gashcas's comments

Evil Dead Rise (2023)
gashcas -3 points 6 months ago*.

A more fitting title: Female dead room.
The only movie in this franchise where I’ve been bored and waiting for it to end.
was hoping for something more akin to Demons, bit of a let down in all honesty.

Class of 1984 (1982)
yellow_rose1 2 points 2 years ago.

I saw it when it came out on VHS and love it. Maybe I’ll give it another goo

gashcas 4 points 2 years ago.

First time viewing for me, id definitely watch again.
there’s a couple of Blu-ray rips available.. wish id caught it on VHS back in the day. surprised it went under my radar so long.

Class of 1984 (1982)
gashcas 5 points 2 years ago.

A totally over the top, violent piece of awesomeness.
B-movie classic

Jekyll & Hyde (1990)
gashcas 2 points 2 years ago.

Had to quit this, fan of Michael Caine, but this flat out sucks!
Tedious all round. good costume and sets awful take on a classic.

Copshop (2021)
gashcas 2 points 2 years ago.

Good fun, had a blast watching Artie “the strongest man in the world” (Toby Huss) play a lunatic hitman. Great cast all round.

Sex, Love, and goop (2021)
gashcas 2 points 2 years ago*.

Rich people trying to fill the deep, black void of purposelessness inside themselves with pseudo-science and charlatan peddled hocus pocus.
I would list this under Horror, as it is truly chilling that anybody takes these people seriously.

Sid the Sexist (1992)
gashcas 5 points 2 years ago.

The VIZ is an adult themed comic featuring crude, childish and offensive characters.
i remember watching this video when i was a child. i thought it was hilarious.
for some reason, in 2021 its even funnier.

The Invaders (1967)
gashcas 4 points 2 years ago.

How many times can someone be double crossed before learning not to disclose their plans to other people.
3 episodes in and although the invaders is engaging and fun, its often frustrating watching the hero blow it all the time.

Goliath (2016)
gashcas 2 points 2 years ago.

love this show, was a little disappointed with the 3rd season. Hoping I enjoy this new fourth season as much as the first 2. Billy Bob is fantastic, and it gets real dark. Binge incoming!!!

Old (2021)
gashcas 4 points 2 years ago*.

takes a while to get going but things escalate quickly (sorry) :)
a fun trip

Candyman (2021)
gashcas 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

there were some good moments of horror, the Candyman is creepy and violent. but all in all this is just a piece of blatant propaganda.
filled with unlikeable characters and focused around the art world, the pseudo intellectual dialogue is so cringe and on the nose that I felt embarrassed watching at some points.
A typical Hollywood remake/reboot /sequel/whatever the hell from the current year.
stick with the original

Malignant (2021)
gashcas 6 points 2 years ago.

I thought this was great. schlocky, creepy and fun.
they haven’t taken themselves to seriously here so for me it was easy to let go and enjoy the ride.
easy 4/5 will watch again