somniloquist's comments

The Vow (2020)
biker_71 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

of course it is, it’s about control, they knew what they were getting into.

somniloquist 11 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Foundational ignorance of consent is the bedrock of rape culture. Which, I’d say, is one of the excellent points made by the documentarians.

The Vow (2020)
Jirido -9 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think it’s cool. Norm life is sooo fucked up. Just mention the price of over consumption in the world as an example.. animal industry, undisciplined sloppy self indulgent people e.t.c. Keith and his branding is cheesy for sure but WTF.. Any one that want to can leave with some effort if they not to stupid (in witch case they must learn)and I mean how easy is it to get some fairly safe corny action in life.. Really?? Some branding is not a high price and they girls don’t seem to suffer to badly over the wine and their dinners. I’m sure I’m a bad person but it has been proven over and over again that people prefer even pain over boredom. And be honest here.. is it not what this all is about.. boredom of a rich spoiled nation? And some kink to get the little slot wet for a change.. the normal search for some responsible parents instead of a meeting with death and the true loneliness of life in a body.

somniloquist 13 points 3 years ago*.

Denying someone food, sleep, and social contact is not ‘kink.’ Systematically diminishing someone’s capacity to function in the above ways is no different than drugging someone. Consent is not legally possible at that point. It doesn’t matter the socio-economic standing of the victims, this is nothing other than criminally predatory behavior.

Total Recall (1990)
somniloquist 9 points 3 years ago*.

A Plea on Behalf of Practical Effects: This film is thirty years old, and most of it looks like it could be made today. It features prosthetics, model builds, puppetry, matte painting, and all kinds of makeup effects. And they ALL hold up. The only places that look even slightly dated are anything approaching CGI, which was mostly likely just blue screen at the time.
Technology will always move at a fast pace, and CGI in movies from just five years ago has already started to look laughable. Sure, maybe it’s a little cheaper and a little faster. But if studios would go back to investing in the artists that make effects in movies like Total Recall, there would be so many more things standing the tests of time.

The Lost Boys (1987)
somniloquist 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Ever wanted to hear a character’s name repeated over 100 times during the course of a movie? Well, I hope you like the name Michael, because Lost Boys is going to let you hear it approximately 118 times. Plus you get some fun Goonies-type adventures with Coreys, both Feldman and Haim, in their first feature together. And if you’ve ever wanted to see Kiefer Sutherland eat worms, that’s in here too.
A solid 80s horror/teen flick with some heart. It’s a classic of the genre for good reason. And YES the dogs are credited by name at the end. Finally. (I’m looking at you, James Cameron. Pugsley deserved better.)

The Room (2004)
somniloquist 7 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Have you got short term memory loss? The Room will remind you of everything. Everything is repeated; names, motivations, exposition, over and over.
But what about that short term memory loss? You should watch The Room, it will remind you of everything. Names, motivations, and exposition are all repeated, over and over.
Living with short term memory loss? May I recommend The Room, as it reminds you of everything. It repeats names, motivations, and exposition. Over and over!

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008)
dragonfly 13 points 3 years ago.

“This guy” ? Are you trying to make some kind of sexist gender put down? Is name calling your best shot? Somebody else feed this sad troll.

somniloquist 7 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh yeah. It’s happy hour somewhere, ‘cause these shots are CHEAP.

I'll Be Gone in the Dark (2020)
Duvet Diva 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Sorry to everyone who likes this program, but I have to ask is america the only country that has vicious crimes, or is it they love to sensationalize sick people, we don’t see movies or series coming from the subcontinent highlighting their rape culture or child sex trade or the amount of people who just dissapear in russia every year, it’s like how america has the only openings to the hellmouth even though america is a young country for white settlement and how america seems to has the monopoly on haunted houses etc, death cults it’s as if nowhere else on the planet has any fun things to play with, or is it that america is just so self obsessed.

somniloquist 9 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

To my knowledge, programs like this are also prevalent in Britain and Australia. Other countries I’ve no knowledge of in this area. But I do know that true crime as a subject and genre has been prevalent the world over for a very very long time. Look at newspapers from the turn of the 20th century and before, highly sensationalized crime reporting sold papers. Always has.
Just off the top of my head, Andrei Chikatilo was a Soviet serial killer and cannibal mainly in the 1980s. He was a sensation of the age. In Cold Blood was and is a classic piece of literature by Truman Capote and it’s about the real cases of murders in the late 1950s. And, for goodness sake, Jack the Ripper? Worldwide there is still media being churned out about him, and that case is about 130 years old.
TLDR: true crime is a thing, always has been, in the western world at least. This is nothing new.

Manhunter (1986)
somniloquist 6 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Based on the book Red Dragon, Manhunter is more subtle than its Hollywood siblings. It’s not Silence of the Lambs, I know. But the world hadn’t quite acquired its taste for psychopaths in 1986 as it did after 1991. And it certainly hadn’t reached the flashy bloodlust that Red Dragon enjoyed in 2002.
What I like about this one is more delicate. We can see it in the colors. While he ultimately belongs to author Thomas Harris, Jonathan Demme and Michael Mann treat their Hannibal Lecters very differently. Demme’s is a snake, head raised and swaying in a richly dark cell. Mann’s is locked in a world without color. Seriously everything, but everything, is white. He’s a psychopathic songbird in a cage, and he’d slit your throat just to see that shade of red.
What I would liked to have seen in Manhunter (that was pulled off well in Red Dragon) is to see Francis Dolarhyde depicted in a world of darkness, opposite to Lecter’s lights that he can never turn off.
It’s a privilege to see characters as nuanced and well-fleshed as Harris’ handled by two excellent directors. It’s almost like drawing the nude, every good art student should have a crack at it. It’s fundamental.

Now…. here’s the game. Two prolific character actors are in both Manhunter and Silence of the Lambs. Two. Now…if you can point them out without resorting to IMDB I’ll give you a cookie.

The Devils (1971)
somniloquist 6 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

A sexually liberated French provincial priest in the early half of the 17th century is the most handsome man in town. Everyone wants him; the women, the nuns, the government. He is most fervently desired by a hunchbacked nun called Jeanne. When she can’t have him, she claims that he visits her in the night in the form of a spirit. Government officials who want him gone immediately see these accusations for the opprotunity they are.
Now, imagine the hysteria of the Crucible with a bunch of screaming, masturbating, nude nuns. And all of this is seen through the director of Altered States. It’s hallucinatory, heretical, gorgeous, and very difficult (if not totally impossible) to find in a complete and uncensored form. Vanessa Redgrave does a masterful turn as Jeanne in a film that probably couldn’t be made today, and I’m frankly shocked they got it made then.

A Field in England (2013)
somniloquist 6 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

While every writer working with a subject from distant history attempts to remove the cultural relativism brought on by the passage of time, Amy Jump may have actually done it.
The English Civil War seems pretty dull, doesn’t it? Cavaliers and Roundheads screaming at each other about Kings and Parliament, Catholics and Protestants, Charles and Oliver. But that’s only if you look at it through modern eyes. See, back then, everything was (what would today be considered) insane. Lives changed with the weather, people hunted each other down based on bizarre moralities, and magic was absolutely real.
Plus, everyone was high as a kite. All the time. Beer and wine were safer than water, grain had ergot growing in it, and any old mushroom went right down your throat. The modern mind can hardly fathom trying to manage basic agricultural practices through a dense fog of psychotropic substances, let alone pack a rifle barrel and wage war.
A Field in England uses pitch perfect dialogue and some fabulous camera work (at times with some really lo-fi lenses) to take you about as close to this version of reality as you’re likely to get.

Plus, you get to hear Julian Barratt use the word “mummery” in anger.
That one’s just me? Okay.

The Hatred (2018)
somniloquist 6 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Ostensibly this is a film about the daughter of a murdered family joining forces with the Devil in the body of a murdered man and wreaking vengeance over some soldiers in the snow. In practice it’s nowhere near as interesting as all that.
This movie is choking on its own voice over. It starts out well enough. Perhaps a little esoteric, but one may expect that from a film that talks about the Devil this much. But it never lets up. The voice over smothers anything that might be mistaken for tact, plot, or decent storytelling. It won’t let itself breathe. It just keeps explaining itself rather that actually doing anything.
There’s no evidence of the Devil in his film. There’s a man you see hanged, and the same man walking around again afterward. No ceremony, no real dogma or folklore, nothing tangible apart from the voice over.
You’re going to wait around thinking “This has to get better, right? The premise seems good.” It doesn’t. So don’t.
TLDR: a girl that looks like the daughter from Bosch runs around in the snow dressed like George Harrison in the skiing scenes from ‘Help!’…and she’s got a gun.

Brave New World (2020)
xerox 6 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Hi,just in case you don’t remember in the book itself children are taught with erotic games and have their minds programmed to be hyper sexual via mind control and torture, the book itself does describe orgies. Sex IS used as a foundation for their society.

somniloquist 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yes, but apparently some of us are on a very tight schedule and only have two minutes a day for nude women. Get ON with it Aldous Huxley, geez!

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020)
Vigile 0 points 3 years ago.

It’s interesting how you guys all assume that those who aren’t in your camp are in the red neck Trump camp. I won’t be voting for either of these numbskulls. But seriously, you guys have really no humor and have ruined comedy with your insistence on making everything political and PC.

somniloquist 8 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Sir, all I did was recommend some nice wholesome watching options on this here tv/movie site. But the update on your voting plan is…nice?

Ghostwatch (1992)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

After its initial airing, Ghostwatch was banned from being broadcast on the BBC for ten years. What was supposed to be a bit of a Halloween prank ended up with 30,000 calls to the BBC switchboard in an hour. In an ill-fated attempt to straddle fiction and documentary, the network failed to properly warn the viewing audience that what they were watching was definitely not real. Cut to thousands of British children watching a beloved kids’ TV presenter, Lesley Manning, being possessed by a ghost called Pipes.
In the wake of Ghostwatch an intellectually challenged young man killed himself after the pipes in his house began to knock like those in the show. There was even a medical journal report, with dubious validity, about kids showing symptoms of PTSD after watching the program.
Viewing Ghostwatch now you could never fully grasp the effect it had on a nation. It would look hokey and stupid. But before all of our minds were trained, by reality television and social media, to watch with a more skeptical eye, stuff like this could really do some damage. (Go find a British person between their mid 30s and mid 40s. Ask them about Pipes.)

She-Devil (1989)
somniloquist 5 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

First thing’s first: Linda Hunt. She’s 4’9”, she’s got an Oscar, and she was in frigging Dune. She’s in this too, and maybe that should be enough for any of us.
But if you need more…Meryl Streep in her prime.
The first half hour is basically John Waters’ Polyester with a bigger budget and without Divine. But then things really get going. Basically, a woman is cheated on by her husband, in every sense of that phrase, and then she repays him by taking his life apart.
If you watched First Wives Club and wished that there had been more arson, this one’s for you. And where else are you going to see Rosanne Barr and Ed Begley Jr as a married couple?

Antebellum (2020)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago*.

Well hell, I guess I don’t have to watch it now. Thanks so much for the MASSIVE unmarked spoiler. Edit: Thanks to whomever went back and spoiler tagged this.

Feels Good Man (2020)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is basically a guided tour of “why we can’t have nice things.” How Matt Furie is still so kind and understanding after having his art taken and twisted by these monsters, I’ll never understand.

The Ritual (2018)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This probably would have been more suspenseful without a basic knowledge of runes. Anyone who has seen Midsommar, certain Waffen SS insignias, or particular people in mosh pits knows that when one comes upon an othala rune one has also come upon a people who are far too concerned with some mythical “heritage” and it’s best to not stick around. Here be monsters.

Cops (1989)
bcjammerx 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

it was the result of the lefts pushing after the violent, drug abusing (and under the influence of meth at the time too), 7+ convicted VIOLENT FELON, resisting arrest floyds self inflicted death that it was cancelled. the left can’t have this show out there because it shows what lying filth violent felons are and that they can’t be believed…which would destroy their agenda

somniloquist 12 points 3 years ago*.

Criminal justice reform aside (and that’s hard enough for me to say) what the “lefts” are interested in in this country is due process. There are many overlapping issues at play here, but we’ll talk in a way that maybe a “patriot” like yourself can relate. Here in these United States we have a system that involves police, courts, and corrections. What we DON’T do is execute people in the street.
I’m going to say that one more time, a little louder, a little slower, so that maybe it sinks in. WE DON’T EXECUTE PEOPLE IN THE STREET. If that concept is too much to handle, then you haven’t reached the level of humanity that it’s worth even speaking to.
So come on back when you swallow that concept and we’ll talk about some more. In the meantime, you’ve got THIRTY TWO seasons of Cops to look back on.

Cuties (2020)
somniloquist 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Disclaimer: I actually watched this movie. Yes, the whole thing.

Cuties is the story of girls who are going to be women. Sometimes they look forward to this passage, sometimes they dread it. The problem lies in the fact that they don’t know what being a woman means. They don’t understand sex, consent, sexuality. One is mocked for picking up a discarded condom thinking it to be a balloon. They don’t understand the media being fed to them, neither mass nor social. They certainly don’t grasp its permanency or influence over them.
These girls glean information from the women in their lives, but gain little direction. The central character deals with her father traveling back to his native Senegal and returning with a second wife who will supplant the position of her own mother in the family. She’s left alone with her feelings. She doesn’t know how to handle sorrow, betrayal, anger. She lashes out. The same sorts of episodes are played out with her sexuality. People will complain about the dancing, but it’s very clearly the fumbling of young girls who don’t understand what they’re doing, they just understand that when women move that way everyone pays them attention.
If you choose not to take any time to try and understand what these young women are going through, you’re betraying them in all the ways that led to the predicaments they find themselves in in the film. If you choose to watch ‘coming of age’ stories featuring young boys figuring out their sexuality, and find pathos or even humor in it, and then don’t afford the same to these girls, you’re part of the problem. If you can watch upper middle class white girls on Dance Moms and Tik Tok do these same moves and you don’t have the same ‘outrage’ towards them that you may express towards these girls, you need to take a long hard look at why.
This film was beautifully made and will surely stand as a lasting, if controversial, testament to what pubescent girls the world over experience and endure on a daily basis. Maïmouna Doucouré has bravely told a story with Cuties that may be hard to watch at times, but I guarantee you, it’s much harder to live.

Real Genius (1985)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Very young, very smart people comically refusing to be tools of the military industrial complex eventually leads to a man swimming in popcorn because he thought he heard the voice of god.

Jurassic World Dominion (2022)
somniloquist 4 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This movie contains, quite possibly, the dumbest line I’ve ever heard an actor say on screen.  I’ve been thinking about it for weeks after trying to watch this train wreck, and I can’t get it out of my head.
Bryce Dallas Howard has decided to quit the extreme PETA for puppy-eyed dinosaurs organization that she seems to have joined simply to shoehorn a car chase into the plot.  The uniform of said organization is, naturally, a black turtleneck, black pants of some sort, and a black knit cap.  She feels the need to burn these things so that no one will find out about her involvement.  Because you know what gives one away as being part of a clandestine dino-saving band of do-gooders?  A black turtleneck.
The McGuffin reluctant clone teenager arrives back to the cabin that Bryce Dallas Howard is sharing with her and Chris Pratt, who is currently away “training” dinosaurs by showing them his right palm.  Naturally.  The teenager, upon seeing Howard burning some things in a 55 gallon drum outside, asks what she is doing.
And here’s that line.
“I’m just burning some old blankets.”
I’m just burning…some old…blankets.  Do they have small pox?  Do they have an expiration date?  Is there no use for an “old blanket” as you live with your proto-nuclear family in hiding in the woods?
Burning. Some. Old. Blankets.
I…  I can’t.   Nevermind that they did my darling Sam Neill dirty in this one, this line is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen a character utter on film. 

The Lodge (2020)
nowt -1 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Strawman, followed by plurium interrogationum based upon that strawman; then a definitional failing concerning how direction and acting were not addressed, with a bit of Bulverism; more Bulverism and another failing concerning definition, this one about what constitutes merit; and to this point you’ve managed to compose a dense circulus in demonstrando. The appeal to emotion [funny thing] followed by the psychologist’s fallacy with the end note return to yet more Bulverism, is like shit icing on a shitcake.

Might’ve been better to’ve said that horror lends itself to psychological torture as a genre, but alas: There wouldn’t’ve been as much excuse to publicly dismiss whatever projected hobgoblin made of wtf your understanding is of feminism with that. Better luck next.

somniloquist 4 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Heeeey, you got your valor in my feminism.
No, you got your feminism in my valor.
What?! Delicious.
Two great tastes that taste great together.

Yonderland (2013)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The gang behind Horrible Histories delves into the territory of both the Muppets and Monty Python and manages not to drown in a pool that deep. Humor on several levels makes for a great watch for both children and adults who have managed not to become total bores. Made with the genius-level crew at Jim Henson Studios. If you can’t find genuine joy in this show, lose my number.

The Wonder (2022)
somniloquist 4 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

What is a Wonder?  It’s a fiction we use to comfort ourselves.  Nurse Wright is called to a remote Irish village to watch a girl who doesn’t eat.  She’s a Wonder. 
Why did her parents promise not to feed her?  Where is the faith of an 11-year-old seemingly from?
Nurse Wright tells herself a story that it’s easier that her husband is dead.  The village priest and the local doctor tell themselves a girl really hasn’t eaten in four months.  The girl’s parents tell themselves it’s real and it’s all for the best.  The local journalist tells himself his family wouldn’t have starved if he hadn’t left home.
But how thick a shield can fiction lay over a life?  Can a story be told well enough to save one?
With opening and closing sequences wonderfully wound in artifice and myth making, this is a film that holds a more meta commentary on filmmaking and it’s abilities than anything I’ve seen in years.

Mary Beard's Shock of the Nude (2020)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Mary Beard manages, in two short hours, to present a program encompassing art history, feminism, gender, the male gaze, the early quest for anatomical knowledge, censorship, human sexuality, museum ethics, and the politics of aging. She uses pieces of art from the ancient world through to contemporary works. She even talks to Marc Quinn. All of this leads me to ask, can Mary Beard see inside my brain? Possibly. Very possibly.

Mansfield 66/67 (2017)
somniloquist 4 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This one is smacks of “final project in art school.” Complete with friends called in from the drama department and some silly dance sequences.
Anton LeVay is finally clearly seen for the mix of serious cultural figure and cartoon mischief maker that he is. Jayne Mansfield is finally presented as equal parts hyper-fictional bombastic pin-up and astute violin-playing media sorceress. This is the tale of two smart people having more fun with eachother than anyone realized at the time.
And where else are you going to see an animated baby Mariska Hargitay watch her big brother Zoltan get mauled by a lion?

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago.

“It’s serious because it’s VARY IMPARTANT PEECE.”

Legend (1985)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Lily didn’t listen and now the world is dying and she might have to marry Satan. So the next time your Forest Folk (boy)friend tells you not to touch something, maybe don’t touch it. Okay?

Simon Schama's Power of Art (2006)
somniloquist 4 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Simon Schama is one of those teachers you never forget, one of the difficult ones that you work really hard to impress. Power of Art is that class you took where it finally clicked, you got why it all mattered. He wrenches these artists from the pages of books by sheer force of will alone. He stands them in front of you and you can’t look away. They’re flesh and so SO much blood.
Playing the most raw version of Van Gogh you’re ever likely to see, Andy Serkis sucks down tubes of yellow paint. And if you don’t want to see that, just don’t talk to me.

Dick Tracy (1990)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

By now you’ve heard plenty of filmmakers say it, “we wanted to make it look like the comic book.” Warren Beatty directing, and staring in, this movie may have been the first to really pull it off. The colors are fantastic, the angles are dynamic, the roster of actors is killer. Beatty clearly called in a career’s worth of favors to get this thing cast. Unfortunately, the comic book all this was based on had to be Dick Tracy. And Dick Tracy’s extensive cast of mobster villains was, for lack of a better word, grotesque. This film got an Oscar for the makeup effects done to achieve the looks of gangsters like Small Face (who has a head that’s about 3 feet wide), Flat Top (who has a head you could serve drinks off of), and Lips (who is Al Pacino with a giant mouth and a ridiculous chin, screaming about 90% of the time). But if you can look past the caricature prosthetics, and maybe you’d like to see Madonna with her real face again, give Dick Tracy about an hour and 40 of your time.

Sleepaway Camp (1983)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

In a classic campy camp movie the campers’ thick New York accents are the campiest thing by far.

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008) S2020 E121
MarkRowley 1 points 3 years ago.

….wait…reporting? That’s like saying drawing two lego bricks next to each other is architecture. This guy Maddow is no journalist.

somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago*.

So…. So post and lintel? Quite literally the basis of architecture for most of the world? Architectural history day one, it starts with two bricks. Kind of like decent research and fact checking are those first two bricks of… reporting?
Let’s put it this way: Stone—and I can’t believe I need to say this to a British man—henge.

Super Mario Bros. (1993)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Do you remember that part of the video game in which the former king is ‘de-evolved’ into a sentient fungus that can catch a stolen police car as it drives over a cliff and dangle it in the air like a bungee jumper? Yeah, me neither.
But I do feel like Chuck Tingle’s writing has really improved since 1993. Too bad Dennis Hopper didn’t live to see his renaissance.

The Last Dragon (1985)
somniloquist 4 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This movie is like a slow tram ride through a wax museum of 80s movie tropes. On your left you’ll see cartoon gangsters, early break dancing, a gang of children in edgy denim vests. On your right you’ll have a great view of a televised dance show, kung fu, and even more racial stereotypes that wouldn’t fly today.
And all of this to a Motown soundtrack ordered by the right hand of Berry Gordy himself. Make sure the safety belt is low and tight across your lap. Hang on to the metal bar. Here we go.

The State (1994)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The State is truly seminal to comedy of the last 25 years. Not only is the show itself really really good, but members of the State (in various combinations) went on to create Reno 911, Stella, Wet Hot American Summer, Viva Variety, Michael and Michael Have Issues, and Children’s Hospital. Members of the State have been on, basically, every comedy show you’ve loved in the past two decades…Always Sunny, Bob’s Burgers, Drunk History, Archer, Veep, Party Down, Another Period, Burning Love, and on and on and on.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
SLEEPEYE 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

you should all move to england where most of us dont see colour.

somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago.

Don’t big-up yourselves until you manage to get rid of UKIP.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
JackYancovicKohen 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So you went from a quote romanticizing the Jacobins (apparently with no motivation) to backing out from having any position at all. Well done.

There was a moment in time before the revolution where the king was gearing to extend the tax further on the first two estates, then a bunch of self-motivated fools decided to forego that in order to gain more power, temporary as it was, for themselves. Despite centuries of revolutions, the super-rich remain untaxed and the organized minorities are vested in destroying life as it is for the working class. Any dissent was seen as counter-revolutionary and thus heresy.

The parallels to today are striking, hence my sarcastic original comment. Screw the Jacobins.

somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

So when I quote Furet it’s romanticizing and taking a firm position, and when you quote Furet it’s what? Constructive? Informative? Whichever other word you’d prefer? Cool.
I think we’re done here.

The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
nowt 3 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Newman so proxemically sly.

somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You know, for kids.

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
CinemaHound 1 points 3 years ago.

Gender studies education though?

somniloquist 6 points 3 years ago.

I suppose if you see no interest or value in studying women, men, or human sexuality, that’s cool. You can always be one of those people that spends decades alone in the desert studying ant colonies or something. Or maybe gender studies as a broad topic is integral and vital to understanding how human society operates. Whichever. Do you.

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
somniloquist 6 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Jim Jarmusch put his two main characters in long hair, matted into locks. He said he wanted this to always remember that they were animals. And they are.
Two vampires, millennia old, are sophisticated and elegant predators. Those lions you see on a royal seal or coat of arms. Rearing, teeth bared, always in total control, but nevertheless deadly. They’ve spent their years learning, reading, playing music, nurturing artists and scientists, mastering languages.
As our story opens we find them half a world apart, the pleasures they derive from human kind are starting to sour. Returning to their most elemental state means returning to each other. Their exchanges of tenderness and respect surface in dark humor and genuine expressions of affection. Exactly what you came to Jarmusch for, face it.
And, yeah yeah, there’s a central conflict that stumbles into town. And maybe some heraldic lions are ripped from their gilded perches and back into a more real world. But you can go find out about that yourself.

Brave New World (2020)
nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I just want to see all that cover art as subsequent scenes.

somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Just eat some mushrooms and read it again. That counts.

Vanilla Sky (2001)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Tom Cruise plays to type as a vain main who is becoming more and more unhinged.
Penelope Cruz plays to type as a disarmingly pleasant pixie person.
Cameron Diaz plays to type as a manic blonde that takes things too far.
Tilda Swinton plays to type as a conduit between the real and the surreal.
Blossom plays to type as a dog.

Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (2018)
duuuuuuuuuude -4 points 3 years ago.

Nobody wants to get lectured by a millennial.

somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I believe the definition of Millennial is rooted in, essentially, coming of age around the turn of the millennium. Say, anyone who graduated from high school after the year 2000. That was TWENTY years ago. Most millennials are in their 30s and some are approaching their 40s.
And if someone who has passed college age, is at a career age, has children (who might even be in high school by now), and possibly owns a home isn’t experienced enough for you… You’re looking for a f*cking grey bearded wizard, dude.

Blood Vessel (2020)
kingarco66 7 points 3 years ago.

Everything i wanted in a film! Is it my birthday?

somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago*.

Remind me to steer well clear of your next birthday party.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
Infinitystar 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

And I will say this again as I have on other comment sections. THE Mods need to stop taking sides and keep this a comment on the movie/show only.
I come here to find out how the show is not to read lectures on the opinions of the right or the left!!! And not one comment here is anything but a right/left fight.

somniloquist 6 points 3 years ago.

Pretty sure that’s why there’s a reviews section versus a discussion section. You, my friend, are looking at a discussion.

Too Many Cooks (TV Short 2014) (2014)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

When my brain finally dies, as they keep promising me it will, the mix of euphoria and terror will not be foreign to me. An electrical imbalance between the cells will wade through neurons filling themselves with charged ions as the electromagnetic forces try to wipe clear the charge imbalance and maintain a hold on the ions. As the systems panic, the serotonin sets in. My eyes glaze.
And how is none of this entirely unfamiliar? Because I have already seen Too Many Cooks.

The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969)
xerox 4 points 3 years ago.

Highly enjoyable, innocent fun with a nice moral narrative, the style is dated, the effects are hilariously dated to say the least but it only adds to the charm. #
The cast staring ‘snake’ Russel is a cherubed faced teen here far from his high kicking, skull smashing later stardom . 4/5

S.N. It was nice to see some Duchamp art in a Disney film.

somniloquist 3 points 3 years ago.

Whoa whoa whoa WHOA. Which Duchamp?

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Tf you got against E. O. Wilson.

somniloquist 3 points 3 years ago.

Actually I was thinking of Muriel Hemingway in Delirious. But now I can’t decide which cut is deeper, mine or yours.

Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007)
somniloquist 3 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This movie went straight to DVD and was meant to pioneer a technology called Navigational Cinema, wherein the viewer could chose options at certain points in the story where the narrative could fork. Ultimately, 96 different stories were possible. Guess what never caught on?…
Now. I don’t know what the hell happened, but the cut of this film I saw didn’t even break the 90 minute mark. You’re left with something that reads like you turned the pages of a Choose Your Own Adventure book into blotter acid and then ate the whole thing.
Keeping in mind that this scenario reduces characters to speaking ONLY in quips and exposition, this movie includes (but is not limited to) the following:
—-several British actors trying their hardest to maintain American accents
—-so many underdeveloped “characters” that you know they’re going to get picked off before you learn most of their names
—-a leather-clad, I dunno…bounty hunter? dressed like an off the rack Lara Croft invovled in an all lady 3 way with a couple of phantom mental patients dressed in sexy sexy straight jackets
—-some woman’s face sliding off the front of her head and splatting on the ground
—-a man drawn and quartered by sheets. Yeah. SHEETS.
—-everyone having a gun for no good reason
—-guns shot at people, walls, statues, big machines, everything
—-people totally taken aback when the shooting thing doesn’t “work”
—-everyone’s flip phones ringing at once, played for scares AND for laughs
—-everyone answering said flip phones only to hear the screams of a man dying, tied to a wheelchair by a haunted house extra in a nurse’s uniform
—-someone saying “it belongs in a museum” like Indiana Jones wasn’t gonna notice
—-a “hydrotherapy” tank that you could sink an SUV in
—-a woman who, I’m CONVINCED, has nipples that can sense danger
—-that woman being in danger for an hour straight, so her nips are up the whole time
—-a scary room that rains chairs. You read that right. It rains chairs.
—-the “heart of the house” LITERALLY being the heart of the house
—-some more gun stuff
—-a death-by-lowest-bidder-CGI
—-functioning shower heads that come out of nowhere, just so everybody’s shirts stay wet
—-and more, a lot more, so much more. I can’t express how much more. Pure. Insanity.

How are you still reading this? Haven’t you started watching it yet?! This is award winning cinema. Okay, so the award was a Golden Reel Award for best sound editing in a direct to video release. But still.