’ comparisons of this character to the old Lt. Columbo, and that’s pretty apt in a lot of ways, even down to the gravelly voice - but Lyonne makes this her own with her profane, very funny asides and innocent-until-they’re-not gotcha questions. A real winner of a show IMO.

Happy Valley (2014) S3 E6
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

What a gripping series, right up to the amazing finale! It took nine years for them to complete three seasons, but what great seasons they were. You really got to know these characters (even though sometimes those very thick accents forced a little playback at times!) and felt their struggles. I liked Lancashire’s tough, no-nonsense cop, whose instincts were spot-on about so many cases and perps. She’s such a fine actress that this show was created specifically for her by the writer, according to an article I’ve read. I’ll miss the show, but I cannot complain one bit about the explosive finale, in which everybody let it all hang out - all the pain, resentment, fury, fear, and regret they felt. I think fans will feel a LOT of satisfaction with this conclusion. I know I do. 10/10!

Wednesday (2022)
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

This is a super series which I almost didn’t watch because I feared it would be too juvenile. It’s not! It’s fun, has an excellent cast, is extremely witty - and respects the original show’s quirky characters even as it moves plot points forward to reflect present-day life. I’m so glad I gave it a shot; it’s very well done, and teases that we may see more of intrepid Wednesday one day.

Shetland (2013) S7 E1
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

I’m so happy Shetland is back. It’s a rich, well-written, well-acted drama that has followed a cast of interesting and accessible characters for many years, via criminal cases and personal drama. Each season brings us back to what, by now, is a group of our “old friends” almost - and we can’t wait to see how they are at this point in their lives. The gorgeous locale is a star in its own right, just jaw-dropping green spaces beside immense deep-blue seas. Since the show has been on hiatus, I find that I have to re-learn the English-but-heavily-accented dialect all over again LOL but I don’t mind at all. This is an excellent show.

The Endgame (2022) S1 E1
YgraineDance 5 points 2 years ago.

Oooh, that’s a lot going on in the pilot. A whole lot. I like it, though; hope it can keep up the pace. Someone earlier mentioned wishing this could do a crossover with The Blacklist at some point. That would be fun - this woman could sure give Reddington a run for his money.

Vikings (2013) S6 E20
YgraineDance 5 points 3 years ago.

Great show from start to finish. The characters were people you really felt for, whether you loved or hated them, whether they were accessible or inscrutable, guileless or wicked. I’m sure going to miss them all. The producers wrapped things up pretty well. IMHO this show eats GoT’s lunch (although that had its charm at times). If you liked Vikings, be sure you also see “The Last Kingdom” if you haven’t already. It’s a Vikings vs. King Alfred saga.

Vera (2011) S12 E2
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

Another fine episode of “Vera”, with a truly twisty-turny plot that keeps you on your toes. Every year I wait patiently for the next season, and I dread the day when Blethyn hangs up her overcoat and olive-green scarf for good. I’ll miss the superb cast, which has of course changed somewhat over the many years, but has somehow remained a wonderful, close-knit cohesive unit which, with the zeal of a hunter’s dog, never stops until every tiny aspect of the crime has been investigated and the facts sussed out. When the mystery is fully unraveled, Vera’s team (Kenny, Aiden, Mark, and Jac) as well as we the viewers, feel like the long, sometimes red herring-filled journey was well worth all the effort. All the legwork, interviews, and long hours paid off. This episode in particular had TONS of things going on. Loved it.

The Equalizer (2021) S1 E1
YgraineDance 7 points 3 years ago*.

Interesting and watchable! I look forward to more, as she and her team are composed of engaging, reliable characters. No, it’s not Edward Woodward OR Denzel, but it’s not bad. Give it a few eps. to see. (I went into the new “Magnum P.I” with very low expectations, but thanks to a dynamic, likable cast that has gelled marvelously over the seasons, it’s as much fun as the original.)

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
YgraineDance 6 points 1 year ago.

Wow this looks like it’s gonna be a real ride! The first episode is fast-paced and keeps you guessing right from jump. I’m very glad to see Kiefer Sutherland in a series again; he brings his patented I’m-in-a-pressure-cooker appeal once again, in this tale of corporate hijinks (which apparently run very deep here) - and we aren’t sure just what is on the level. On any level.

Though not your run of the mill show, I’m feeling vibes of “The Capture” as well as a little bit of “Scandal”, “Eagle Eye”, and “Leverage” - only darker. A special shout-out to the music, which caught my ear right away, with its unusual and evocative tones during various scenes. It’s quite effective. I’m looking forward to more of this show; hope they keep up with the surprises and twists.

Mrs. Davis (2023)
YgraineDance 6 points 1 year ago.

This is a nutty, crazy dark sendup of religion, social media, and herd mentality, if that combo makes any sense at all. I get whiffs of shows like “Preacher” and “Wynonna Earp” which included magic, absurdity, kooky characters, and flashbacks, all of which made the viewer wonder who, and what, was legit. I’ve watched four episodes and each one is more surreal than the last. I think I’d call it an acquired taste.

F9: The Fast Saga (2021)
Tisiphone 4 points 3 years ago.

Ugh, why is this still a thing? Guys and their love of flashy cars and stunts even God Himself would find redundant and ridiculous. Least it should be the end of this mess.

YgraineDance 10 points 3 years ago.

I dunno—I’m female and I admit to loving all sorts of mindless things I shouldn’t, and despising girly “romcoms” that I should. Oh well. I just like to sometimes pop out my eyes, set ‘em in front of the screen, and watch the crazy car-fu while my brain skips happily away to do other things requiring more reason and thought.(ʘ‿ʘ)

Karen Pirie (2022)
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

I liked this quite a bit. As this is set in Scotland, the accents of some of the characters are a little bit thick, but not terribly so. The mystery unfolds slowly, with twists and turns one expects from good Brit crime series in the vein of Unforgotten, Vera, Prime Suspect etc. Each episode is one and a half hours long. Worth a watch IMO. Three episodes wrapped up this mystery and I’m not sure if we’ll get more, as the main actress is also a regular on the recurring Starz hit, Outlander.

The Burnt Orange Heresy (2020)
Duvet Diva 2 points 3 years ago.

Don’t blame you watching these old farts getting around with their walkers and mobility scooters well worth the watch, nearly as funny as seeing Dame Judi Dench in that green bodysuit in Artemis Fowl.

YgraineDance 4 points 3 years ago.

Hey, age ain’t nuthin’ but a number——-a very big number. LOL LOL (cackled the old lady!)😉

Beacon 23 (2023) S1 E1
greyfur 2 points 5 months ago.

Ahhh, seemed like it moved a bit slow. Still have not watched the second episode yet, so not trying to judge it yet, am willing to give it a chance, but at the same time not really holding my breath on this one…

YgraineDance 4 points 5 months ago.

Yeah. I’m heading for the second ep. now. Not yet able to decide if this is supposed to show real hijinks, or mental stuff going on, you know? (“Killjoys” or maybe “Nightflyers”…I can’t tell. It sure isn’t helped much by ‘Cersei Lannister’, who only seems to have one facial expression no matter what’s going on around her. Oh, well.)

The Winter King (2023)
Mikeonalpha 5 points 8 months ago.

the best film interpretation of the legend is still Boorman’s Excaliber - comes across as over the top and cheesy at times - but it really captured the sense of myth and “magic” of it all. And it was a great cast.

YgraineDance 4 points 8 months ago.

Yes, that was a riveting production. I took my screen name from that one (I deliberately transposed a letter or two to thwart a couple of troll imitators back in the day).

Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020)
Canuckian 4 points 3 years ago.

The first DBS will always e one of my faves, but this one wasn’t too bad…better than the second imo which was much more lower budget..the sharks in this looked pretty darn good! Good for a one time watch, i give this a 7/10. Just a good ole romp ‘n chomp flick lol.

YgraineDance 4 points 3 years ago.

That’s accurate, IMO. It wasn’t bad; for sure the film could’ve been worse. The scenes looked good and scary, even though the story itself was a little silly. All shark movies are, however. LOL

*This movie had the (big) added attraction of Bren Foster; he’s a hot-looking number I know from “The Last Ship”. He’s one of those watch-with-the-sound-turned-down-and-still-enjoy sort of guys. 😉

Found (2023) S1 E10
DownrightDebonaire 2 points 4 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah I think the formula for HtGAWM and Scandal was that these headstrong characters have to have a figurative body in the basement (that always revolves around a fragile white man) to balance out their megalomania. With this one they went and literally put a body in the basement. Come on, I can get down with that but not the shouting outbursts, stalking teens, and violence, on top of it.

YgraineDance 4 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

True. It’s as if “the point” is, NO WAY can she be an intelligent, positive, decent, sensible person handling her shit. No, she has to be some off-the-chain nutcase that everybody either wants to slap or to jump into bed with. In short, a caricature.

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
Royaltyguy 2 points 3 years ago.

i love these movies, the predator movies, the alien movies and and avp movies. all are really great 5/5

YgraineDance 4 points 2 years ago.

I do, too—-but I always root for only the Predators:-)

Wednesday (2022)
kerfy 3 points 1 year ago.

liked the scene where she sat under the window in the middle of the room .. the symbolism was perfectly done..

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

The creativity and talent of the showrunner and director shines through, for sure!

Poker Face (2023)
alexisbits 5 points 1 year ago.

Both are great shows! She was also fun in “All About Evil”.

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago*.

Thanks all of you for the links; I’ll add to my list:-)

Reacher (2022) S2 E6
greenguy86 3 points 3 months ago.

I’m just enjoying this season more. I know season 3 will be different and won’t have all his buddies but they add a nice dynamic/balance to Reacher.

YgraineDance 4 points 3 months ago.

I like this, too. The story is pretty engrossing, and each episode seems to end too fast LOL.

Deadly Second Chances (2020)
YgraineDance 4 points 2 years ago.

This is one of a few Lifetime movies I’ve watched in which I’d like to line up nearly every single character and slap them repeatedly until they pass out. Particularly one of them, and if you watch this, I’ll bet you can guess who I’m referring to. Ugh.

Miami Vice (1984)
YgraineDance 4 points 2 years ago.

I sure hope you enjoyed your binge! I was around when the show came out, and I am not overstating things when I say it was pretty much THE can’t-miss show of the eighties. The essence of cool:-) Loved it, and love it still.

The Winter King (2023) S1 E1
YgraineDance 4 points 8 months ago.

I came across this title purely by accident, looking for something else. Very promising all around! It’s a new interpretation of the Arthur legend, with top quality settings, costumes, and best of all, actors. I’m expecting good things from this series; so glad, too, as I’ve been lamenting the conclusion of “The Last Kingdom” and a few other faves.

Fallout (2024) S1 E1
YgraineDance 4 points 11 days ago.

I’m liking this a lot so far. It’s great that a person with no experience of the games can get into this and be blown away, so I know the fans who HAVE played must be in hog heaven:-) I felt this way about Halo when it started, also. Just great storytelling with attention to detail, great visuals, and music that enhances all that’s going on in the tale. Plus, badass “Boyd Crowder.” Need I say more?

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) S1 E9
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

I had a ball with this series; lots of witty, funny dialogue and situations with just enough real-world hot mess mixed with the obvious fantasy. I know nothing of the comic book character, but I sure enjoyed the portrayal Maslany gave here. Some very creative minds behind the cameras as well as out in front of them. Good fun, Marvel!

Poker Face (2023) S1 E10
YELLOWbird 4 points 1 year ago.

Season 2 has been confirmed due early 2024.

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

I’m happy to know that, thanks. Here’s hoping Maya Rudolph et al can keep up this level of creativity and fun!

Halo (2022) S2 E4
Alien 3 points 2 months ago.

Soren cracks me up.

YgraineDance 4 points 2 months ago.

Hahaha yeah, and Woodbine is like that in practically every role. He’s eternally cool & laid back :)

Death Machine (1995)
YgraineDance 4 points 2 months ago.

Here’s a long, loooong version of this film on the site for our enjoyment. It’s a film that is part sci-fi, part horror, part social commentary, and part wannabe-humor (in the strangest places). I see the characters are named for famous directors and others in the genre, and there are obvious influences from films like Robocop, Virus, Terminator, and more science-gone-real-wrong films. Brad Dourif brings the super-crazy, as usual. Anyone remember The Night King from GoT? That actor (Richard Brake) has a role here.
Be prepared to suspend disbelief if you plan to sit through the entire movie (did I mention how loooooooong this is??) and be impressed by the nineties’ CGI and what I assumes is some puppetry in some scenes.

Scanners (1981)
YgraineDance 4 points 5 years ago*.

Always loved this little classic; never get tired of coming back to it:-)

The Terminal List (2022) S1 E8
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Outstanding! The way they left it, he was dying, so I figured that they were going to end it there, but he (Pratt) did such a good job in that that I was wishing that there was a way that another season could be done with it. Hopefully the same writer that did the original book can do the next one, and they can make that into the next season? Either way, if they can keep up the same momentum, it will be great!

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think the way they get around the “dying” part is, remember, Reece never did get the biopsy the doc mentioned - he only got the diagnosis of a tumor. I guess they can say he survived an operation for a benign growth. I imagine book readers already know (but I haven’t read the books so I’m likely wrong.)

Halo (2022) S2 E8
greyfur 2 points 1 month ago.

‘Skullduggery’! Good word right there! Well said by you! And truth was indeed spoken…

YgraineDance 4 points 1 month ago.

Hey, dude! 😀 The word fits, right? Even in outer space, you got worms and snakes - and not all of them are Sangheili…

The Endgame (2022) S1 E2
YgraineDance 4 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Okay, two episodes in, and I’m definitely rooting for the bad guys here - but wouldn’t the Feds have caught on to that communicator masquerading as a huge piece of jewelry…?

Alpha Rift (2021)
YgraineDance 4 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The young teens will love this. It looks like them, sounds like them (with salty language they use when adults aren’t too close) and speaks to their love of gaming and roleplay. Lance Henriksen’s fabulous smooth, deep voice lends gravitas when the story calls for it, and sly humor when things warrant such.
Don’t go in expecting some Marvel blockbuster or a LoTR epic; this isn’t that. What this is, is a fun little story (allegory, I’d say) about an average kid who gains the confidence he needs in order to step up and become his best self. As I say, IMO the kids will like it, and the adults will have some fun, too.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E1
YgraineDance 4 points 2 months ago.

“An offer you can’t refuse”…? 😂

Amityville Karen (2022)
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago*.

Oh I GOTTA watch this, just for that crazy title alone!! They have officially run the Amityville franchise off the cliff LOL

I’m on the case - will be back to report later!😂

Annika (2021)
YgraineDance 6 points 2 years ago.

A New Nicola Walker series? I am so in! The idea of breaking the proscenium in a TV show will be interesting and unusual. Excellent!

Justified: City Primeval (2023) S1 E2
Moonshot 4 points 9 months ago.

Damn. Hard to imagine there’d be a dumber and more annoying character than Raylan’s ex. But their daughter is giving her a run for her money.

YgraineDance 5 points 9 months ago.

Yes I hate brats like that. I can’t believe this show has written a character this way. She is his real-life kid btw, and she smirks and challenges him at every turn in this role. Acts fifteen going on ten.

The Woman in the Wall (2023)
YgraineDance 5 points 8 months ago.

I knew I had to give this a go on account of excellent actress Ruth Wilson, who was so memorable in “Luther” and other gems. She shines here as a very troubled shell of a woman, the victim and survivor of a horrible social atrocity (Magdelene Convents) committed against girls and women at the hands of (what else?) the Church. Wilson’s ‘Lorna Brady’ is barely hanging onto her sanity, and the viewer is never quite sure about what’s really up with her. But then, Lorna herself isn’t quite sure of things, either. Watch, and you’ll see what I mean. Her life is nightmarish, and you really feel for her plight and for the others who endured cruelty “for their sins.” Two eps. in, and I think I’ll stay for the ride.

The Blacklist (2013) S9 E11
YgraineDance 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I am soooo sick of Liz Keene. Even in death, she’s still haunting the plot.