onitsunami's comments

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)
onitsunami 8 points 4 years ago.

Someone should terminate, as in fire the moron that cancelled this show.

Siren (2018)
JennyFromBlockD 4 points 4 years ago.

More importantly, what the hell is a toque.

onitsunami 5 points 4 years ago.

I was wondering the same thing and looked it up. Toque: A toque is a type of hat with a narrow brim or no brim at all. Toques were popular from the 13th to the 16th century in Europe, especially France. The mode was revived in the 1930s. Now it is primarily known as the traditional headgear for professional cooks, except in Canada where the term is primarily used for knit caps.

The Flash (2014)
onitsunami 9 points 4 years ago.

Why does it seem like all the drama centers around Barry saving his few close friends and associates over and over again? Yawn.

Stargate Universe (2009)
onitsunami 5 points 4 years ago.

Too bad the f#!@king network morons ended this great show so abruptly, and badly. It had such a great story and so much potential.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
onitsunami 4 points 4 years ago.

Gnaaarly! Good times dude!

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E12
onitsunami 4 points 4 years ago.

That! Was worth the wait. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

The Snow Walker (2004)
onitsunami 3 points 4 years ago.

This is such a great, hidden gem!

Womb (2011)
onitsunami 3 points 4 years ago.

This movie is one of the most twisted and beautiful stories I can remember. The atmosphere is wonderful, and what I wouldn’t give to live in that old weathered shack on the beach!

V Wars (2019)
irishmark -1 points 4 years ago.

Yeah all been done before, the thing I don’t like that’s a uniquely American thing is in all these shows the government is always bad. Always up to some thing ect. Gets boring

onitsunami 3 points 4 years ago.

@irishmark, the reason the American government is always bad in all these shows, is because the American government IS always bad in real life.

The Dark Tower (2017)
onitsunami 3 points 4 years ago.

Read the books instead. This has nothing to do with them.

I See You (2019)
onitsunami 2 points 4 years ago.

It’s been a long time since I saw a movie this good!

Star Trek: Picard (2020)
bcjammerx 1 points 4 years ago.

Once again, number one is just adorable!!!

onitsunami 2 points 4 years ago.

Nothing adorable about Johnathan Frakes, but the pit bull sure is.

Extraction (2020)
onitsunami 2 points 4 years ago.

It was entertaining, and there was certainly a lot of action, but I think this movie easily fits into the category of Fantasy as well.

Genesis: Paradise Lost (2017)
onitsunami 2 points 2 years ago.

Oh Wow! …using stunning visual effects and the latest in SCIENTIFIC research, you get to see ‘creation’ first hand!! Pass me the popcorn Ray!

Year Million (2017)
onitsunami 2 points 4 years ago.

Very optimistic to imagine the human species surviving another ten centuries, given its history and current course. Humans will likely be extinct within the next thousand years.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians (2007)
RoboPhone 2 points 4 years ago*.

The short answer is that Currently Running TV Shows will appear on top under Latest TV Show to Air whenever there are changes to their content. This is similar to the Movie Section’s Featured Movies.
For a more in-depth understanding of how Primewire works, read Navigating Primewire and Why Are There Listings But NO Links?.

onitsunami 2 points 4 years ago.

Thanks robophone!

After Midnight (2021)
onitsunami 2 points 4 years ago.

Okay! Best twist ever? Certainly didn’t see that coming!

Where Was God? (2014)
onitsunami -1 points 4 years ago.

The death toll of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was approximately 150,000. To suggest that the magnitude of devistation caused by this tornado was eight times greater is not only grossly inaccurate, it’s also extremely offensive. F!#ck these religious nuts! I hope their God comes and takes them all to Heaven so the rest of us can live here in peace.

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S1 E1
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

I just loved it! A two hour premiere would have seemed too short. I can’t wait for more.

Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists (2011)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Louis Theroux visits a small group of ultra-nationalist Zionist squatters.

Midsommar (2019)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago*.

Finally! Something beautiful and creepy, refreshing and original. Midsommar is visceral, thought provoking and downright terrifying! This is horror on par with (the original) ‘The Wicker Man’.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
onitsunami -2 points 4 years ago.

Evangelist Ray Comfort attempts to prove the existence of God to various atheists, via Youtube. 😄😄😄 Baaahahaha!! Baaahahaha!! This sh!#@t just keeps getting funnier and funnier!

The First 48 (2004) S19 E2
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

Total SPOILER on the screen before I even played this episode! Smh!

Cast Away (2000)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

This is a great story, but everytime I watch this I can’t help wondering what, about his situation, he has a problem with?

Outland (1981)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

I wish they still made sci-fi this good!

Ghost Story (1981)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

Thanks for the links! Love, love love this classic!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians (2007)
Ad Astra (2019)
mjbourquin -6 points 4 years ago*.

you mentioned ads saying PW used to be better in some way, which PW has absolutely nothing to do with, as they don’t host videos and never did.

onitsunami -1 points 4 years ago.

I know PW don’t never did host videos. The old PW also never put up links that had ads imbedded in the movies, hence my comment. Quit tryin’ to school me about >>> my own opinion. In that regard, I think the old PW was better.

Grave of the Fireflies (1989)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

Horrifying and beautiful. I want to understand how human beings can inflict such violence and suffering upon one another, and from that carnage create this sad, and compelling work of empathy and compassion.

Prey (2019)
greyfur -1 points 4 years ago.

Thanks for the warning.

onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

You’re welcome. Most might like Prey, honestly. I just don’t like Logan Miller. I love the ocean and tropical islands, and Kristine Froseth is easy on the eyes, so that helps, except her role is opposite LM. He just annoys me. Watching him act in a film is like eating something delicious and then discovering there’s a bug in it.

Pulse (2001)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

There is something so creepy and bleak, and yet peaceful about this movie. I love it, every time.

Locke (2014)
Jhigh03 4 points 4 years ago.

Take notice, if ur a fan of real acting then u owe it to yourself to see this. Hardy carries this whole movie and places himself at the top of the craft with his performance. I had seen him do Bane and Bronson but this really caused me to seek out his movies and take notice.

onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

Tom Hardy is great in Child 44 as well.

V Wars (2019) S1 E1
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

That! Was! Awesome!!

Guy's Grocery Games (2013)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

I’ll never make it through 23 seasons of this. Who can come up with that many recipes for these chefs? Guy Fieri reminds me of an eternal frat boy. I can’t help wonder how long he can maintain his hair. His scalp must be utterly fried at this point. Really?! 23 seasons? Wow.

The Flash (2014)
joalex 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well summed. Surpirsed to see that it is still running. Stopped watching it several years back

onitsunami 1 points 2 years ago.

I only lasted a few episodes. I would never have watched it myself, but someone I am close to wanted to watch, whenever my attention drifted to the show, it seemed like Barry was busy saving his friends again.

Resolut (Short 2016) (2016)
onitsunami 1 points 4 years ago.

That was a pleasure to watch. I always love a good ending.

Prey (2019)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

I made it fifteen minutes or so. Couldn’t stand Logan Miller in TWD, nor in this. He should change his name to Whiney Bitch and find something else to do. Not even the beautiful scenery could salvage this.

The Book of Eli (2010)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Pretty decent movie if you like post-apocalyptic theme, but really, save humanity?! Someone hasn’t boned up on their history. Definitely better off without that book.

The Purge (2013)
onitsunami -1 points 4 years ago.

I feel like the intended, and unstated message… according to the plot of this film, is that without laws and government to keep us safe, the average person will become a homicidal psychopath?? and go on a killing rampage, sooo THANK GAWD for the government! and the brave men and women that are out there, everyday (except during The Purge) on the front line of our dangerous streets, saving us all from ourselves.

I Still Believe (2020)
onitsunami -5 points 4 years ago.

Can we get a ‘Religion’ category please, to put this sort of thing under?

Second Coming (2009)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

What BellaMia1 said. Run!!

Where Was God? (2014)
sassiebrat 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Before you “open your mouth” and remove all doubt of ignorance, it’s best to know what they’re talking about. This is a good place to start…https://web.archive.org/web/20140127180558/http://bigstory.ap.org/article/power-moore-tornado-dwarfs-hiroshima-bomb

onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Good advise for you sassiebrat. The title of the article you posted, POWER OF MOORE TORNADO DWARFS HIROSHIMA BOMB is just as sensationalized and offensive as the synopsis of this movie, because it’s the devastation of so many lives destroyed in an instant that Hiroshima is remembered for, due to the power of the atomic bomb that was released in just an instant. The Moore tornado was powerful, but in a wholly different way. If the tornado lasted the same brief duration as the atomic bomb, it’s destructive force wouldn’t come close to the energy released by the atomic explosion. It’s false logic, and inaccurate. Imagine the energy released by an atomic explosion that lasted for the same length of time it took the Moore tornado to travel seventeen miles! That is the true magnitude of devistation, energy released x duration of event. There’s all your doubt of ignorance right back for you to swallow, along with your pride.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E11
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Gotta love a good cliffhanger!! Woohoo!!

Birds of Prey (2020)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

It was entertaining, fun, and Jared Leto wasn’t in it, but Bruce was, and that is certainly a plus.

Toy Story 4 (2019)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Pixar should leave Toy Story alone now. This one is the best of them all!

Maborosi (1995)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Thank you uploaders! I’ve been looking for this movie for ages. This is such a great story. I’m really happy to finally be able to see it again.

I Am Fear (2020)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

I am still not afraid.

Raw (2017)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

Not as shocking as advertised.

High Plains Drifter (1973)
onitsunami 0 points 4 years ago.

One of the better ghost stories,and a great western as well.

Ad Astra (2019)
onitsunami -4 points 4 years ago.

Perhaps with better sound, everything except the dialog was loud in my headphones. Great visuals though. It’s nice to see sci-fi that has space and planet scenes. I hate it when everything happens inside hallways that are supposed to be on a ‘spaceship’. So that’s a plus. Too bad about the gambling ads though, wtf primewire, you used to be so much better than this. At least advertise something people might actually be interested in, like ice cream! And… what about jetpacks? Those are really a thing, right? Used in space, by astronauts?