dissock's comments

Cuties (2020)
dissock 21 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Bluecannon - temporarily banned for calling someone an idiot. Can’t post for 24 hours. This is the workaround.

This is just going round and round. I called out hypocrisy. That doesn’t mean that I liked the film. I said that the film had a message that people aren’t getting. Again, doesn’t mean I like the film. People like YOU are taking it personal, jumping in, paraphrasing, and distorting. That’s a really interesting reaction to someone saying that a film has a message. Chill out.

Bluecannon : I DON’T care if you like the film or not. And I never said I liked it. What I said is that there’s a message in the film, and the faux uproar is overshadowing it. Why do I call it faux? You prove it when you said that an 11 year old exposes her breast. That’s not in the film. A US senator claimed it was, and you bought into it. And then, you’re spreading the misinformation along. It’s fake, because even those who obviously haven’t seen the film are getting all offended. It’s ridiculous.

Then on the other side of the spectrum, you’ve got ShiftyPickle paraphrasing.
I said preteens are discovering their bodies. He / she interprets that as meaning they’re exploring their sexuality. See what I mean? Distortion again.

The uproar about this film smacks of hypocrisy. No uproar when we see:

  • Toddlers in beauty pageants.
  • 7 year olds in child beauty pageants, wearing full makeup, hair and lashes and often hypersexualized.
  • Various dance competitions on tv where you see kids performing similar dance routines as that shown in the finale of Cuties.
  • The film Little Miss Sunshine with a 9-year old character doing a striptease to the music of Rick James Superfreak blaring in the background.

And NOW you want to show your outrage? Ummmm, okay. It seems people don’t complain seeing the end result of a dance routine featuring kids acting more adult than their ages (like I said, you see this stuff on television weekly in dance competition shows), but let’s bring out the pitchforks and clutch our pearls if a film shows the actual rehearsal process of the routine because…well…THAT just crosses the line (eye-roll).

Guess what? There’s an actual message in this film - maybe you’d pick up on that instead of focusing on the dance moves and its perceived titillation.

And FYI, in real life, 11 year old preteens are discovering their bodies. It’s called puberty. You can be shocked that a film DARE address the issue and dangers of preteens on social media - or you can accept the facts of life, that this IS the fact of life. But the faux puritanical outrage? Give me a break…

I Am Greta (2020)
ibjonnyc -4 points 3 years ago.

I find it hilarious liberals hold so highly the words of some hypocritical kid with severe asperger’s.

dissock 9 points 3 years ago.

Let’s recap: the majority of the world believe that climate change is real, and they’ve believed this BEFORE Greta Thunberg hit the scene. Those countries had / have / are implementing measures to combat this.

Only American conservatives are the outliers.

No one is ‘holding so highly the words of some…kid’. What the rest of the world is holding so highly is science and facts - concepts that only a very small sliver of the world’s population resists. Over time, there’s only one way that the story of science and facts deniers can end (spoiler: it doesn’t end well).

Are All Men Pedophiles? (2013)
dissock 5 points 3 years ago.

I, for one, appreciate the different perspectives (biological, societal mores, historical, media influence, etc.) that this documentary considers when tackling this issue. It really helps to clarify things.

Cuties (2020)
systemsoundbar 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Dont worry guys those who liked this movie will be put on our watchlist

dissock 7 points 3 years ago.

Don’t worry guys - those who criticize a movie that they haven’t watched will be put on our idiot list.

Cuties (2020)
ShadowWizard 3 points 3 years ago.

It is amazing how WRONG you are, but then again I do not expect anything compelling from people who think childporn is ok

dissock 7 points 3 years ago.

It’s amazing how your comment amounts to saying someone is ‘WRONG” and is devoid of any actual substance or debate (What’s wrong? Ever hear of specifics?), and then you tell others that THEY’RE the ones who don’t offer anything compelling.

Just the garden variety case of projection. Yawn.

60 Minutes (1968) S53 E9
SaTori 2 points 3 years ago*.

(@publicOnline) Are you saying Covid-19 is Trump’s fault? You would be so wrong…. it came from the consumption of pangolin by the Chinese people, specifically originating from a ‘’wet market’’. Do some research! While you are at it, how about giving a damn about the rest of the world’s death toll from covid as well?
As far as Biden taking office, that will happen on Jan. 20, 2021 ~ when it is supposed to and not before.

dissock 4 points 3 years ago.

Nowhere does @publicOnline say that COVID-19 is Trump’s fault or refer to its origins.

This poster was also referring to the presidential transition, not the transfer of the presidential office. Two different things. During the transition, presidents have historically been given presidential briefs, etc. Case in point - Trump became president-elect on November 8th, and was given his first presidential brief the following day, on November 9th.

Bad President (2021)
howlingdog 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Was not impeached and has done more good for the country than any president in the last 30 years and unlike the garbage you are spewing there are actual facts and numbers that back my claim up.. You are just regurgitating what your media overlords have programmed you to because you are too blinded by you uniformed hatred for Trump and too lazy to research and find out the truth.. So it is ok with you that the first thing Biden and Harris will do if elected is abolish the “filibuster” and stack the supreme court?? Do you even know the filibuster is or what packing the supreme means or like most left wing fanatics are you completely uniformed and base your opinions on fairy tales?? Are you ok with the fact that a former scretary of state spied on her rivals presidential campaign and started a false flag hoax about Russian collusion only to distract from all the crimes she is guilty of?? Is it ok with you that the sitting president at the time and the VP Biden were briefed on this plan prior to it and still allowed it to happen?? For fuck sake man what is wrong with you get your head out of your ass…

dissock 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is you, 8 hours ago: ‘Was not impeached’. This is ObserverMI 13 hours ago:’His impeachment was based on frustration…’.

You are both Trump supporters - and you can’t get the story straight on such a simple, easily-confirmed issue such as whether he was impeached or not? You two are pivoting so hard, you’re bumping heads like a really bad sketch comedy skit minus banana peels and coconut cream pies.

Seriously, if you can’t even get impeachment right, how credible do you think any of the other ‘facts’ are that you’ve stated? (Hint: they’re about as credible as Hitler would have been had he said, “All lives matter”).

Cuties (2020)
Infinitystar 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I have watched it and it is disgusting. And you calling an 11 year old CHILDREN “almost teens” is disgusting on your part. Just because you have seen worse does not make this ok. We as a society need to stop and say no. This is not a lesson or a growth experience you big gigantic nutcase, it is soft core kiddie porn made to look like a coming of age movie.

dissock 4 points 3 years ago.

You call this soft-core kiddie porn? Not by any definition is it that. The fact that it registered like that to you is pretty revealing.

Speaking of definitions, an 11 year old is a pre-teen. Calling someone disgusting because that person ACTUALLY defined an 11 year old correctly is also revealing.

You seem histrionic. And I hope you don’t have kids.

Cuties (2020)
ShadowWizard 4 points 3 years ago.

sigh, a pedo-defender… how typical

dissock 3 points 3 years ago.

sigh - there you go projecting again.

Alone (2020)
mikeym -3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Predictable, the same old story, girl gets run off the road then kidnapped. She escapes but then he tracks her down, she fights back and kills him, it’s been done so many times before. You know what comes next in every scene. She gets rescued by a kind older man and you know that any minute he is going to be killed and she will get recaptured.

dissock 2 points 3 years ago.

It might be predictable but that doesn’t give you an excuse to ruin the film by posting what you did without a spoiler warning. Seriously. What a douche thing to do.

Before the Wrath (2020)
etim 3 points 3 years ago*.

People should be free to believe whatever they want, call it a religion or whatever they choose, no matter how bizarre and unrealistic it may or may not be. The trouble starts when they try to (and do) impose their beliefs and belief-based value systems on others.
That trouble boils over when they demand that their gov’t incorporate their beliefs into law— especially so when at the same time demanding the gov’t stay out of their affairs.

dissock 1 points 3 years ago.

100% spot on, etim. It’s not the belief systems themselves; it’s their imposition that’s the root of the problem. Whether in government or in general, I’ve always had an issue with adults imposing their views on others.

And in regards to government, yeah, it seems that many don’t step back far enough to see how completely contradictory their positions are (ie: we demand that you force others to comply through mandated law, but we vehemently oppose overreach).

Cuties (2020)
etim 1 points 3 years ago.

Did YOU watch the film?

dissock 1 points 3 years ago.

Message received. Thanks. BTW, I guess it wasn’t clear, but I had specified that there the film didn’t show the exposed breast of an 11 year old girl (I didn’t mean to imply that there wasn’t an exposed breast - as we know, there was - but it wasn’t from a minor).

About the name-calling thing and its counter-productivity, yeah - I’m trying to temper my instincts to lash back. Work in progress.

Cuties (2020)
bruh 3 points 3 years ago.

“And NOW you want to show your outrage?”
Are you fucking kidding me? It’s like saying “Oh people die everyday why can’t I just murder someone?”
Just because those DEPLORABLE things you listed exist, it DOES NOT justify the existence of this movie. If your argument for this movie is that “it makes people disturbed”, “it sends a message”, pretty sure NORMAL people can feel just as disturbed when they get told a description of whatever message this film is trying to portray, especially if it involves sexualizing children, rather than actually witnessing it right before their eyes.

“11 year old preteens are discovering their bodies”
GREAT! Why don’t we make a softcore CP movie about it then! Rather than maybe, oh idk, a documentary?

dissock 1 points 3 years ago.

Those ‘deplorable things’ listed wouldn’t exist IF people were / had been ‘disturbed’ enough. That’s the overarching point I’m trying to make : this film DOES exist, and it exists for the purpose of getting people thinking about the issue of hypersexualization in the media / internet and its impact on our youth.

Stripping the distortion that have been made about my comment, I’ll repeat my original comment in simpler terms : society should have been getting ‘disturbed’ well before this movie came out and society didn’t. And that’s where the hypocrisy comes into play. Because even now, people are crucifying this movie for trying to get that across, instead of taking a good, close look at society. People are shooting the messenger.

South Park (1997) S15 E8
guerito 1 points 3 years ago.

This isn’t assburgers, it’s broadway bro’ down

dissock 1 points 3 years ago.

It is Assburgers…if you go to the right link. Try vidup.

Cuties (2020)
braices 2 points 3 years ago.

Utter idiocy.

  1. Your statement that society isn’t disturbed is (imo) false. Recent happenings I believe attest to that.
  2. Once again, let’s create child porn to stop child porn…. are you even listening to your lunacy?
dissock 1 points 3 years ago.
  1. ‘Recent happenings’? What happenings? Please, do explain what American society has done to show that they had been ‘disturbed’ before this movie. I’ll wait…

  2. Once again, I’m not saying it’s okay to create child porn to stop child porn, so I thank you to stop twisting / paraphrasing my words - because you repeatedly get it wrong. First of all, learn the definition of ‘porn’. If this were porn, it wouldn’t get distributed, in France or elsewhere. Secondly, what I’m saying is that it’s hypocritical to attack the film if you / society don’t attack the source of the problem. That’s what I’m saying, and that’s what I’ve always been saying. Is that clear now?

Cuties (2020)
ShadowWizard 2 points 3 years ago.

you literally defend with some dumb idiotic what about some other depraved stuff, as if that excuses more depraved stuff, while i do not in the slightest defend some 11 year old girls grabbing their crotch unlike sickos like you; also pick up a dictionary as you clearly do not know what words mean, so really just hush

dissock 0 points 3 years ago.

You miss the point - which I guess is just too advanced for some people. Wish I can say I’m surprised, but nope. Not surprised at all.

Cuties (2020)
ShadowWizard 2 points 3 years ago.

you literally defend with some dumb idiotic what about some other depraved stuff, as if that excuses more depraved stuff, while i do not in the slightest defend some 11 year old girls grabbing their crotch unlike sickos like you; also pick up a dictionary as you clearly do not know what words mean, so really just hush

dissock 0 points 3 years ago.

If you can’t handle adult themes or if they offend you so much, maybe you should consider just watching cartoons? It seems like that would be more your speed.