GeminiSaga : There, comments deleted. I didn't mean to be offensive, I just think that this season is d...
Alien : Great polymorphous perversity!!
grasshopper rex : You're right. That comment shouldn't have been allowed to stand. It had nothing to do with...
BUDDHA : Honestly they could be using a body double and we'd never know... Not that we,ve had a cle...
Alien : None
Gnostic_Alchemist : Decent show but zero on screen chemistry between those two
Annabella : Great example of "Wha…?" 2nd degree "Excuse me…?" style British humor. Not for everyone, b...
NoelCoyotebleu : Holy Smackarole!! That was one kickass showdown! Sheridan has a golden pen. This episode! ...
prism : Enterprise had "Similitude" and Voyager had "Tuvix", did TNG have a similar ethical dilemm...
GeminiSaga : There, comments deleted. I didn't mean to be offensive, I just think that this season is d...