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All is peaceful and quiet in the Higgins home before the War. Flora, the French maid, Kate, the Irish waitress, Rudolf, the German chef, and Pietro, the Italian gardener, Max, Rudolph’s assistant, Gaston, the French chauffeur, and James, the English butler, all get along in a very friendly manner. Rudolf divides his affections between Kate and Flora, while Pietro merely sits by and looks on with great amusement at the rivalry. One night. Max hears rumors of war between France and Germany. Max carries the news to the servants’ quarters and starts a discussion. Then war is declared in Europe. Just before dinner, Rudolf catches Flora sampling a particularly dainty that he concocted. He gets angry and chases her from the kitchen. Out of revenge, she sneaks back and spoils the soup that he has gone to such great pains to prepare, by pouring pepper, tobacco, etc., into it. Then the soup reaches the table, a single taste of the soup burns Higgins’ mouth badly. Mrs. Higgins rushes out to the kitchen and sails into Rudolf for his carelessness. He protests innocence and tells her he suspects Flora of being the guilty one. Then the “Allies” are born. Flora tells Kate what she has done; both enter the kitchen and Kate tells Mrs. Higgins she saw Rudolf put the mixture in the soup. Rudolf nearly drops with amazement at the enormity of her statement. After dinner, all the servants get into a hot war discussion. Kate sides with Flora and Max against Rudolf, James and Gaston. As all arm themselves with heavy portable objects, such as bottles, potato mashers, etc., Pietro. who has been nervously looking on, edges towards the door. The battle starts and Rudolf is soon getting the worst of it. He calls to Pietro for assistance, but that gentleman gives one look at raging Kate and her fighting allies, then yells out. “I’m Neutral.” He is out the door in one bound, leaving the almost exhausted combatants still fighting.

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Ratings: IMDB: No rating yet
Released: April 29, 1915
Genres: Comedy Short
Countries: United States
Companies: Vitagraph Company of America
Cast: Flora Finch Kate Price Jay Dwiggins
Crew: C.J. Williams Donald I. Buchanan

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