grasshopper rex's comments

Sound of Freedom (2023)
mike 1 points 10 months ago.

boy are you in for a shocker !!!!

grasshopper rex 15 points 10 months ago.

What shocks me is most of the people that act so concerned about the sexual abuse of children are so poorly informed on the subject. 90% of abusers are someone the child knows, trusts or loves. 30 to 40% are family members. Over 50% of females abused as children are by their biological fathers.

The stranger danger fearmongering is mostly a myth used to deflect from the ugly truth that most abuse to children is done by the very people that are supposed to love, nurture and protect them.

Raised by Wolves (2020)
grasshopper rex 18 points 3 years ago.

Spectacular storytelling. I’m all in.

Interview with the Vampire (2022)
Arcangel2020 -1 points 1 year ago.

Oh, gee…it the remake/reboot of the gawd awful “Interview with a Vampire” movie, not only that but it’s another “based on the novel by…” series (which is always a Red Flag).
The entire Anne Rice vampire novel series was absolute total dreck. I always tell people who thought it was good? Read author Brian Lumley’s “Necroscope” and “Blood Wars” series. Now THOSE are some GREAT Vampire/Wamphyri creatures that put Anne Rice’ “vampires” to shame.

grasshopper rex 13 points 1 year ago*.

Yeah, those horrible “based on the novel by…” series. Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Good Omens, Watchmen, Dexter, A Handmaid’s Tale. I love how people speak as if their opinion is the definitive one. Given that Rice has sold over 130 million books, I doubt she is losing sleep at night because you don’t like her work. Comparing Rice’s books to Lumley’s is like comparing apples to oranges. Yeah, they’re both fruits, but they taste nothing alike. Some prefer apples, some oranges. Some like one, but have no like for the other and just because you don’t care for something doesn’t mean that it has no value.

The Comey Rule (2020)
ibjonnyc -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

LOL Comey was part of the coup attempt of a duly elected POTUS and nothing more. This work is akin to fiction to be eaten up word for word by the left.

grasshopper rex 18 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The truth is a bitter pill.

Silo (2023)
grasshopper rex 12 points 1 year ago.

Looks promising.

Shōgun (2024) S1 E10
newman 8 points 8 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t really understand the finale. So did “Anjin” go back to england? The show says he did. He even “fought” as a Samurai as per his grand-children. But Toranaga says he believes he will never go back to England. I just don’t get it haha.. Excuse my ignorance..

grasshopper rex 8 points 7 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Those were “visions” of how he thought his life would be if he returned to England. He does not. His whole life up to that point had been about his own ambitions and desires, but with Mariko’s sacrifice he is changed, which you see when he offers up his own life to end the suffering of the villagers. With this gesture, we see that he has left his old self behind and has come to finally have some understanding of the Japanese and their customs. We see him surrender his old life and to honor his love for Mariko and her sacrifice, he chooses to serve Toranaga. At least, that’s what I got out of it.

Raised by Wolves (2020)
grasshopper rex 8 points 2 years ago.

More so than any science fiction offering in recent memory, this show lets me revisit the fascination and wonderment I felt as a teenager reading the masters of the genre. Assimov, Heinlein, Clarke, and Bradbury were my gods. They educated me on a wide variety of subjects and helped form my humanist viewpoint. I am forever in debt to them for making me the man I am and helping me survive a very troubled childhood.

The Boys (2019) S3 E4
grasshopper rex 8 points 1 year ago.

best episode description ever

Human Zoos (2019)
grasshopper rex 8 points 1 year ago.

People suck

Abigail (2024)
grasshopper rex 13 points 1 month ago.

Based on and a reimagining of the 1936 Universal Classic Monsters film Dracula’s Daughter. The project was stated to be a modern-day adaptation of one of the Universal Classic Monsters characters similar in approach to The Invisible Man (2020) or Renfield (2023), with the synopsis being described as “a unique take on legendary monster lore and will represent a fresh, new direction for how to celebrate classic characters”.

The project was later stated to have originally been titled the same as the source it’s based on, Dracula’s Daughter; while Universal restated that while they had considered a singular continuity with The Mummy (2017), each release will continue to be “rooted in the horror genre, with no restrictions on budget, rating or genre. They are not part of a shared interconnected universe, which allows each film to stand on its own. This new direction is filmmaker-driven, inviting innovative filmmakers with original, bold ideas for these characters to develop the stories and pitch them.”

Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
grasshopper rex 10 points 2 years ago.

Season 4 starts November 18th.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE -7 points 2 months ago.

yes he has …this one ive posted the link to is based on real events Henry Cavill sound of freedom they tried to ban it from release if you search it you will see all the comments coming from people saying its not based on real events and so on but it is tim ballard is portrayed by henry and its all about the child abductions and being sold into slavery just goes to show how pedos expose theselves by trying to put the movie down disgusting filthy animals

grasshopper rex 10 points 2 months ago.

No one tried to get it banned. That’s QANON nonsense.

Yellowjackets (2021) S1 E10
grasshopper rex 10 points 2 years ago.

Christina Ricci doesn’t get near enough love for her work IMO. She owned almost every role she’s ever had.

The Iron Claw (2023)
hellsingfan01 -3 points 4 months ago.

It’s quite literally recognised by the olympics as a sport granted it’s a vastly different version of wrestling but it’s still wrestling none the less.

grasshopper rex 10 points 4 months ago.

Sports don’t have guaranteed outcomes. It is entertainment based on a sport. There is a difference.

Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (2023)
Alien 0 points 9 months ago.

I see only one Japanese actor in the cast and I doubt he’s a Samurai.

grasshopper rex 7 points 9 months ago.

Not literally. sigh

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023)
grasshopper rex 7 points 7 months ago.

This looks promising.

Greyhound (2020)
JoMoCo -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I always enjoy movies at sea, and especially movies including submarines. And this was a critical time in the war. Had things gone a little differently, we could all be goose stepping. Hanks is excellent as usual…though I admit that I am a little curious about the movies he has chosen to do. Many have been about the war, or the war has figured prominently in them. Others explored religious ideas, like “The Da Vinci Code. Hanks is a hard core Liberal, and this seems out of sorts for his choice of films, as Liberals oppose war with a pasion, and disdain Religion. Hanks embraces both, and yet remains a Hollywood favorite, though he is personally a highly religious man, with an interest in warfare. It seems an oddity. Kudos to Hanks for managing to thread the needle of acceptance. A good movie to add to a collection that examined the men that saved the free world. The greatest generation.

grasshopper rex 12 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

You seem to know very little about liberals. Most hate what they deem to be unnecessary wars. Hanks does appear to have a fascination for WW 2, which almost no one would call US participation unnecessary. To say that all liberals disdain religion is just ridiculous. Some of the most prominent liberals in US history have been very religious. Hanks was raised Catholic and now follows the faith of his wife, Greek Orthodox.

The Painter (2024)
Horror 5 points 3 months ago.

Came here to say the exact same thing lol

grasshopper rex 9 points 3 months ago.

They should get together and form their own operative group named The Trade Union.

A Million Miles Away (2023)
grasshopper rex 9 points 8 months ago.

I’m not normally interested in inspirational biopics, but how can you not love the true story of how a migrant farm worker that didn’t learn how to speak English until he was 12 managed to overcome those obstacles with hard work and perserverance to realize his dream of being an astronaut?

The Third Day (2020)
grasshopper rex 9 points 3 years ago.

Great acting, Jude Law, with an eerily intriguing storyline. Has a M. Night Shyamalan vibe to it.

The Woman King (2022)
Libertylass 7 points 1 year ago*.

This movie is laughable and not based in reality. It might make people feel good, but history tells a story quite different than the one portrayed here.

grasshopper rex 11 points 1 year ago.

While I agree that this is heavily fictionalized and dramatized, it’s laughable to believe that the history we get from white Europeans is entirely accurate.

Finch (2021)
grasshopper rex 11 points 2 years ago*.

Mr Hanks greatest talent may be picking properties to work on that showcase his skills. I hope he continues to make movies for another 30 years.

1883 (2021) S1 E8
qT44 9 points 2 years ago.

such a beautiful end of season as this show all together it kind of magic, and performance of that girl throughout all season impeccable. Bravo 5/5

grasshopper rex 11 points 2 years ago.

2 more episodes to go and the scene from the 1st episode that has yet to play out suggests a less than warm and fuzzy ending.

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
EchotaChick 4 points 3 years ago.

OK, thank you and sorry! Do you see how it could be read to mean, “the nightmare that is America is almost over” ? So I was just wondering. And yes, even though I’m a lefty, snowflake, socialist lil punk, I’m tired of people taking a big dump on the USA. Kicking people when they’re down is cowardly and shows a lack of imagination.

grasshopper rex 11 points 3 years ago.

We must have very different notions of what it is to be a “lefty, socialist”. The US is far from “down” and is very deserving of the scorn and hatred that much of the world feels towards us. We have sown discord and created instabilty around the globe for the purpose of ever-increasing profits for our corporations. We are the single greatest threat to world peace.

Not only are we horrible citizens of the world, we have done a grave disservice to the majority of our own citizens. Our capitalist systems are deeply corrupted and rooted in racism. It’s been that way since the beginning. All the flowery promises are but lies, polished to a fine sheen that blinds most to the ugly truth that hides beneath the thin veneer of freedom, equality and justice for all.

Don’t get me wrong. I think the majority of our citizens are fine, decent people. It is our government that I take issue with, but we are complicit in that far too many are either blind to or choose to be willfully ignorant of the evil our government does.

“You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who says it or who does it.”
Malcom X

“Patriotism demands the abilty the feel shame as much as to feel pride.”
Anne-Marie Slaughter

Lessons in Chemistry (2023)
grasshopper rex 11 points 6 months ago.

I’ll never understand why so many men are put off by strong, smart women. There is nothing sexier IMO.

Saturday Night Live (1975) S49 E11
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grasshopper rex 11 points 2 months ago.

you watched it just so you could get your panties in a bunch…

Ozark (2017) S4 E5
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Sometimes the nonsense Hollywood tries to sell is just too much to swallow. They never would have sold those drugs back for a mere 100k extra. Once they had cut that ‘pure’ heroin it would have sold for far more than that.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S10 E4
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

Contrary to what some would have you believe, the majority of abuse of these safety net programs comes not from participants in those programs, but from those who administer them.

Beacon 23 (2023) S1 E8
greyfur 4 points 4 months ago.

I love Sci-Fi, even what Rex calls ‘Cerebral Sci-Fi’, but in all honesty, I couldn’t get past the first episode. Even though they have the second season already filmed, I’m willing to bet this gets canceled without it being aired. While there might be a small following for this, I’m willing to bet that it’s pretty minuscule. ‘Boring as hell’ seems to be a pretty apt description…

grasshopper rex 6 points 4 months ago.

While I’m not a huge fan of ratings, they do give a pretty good idea of what the general public thinks about a show. TVMaze has a 6.7. IMDb a 5.5 from 1.7K users. Rotten a 61% audience score. That is an overall favorable rating from 3 different sites. Those numbers aren’t great, but they do indicate that there is far more than a miniscule fan base. I hate to think of all the great stories I would have missed out on just because they didn’t immediately galvanize my attention.

Metal Lords (2022)
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 years ago.

A must watch for metalheads. The cameos scene delighted the fanboy in me.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (2015) S2024 E6
grasshopper rex 6 points 3 months ago.

I usually skip the celebrity interviews, but Clive Owen AND Juno Temple?

The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin (2024)
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 months ago.

6 episodes set to premiere March !st.

Sound of Freedom (2023)
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grasshopper rex 6 points 9 months ago.

If I knew that personal attacks and insults to other members were allowed now I would have been more than happy to continue debating against this assault on logic, reason and common sense. :)

Leave the World Behind (2023)
JadeEnigma 3 points 4 months ago.

You will be pleasantly surprised, I’m sure. We have proven it time and time again. The worst of us may rise for a short time, may make a lot of noise and stomping of the feet, but the best of us always rises higher and buries them.

grasshopper rex 6 points 4 months ago*.

We see the world through very different eyes. Mine see a land of plenty where half a million people are homeless and an estimated 2K of them die every year just from exposure to the elements. A country where 50K die every year due to lack of access to adequate health care or life-saving medications. If we can’t take care of our most vulnerable when times aren’t that hard what hope is there that we would do better in a post-apocalyptic world?

The Guardians of Justice (2022) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 years ago.

That was mahvelous. Sorry.

Nope (2022)
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grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

Have you actually watched it? I can’t find it anywhere.

Butcher's Crossing (2023)
[removed by a moderator]
grasshopper rex 8 points 5 months ago*.

“the media”? This isn’t a news story. Not to defend this in any way, but the entire history of human civilization is littered with atrocious and cruel acts.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
JackYancovicKohen 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

ikr, anyone who doesn’t echo mainstream news MUST be a Q conspiracy theorist maniac!!!

grasshopper rex 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

If it looks like a duck…

Raised by Wolves (2020) S1 E7
grasshopper rex 8 points 3 years ago.

Renewed for a 2nd season. happy dance

Sisu (2023)
grasshopper rex 8 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“glorious carnage” “the most fun you can have watching Nazis get destroyed” I’m there.

Fade to Black (2017)
Euringer 4 points 4 months ago.

Definitely of two minds on the subject due to personal relations. I guess a good current compromise would be to have suicidally depressed people undergo serious therapy and counciling before giving them the drug. I think suicides are possibly the most important gun control issue and I can’t imagine us handling chemical death terribly more responsibly in the US currently.

grasshopper rex 8 points 4 months ago*.

I read a study that suggested that at least 10% of suicides coud be averted by just implementing a nationwide 7 day waiting period before buying a gun. And then we have the problem of access to mental health care in this country which is something I can speak to personally. I’m at least somewhat lucky in that I live in a county that provides health care, medical and mental, to those with low or zero income. In the case of having no insurance or income the most you can hope for when depressed though is that they will toss you some pills, but anti-depressants are an odd branch of pharmacology. There are a plethora of medications out there and it often takes a long time to find one or a combination of that helps and for some people nothing helps or at least not the ones that they can gain access to because without insurance you aren’t going to be able to get them.

Then you have the unfortunates that nothing helps and they contemplate suicide every day. My first failed attempt was at 14 and in the decades since there have been another handful of attempts, everything from pills to firearm misfire to high speed car crash. No medications help and I’ve had therapy out the wazoo, including inpatient stays that have totalled to about 5 years of my life. I have found some peace in that even though I am still often depressed, sometimes severely, I rarely think of ending it all. It’s not been all bad. There were periods that saw me happy or at least as close as I can get to that. Even more times where I was so doped up that the depression was forced to the back of my mind. When I look back though I honestly wish that 1st attempt almost 50 years ago had been successful.

I’d like to make clear that I’m not fishing for sympathy. We live in a society that heavily frowns on suicide. The current consensus seems to be that taking your own life is cowardly and selfish. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but if others knew how it felt to be cronically depressed I think they might stop considering their own selfish feelings and have more compassion for a loved one that is suffering in this way and doesn’t wish to do so anymore. Every time I hear of someone that has finally found the courage to kill themselves after years of torture, I’m glad that they found some peace at long last. “Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023)
MelBert8929 3 points 7 months ago.

Going to watch the previous movies so I get the story line straight..

grasshopper rex 8 points 7 months ago.

For anyone else interested in doing so these are the 4 Monsterverse movies by Legendary leading up to this.

And spring of 2024 will see Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire being released. A direct sequel to Godzilla vs Kong, this time they will partner up against a new threat.

Sound of Freedom (2023)
StarKissed 1 points 9 months ago.

“The U.S. is one of the top destinations for human trafficking, and is among the largest consumers of child sex.” If this statement doesn’t rattle the reality of those living in the U.S. at least a little bit, then they’re most likely already dead.

grasshopper rex 8 points 9 months ago*.

The problem with that statement is that while both parts are true, used together they paint a misleading picture. Human trafficking in the US is mostly adults in the forms of sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage. While it is true that the US is the largest consumer of the child sex industry, the vast majority of that is child porn. Make no mistake though, there is something very wrong with far too many men in this country. The US is the largest consumer and producer of child porn in the world and US citizens are a large portion of international child sex tourists.

While I do think this is a very serious issue that we should be doing more to combat. I don’t think this movie is the best vehicle to do so for many reasons, not the least of which is that it is being used as fodder to weaponize the issue for political gain by using conspiracy theory lies to assert that it is an epidemic on our own soil being perpetrated by liberal elites and their followers. Make no mistake about it, this problem isn’t particular to any political ideology and while child sex trafficking isn’t nonexistent in this country, it is greatly overexaggerated. The other more ridiculous claims like adrenochrome and organ harvesting are just nonsense.

Sound of Freedom (2023)
grasshopper rex 8 points 9 months ago*.

It should be noted that shortly before the release of this film that Tim Ballard quietly left O.U.R. It seems odd that at no time during the press tour promoting this was this mentioned. Get the money and run?

Beacon 23 (2023) S1 E8
kraichgau 0 points 4 months ago.

Jesus,the most boring show in the universe…

grasshopper rex 8 points 4 months ago.

I don’t think this is about Jesus.

The Shrink Next Door (2021)
grasshopper rex 8 points 2 years ago.

This is the least annoying I’ve ever seen Will Ferrell.

Helstrom (2020)
grasshopper rex 11 points 3 years ago.

These comments are, unintentionally, hilarious.

Shōgun (2024)
grasshopper rex 11 points 2 months ago.

It would be nice if folks could comment on the show instead of arguing about inconsequential crap. That’s why comment sections keep getting disabled.

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
grasshopper rex 14 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Chin up. The American nightmare is almost over.

The Iron Claw (2023)
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grasshopper rex 9 points 3 months ago*.

dude, the movie is about WWE wrestlers. any conversation about wrestling in these comments is framed around that basic piece of information. one shouldn’t have to state with every comment that this is what they are specifically referring to. even in the comment that you cherry picked i said that there is a difference. you’re trying to beat a dead horse when you don’t even have a stick to do so with.