justmewhoknew's comments

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
grasshopper rex 2 points 3 years ago.

free will, the theologians’ artifice. still the subject of much debate. i think the delusion of free will is of much value, but is in no way fact. a wide range of socioeconomic factors as well as personal experiences play heavily in how we act/react to any given situation.

if your choices decide what happens to you then how do you account for the disproportionate number of cases of innocent poc being accosted by police compared to their white counterparts?

justmewhoknew 6 points 3 years ago.

WOW!!! If you really do your research and not listen to fake news… You will find more white people are shot by police then blacks and if they would listen to police and do what is asked of them instead of resisting from the get go then it would be a non issue. But the way people are so smug and rude nowadays no wonder tempers flare and things get out of control. I mean look at the example Pelosi puts out there. Tears up the Presidents speech, disobeys her own laws and blames other people. This is what the USA is coming to. Going backwards not forward. YIKES

Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat (2023)
kraichgau 5 points 2 months ago.

anything historicly wrong? if so,please advise me .
i study my country`s history now for over 40 years in detail but am willing to learn from you.

justmewhoknew 5 points 2 months ago.

Sorry, no matter how much you try to tell the true history the more people argue against it. That is why our world is on a path to repeat itself no one wants to believe the real history only what is pounded in their minds. That is why they slowly give up more and more of our freedom for the sake of world leaders so called safty.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
justmewhoknew 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You all need to get off the computer and phones and see what is really going on… BLM movement is not about making change. It is about keeping the hate alive so we the People can give the government more reason to take even more freedoms and control over our everyday lives. Do you know while most stores are shut down they are installing systems the as you walk by it reads your phones IP and mac numbers from them so they can even further keep track of you??? You people are so blind I bet you would let them mark and chip you like cattle you are. Just sad…

Yellowstone (2018) S3 E1
justmewhoknew 3 points 3 years ago*.

Waiting as patently as I can for links… Happy it is back.

Vikings: Valhalla (2022)
SuePJR 1 points 2 years ago.

I’m still kinda on the fence with this one, even after watch all 8 ep. On one hand the storyline is pretty ‘ok’ and I’m curious to see what happens next. On the other hand, it’s not as good as I was hoping it would be. But I guess to be fair, no Viking spinoff would ever be as good as the OG. I honesty find that the guys in this are “pretty boys” LOL nothing like the rough and tough manly men in the OG. The backstory timelines seems a bit ‘off’ to me, or maybe I have just forgotten some of the OG Timelines.
I guess if you watch this without ever seeing the OG Vikings, it won’t to that bad. But if you are a fan of the OG Vikings, you will be a tad disappointed in this spinoff. Let’s see how the rest of the season goes, hopefully it gets better.

justmewhoknew 3 points 2 years ago.

LOL, Yes it was like they were trying to cater to the wives to give them a reason to watch with husbands with all the baby face just ok actors on this one.

Yellowstone (2018) S3 E1
justmewhoknew 2 points 3 years ago.

Great start to what looks like a very good season… This has to be one of the best intense shows with a long movie feel running right now.

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
justmewhoknew -3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

And you think old white man that can not keep his hands off young girls is any better??? LOL At least Trump stands up for America and stop the… oh I am sorry I am American crap… And started putting a end to spending Americans tax dollars on supporting illegals and putting the money to blocking them… There are laws follow them… or are you one of those that think the laws are only good when they benefit your purpose. Hypocrites Only believe what the main stream media wants you to believe… look up and do research yourself on all the candidates instead of what everyone else is saying… Other then this pandemic we are in Trump had America going in the right direction again… Companies were starting to come back to the states… jobs were up… but then again you Pelosi groupies probably think the covid19 is his fault… I mean it is his fault The dems totally destroyed health care… back when Pelosie said you have to pass it to see what is in it… and Obama promising your current plan would not change and you can keep your doctor… HA you blinded brainwashed pupils

Extraction (2020)
La Brea (2021)
Peevee 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s “Lost” meets “Terra Nova” Which is exactly what I was promised and it delivered. It’s nothing new anymore and the execution isn’t great but oh well. I was entertained!

justmewhoknew 1 points 1 year ago.

With a hint of The 100 in the mix as well.

Early Edition (1996) S1 E1
justmewhoknew 1 points 3 years ago.

Still love this show after so many years… Good old family TV entertainment watched with my mom and now watching it again with my daughter.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
justmewhoknew 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Here is what we do to change things and finally come together as a country as we should be… Like Brewster said in Brewster’s Millions, VOTE NONE OF THE ABOVE, Stop voting the same people in over and over again. I have spoken… lol