fishingmad's comments

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 4 points 4 years ago.

usual load of tosh “ the world is to amazing to be an accident “ the increduality fallacy . Just because we dont understand something doesnt mean we can invent a devine being to explain it , Nothing comes from nothing ! what about God ? oh except him conveniently ,!! where’s your proof ? I have none but it but the world is to amazing to be an accident . So an uncaring , invisible ever watching but wrathful God is watching , he loves us all but if you dont believe in him you will burn in hell , because we all have free will, that he gave to us hahahahaha

His Dark Materials (2019)
fattytheklown -11 points 4 years ago.

then dont fucking watch
we dont want you watching it anyways if thats how you are going to feel

fishingmad 3 points 4 years ago*.

whoa!!! ya daft moonfruit , I gave it a go and dont like it and you are that arrogant you think you can abuse me for not liking something you do , what a tool . “ we dont want you watching “ who’s we ? the pathetic no life brigade who get all triggered over childrens Tv PROGRAMMES ?? get a fucking life

The Mandalorian (2019)
fishingmad 3 points 4 years ago.

just watched and very impressed , best first episode I have seen in a while “ His Dark Materials “ producers should take note , this is how to get an audience engaged , simple , direct and entertaining

His Dark Materials (2019)
octoberswill 2 points 4 years ago.

yeah…I’m guessing you are Scottish or know about a certain comic…

fishingmad 3 points 4 years ago*.

Yes Scottish and completely intolerant of arse bubbles like him who think they can bump their gums and act all billybigbaws just because theyre on the internet , added to which for some infathomable reason he thinks his opinions trump all others?????

Locke & Key (2020)
fishingmad 3 points 4 years ago.

would have enjoyedthis alot more if not for the utter stupidity of the main characters , in the end I was almost rooting for them to fail

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -6 points 4 years ago.

The links you posted are someone else’s opinion. I asked for yours. Which other animal looks at a majestic mountain range and appreciates it’s beauty? Which other animal will go to a ballet and marvel at how fluidly the dancers move or will stop to admire the artists work in a beautiful painting? My question was, “Am I correct in assuming that you consider these things to be identifiers of us as a species?” You completely ignored that, and the answer is simply, “Yes,” or, “No.” You may choose to elaborate if you like, and I would like it if you did.

fishingmad 2 points 4 years ago.

Then no , we are not the only animal that appreciates beauty so it cannot be used solely as an identifier for the homosapien species

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -8 points 4 years ago.

Basically, you refuse to answer the question. You just site someplace else, right? Show me the simple courtesy of an answer. You either consider these concepts to be identifiers for the homosapien species or you don’t. It’s yes or no.

fishingmad 2 points 4 years ago.

your question isnt only a question though is it ? you have made it a statement . you are trying to get me to say that these “concepts “ are identifiers for the homosapien species but have left out that these “concepts” also apply to other higher mammals , that I suspect is why you have ignored the links I posted

His Dark Materials (2019)
fattytheklown -8 points 4 years ago*.

it has nothing to do with the internet i would talk this way to you if i was in front of you

fishingmad 2 points 4 years ago.

Typical response from a typical keyboard warrior , as you know there is very little chance indeed we will ever meet face to face 1. you would never want that to happen 2. your carer wont let you out on your own 3 I suspect the only time you raise your voice is to shout to your mum to bring you more dessert , you will continue to talk shite from the safety of your bedroom

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -6 points 4 years ago.

First of all, you’re putting words in my mouth. The only argument I have made is not the existence of a deity or deities but simply that because. humans possess things like an appreciation for beauty, an understanding of morality, a conscience, etc… means that we are not animals. That is not an argument you accept. Am I correct in assuming that you consider these things to be identifiers of us as a species?

fishingmad 1 points 4 years ago*.

morality as we call it is a human construct and even in humans differs depending on race etc . Morality is taught to us as we grow and is a very new thing in terms of human evolution . Modern man would consider early man lacking morality for instance so by your definition we evolved from animals . If that is true then all animals are capable of evolving and developing “ morality “ you say animals do not have “ an appreciation for beauty, an understanding of morality, a conscience, etc” is that something you choose to believe because it simply isnt true , scientists have discovered the early signs of morality in apes and also believe that animals select mates on beauty

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -10 points 4 years ago.

I would like to address your argument as a former atheist. First of all, if we are animals without any deity (I’m not arguing which diety or religious book), right and wrong, uncaring, wrathful would not exist. A pet dog or cat can’t feel wrath or understand the concept of, “uncaring,” These are both examples of things that animals can’t experience but humans can. If we are animals, that’s not possible. There are tons of other examples of this. Do you have a conscience? Animals don’t. Do you have an appreciation for beauty? Animals don’t. The fact that you can judge a deity as uncaring proves that you’re not an animal. Your own logic is fallacious. The crimes of Hitler and Nero would not be bad or good. They would equal with the majesty of Victoria Falls. I’m not arguing the existence of God right now- just that there is a measure of good and bad. This measure would not exist if we were animals.

fishingmad 1 points 4 years ago.

Furthermore , I did not judge any actual diety because I have never acknowledged one exists only the idea of one created by christians etc . you say “This measure would not exist if we were animals.” That is pure arrogance and ignorance and an obvious attempt to elevate yourself and your own importance , HUmans have been on this planet for a tiny amount of time compared to many animals living and dead , when we have been here for aslong as the dinosaurs were then maybe we have earnt the right to be as arrogant as you obviously are . PLease dont be a complete moonfruit and deny dinosaurs

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -10 points 4 years ago.

I would like to address your argument as a former atheist. First of all, if we are animals without any deity (I’m not arguing which diety or religious book), right and wrong, uncaring, wrathful would not exist. A pet dog or cat can’t feel wrath or understand the concept of, “uncaring,” These are both examples of things that animals can’t experience but humans can. If we are animals, that’s not possible. There are tons of other examples of this. Do you have a conscience? Animals don’t. Do you have an appreciation for beauty? Animals don’t. The fact that you can judge a deity as uncaring proves that you’re not an animal. Your own logic is fallacious. The crimes of Hitler and Nero would not be bad or good. They would equal with the majesty of Victoria Falls. I’m not arguing the existence of God right now- just that there is a measure of good and bad. This measure would not exist if we were animals.

fishingmad 0 points 4 years ago.

Nikki you are wrong , first off , that is a HUGE leap to say because we can feel “right or wrong , uncaring or wrathful “ that must be because of a “diety “ there are many higher mamals That show very complex emmotions similar to us wales , dolphins , nealry all of the large primates . You are trying to show that we are superior and not animals at all , we are highly evolved animals in our own enviroment less evovled in others . You make a lot of assumptions about what “animals “ can and cannot feel but even if you are correct all that shows is a different level of evolution .

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -6 points 4 years ago.

First of all, you’re putting words in my mouth. The only argument I have made is not the existence of a deity or deities but simply that because. humans possess things like an appreciation for beauty, an understanding of morality, a conscience, etc… means that we are not animals. That is not an argument you accept. Am I correct in assuming that you consider these things to be identifiers of us as a species?

Eli Stone (2008)
fishingmad 1 points 4 years ago.

I loved this show , Johnny lee miller is spot on and brings warmth and fun to the roll of Eli , if you want something to make you feel good and put a smile on your face then watch this

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -9 points 4 years ago.

Let me paraphrase your answer. Humans are animals, but our conscience, laws, morals, art, architecture, etc are not what identifies us as a species. What does then? Clearly, even as animals, we are a separate species from every other animal on the planet.

fishingmad 1 points 4 years ago.

Dolphins use echo location a sense we barely understand let alone have that makes them far superior in their enviroment than we would be , infact many animals have abilities etc that are far superior to us and seperate them distinctly from humans , Does that make them superior overall , of course not . You are very arrogantly and narrow-mindedly attempting to raise humans above all over animals based on nothing more than your opinions . You are wrong

His Dark Materials (2019)
fishingmad -2 points 4 years ago.

episode 2 and still BORED !!! They expect the audience to understand to much without any explanation as if this is only for those who have read the book . On top of that there isnt a single likeable character in it so far

Anna (2019)
fishingmad 0 points 4 years ago.

The lead anna cannot act for toffee but apart from that quite a good movie , great action not to cliche although the plot twists were all pretty obvious , 7/10

Superman: Red Son (2020)
fishingmad -5 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I thought the OP statement was pretty ignorant but you have surpassed it . Facism is characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, the far Right and left wing are both Guilty infact truth be told nowadays the left are most definately worse , I bet you also believe its impossible to be racist if you are of colour !!!!

The Neighborhood (2018)
fishingmad -2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I dont think so , switched off after 1 episode

Impulse (2018)
fishingmad -6 points 4 years ago.

Could the lead character be anymore annoying , 2nd season and still nothing has happened and all we see is her moping and whining about everything , I wish someone would just take her out , preferably with a sniper rifle

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
fishingmad -5 points 4 years ago.

what a joke . the story was a mess , the acting just God awful and funny for all the wrong reasons , Avoid this one at all costs , almost 3 hours of my life I’ll never get back and dont ever want to live again now anyway

Deputy (2020)
fishingmad -3 points 4 years ago.

That is sort of the point I Think . the main characters are right in the face of modern day

Superman: Red Son (2020)
fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

“Red fascism is a term equating Stalinism and Maoism with fascism. Accusations that the leaders of the Soviet Union during the Stalin era acted as “Red fascists” were commonly stated by Trotskyists” I do find it hilarious the lengths the left will go to avoid the same labels they are all so quick to throw around . Fascism co-exists happily with capitalists. In fact, fascism is the child of capitalism. that is why stalin wasnt usually reffered to a facist

The Man in the High Castle (2015)
fishingmad -2 points 4 years ago.

very good , even the “woke” final season didnt spoil it

Ironside (2013)
fishingmad -2 points 4 years ago.

has this been blackwashed

Eli Stone (2008)
fishingmad -1 points 4 years ago.

Just binge watched the whole series for a 2nd time , soppy , funny , heart warming , if you like sappy feel good things that dont take themselves too seriously then this is for you

Superman: Red Son (2020)
fishingmad -6 points 4 years ago.

“Fascism is a form of government that is a type of one-party dictatorship. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. This aim is to prepare the nation for armed conflict, and to respond to economic difficulties. Fascism puts nation and often race above the individual.” The very definition of stalins Russia . Now traditionally those governements have been right wing but nowhere does it say they have to be . Only in the narrow blinkered minds of fools would that be so .

His Dark Materials (2019) S1 E1
fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

REALLY BORED !!!! it seems to presume a lot of the audience . Theres to much unexplained and if it intends to explain this stuff later it needs to hurry . a lot has been spent on this and it looks great but is really confusing . Great if youve read the books but I have never heard of this let alone read the books , certainly not a stand alone watch . I can watch almost anything but I have had to switch off half way through the first episode and will come back to it maybe

God Friended Me (2018)
fishingmad -3 points 4 years ago.

I was enjoying this but it is starting to grate , Kara is just to perfect as is miles , leaving me kind of sick

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

I simply asked you to list what separates us as animals from other animal species. You have yet to do that. You seem intent on insulting people whose views are different from yours but you posit nothing of your own. I suspect this is because you have never thought of it and are unable to. The two questions I have asked are, “Do you see these things (i.e. an appreciation of beauty, a conscience, etc…) as defining characteristics for humanity?” You’ve answered, “No,” My second question, “What are your defining characteristics for humanity?,” you have yet to answer. A list would work- preferably comprehensive.

fishingmad -3 points 4 years ago.

But that list would be purely subjective , anc you know it . you are being deliberately obtuse and very boring

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

Taxonomy is the scientific classification of things in the material world, do no it’s not subjective. You could, if you choose to do so, simply use the criteria that taxonomists use to classify homo-sapiens. Do I have to tell you how to defend your own point? What’s your list?

fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

All you have tried to do through this is attempt to back me into your chosen corner and give you the only answer you want . we are different to many species on this planet as they are to us , none of those difference make us superios overall as I have already stated many other species are far more superior in ability etc in their own enviroment than us . If you choose to believe that 1 we are superior to all other animals ( I know you stupidly think we are not even animals pmsl ) then that is your choice and if that helps you sleep a littlw better than fair play . I for one am not upset to know that we are just one of many species of animals that is more evovled in some ways and less evolved in other s ( as we have needed to evolve ) infact even human beings as a species have evolved differently depending on their enviromental and social needs . Remember where this all started , you stated we are not animals and you stated as a fact certain things you cannopt possibly know for a fact about certain other animal and what they can and cannot do or understand . you have yet prove a single thing you said ,. I offered information from other sourses that disputed your assertions and you refused to even read it . maybe you should look up cognitive dissonance . goodbye

Welcome to HMP Belmarsh with Ross Kemp (2020)
Alucard 5 points 4 years ago.

I have known my fare share of ex cons, from violent bank robbers to Drug lords and one thing I have found in my dealing with them is if you treat them as a normal person they do the same, as soon as you start to treat them as ex cons their defences come up and their troubles start again, I think the best rehabilitation is once they have done their time society should treat them as any other person they would come across on the street. Stop the division.

fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

You havent known that many then . I have known a few and very few of them are stable people , ex con covers everything from non payers of fines and shoplifters to murderers but drug lords ??? haha drug dealers atleast successful ones are usually all pretty violent and many will be violent for the sake of it , its not good enough to be capable many want to reming folk regular that they are nasty , most see themselves as Kray type figures , Violent bank robbers ?? the clue is in the title , violent ? I think you’ve been watching to many movies

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

Not even close. I didn’t ask you to define the attributes of other animals. I asked you to characterize humans. You’ve still failed to give the criteria that you believe separates humans from other animals. You are correct in part of your characteristics for dolphins. Now what about humans?

fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

I have answered you just refuse to see it , you want me to list what seprates us from other animals and I clearly said there are many things that seprateall animals . You want me to say appreciation for beauty but many animals show an appreciation for beauty . OUr use of tools , but quite a few animals use tools . we do however wage war on our own kind there are only 2 other animals that do that . The fact is there is actually very little that seperates us and certainly nothing that exhalts us above all other animals

Limetown (2019)
fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

I like Jessica Beil and I get she wants to be taken seriously as an actor , so why then does she insist on getting her kit off so regular?? we get it , she looks good naked and takes care of herself

Magnum P.I. (2018) S2 E7
fishingmad -1 points 4 years ago.

pulling out all the 70s and 80s stops with guest stars lately

His Dark Materials (2019) S1 E1
Randall 0 points 4 years ago.

Please come back and thank me later..

fishingmad -2 points 4 years ago.

I love fantasy adventure stories but this just does nothing for me , there is nothing at all after 2 episodes that grabs me and makes me want to know more , theres not a single interesting or likeable character , there isnt even a properly unlikeable character . from a newbies perspective though this has missed the mark massively , You not being confuse does not mean you understand either . This is a muddeled mess and although it may get better because there is no garantee of that I dont see why I should wait it out on the off chance

Legacies (2018)
fishingmad -2 points 4 years ago.

Danielle Rose Russell is stunning worth watching just for her

The Rookie (2018) S2 E10
fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

Could it be any more obvious all through that episode