greyfur's comments

Raised by Wolves (2020) S1 E6
greyfur 9 points 3 years ago.

I have not run into anything even close to being on a par with this in so long science fiction wise, I don’t even know what to say! This is really good! Going right to the next episode, just to see what happens next, glad it’s there too, just kinda left me hanging a little,glad I don’t have to wait a week to see where it’s going next!

Raised by Wolves (2020)
marino4ever 10 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

My apologies, I didn’t detail any specific plot points so I didn’t think it qualified as containing spoilers. I’ll edit.

greyfur 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I watched all 3, was great, and agree fully, and saw no spoiler at all myself.

Jupiter's Legacy (2021)
xlen 4 points 3 years ago.

I think the main issue here is that it pushes you to use brains to process the themes, so majority of reviewers and test audiences haven’t really understood it, imo, it’s better than 90% of bigscreen marvel

greyfur 8 points 3 years ago.

I rather like it. Had a friend try and tell me on the phone, ‘I tried watching this, but it don’t explain anything, you don’t know why stuff is like it is’.

I told him to keep watching a few more episodes, and it will most like explain itself as it goes, and Don’t remember offhand how far I am right now, maybe episode 4 now, and was right, each one tells you more of that back story, how they got to where they are now and where they are going, so you are not totally in the dark.

I don’t think that’s a spoiler, as I didn’t give any story away, but I do agree, you have to pay attention and watch, it’s not overly complicated, but at the same time you want to let your thinking meat kick in a bit. There’s more here then just flash bang and explosions.

1883 (2021) S1 E10
greyfur 15 points 2 years ago.

Man, If Isabella Does not get several awards for what she did in this then something is seriously wrong. She was excellent in this. Just flat out excellent.

Raised by Wolves (2020)
greyfur 10 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Ahh, I see, Mein Fhurer, but your comment was not needed.Just that you seemed to need to was enough. Validated you need for control. I just stated that I thought there was no spoiler,and in truth,there was none,just you wanted to control someone. Never said anything about it being a ‘call’. Just said I didn’t see a spoiler, and now all of a sudden you see a threat to your alleged ‘authority’.

Shyte. And I’ll add for the brothers and sisters on the other side of the pond, ‘Bollox’,WTF authority? That which you think you were given by those on a frakin’ streaming site?

Look,I’m Going to make it easy on you, as I know damn well you and the whole site have been gunning for me to say anything,and this is just proof of it, so here you go. In the words of the great Scotsman who posted this first,and can’t remember the man’s name…

‘Bite me,ya bloody daft moonfruit…’!

Now,feel free to mute that…

Superman & Lois (2021) S2 E3
CaptKSKS 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I would have bet that is was Doomsday, but this is good too. Can’t wait for next weeks Siol & Namrepus

greyfur 7 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah, was my thought as well, even commented on that, but this might be even better then that, as that’s been done before, don’t believe this has been in live action. Ought to be right good if they do it right.

neXt (2020)
greyfur 7 points 3 years ago.

Well, finally got around to being able to watch this, and it was well worth it! Recognized several of the actors, and they were great in this, and got to say, this was fantastic! Well worth the time spent,wish there was more of this up already, would be worth a binge watch. Can’t wait for more to come out! Hope the writers keep up the good work, they did a great job on the first episode.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 3 months ago.

pmsl every site is just going to pot,,, what part of this is in HD its got righting on it slot machines and adds i know its streaming and free but if your going to do something do it properly, this will probably get taken down by a moderator

greyfur 9 points 3 months ago.

No, actually, it won’t. We get these all the time, and they for the most part are a pretty good quality. We get to see these without having to pay the movie price, and can hook up and HDMI cable and just watch at home. It’s a small price to pay to watch an ad or two to watch the movie for free. Just pops up once in a while, and you either get used to it, or wait for the TOS rip to come out, or go to the movies and pay for it, your choice.

Really can’t believe how many people want to get in here can complain about something that’s literally just handed to them on a silver platter….

Simulant (2023)
greyfur 9 points 1 year ago.

Well, I’ll be darned! Usually, in the morning, it’s become kind of a habit of mine to pop in here first thing with my first shot of coffee and see what’s up, what new movies have posted, and if anything has come up on my watch list. Something easy enough for what’s left of the mush in my skull to deal with until the coffee kicks in, and low and behold, I see this has links!

Had an air date of June 2nd, 2023, and we are not even there yet, and had this on my ‘Plan to watch list’, as the trailer looked pretty good, and I like my Science Fiction.

I honestly couldn’t be happier. Not sure when I’m going to be able to watch it, and have no idea how the linkers pulled it off, but not going to ask questions either. Don’t need to know how the magic worked, sometimes it’s best to just not ask questions, and just say ‘thank you’ and be happy..🥳

The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die (2023)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

What a great series, and really can’t complain about the ending, but have to say, this was so well done that I still want more…

Sisu (2023)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

Took me a bit to get around to this, guess I just had to find the right moment, but holy smokes, this had some great moments in it. Well worth the watch.

Hawkeye (2021) S1 E5
Farmboy41 8 points 2 years ago.

Better every episode so it’s a shame it ends next week.

greyfur 6 points 2 years ago.

Do you know if this is just going to be the one season and that’s it, or will it have another season? I’m really hoping for more then this….

Arcane: League of Legends (2021) S1 E9
greyfur 6 points 2 years ago.


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)
greyfur 6 points 10 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

In case anyone is interested, I got curious and had to go look, on account of some of the stuff in the movie, like the old school tv’s, and the phones and such, and it’s supposed to take place in 1969. Thought that might be a bit of movie trivia that some of you might be interested in that not everybody knew. Didn’t know it myself until I stopped a bit to go look it up. And Harrison Ford is now 80. Doing pretty good for a guy that age. Gotta really hand it to the old guy.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

Saw this, was O.k. I guess, could have been better, could have been worse. Could have knocked off about 45 minutes of this and most like would have been better for it as well. What can I say? If you watch it, you didn’t exactly waste time, but if you miss it, you didn’t really miss much either, it was kinda like that.

Wednesday (2022)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

I don’t know if anyone is aware of this yet, but this show just topped the show ‘Stranger Things’ as the most watched series on Netflix. That pretty much clinches it for a second season. I really liked this show and pretty much binged it, so really looking forward to a second one.

Peacemaker (2022)
irdulili 11 points 2 years ago.

This is honestly way better than I thought it would be. Not a huge John Cena fan but I think he’s found his place in the universe playing this character. I begrudgingly enjoy the soundtrack, too. About the same calibre as Harley Quinn, just live action.

greyfur 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I like some of his stuff, but like you said, not a big fan. In this case, also like you said, it would seem he found something where he just hit the nail right on the head. If they keep working this they way they are working it, it could turn out to be a pretty darn good series.

One thing I really hope to see in this though, and have to make this a spoiler on account of saying this for people that might not have watched any of this, is would really like to see that badass blonde wind up to be pals with Eagly. Maybe some heart wrenching scene were he comes over to her and wraps his wings around her like he did Peacemaker that one time…

Moon Crash (2022)
PsyEnz 6 points 2 years ago.

lol ya, almost had me fooled. But I kinda like Asylum movies

greyfur 6 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, me too, some of them can be kinda fun to watch, you catch the right one.

The Night Agent (2023)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

well,finally finished the whole season, and they did a good job of telling the story from start to finish, as well as leaving it open for a lot of potential for another season, which i will be looking forward to.

was actually a reasonably decent watch all the way through, but that’s just my opinion, for what it’s worth.

Hawkeye (2021) S1 E5
Farmboy41 7 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The fact that they are introducing a real heavy hitter like King Pin this close to the end of season one of the series bodes well for a continuation of this story line. How or where it goes from here I could not say but, it would seem like a wasted opportunity if it didn’t at least serve as a jumping off point for Dare Devil. Kate Bishop should replace Renner in the Young Avengers. Like Florence Pugh is replacing Scarlet Johansen. It could come back in any number of ways. I am sure they are not shutting any doors they don’t have to.
All the stories can’t have world ending plots and the world of the more human hero’s needs a venue to shine as well. I hope they keep this type of adventures going.

greyfur 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I fully agree, but right after I made the comment, I went and looked it up, and from what I found, it looked like there is no real effort going into a season 2. This is really unfortunate at this is a really excellent show. I’m really liking this, and loving the girl playing the other archer, she’s a fantastic addition to this, and would make a great protege for Hawkeye to train.

This could easily go into another season with him training her…

Violent Night (2022)
greyfur 8 points 1 year ago.

Just to let everybody know, I got around to watching this, and highly advise you all to watch. This was really good. I don’t often say that, but will this time, was actually enjoyable. Not going to say a lot, but will say that this was not your average Santa. Hope that don’t make this something that causes it to list this as a spoiler, as I want everybody to see this and get interested.

Also, would not call this a horror or slasher type of flick either, but somewhere between comedy (kind of) and action. Was just a really good movie for the season. And not your average one either.

Prey (2022)
greyfur 8 points 1 year ago.

Liked this one, thought it was really good. Was on a site that had comments, and noticed that you had 2 kinds of people commenting, those that just liked the movie, and said so, and others that it seemed just couldn’t stand the fact that it had a female lead, and tried to go out of their way to disparage the movie on account of that.

Some of them made some of the stupidest comments on account of that, and couldn’t help myself on a couple occasions but to get in there and fact check their BS. Think I shamed a couple, as they stopped commenting back to me, as I stopped getting notifications from them in my email about comments in return from them.

Some people just can’t enjoy a good movie when it hits them in the face anymore, just have to find something to be miserable about, and then have to try and find a way to make others miserable as well. Too bad, it was a good movie, the female lead kicked butt, and it was done is some really slammin’ countryside on top of it all.

Glad I watched it.

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
greyfur 9 points 3 years ago.

Normally it’s hard for me to sit through something this long, but not this time. Was rooted to the chair. This was a vast improvement over the first version, and answered a lot of questions I was left with after watching the first one. Seems to me Joss Whedon might want to find a different career, as he’s really messing these movies up, he had a lot of good stuff to work with, and just left it on the cutting room floor instead of using it.

This was more what a movie should be, at least as far as a Superhero movie goes, at least as far as I’m concerned anyway. Well worth the time invested to watch this, and hoping that Zack Snider can come back and make a sequel of some kind. Too bad he couldn’t have actually have finished the movie the first time around,would have made a mint!

Fallout (2024) S1 E8
greyfur 5 points 26 days ago.


Power Book III: Raising Kanan (2021) S1 E1
jeff7777 5 points 2 years ago.

Ep-1, just so-so…Hard to compete with the other 2

greyfur 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Didn’t bother watching this one, really had no interest. Second one left me hanging a bit, thought they left that unfinished. Just trying to keep people interested now to make bank off it. First one was really good though.

Yellowstone (2018) S4 E7
StarWhisper 2 points 2 years ago.

New series? What would that be?

greyfur 5 points 2 years ago.

Sorry, should have put this link up with the comment, supposed to be when the first Duttons came across to get started, get the ranch going. Looks like it might be pretty good.

The Winchesters (2022) S1 E3
CaptKSKS 3 points 1 year ago.

There are some third party caption sites that will allow you to download the file for use, but it seems most SAP recordings are accidental; might be worth putting a bug in a couple of ears over.

greyfur 5 points 1 year ago.

I never download anything, I just watch on site, too careful to do it, if I can’t watch something without downloading, I won’t bother with it. Never been infected with anything, and won’t ever be if I can help it. Downloading stuff is a good way to get a cold…

The Equalizer 3 (2023)
greyfur 5 points 8 months ago.

Was a good movie!

The Rookie (2018) S4 E1
prism 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

this is what I found “He has not been active on social media since mid-June and he does not plan to do exit interviews, reported TV Line.

Makin Jr. has a successful music career under the name of Butterfly Ali, so he may have left the series to focus on other endeavors.”

greyfur 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I would post the link, but they don’t allow that here, but found a spot, nicki swift, all one word, you can go to it, and check it out, where he said, and I quote, ‘The income and the job opportunity is not worth compromising my moral compass…’.

That’s just a partial quote. He was kinda vague, but the whole thing was it seems a BLM issue over the way cops were portrayed on the show, as well as his input concerning that. Guess he was unhappy about it. Seems he was trying to be very nice and non confrontational in the article, and had good things to say about the show in general, as well as the experience he had working on it generally, just that he had problems playing a black officer the way it was working out.

Aside from that, he seemed to like the show and the people he was working with, but didn’t go into any real detail or specifics.

Sons of Anarchy (2008)
greyfur 5 points 3 years ago.

Two different shows, for sure, but cut from the same kinda cloth. Sons was one of a kind, doubt we will see the like of that again, or would be damn hard pressed to pull off one as good, that’s for damn sure, but got to give a lot of kudos to the Mayans as well, pretty damn good spinoff, and it’s good to see some of the old Son’s crew from time to time. Miss those guys.

neXt (2020)
ac1d 4 points 3 years ago.

according to wiki there are 10 in total so jump right in

greyfur 5 points 3 years ago.

If they do as good on the other 9 as they did on the first one (just watched the first one) this will be a great series! About time something like this came along….

The English (2022) S1 E6
greyfur 5 points 1 year ago.

i keep seeing posts about this, so went to the imdb and went about watching the 2 minute and 8 second trailer, and decided at the 1 minute an 28 second point that i had waited far too long to take a deep dive into this. i see the binge coming already…

Prodigal Son (2019)
greenguy86 9 points 3 years ago.

This has now been cancelled. I was really invested in the story. Michael Sheen has been a delight to watch over these 2 seasons.

greyfur 7 points 3 years ago.

Yeah, just got done reading about that a bit ago, right ticked me off, one of the few really decent shows on the tube now. Hoping someone picks this up, was really getting interesting, wanted another season at least, see how this panned out, was a few storylines in this that were going places.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) S1 E2
greyfur 7 points 3 years ago.

Agreed. Couple people tried to give it a bad rap in the first episode, but I watched it and it was pretty good. didn’t know the second episode was out yet until I saw your comment, will have to sit down later when I get the chance and watch it. Series might turn out to be a pretty good one.

What If...? (2021) S2 E9
greyfur 7 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That was good, like how they tied that all together, and how they wrapped it all up. Really glad they used Peggy Carter for this as well, always felt she was kind of under used, and really like this incarnation of her. Very well done I thought.

Debris (2021) S1 E5
greyfur 7 points 3 years ago.

Really not understanding why some people don’t like this show, think it’s picking up pretty good myself, but that’s just me.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
greyfur 13 points 4 years ago.

HA! My first comment got -11 in just a couple hours! Awesome! Star Wars trolls are everywhere! Either way, seems to me that all the peeps that posted the negative comments were pretty much right. Did neglect to say that the droids did a good acting job as always. To bad they didn’t get bigger parts in this, movie might have come out a bit better. At least the popcorn I made was good, and that’s about all I can say about this. Bring on the downvotes!

Mortal Kombat (2021)
greyfur 9 points 3 years ago.

Pretty sure I’ve seen everything Mortal Kombat up to this point, and as much as I hate to say it, this kind of left me hanging. Maybe for me I just went in expecting a bit too much. Not saying it sucked, it didn’t suck, Was O.K. for what it was, just didn’t live up to my expectations. Or more to the point, what I felt the build up to this led me to.

Thinking some of the other stuff I saw in the past related to Mortal Kombat was a bit better then this, but then that’s just me, others may not agree.

Halo (2022) S2 E2
greyfur 6 points 2 months ago.

I already need more…

Blue Beetle (2023)
greyfur 6 points 8 months ago.

O.K., now that was a good watch. Hope that gets a sequel…

Yellowstone (2018)
AaronS 19 points 3 years ago.

Sons of Anarchy on horses…. absolutely hooked on this show

greyfur 6 points 3 years ago.

HA! Good way of putting it!

Ahsoka (2023) S1 E2
greyfur 6 points 8 months ago.

Well, have to admit, so far, so good, really liking this…

Reacher (2022) S1 E8
greyfur 6 points 2 years ago.

Excellent! This needs more, hope they wind up making one from another book.

Halo (2022) S2 E1
m840 9 points 4 months ago.

Can’t wait to see what they do here in season 2 fingers grossed,come on feb 8th. :)

greyfur 6 points 4 months ago.

Glad this is coming back finally. Really liked this one.

1883 (2021) S1 E10
PonderThis 10 points 2 years ago.

Isabel May and Tim McGraw both deserve to be nominated for an Emmy! I wouldn’t be surprised if this drama gets a ton on Emmy nominations! Very well written and very believable too! Can’t wait for season 2 and the new series 1932 which follows the Dutton family into the 20th century.

greyfur 7 points 2 years ago.

Agreed, there should be a lot of awards handed out for this show, not just to the actors, though all of them would be very well deserved, but thinking the writers, the people that worked on the set, the directors, people that worked on the filming, on everything that it took to put this together. this was so well done it is just beyond words in comparison to most of the garbage that we get as standard issue these days. Just an epic first season….

The Covenant (2023)
suisen 3 points 1 year ago.

Cant wait…

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, same here, been checking around, it’s out, but nothing yet, must not even be a decent cam copy out yet, but this looks like it might be pretty good. Ritchie tends to do some good work, and Jake can be a decent actor if he has the right thing to work with.

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Snoop 2 points 3 years ago.

Well, it’s not like DCEU started from very high so I guess the fact their standards have raised a bit with movies like Joker… well with Joker, period, isn’t helping the rest of the mess like the Harley Quinn movie passing for Birds of Prey. Wonder Woman 1984 is just in the same vein. Cheesy, no plot, failed humor, Hallmark level sentiment.
Didn’t help that the movie was written by a guy who wrote for Titans, Arrow and numerous other DC tv crap.

greyfur 4 points 3 years ago.

What’s wrong with Titans? That’s actually one of the better ones. Truth, it has some flaws, and there are some things they have changed that I really think they never should have changed, but it has turned out to be a bit interesting,and it’s starting to go someplace, and thinking the next season might be pretty good. Pretty much agree with you on the rest of it though, but I do like it when Harley gets going with the ball bat. I call it her ‘Bat-Kata’ thing. Kinda awesome to watch. Might be a lot of flaws with the whole thing otherwise, but the chick that plays Harley does do a good job of it.

The Ark (2023)
expresso 4 points 1 year ago.

So. Bad. Hilariously bad.

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

Yeah. I tried. Not as hard as I used to try. But I did try. Think my ‘trier’ got burned out from all the trying….but I did give it a shot. I wanted to like it, need some good Science Fiction shows to pop up now and again to renew my faith, just this was not one of them sadly…

The Terminal List (2022)
tobbetuff 8 points 1 year ago.

After two ep’s i’m hooked and on my way down the same rabbit hole the main character is in , for once i’ve not a clue where this is going…

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

I watched the whole thing at this point. I was not real impressed with the first episode, but gave it a chance, and really liked the second, but was right hooked by the third. there was one episode, won’t say which one, where the guy, Reese, pulled off some real Mac Bolan shyte, and I was real impressed with the way he did it.

Whole thing was really well done, and thinking that Pratt did an excellent job with this. Hoping that with the way they left it, they decide to bring the guy (Reese) back for another season, get him into some more trouble, but keep the writing as good as they did with the first season. If they can do that they will have something worth following.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)
etim 5 points 1 year ago.

Hilarious first ep! Tears down yer cheek funny. Catch the extra bar scene after the end too.

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

Yuppers, this is gonna be great! Wish it had longer episodes though, but still, excellent writing as far as the comedy parts. Hope they toss in some good superheroing as well.