bcjammerx's comments

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
bcjammerx -6 points 10 months ago.

dumb…adds nothing to spider man, totally pointless

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022)
bcjammerx 1 points 1 year ago*.

another kid favorite ruined. it wasn’t a roger rabbit type animation show…the movie is. oh and the show was just that, a show, chip and dale are actors…that’s the movie. that’s not the show. ok so I haven’t stopped watching it…so I guess once you get over that it’s not a bad movie. but they didn’t have to change the whole premise of the show to do this plot. oh well, worth a watch.

Fleabag (2016)
bcjammerx -4 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

unfunny and boring, have no idea why this is so highly rated. just my .02

Here Comes the Boom (2012)
bcjammerx 1 points 1 year ago*.

This was WAY better than I thought it would be! Had me clinching my hands, almost in tears, and laughing too. Wow, such a great feel good movie really. Way to go Kevin James, all those acting did a fantastic job, props to the writers too.

The Head Hunter (2019)
bcjammerx 1 points 1 year ago.

much better than the imdb rating. few lines of dialog sure but the story is good if not unexpected yet make sense in that universe, the cinemagraphics are good, and while there aren’t any “fight scenes” it still feels like there’s plenty of action…at least no dead zones in the film. I liked it

The Lawnmower Man (1992)
bcjammerx 3 points 1 year ago.

it’s funny how time distorts memory…of course I saw this the first time back in the 90’s and thought the effects were really good. Now the scenes with cg are cringe. The story is ok, but also not as good as I remember

Please Stand By (2018)
bcjammerx 2 points 1 year ago.

I’m a trekkie so take my opinion under that light. This was great! What many don’t know is some of stng and later series writers actually got jobs this way. M. Pillar instituted a policy to allow laymen to submit up to 2 scripts and Echevarria did and ended up on staff and wrote many many episodes for different series. But there were quit a few others.

Assholes: A Theory (2019)
bcjammerx 1 points 1 year ago.

I thought this was going to be some sort of in depth psychological investigation of what makes someone like this…and it sort of starts that at first, but it just defines the term. Then all they do is say what famous people are one for the rest of the “doc”, that’s it. Look we can spot an ahole pretty easy and really didn’t need a whole doc on just that (which is what this really is), how about explaining that mentality? I watched nearly the whole thing, except the last like 30 min…you can’t explain complex psychology in that short amount of time and I got tired of seeing them finger pointing. I was like, yeah, we know that, tell us something we don’t. Whole thing seemed childish and petty. That’s ahole type behavior to be honest :\

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S4 E12
Misfits (2009)
bcjammerx 1 points 2 years ago.

do yourself a favor and stop watching after season 2…too bad it takes a full first season to get good then it just falls off, I’m not gonna bother with s2e2 and beyond

The Almighty Johnsons (2011)
bcjammerx 1 points 2 years ago*.

three years of a dude getting laid? This is what tv has come to? eye-roll and it’s really pathetic. After watching 1.15 episodes I just skipped to the 3rd to the last episode of the last season…I couldn’t finish it so I skipped to the very last episode…I don’t feel like I missed anything either by doing so, and even it I skipped to the end. edit correction…I DIDN’T finish watching because I just didn’t care to finish this horrid show.
Seriously this should have been ONE season and a short season at that. WHAT A BORE!!! How anyone finds this entertaining is beyond me…when I can skip three seasons and most of the final episode and STILL not miss out on anything important…ugh…waste of a show…HOW did it go 3 seasons!?

Disenchantment (2018)
bcjammerx 3 points 2 years ago.

don’t judge it on the first episode, it gets better…a little.

Ted Lasso (2020) S1 E2
bcjammerx 0 points 2 years ago.

nope still no humor to be found…boring and dull too

Ted Lasso (2020)
bcjammerx -2 points 2 years ago*.

does this get funny? I couldn’t make it through the first episode it was so dull

*edited after watching ep 2
nope still no humor to be found…boring and dull too

Private Parts (1997)
bcjammerx 0 points 2 years ago.

gotta wonder how much is actually true, probably only barely on the surface…and a lot left out that would make him look worse. is it entertaining? it’s worth a watch if you’ve run out of stuff to watch but just barely at best so I’d say no, not worth a watch at all honestly…just stern, his self glorification, and ego stroking really…none of which I’m a fan of

The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
bcjammerx 1 points 2 years ago.

shameless cashgrab…it adds NOTHING to the story of the trilogy. fans of the originals will end up feeling empty and everyone else will simply be bored as the action scenes aren’t even that great and as the story is simply non-existent. seriously this movie doesn’t “do” anything story wise. It’s worth a FREE watch, sure (never mind I fell asleep and had to re-watch it)…maybe a watch in theater if it’s dirt cheap but that’s mostly for the purpose of just getting out of the house more than anything but there are worse films out…mildly entertaining is too generous but honest

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S4 E6
[removed by a moderator]
bcjammerx 8 points 2 years ago.

better than the first couple seasons at least…I love trek but this isn’t star trek…I mean it’s getting there with this last season…it’s ok sci fi at least…just wish we could get real star trek, you know, the formula that made the franchise famous from the 60’s to 2000’s, 45 years! Why they abandoned that is beyond understanding. Odd that only lower decks now follows that similar line…I love it more than std

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S4 E6
un1que1 9 points 2 years ago.

I love everything Star Trek but for some reason I keep feeling lost watching this and without any desire to seek further understanding and that makes me sad.

bcjammerx 9 points 2 years ago.

because they abandoned the formula that made star trek famous from the original to enterprise…this isn’t star trek…though I will concede that this season is MUCH better than season 1-2 for certain…it only starts to get good in season 3 and that’s actually a stretch…it’s not star trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) S2 E2
bcjammerx 2 points 2 years ago.

ah the notion of existence…the hubris of humans to honestly believe we are “special”…even if unique we are not special in this regard..we are simply the result of nature…we are, in fact, the most vile and destructive species that has ever existed on this planet yet we tell ourselves otherwise without reason

You Don't Know Nicotine (2020)
bcjammerx 2 points 2 years ago*.

informative and factual

Untold: Malice at the Palace (2021)
bcjammerx 1 points 2 years ago.

with the brew that is true

Queenpins (2021)
bcjammerx 2 points 2 years ago.

why is this getting such high ratings? been watching for 30 min and haven’t cracked a smile once. it’s not even entertaining! plus I can’t past the illogic of buying stuff just because you can get it cheaper than everyone else…if you don’t need it you aren’t saving money no matter how cheap it is…if you buy it cheap then sell it full price ok. and the only people more hated by cashiers and people waiting in line than lottery ticket buyers is couponers

Cowboy Bebop (2021)
bcjammerx 1 points 2 years ago.

so it’s not that bad on it’s own merits as a stand-alone…but if you’ve seen or are a fan of the anime you’ll recognize this is hardly true to the original it fails miserably in comparison to what it was BASED ON.

in the anime vicious is always CALM…opposite of this version
and julia couldn’t be more opposite from the anime version!
WHERE IS ED!? “oh season 2” well that’s not going to happen plus ed was pivotal in the ONE season of the original…they did the original in one season and this is only running for one season so I don’t see why they couldn’t do the same

I’m so sick of people changing crucial plot points when they remake something! You’re remaking it because it has a fan base and because the original was GOOD so WHY CHANGE IT!?

Cowboy Bebop (2021) S1 E8
bcjammerx 1 points 2 years ago*.

he hates CATS…not dogs…and this guy is no where near as terrifying or dangerous as the anime villain

INDEMNITY: The Rabbit Hole (2021)
bcjammerx 0 points 2 years ago.

everything about this is terrible; cinematography, acting, plot…zero redeeming qualities

Invasion (2021)
bcjammerx 2 points 2 years ago.

slow? not at all. very enthralling actually. if you’re bored go watch the fast and the stupid series

Star Trek: Prodigy (2021)
bcjammerx 3 points 2 years ago.

i tried but this is unwatchable for anyone over 6

Star Trek: Prodigy (2021)
bcjammerx -1 points 2 years ago.

did the star wars animators make this trash?
star trek + cbs = crap
star trek + nick = garbage
st + cbs + nick = pure filth
thought i was watching clone wars…a bad version at that…have the creators of these new shows ever watched star trek? at least lower decks retains the st feel…only new series that does. orville is more st than this show or discovery

The Problem with Jon Stewart (2021) S1 E1
bcjammerx 3 points 2 years ago.

that was the most hard hitting interview i have EVER seen. amazing questions from stewart! watching that dude squirming with each response to stewart made ME feel uncomfortable, but mostly that i wanted to punch chief fake bar in the face

Greyhound (2020)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The movie is good, worth a watch…now for the love of god none of these asinine comments are anything but stupid, retarded, political vitriol and have nothing to do with the actual movie…can the mods please do their damn jobs!? Good lord guys! the comments are for commenting on the content and quality of a movie not your political biases! I’m really disgusted at seeing the comments turn into alt-left rants! If it isn’t about the ACTUAL content or quality of the movie DELETE IT as it’s AGAINST THE RULES! jesus we need new mods, current ones don’t do shit!

Southern Survival (2020)
Betamax78 2 points 3 years ago*.

its not fair to the rest of the planet that because a bunch of morbidly obese bible thumping gun-nut willfully ignorant WHITE TRASH bigots wanted a despicable illiterate racist CONMAN carnival barker sex offender they could relate to in the White House ,all the environmental policy rollbacks and appointing of big oil/chemical lobbyists to agencies like the EPA are going to affect the rest of us on the civilized world for generations to come (if we make it that far ?) sorry if that hurt your feelings and ruined your next cross burning but the world is offended

bcjammerx 10 points 3 years ago.

comments are for commenting on the quality of the content, not your biased opinions. And this is a clearly racist post…yet allowed by the mods because it’s anti-white and anti-conservative…despite being against their rules…and it’s been up over half a day. Meanwhile, make a pro-cop post and you’ll get a perma mute within minutes as they also label you a racist. What a “team”

Cops (1989)
JadeEnigma -3 points 3 years ago.

The act of posting or sending offensive messages that leads to the trading of insults between members is strictly forbidden.

bcjammerx 10 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I appreciate your attention and I know the rules and my comment regarding the series does not violate them. My comment is MY take on this series and how I see it and how I see the series presenting itself and it’s content…I have no desire to engage in a discussion of any sort regarding that as that would violate the rules, thank you again and have a nice day :)

Cops (1989) S28 E23
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago.

This episode shows you what a felons idea of “not resisting” is…keep that in mind

Cops (1989)
bcjammerx 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

it was the result of the lefts pushing after the violent, drug abusing (and under the influence of meth at the time too), 7+ convicted VIOLENT FELON, resisting arrest floyds self inflicted death that it was cancelled. the left can’t have this show out there because it shows what lying filth violent felons are and that they can’t be believed…which would destroy their agenda

Cops (1989)
bcjammerx 7 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This show is amazing, it shows you REALITY not this fantasy movie mentality some people push and think is real. It shows what 99.999999% of cops are like and the filth they have to deal with DAILY (even hourly) and what liars that filth is and what BS their “i can’t breath” and “i’m not resisting” claims actually are…as well as how much their families and friends tend to be liars too. COPS let’s you see that felons should NEVER be trusted (of course anyone who has actually dealt with them personally could have told you that) and that cops are not only highly trained to handle dangerous people (any felon) but that they also really do care

Artemis Fowl (2020)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago.

wasn’t horrible…but not really great. I might have liked it more if I was 11

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
bcjammerx -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The act of posting or sending offensive messages that leads to the trading of insults between members is strictly forbidden.

Ancient Earth (2017)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago.

season one episodes are only 13 min long, season 2’s are MUCH longer ;) but all worth the watch

Chris D'Elia: No Pain (TV Special 2020) (2020)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago.

“he was pasty” audience laughs
me; why is that funny?
“he saw my mouth say it” audience dies
me; what am I missing here?

Alice Fraser: Savage (2020)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago.

4 min of obvious canned laughter…nothing is funny yet the “audience” is cracking up…fake, not funny, fail

Tommy Little: Self-Diagnosed Genius (2020)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago.

eh never laughed

Hannah Gadsby: Douglas (TV Special 2020) (2020)
bcjammerx 2 points 3 years ago.

Oh my god I have NOT stopped laughing XD!!!

Circle (2015)
bcjammerx -1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You do get to see the resolution but it isn’t much of a resolution…decent watch but don’t expect any understanding at the end, pretty disappointing

Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones (TV Special 2019) (2019)
bcjammerx 1 points 3 years ago*.

dave’s on something…his voice is different and you don’t get that big that quick and I only say that because it’s affected his comedy. I wanted to watch this because of the “controversy” but at 6 min in with no legit laugh (I think they drug these audiences) when he insults the very people that made him who he is I shut it off. not worth the free watch

6 Underground (2019)
bcjammerx 0 points 3 years ago*.

green lantern was a better reynolds movie…20 min in and it’s just a mind numbing bs fest of fake action. If you like deadpool you won’t like this…no jokes, no plot, no point to the “action”, just no nothing…just a green car racing around italy getting shot at on occasion…literally it. I couldn’t keep watching this it was so boring

2001: A Space Odyssey (1970)
bcjammerx 1 points 4 years ago.

MAN I wish they made movies like this today! And yes, it does take about 4 min before you “see” anything when watching this XD I kept thinking, is it stuck?…it’s not ;)

Project Blue Book (2019)
bcjammerx 0 points 4 years ago.

This is WAY more drama than sci-fi…watched the first episode and the ONLY hint of sci-fi (and I emphasis HINT) was the first 5 min, after that…all drama. It couldn’t keep me interested

The Handmaid's Tale (2017)
bcjammerx -5 points 4 years ago*.

This wasn’t enjoyable at all; first problem, artificial insemination. Ignoring that glaring plot hole I still couldn’t get into this one bit. Stopped 2/3 through the first episode. I’m not sure what it could possibly be but I guess I’m missing something; I don’t understand the acclaim and I’ve not seen anything in this show to encourage me to look further.

Origin (2018) S1 E8
bcjammerx 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well, guess we should be carrying gurney’s instead of handguns XD

Naked News (1999)
Randall 2 points 4 years ago.

I find it informative but @ 57yrs I have seen it. I feel the word exploitation on the woman’s part and should be moved to an adult section for all the horny young buck but not kids to see….

bcjammerx 2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

It IS listed under adult…and if you don’t want kids here then don’t give them free rein on the internet. It isn’t exploitation of women as they are all free, healthy, and applied for the job knowing full well what it means and are happy to do so..just my .02