etim's comments

Saturday Night Live (1975) S49 E11
grasshopper rex 7 points 3 months ago.

Ha! That cold open is gonna get some panties in a bunch.

etim 11 points 3 months ago*.

Well, makeup people’s got the neckvag down pat.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
[removed by a moderator]
etim 10 points 1 year ago*.

Yeah, well, they were saying the very same things about the original Star Trek…over and over and over….back when it first ran.
A couple (of many) examples—
‘’OMG! it has a black woman(!) doing a job that’s not a maid! OMG!’’ and ‘’Aaaagh! Capn’ Kirk kissed a black woman! Right on the mouth!’’…and on and on… ‘’What’s this country coming to?! They’re takin’ over!’’
Some things (and people) never change.

Don't Look Up (2021)
etim 10 points 2 years ago.

GREAT movie—even better ending!

The Big Door Prize (2023)
etim 10 points 1 year ago*.

I almost passed this by, thinking it was just another game show. (It ain’t).

Doors (2021)
etim 10 points 3 years ago*.

Good movie! Opening scenes set up a nice sense of dread. A fine mix of sifi/horror, keeps it interesting all thru the flick. If yer a fan of these kind of movies you won’t be disappointed. The ending might rile up some paranoid alien conspiracy types, might settle a few down. 8/10

Pushing Daisies (2007)
etim 9 points 3 months ago.

I never would have thought, back when I watched this show but Lee Pace is 6’5’’, K Chenoweth is 4’11 1/2’’. They musta had a ton of boxes (or holes) scattered all over the sets.

Invasion (2021) S1 E3
[removed by a moderator]
etim 9 points 2 years ago*.

If you want subs for only the foreign parts choose the one that says ‘forced’ under the english subs
(click a ‘version’ to see the link for subs)

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) S1 E1
etim 9 points 7 months ago.

Some of us like to get subs for the English parts too (tinnitus, mumbling actors, noisy rooms, etc.)
—-and Daryl’s a world class mumbler!

Away (2020)
ckwongau 5 points 3 years ago.

anybody know where i can find the English subtitle , some of the dialogue between the non-American astronaut and their family doesn’t have subtitle .

etim 9 points 3 years ago*.

Subscene has them. They’ll show up here after opensubs gets ‘em.

edit—If you use this one (on Subscene), you can get all 10 at once.

Night Sky (2022)
etim 8 points 1 year ago*.

If you need ‘em, Subscene has subs for all 8 eps in one download.

Don’t start watching this before bedtime, you’re gonna wanna binge this one. Slow start but getting real interesting (part way thru ep3) 7/10 so far.

Edit: really good story but it was dragged out for way too long. Woulda been much better if it had been told in 5-6 eps instead of 8.
I’d like to see it come back for a s2 but only if they pick up the pace and cut back on the side dramas. 6/10 overall.

A Boy and His Dog (1975)
MontyFly -2 points 2 years ago.

Some of the movies from the 70’s were really good. To me this one wasn’t one of them.

etim 8 points 2 years ago.

That’s why it’s a ‘cult’ classic and not a ‘classic film’.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
AnyCheekiBreeki 6 points 3 years ago.

There is one already, BLM calls it racist because they themselves are racists. BLM is not about what they present themselves as, they’re a covert communist organisation that disguises itself as an anti-racist organisation that cares about black people, when in reality they are the exact opposite. everything they did up ‘till now was either racist and/or endangering the lives of black people and even causing their deaths indirectly and in some cases even directly.
They also don’t represent the black majority’s wishes. recent polls have shown that more than 80% of black people wants the same level of policing or higher, definitely not lower which is what BLM is aiming for by demanding the defunding of the police.

etim 14 points 3 years ago.

True. Most black people don’t want the good cops to go away. They just want to get rid of the bad ones so they’ll stop harassing and murdering their neighbors—and children.

Defunding doesn’t mean taking all the cops’ $$ away, it means getting other trained professionals to take some of the cops’ workloads off and leave the cops to do what they’re actually trained for.

Idiocracy (2007)
Saucer-People 16 points 3 years ago.

Idiocracy should be moved to the documentary section.

etim 11 points 3 years ago.

Careful what you wish for—too many ppl already think it’s an instruction video.

Conscious Capitalism (2016)
Bkr2110 4 points 3 years ago*.

“Socialism has been tried 42 times in the last 100 years, and 42 failures, it doesn’t work, it’s the wrong way,” “We have to keep capitalism, I would argue, we need conscious capitalism.” - John Mackey (Whole Foods CEO)

etim 11 points 3 years ago.

A pure capitalism or a pure socialism has never worked well at all. A mix/balance of the two IS successful and so far seems to be the best way to run a society. It’s just when the balance favors one or the other too heavily that the big problems happen.

Predestination (2015)
RobberDeNiro -6 points 3 years ago.

Movie overrated af lol just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it good. That’s why it’s never talked about.

etim 11 points 3 years ago.

I think you’re a little confused on that. We thought it was so good (great, actually) because we did understand it.

The Iron Claw (2023)
yellow_rose1 3 points 4 months ago.

it’s still a dangerous sport with the risks they take on stunts. Case in point Owen Hart died falling to his death when equipment failed him while performing in Kansas City Missouri

etim 10 points 4 months ago.

The great-grandaddy of reality TV.

Jeanne du Barry (2023)
Susan Queen -1 points 7 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yes he was wonderful, I agree ! That tear he shed at the end really proved how much he loved her too. I adore Johhny D also, but he never watches the movies he makes, so I cant say that he actually gives a crap about what part he plays nowadays. He has a huge debt and he is taking on any roles that he can get , whilst rolling around in his own vomit recently in Budapest as hes back on the drugs again. His face used to be a work of ART..but recently he looks worse than the King with smallpox < sighs >

etim 10 points 7 months ago*.

Oh, please. The man is sixty years old.
You can’t be young ‘n purty forever.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S8 E7
etim 7 points 3 years ago.

Good ep. That’s a keeper.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE -5 points 3 months ago.

Why did Disney not release Sound of Freedom?
But when the Disney-Fox merger went ahead and the House of Mouse took over the rights, the media giant shelved the project. What ensued was an alleged battle for the filmmakers to set Sound of Freedom, well, free.27 Dec 2023 please do your home work there was so much controversial stuff involved in this movie that lots of pedos came out the wood work spreading things like its all a conspiracy.. conspiracies are started by the culprits basically like all the brainwashing going on in the world

etim 7 points 3 months ago.

It’s much more likely all that ‘’Evil forces are trying to suppress our film! They don’t want the ‘truth’ out there!!’’ BS was manufactured by the film’s producers to try to generate hype and controversy to drive crowds to the theaters.

CODA (2021)
etim 7 points 2 years ago*.

Nice feel-good movie but IMO maybe a 6.8 (as opposed to IMDB’s 8.1). A few funny deaf and fart jokes scattered in to keep it light and still kid friendly. Fairly predictable storyline.

Subs are available on Opensubtitles until/if/when they show up here—pick one with a globe symbol if you want just the ASL parts.

Dune World (2021)
etim 7 points 2 years ago.

Another ‘made in Mom’s basement’ blockbuster!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S2 E2
etim 7 points 10 months ago.

Hey, as long as they don’t take an ep and try to make one of those song-and-dance musicals out of it I can put up with about anything else.

Moon Knight (2022) S1 E6
etim 7 points 2 years ago*.

Be sure to catch the extra bit after the ending.

Cursed (2020)
Blueozzie 0 points 3 years ago.

I would agree with you if it was a one off from the norm but when the pc movement screams about female leads lgbt and minority casting over the last several years and all of a sudden you see that in every second movie/tv show that gets released what do you correlate it as? It didn’t just happen on its own rofl the PC movement has pushed it into the current meta of tv and movies. That’s what leads me to look through that “prism”.

etim 7 points 3 years ago*.

Women outnumber men and white people will soon be a minority in the US (they already are with kids 16 and under) so I’d say that casting a lot more women and minorities is WAY past due.
But personally, I’d rather see good lookin’ women on my screen than a bunch of pretty men with bulging muscles. But I’m a non-incel heterosexual so my preferences may be biased like that.

F9: The Fast Saga (2021)
cowboy_fan2k 12 points 2 years ago.

Another one of these…… What are they going to do this time drive cars in space. It’s just getting ridiculous at this point.

etim 7 points 2 years ago.

Next time? Zombies

Tom & Jerry (2021)
Keisha_Ruan -6 points 3 years ago.

its great if your a hyperactive little kid with no attention span and light brain damage…maybe also if you wear a diaper.

etim 9 points 3 years ago.

So…you liked it then?

Bad President (2021)
Franco 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I am not denying trump’s locker room banter, or sexualizing of women…and I certainly not condoning it. He apologized for it during Clinton debate nationally on television didn’t he. Let me know of a man who hasn’t done the same, and yet few will apologize. Popcorn joe has been filmed doing it , and with children. Why is he above the law? And Pelosi is crazy obviously along with Biden to encourage and embolden jihadists, antifa, blm, defunding police, burning of cities and destroying citizens livelihoods. So much for the process of law, and protecting your constituents. Killary and Benghazi affair, Biden releasing names of Osama seal team 6 kill team which were assassinated. And as far Trump killing people, I assume you are referencing this plandemic fiasco that has killed more people via suicides, waiting for medical surgeries, or simply incompetence. Both CDC and WHO released info indicating covid cases were at least 50% overestimated (which means its even less) and it is no worse than the seasonal flu…a coronavirus is a flu. So the global economy was destroyed for a flu. And any scientist worth his sale would have realized that when the cruiseliner off of Japan was quarantined for 3 months with only 3 deaths from 3700..that’s .0008%, or 1000th of a percent. Further Trump shut down airlines in March, while Pelosi was cooing Chinatown, and denying the virus. Dems now are planning a super legislature by loading Supreme Court with Dem judges. And the recent release of Hillary emails confirms she kept defense intel on a private server that can be easily hacked. Now either popcorn, and killary (who from last count has had 57 friends suicided) are the most incompetent pieces of human scorn in USA, or they know exactly what they are doing, and anyone in their way will pay. Either wake up or get out of the way, and let the big boys get on with business, but please don’t patronize me with this nonsense. Critic the film ..horns on Potus?? Any devil would be murdering babies post-birth..oh right that’s the Dems kill team.

etim 11 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh, he apologized?? Seriously? So that makes it all ok? You think the 20-some rape and assault victims are all better now? That he should be totally forgiven and “boys will be boys”? Sheesh. this ain’t the 50’s anymore.

And you can keep your debunked conspiracy theories and cherry picked “facts” to yourself—or at least take them somewhere where ppl won’t be laughing in your face—they’re just wasting space here.

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
etim 24 points 3 years ago.

donald trump: proof you don’t have to be poor to be white trash.

The Adam Project (2022)
GeminiSaga 1 points 2 years ago.

It’s not a great movie. Worth a watch if you’re a sci-fi buff, or a Ryan Reynolds fan.

etim 6 points 2 years ago*.

I agree, it’s not a ‘great’ movie, it won’t be snagging any oscar noms, but it IS fun and big time entertaining. Just because it doesn’t rise to the levels of some other Reynolds’s movies is no reason to rate it a one star. There are numbers between 1 and 5, too many ppl don’t seem to understand that.

SurrealEstate (2021)
etim 6 points 2 years ago.

Scifi channel spooks with a healthy dose of humor. So far so good.

Voyagers (2021)
alienart7777777 4 points 3 years ago.

Sending children to spend their lives in outer space like robots, with strict rules, while depriving them of their humanity. The drama was inevitable. 1 star for mission control. 5 stars for the movie.

etim 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Nah, mission control had the right idea for minimizing risks to mission success but their real mistake was putting the hormone suppressors in a separate drink. It should have been in an implant or a staple food, something everyone ate. (But then we wouldn’t have a movie).

Chemically neutering a bunch of pre-pubescent kids was a cold-hearted decision, fer sure, but the designers knew survival, good decision making and long term planning ain’t exactly hormonal teens’ main concerns. And as we saw, 30 horny and aggressive teens left alone on a long boring trip ain’t exactly a recipe for success.

Henpocalypse! (2023)
etim 6 points 8 months ago.

Loud, vulgar and really funny.
Quick little 6 ep half hours of belly laughs—and a fun way to waste some rainy day.

Domina (2021)
LVPVS 2 points 3 years ago.

forgive the ignorant question, but how/why does the file size matter? Or it relevant only if you’re downlqading it?

etim 6 points 3 years ago*.

Usually, the bigger the file, the better quality pic it is. Sound’s sometimes noticeably better too— assuming all other variables are the same.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E6
etim 6 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That’s some amazing mousse Pike’s got. He’s tackling bad guys, having romps in the hay and getting smacked over the head and knocked out—and his crazy sifi hairdo stays up thru alla that.

Toys (1992)
t.j 7 points 2 years ago.

wow this was really good watch. 4/5

etim 6 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, never understood how it got such low ratings. A real classic.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (2015)
Xsile 2 points 3 years ago.

I am sure he will find something to joke about now that Trump is in the dump. Maybe abortion jokes, poke fun at the homeless or maybe grow a spine and attack the left for their failing states? Never know, it could happen once the ratings tank.

etim 13 points 3 years ago*.

Oh, no, not in the least…little donnie will continue to provide material to amuse and entertain us for years and years to come with his wacky escapades with the law as he accumulates more and more and more civil suits and criminal charges.
His zany defenses,delusional claims and his constant spreading of blame to include so many more of his criminal buddies…he’ll be the gift that keeps on giving!

I Am Greta (2020)
It's_A_TV_Site_Loser 12 points 3 years ago.

Amazing how a teenager can so easily trigger the fragile Conservative snowflakes.
Or maybe it’s just they think a teenage girl is an easy target because they’re all gutless bullies.

etim 8 points 3 years ago.

I assumed they were mostly from paid troll farmers in some far off nation.
The petropiggies got lots to lose if they don’t change gears soon.

Cursed (2020)
etim 8 points 3 years ago.

Floki! Yay!

Foundation (2021)
kerfy 1 points 2 years ago.

pretty horrible eh.. nothing at all like the books..

etim 8 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

These kind of shows are a LOT more fun when we quit worrying about how closely they match the books and just enjoy ‘em for what they are, which are very well made and original writings all in themselves.
If all ya want is a rerun of the books, quit complaining and go reread the damned books.

Britney Spears: Workin' It (2014)
sidemouse -16 points 3 years ago.

What no links ~nobody did your job for you?! We’ll have a website that is kind of decent & we’ll mention a whole bunch of cool stuff… hoping over humans will fill in the gaping holes concerning our lack of actual content… Yippee!

etim 11 points 3 years ago*.

You enjoy complaining about no links. A lot. How about you simply follow the directions, get off your lazy ass and ask for them the proper way? Or if you’re all that unhappy with the way PW does things, maybe just STFU here and go whine and bitch on some other site??

The Comey Rule (2020)
LaserGuy -1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

As an outsider looking in, it must be something special to live in the fantasy land of the Democrats.

etim 11 points 3 years ago*.

Which is a totally different kind of special from a world where the other guys think that it was a good idea to elect an incompetent, mentally ill con man (who squandered his daddy’s fortune on many failed ventures and multiple bankruptcies) to “run the country like a business”. Eh?

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
Skyehawk 7 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

These people aren’t a movement they are terrorists and communists. They are trying to ruin our country. Fooey on this movie and fooey on this group of evil doers.

etim 19 points 3 years ago.

You can keep sayin’ that till you’re blue in the face, it still won’t make it true. And it still doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority of terrorist acts and murders in the US are done by white right wingers.

Rick and Morty (2013) S5 Special
etim 9 points 3 years ago.

I love R&M but that sucked. Would have been cool at maybe 2 min max but that went on way too long.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
doctor who 8 points 3 years ago.

actually if you look at the data the majority of whites are murdered by whites and the majority of blacks are murdered by blacks.

etim 9 points 3 years ago*.

sorry, I guess I didn’t write that clearly. I meant to say…”vast majority of terrorist acts and terrorist related murders in the US are done by white right wingers.”

Lola (2023)
etim 5 points 10 months ago*.

Low budget indy sifi with plenty of creative juice and originality to make up for its lack of $$. A slick mix of old black and white newsreels and a found footage style, all blended together to make a fun ‘don’t screw with the future’ flick. Worth the watch.

De bende van Jan de Lichte (2020)
etim 5 points 3 years ago.

I don’t like reading subs but this one’s worth it. Quality production, good acting and writing. Great sets for a robin hood kinda adventure set in Europe in the mid 1700s

Another Dirty Movie (2015)
Dethkids 8 points 2 years ago.

I didn’t know until I watched the Belushi documentary recently just how underground, anti-establishment and really a voice of the underground “National Lampoons” and “SNL” really were! They were against the war into music soking I mean they were seriously activist type hypie comedians showcasing things noone else was doing because it was too radical for the 60’s 70’s etc. That was really cool to learn about so I have a new found respect for these lampoons!

etim 5 points 2 years ago.

There was a popular magazine, started in the early 70s, the National Lampoon. I dunno if yer old enough to remember it but if not, you shd check it out.
It was often hilarious, frequently offensive (by today’s standards) and a ground breaking source of talented writers, artists and literary styles that eventually morphed into SNL, the NatLamp movies and evolving gonzo-ish comedy.

One ‘ad’ they ran, that I’ll always remember, was the half joke, half motto, “When it comes to revolution, we’re all you got left”

It’s still fun to google some of their old stuff…there was a movie about the mag’s run that’s worth checking out—

The Green Knight (2021)
expresso 4 points 2 years ago.

I have this problem with a lot of streaming sites. I use bluetooth earbuds with my laptop and I can get more volume that way.

etim 5 points 2 years ago*.

I noticed some hosts’ players are louder than others. Also, you can watch vids with VLC (you can stream shows thru VLC too if you don’t like downloading) and get a good loud output.

Silo (2023) S1 E9
etim 5 points 10 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

WooHoo! Finally! I’m glad they didn’t save that to use as their end of season cliffhanger.

Project Power (2020)
Tisiphone 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well.. Umm.. ok so for me, this was a VAST let down after all the waiting and hype. I did enjoy seeing Jamie Foxx again and his character. I also appreciated the attempt at special effects.
The storyline had soo much potential with the promise of superpowers and it fizzled out spectacularly!!


BUT maybe I expected to much when thinking the choice of powers would be left up to the user to conjure?? After this initial let down, I’m sorry but all that followed was a lot of eye rolling with all the mess that followed. The story progressed with too much sheer luck and happenstance. It seemed to rain down at all the right moments, just in time of course (like the roll of tape finally found & given just in time for him to chase down the fleeing vehicle, catch up to it, MacGyver a device in time to tape it to the rear all without being seen or even out of breath.. In nothing but a bath towel to boot!! (not wearing boots, all totally barefoot of course). That’s when I had enough and withdrew my interest so I could step out to have a smoke. My boyfriend stuck with it though only to emerge 3x as frustrated if that helps at all. 1/5 or 3/10

etim 5 points 3 years ago*.

Hype ruins yet another film— I didn’t even know about the movie beforehand (just saw it had some popular actors) so I didn’t expect too much out of it— and I watched a real fun flick. 7/10