Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


Movie: The Great UFO Conspiracy ( 2015 )
Writer and comedian Dan Schreiber meets the people behind modern-day alien conspiracy theories, from Jesus being an alien to humanity being ruled by an evil reptilian overlord.
Movie: The Great Martian War 1913 - 1917 ( 2013 )
Documentary-drama recounting the Martian War of 1913 - 1917. Europe was on tenterhooks in the 2nd decade of the 20th century, everyone was expecting a Great War between the major European powers. But then, in 1913, something crashed into the forests of SW Germany. Troops were sent to investigate but were wiped out. Martian fighting machines began making their way across Western Europe and the countries of Europe combined forces to resist them. With aspects taken from "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells and from WWI itself, this dramatisation presents a documentary style look at events as they unfolded and the effect they had of our world today. Lots of references to real events including the mass attacks and defeats as men were thrown against machines on the Western front, the Christmas truce and the Angel of Mons, America's isolationism and late entry into the conflict, the worldwide "Spanish" flu epidemic that killed more people than the war, and many other things.
Movie: The Greatest Adventure--The Story of Man's Voyage to the Moon ( 1983 )
The planning and implementation of the first flight to the moon, narrated by Orson Welles.
TV Show: The Great Acceleration ( 2020 )
Presented by Dr Shalin Naik, The Great Acceleration is a remarkable new science series where the ABC delves into its extensive archive to bring audiences the story of one of the most dramatic chapters of human history.The Great Acceleration is a term coined by scientists, in an effort to describe the most rapid period of change in human and planetary history. In the last fifty years humankind has achieved astounding heights of discovery and exploration while reaching a pace of consumption that threatens the very fabric of our existence.Across six one-hour episodes, the series examines major advances in the fields of space exploration, computing, energy, resources, Earth science and our understanding of the evolution of life itself. With expert commentary from scientists at the top of their field, such as geneticist Craig Venter and Nobel Prize winner Barry Barish, we hear firsthand accounts about some of the biggest moments in science, like the discovery of dark energy and gravitational waves, the creation of a new synthetic species and innovative solutions that may save the future of human civilisation.
Movie: The Force Beyond ( 1977 )
Join us on this unique and captivating documentary concerning the most unusual phenomena on our strange planet. With headlines that are reminiscent of your favorite science fiction films, these spectacles appear almost too good to be true... but are they?
Movie: The Flight of Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed (Short 1969)
Documentary of the Apollo 11 spaceflight to the Moon and back.
Movie: The First Ufologist ( 2024 )
Meet Italy's foremost ufologist, Alberto Perego, a trailblazer whose passion and expertise inspired countless others.
Movie: The Farthest ( 2017 )
It is one of humankind's greatest achievements. More than 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space - the first human-made object ever to do so.
Movie: The Fallen Astronaut ( 2020 )
The Fallen Astronaut depicts the compelling story of one of the most extraordinary achievements of the Space Age, a sculpture on the Moon dedicated to all the astronauts and cosmonauts who died during the Race to the Moon.
Movie: The Falcon Lake Incident ( 2023 )
Throughout the evolutionary course of history, extraterrestrials have not only visited our planet but have gone much further. The Falcon Lake UFO incident is one of the most chilling cases of all time. Stephen Michalak, in 1967, is in Manitoba on business when he is burned by a UFO. This is the most documented, disturbing and famous case ever seen where not only verba...Read all
TV Show: The Fabric of the Cosmos ( 2011 )
Simple, obvious, ever-present aspects of our daily lives give scientists fits trying to understand them. One of these aspects is space which physicists are convinced is something more than nothing. This program explains the experiments that are giving scientists hints about what space is.
Movie: The End of Quantum Reality ( 2020 )
Legendary reclusive genius Wolfgang Smith demonstrates on shockingly obvious grounds the dead end at which physics has arrived, and how we can return, at last, to the real world.
Movie: The Endless Question ( 2020 )
Since before time, humankind has pondered one central question...who are we, and why are we here? Many theories have been put forth, by religious leaders, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists and countless others. None of the theories have held the test of time, because there is a central fact, a hidden truth so powerful it almost transcends comprehension. It is so shocking, few dare imagine it. To keep this secret question hidden, countless people throughout the centuries have been misled, manipulated, lied to and even slaughtered, their lives ruined to benefit the ruling class. The most powerful and successful people on earth do not want you to know these truths, because it would undermine their control over the earth's population of sheeple. Once this incredible truth sweeps the world, nothing will be the same. Don't be left behind on this one. Watch for...The Endless Question. Written, produced, directed and edited by Dr. Ron Dalrymple, best-selling author and award-winning screenwriter and novelist.
Movie: The Disclosure President ( 2016 )
Stephen Bassett, the only American lobbyist of his kind, hopes for a seismic shift with the 2016 US Presidential Elections. Bassett is on a mission to end the "truth embargo."
Movie: The Disclosure Dialogues ( 2011 )
The Disclosure Dialogues are the definitive collection ever assembled on the state of disclosure. This is a five disc set that starts with an excellent 70 minute documentary, featuring contributions from virtually every relevant figure in the field today. There will come a day when Disclosure and its history are the subject of study. THIS SET will be referred to as the best source of information ever compiled in one place.
Movie: The Day We Walked on the Moon ( 2019 )
Landmark documentary to mark the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon.
TV Show: The Day the Universe Changed ( 1985 )
James Burke explores key moments in Western History where new knowledge in science changed the way the modern Western world thinks.
Movie: The Day Before Disclosure ( 2010 )
Our modern civilization is likely to be confronted with the biggest paradigm shift in the perception of reality ever, and through our productions we wish to bring insight from the forefront of this development.
Movie: The Cosmonaut Cover-Up ( 1999 )
It turns out Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space, but was preceded by another Soviet cosmonaut who crash landed, was severely injured and his identity kept secret -- until now.
Movie: The Cosmic Secret ( 2019 )
Act 1 - Who are we? Disclosing our cosmic history. Act 2 - Why are we here? Unveiling the grand experiment. Act 3 - What is our destiny? Apocalypse the great revealing.
Movie: The Cosmic Hoax: An Expose ( 2021 )
Dr. Greer takes the viewer back through modern history, starting in the 1920's showing/proving with evidence about Aliens and UFO's... the cover ups from top government entities, and has almost reached the point of no return.
Movie: The Connected Universe ( 2016 )
This fascinating journey of exploration of the connection of all things in the Universe is narrated by the legendary Sir Patrick Stewart. The film explores the mechanism of connection of all things in the Universe.
Movie: The Comet That Destroyed the World
When a historic comet strikes planet earth, the incident changes life as we know it. This new documentary, The Comet That Destroyed The World examines the younger dryas impact that is said to have occured around 12,900 years ago. This extraordinary history is rarely examined and changes our perspective on the past and possibly the future of our planet.
Movie: The Comet's Tale ( 2007 )
Comets - friend or foe? Once thought mystical, bringers of bad fortune: recent space missions reveal their origins and composition.
Movie: The British UFO Files ( 2004 )
Since the 1940's the British Government has been investigating the Flying Saucer phenomenon. High ranking military and government personnel, speak out for the first time, offering unique eye witness accounts and inside information.
Movie: The Bridgewater Triangle ( 2013 )
The Bridgewater Triangle sits within Southeastern Massachusetts, and includes a number of locations known for unexplained occurrences; the most prominent of which include the legendary Hockomock Swamp and the infamous Freetown-Fall River State Forest. The triangle's traditional boarders are revealed by connecting the dots between Abington to the North, Freetown to the Southeast, and Rehoboth to the Southwest. The region hosts an unusually high volume of reports involving strange occurrences, unexplained mysteries and sinister activities. From ghostly hauntings and cryptic animal sightings to UFO encounters and evidence of satanic ritual sacrifice, the Bridgewater Triangle serves as one of the world's most diverse hotspots for paranormal activity. The first-ever feature-length documentary on the subject, The Bridgewater Triangle explores the history of this fascinating region.
Movie: The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed ( 2020 )
We are not alone in the universe. Alien life is here right now, contacting us in the form of Bigfoot, UFOs, orbs, and other inter-dimensional paranormal phenomena. These experiences are changing human nature as we have known it. Learn how researchers have identified locations where portals are opening to reveal many forms of nonhuman intelligence - intelligent lifeforms that are being kept secret.
Movie: The Bermuda Triangle Solved? ( 2001 )
What has made hundreds of ships and planes dissapear off the cost of Florida for the last it a myth, or is there really a 'Bermuda Triangle' ?
TV Show: The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters ( 2022 )
The Bermuda Triangle is the most notorious stretch of ocean in history, evoking fear and endless fascination. Bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, these waters have swallowed countless ships and planes and their crews—some vanishing without a trace.
TV Show: The Bermuda Triangle Enigma ( 2018 )
Documentary following scientists as they embark upon a world-first dangerous expedition beneath the sea to uncover the secrets of the notorious Bermuda Triangle.
Movie: The Bermuda Triangle ( 1979 )
A documentary that explores the legends, facts and folklore about the dreaded "Bermuda Triangle".
TV Show: The Ascent of Man ( 1973 )
Dr Bronowski's magnificent thirteen-part BBC television series The Ascent of Man traces our rise both as a species and as moulders of our own environment and future. It covers the history of science, but of science in the broadest terms. Invention from the flint tool to geometry, from the arch to the theory of relativity, are shown to be expressions of man's specific ability to understand nature, to control it, not to be controlled by it.
Movie: The Armstrong Tapes ( 2019 )
Never-before-heard audio tapes recorded with Neil Armstrong during the final years of his life reveal an intimate portrait of this iconic - and famously private - man. Illustrated through previously unseen personal photographs and archival footage, this documentary special takes viewers on an emotional journey into the thoughts and experiences of the first man on the Moon.
Movie: The Ark of Noah ( 1975 )
A documentary that examines the story of Noah, legends regarding the resting place of the ark, and several expeditions into the region the ark allegedly resides
Movie: The Apollo Years ( 2009 )
Reviews all the Apollo missions, back-to-back. This is an historical document and documentary. Using only archival film and the authentic communications between the Apollo capsules and Mission Control.
TV Show: The Apollo Chronicles ( 2019 )
Featuring rare archival footage and audio, this epic 4-part miniseries documents one of the greatest accomplishments of the 20th Century. But behind this seminal event is a monumental story filled with incredible drama, danger, ingenuity, and emotion. The Apollo Chronicles tells this story like it has never been told before. Participants, family members, historians, and other experts paint a rich portrait of a story that will have the audience immersed from start to finish.
Movie: The Anonymous Interview ( 2014 )
This motion picture is an exploration into the witness testimony of a highly controversial alleged ex-CIA operative who claims, through his military and intelligence career, to have been exposed to realities and technologies of an Extraterrestrial nature. A cosmic whistleblower, who was threatened for over a decade to not break his silence. This "deathbed confession" was featured as official witness testimony at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington DC, and has caused hot debate within the intelligence and UFO communities.
TV Show: The Alien Files: UFOs Under Investigation ( 2006 )
The Alien Files: UFOs Under Investigation takes a definitive, scientific look at the search for unidentified flying objects, documenting UFO stories that have been debunked and bringing viewers up-to-date on the state of the most famous UFO investigations, many of which still remain unresolved and unexplained to this day.
TV Show: The Alaska Triangle ( 2020 )
Alaska is the most sparsely populated of all the states. In a vast expanse of rugged wilderness, one area - known as The Alaska Triangle - has been home to so much unusual activity that it has struck fear across Alaska and the world. More people disappear in this area than anywhere else in the United States, with countless sightings of strange creatures, impossible moving lights in the sky, unexplained phenomena and even malevolent ghosts. Are lay lines and electromagnetic anomalies within the Triangle causing these bizarre events? Or is something more sinister at play? From strange reports of military personnel seeing UFOs and missing aircrafts that have vanished without a trace, to sightings of fearful monsters and an underground alien base hidden inside a mountain, each episode of The Alaska Triangle seeks to unlock the paranormal mysteries hidden within this foreboding location.
TV Show: The Age of Aerospace ( 2016 )
The Age of Aerospace explores the last 100 years of aviation history in unprecedented detail. From the Wright brothers first flight to the Apollo moon landings and beyond, the series highlights milestones in an industry defined by innovation. Woven into this history is the story of The Boeing Company. Today it stands as the largest aerospace company in the world, but over much of the last century it navigated an uncertain future through war and peace, booms and busts. The Age of Aerospace recounts the fate of a company, a country, and its people, and the countless contributions to technology, culture, and history they have made.
Movie: Tesla: Master of Lightning ( 2000 )
Biography of electrical inventor and visionary genius Nikola Tesla.
Movie: Target... Earth? ( 1981 )
A documentary that examines the Tunguska event and what may have caused it.
Movie: Tank on the Moon (TV Short 2007) ( 2008 )
The incredible story of two small remote controlled rovers sent by the Soviets to the moon in the 1970's.
Movie: Tales of the Men in Black ( 2023 )
Who are the Men in Black? Discover frequent global encounters, possibly spanning centuries, with these enigmatic figures in our revealing documentary.
Movie: Swallowed by the Sea: Ancient Egypt's Greatest Lost City ( 2014 )
Documentary following a team of maritime archaeologists as they uncover the remarkable city of Heracleion, lost to the sea and forgotten for over 2,000 years.
TV Show: Supernatural Science
Supernatural Science is centered around controversial theories on stories of the unknown, myths, legends, and supernatural events, to find a explanation on that one particular subject.
Movie: Suit Up: 50 Years of Spacewalks ( 2015 )
A look at the 50-year history of NASA's spacewalk program, featuring interviews with participants and many others.
TV Show: Stuff You Should Know ( 2013 )
Science Channel will follow Josh and Chuck inside and outside the recording booth with Stuff You Should Know, a series that combines all the delicious informational nuggets of their podcast and wraps them in deadpan mockumentary-style humor. Along for the ride are a wide array of guests making cameo appearances, including John Hodgman, Sarah Silverman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Rufus Wainwright, and Michio Kaku.
TV Show: Strip the Cosmos ( 2014 )
In each episode of Strip the Cosmos, stunning CGI strips major planets, moons, black holes, stars and galaxies of gases, minerals, rock, magma and gravitational force-fields – layer by layer – revealing the destiny, origins and structure of the universe. Strip the Cosmos will also explore fascinating mysteries including: What happens inside an exploding star?; Can you escape from being sucked into a black hole?; Do the insides of comets harbor life?; and can we travel through the cosmos inside an asteroid?
TV Show: Strangest Things ( 2021 )
Using new research and 3D technology, this UK production explores some of the most perplexing and unusual artefacts from ancient and modern history. Objects are pulled apart, with even the smallest details examined, and lost or damaged artefacts are rebuilt to uncover their secrets. Strangest Things reveals the unbelievable, the ancient, and the truly bizarre currently hidden away in museums, laboratories, and storage rooms around the world.
Movie: Stranger at the Pentagon (Short 2013) ( 2014 )
Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years.
TV Show: Strange Evidence ( 2017 )
Strange Evidence investigates mysteries caught on tape and uncovers the science behind some of the most bizarre occurrences ever recorded.Worldwide, 300 million surveillance cameras are watching us, on our streets, at work, and in our homes. At times, they capture images that don't seem to follow the normal laws of physics. This series investigates mysteries caught on tape and uncovers the science behind some of the most bizarre occurrences ever recorded. With a team of experts analyzing footage that seems to defy explanation, including levitating cars on a freeway, a statue that appears to move on its own, and a spontaneous burst of flames with no apparent ignition sources. But will the surveillance footage provide investigators with the evidence they need for a definitive earthly answer?
TV Show: Strange Days: Cold War Britain ( 2013 )
Historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us back to the strange years of the Cold War. For Sandbrook these are the years in which we were both more secure and prosperous that we had ever been - and at the same time, lived everyday with the very real possibility of nuclear annihilation. This is not just a story of the superpower arms race or daring spies, real and fictional, it is a story in which all we played a crucial part.
TV Show: Storm Worlds ( 2010 )
Some of the wildest weather in the universe rages in outer space. What would happen if it came down to earth?
TV Show: Stephen Hawking's Universe ( 1997 )
Professor Stephen Hawking looks at the history of mankind's thinking on the Universe, from the ancient Greeks through to the work of Galileo, Newton, Einstein and Hubble. His six-part documentary series covers the major theories in relation to the make up and creation of our universe, including the current thinking on the Big Bang, origins of the universe, dark matter, black holes, etc. The program includes interviews with leading astronomers and scientists, as well as commentary from Stephen Hawking himself. Viewers interested in Astronomy may also want to view the television series Cosmos by Carl Sagan, which offers a more in depth review of Astronomy, especially regarding the history of Astronomy.
TV Show: Stephen Hawking's Science of the Future ( 2014 )
Stephen Hawking's Science of the Future investigates the very latest game changing innovations.Each episode takes one area of progress and sends five top scientists out to actively test the inventions and breakthroughs that are driving it.The team explore human upgrades, the virtual world, bio-mimicry, high-tech emergency responses, and more.Featuring a wide range of examples, from advanced robotics and breathtaking digital actors, to cutting edge smart homes and electronic brain stimulation, the series reveals how science is delivering astonishing improvements to all our lives.Using the evidence they gather, the team reveals the year when each innovation will be rolled out for us all to benefit from, and Hawking then draws out his own uniquely insightful predictions about what our world will be like in the years to come.
TV Show: Stephen Hawking's Grand Design ( 2012 )
Based on his acclaimed new book with science writer Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design, Professor Hawking draws on more than 40 years of his own research and a recent series of observations and theoretical breakthroughs to reveal an original and controversial theory. He argues that scientific obsession with formulating a single new model may be misplaced; Hawking holds the position that by synthesizing existing theories, scientists may discover the key to understanding the universe's deepest mysteries.
Movie: Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story ( 2018 )
STARS IN THE SKY: A Hunting Story is an examination of the lives of American hunters and their sometimes complicated relationship to our environment, presented as an honest exploration of the controversies, emotions, and traditions inherent to this most primal human activity. The latest feature documentary from the award-winning team at ZPZ Films and directed by acclaimed author Steven Rinella.
TV Show: Stargazing Live ( 2011 )
Professor Brian Cox and Dara O Briain are at Jodrell Bank Observatory, and joined by special guests to bring you the latest news and the best views of the night sky.
Movie: Stanton T. Friedman Is Real! ( 2002 )
Biographical look at Stanton Friedman, who for the past 40 years has been the world's foremost investigator and lecturer on the UFO phenomenon, and who broke the Roswell story in 1978.
Movie: Space X: Mission to Mars ( 2019 )
This fascinating new documentary , SpaceX: Mission to Mars, takes a look at the man and the science behind the unlikliest of journeys into the beyond.
TV Show: Space Voyages ( 2013 )
From Mercury to Gemini, from Apollo to Curiosity, NASA's giant leaps in engineering and science over the last 60 years have been nothing short of astronomical. Blast off on a celestial voyage as we explore the first half-century of the Space Age. Celebrate the triumphs, lament the tragedies, and learn how modern engineers are using the past as a blueprint, refining yesterday's technologies in hopes of sending humans off to Mars and beyond.
Movie: Space Titans: Musk, Bezos Branson (TV Special 2021) ( 2021 )
The special is in partnership with The Washington Post and staff writer Christian Davenport, whose depth of experience allowed him to gain inside access to key players.
TV Show: Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight ( 2024 )
Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight examines the 2003 Space Shuttle disaster, in which Columbia broke apart in the skies over Texas. This four-part series combines first-hand testimony alongside previously unseen archive footage to chart the in-depth story of the Columbia tragedy. At the heart of this story are the people who lived through it all – the astronauts' wives, husbands and children, NASA staff, members of the Accident Investigation team, and a journalist, some of whom have never spoken before. The series reveals how and why the disaster happened, exploring human space travel's inherent risks and rewards.
Movie: Spaceship Earth ( 2020 )
The true, stranger-than-fiction, adventure of eight visionaries who in 1991 spent two years quarantined inside of a self-engineered replica of Earth's ecosystem called Biosphere 2. The experiment was a worldwide phenomenon, chronicling daily existence in the face of life threatening ecological disaster and a growing criticism that it was nothing more than a cult. The bizarre story is both a cautionary tale and a hopeful lesson of how a small group of dreamers can potentially re-imagine a new world.
TV Show: Space's Deepest Secrets ( 2016 )
A new breed of explorer has taken space travel beyond the moon to unlock and reveal first-ever views of alien worlds and cosmic bodies far beyond anyone's imagination. Space's Deepest Secrets shares stories of the men and women who pushed their ingenuity and curiosity to uncover some of the most groundbreaking findings in the history of space exploration. Hourlong episodes cover NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, the Hubble Telescope, the twin Voyager explorations, and other past, current and future missions and projects.
Movie: Space Robot Revolution ( 2015 )
What do space robots look like? Why and how can they lead space missions successfully? To what extent will they collaborate with astronauts or take their place? Find out what is in development around the world from robotic geology labs to space garbage collection.
TV Show: Space Probes! ( 2016 )
They're out there, all alone in the vastness of space. Join the space probes, and their parents back on Earth, to explore our solar system.
Movie: Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets ( 2004 )
This two-part science fiction docu-drama examines the possibilities of a dangerous, manned space mission to explore the inner and outer planets of the Solar system.
Movie: Space: Into the Great Beyond ( 2021 )
We have all dreamed of going where no man has gone before but that time is here and now. We are on the very edge of a new era in humanity. Within our lifetime, mankind will not only be journeying to other planets, we will be inhabiting them. Our ultra-high technology robots are even now walking upon the surface of Mars, sending back information and preparing the groun...Read all
Movie: Spaceflight ( 1985 )
This 4-part documentary miniseries covers the history of manned and unmanned space-flight, from the late 1800s through the mid-1980s. The first episode, "Thunder in the Skies", begins with the theories of the Russian schoolteacher Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, followed by the liquid-fueled rocket experiments of the American scientist Robert Goddard. The Nazis in World War II construct the V-2 ballistic missile, and after the war German scientists such as Krafft Ehricke and Wernher von Braun come to the United States to continue their rocket work. Meanwhile, the experimental X-series aircraft being tested at Edwards Air Force Base fly closer and closer to the edge of space. But the Soviets beat the United States into space through the efforts of the mysterious "Chief Designer", Sergei Korolev. The United States must play catch-up; they abandon the slow progress of the X-planes in favor of missiles, and NASA and Project Mercury are born. The second episode, "The Wings of Mercury", looks at the accomplishments of the American and Soviet manned space programs in the early 1960s. The Soviets start out in the lead with Yuri Gagarin's flight in the Vostok capsule, followed by flights of the Voshkod and Soyuz spacecraft. But the United States achieves success with its Mercury and Gemini programs, the forerunners of the Apollo moon program. The third episode, "One Giant Leap", documents the race to the moon. The Americans get there first, and the Soviets stumble badly. But after Apollo, the U.S. space program languishes while the Soviets put up the Salyut, and later the Mir, space stations. The fourth episode, "The Territory Ahead", discusses the present and future of space-flight, from the flights of the Space Shuttle, through the commercial and military uses of space, to plans for space colonies and flights to other planets and even other star systems.
Movie: SpaceDrive (Short 2016)
A NanPhysicist and his Father discover mysterious forces while building a device intended for interstellar travel. The discovery, if real, could revolutionize our world. The ultimate goal? To become extraterrestrials.
Movie: Space Dogs ( 2020 )
Laika, a stray dog, was the first living being to be sent into space and thus to a certain death. According to a legend, she returned to Earth as a ghost and has roamed the streets of Moscow ever since. Following her trace, and filmed from a dog's perspective, SPACE DOGS accompanies the adventures of her descendants: two street dogs living in today's Moscow. Their story is one of intimate fellowship but also relentless brutality, and is interwoven with unseen archive material from the Soviet cosmic era. A magical tale of voyagers scouting for unknown spaces.
TV Show: Space Disasters ( 2020 )
The tragic launch rehearsal that nearly ended the Apollo Moon Program. The Mir Space Station collision of 1997. The re-entry failure of Space Shuttle Columbia. Each NASA and Soviet space mission is a high-stakes project with an ever-present risk of failure. This series pays tribute to the bold men and women who put their lives on the line in order to get a foothold in the heavens...sometimes with spectacularly disastrous results. We also show how the close calls and catastrophes of our past paved the way for the breakthroughs of today.
TV Show: Sound Waves: The Symphony of Physics ( 2017 )
What is a sound? Dr. Helen Czerski investigates the extraordinary science behind the ones we're familiar with, and those we can't normally hear.
Movie: Solar System: The Secrets of the Universe ( 2014 )
Join our host on the International Space Station of the year 2050. Marvel at the three-dimensional sights and learn many things about the astral bodies that surround us.
Movie: Skyman ( 2020 )
The story of Carl Merryweather who believes he experienced an alien encounter at 10-years-old and is now trying to reconnect with the UFO at the same location.
Movie: Sirius ( 2013 )
A documentary about the life of Dr. Stephen Greer and his claims of existing energy technologies that would change the world as we know it.
TV Show: Sightings ( 1992 )
Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series. Subjects ranged from UFOs to ghosts to Bigfoot in an investigative news format hosted by reporter Tim White. First aired as a special Oct. 17, 1991. Last aired Dec. 23,1998. Total 107 episodes. Many episodes were featured as specials and not in a permanent time slot.
TV Show: Shock Docs ( 2019 )
Each installment of Travel Channel's Shock Docs goes to the heart of a true American horror story – and a peek into history. We travel across the country to uncover the best-documented paranormal encounters – tales recorded on video and audio that capture the raw terror of an encounter with evil. Additional Shock Docs on the slate for later this fall will delve into the true-life hauntings of the Amityville Horror House and The Exorcism of Roland Doe.
TV Show: Shaun Ryder on UFOs ( 2013 )
Shaun Ryder, frontman of the 80s and 90s bands Happy Mondays and Black Grape, has been fascinated by UFOs for years, ever since he spotted one when he was a young kid so in this eagerly awaited series on the History channel he goes on the ultimate road trip to investigate potential alien sightings.
Movie: Seven Ages of Starlight ( 2012 )
This is the epic story of the stars, and how discovering their tale has transformed our own understanding of the universe.
TV Show: Secrets Unlocked ( 2020 )
Our world holds remarkable relics that are full of secrets, written in stone, gold, and blood. Discovering the truths behind these mysteries could change history as we know it. Join host Adam Mastrelli as he brings us face-to-face with these puzzling treasures. Explore hidden corners of the world, decipher ancient documents, and apply groundbreaking research and forensic techniques in our quest to discover the truth about these fabled cities, monuments, and remnants.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: Rise of the TR3B ( 2021 )
The legendary TR3B is said to be the very first Alien Reproduction Vehicle that the military built secretly for space travel.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: NASA's First Missions ( 2022 )
Secrecy regarding UFOs during our early space programs takes center stage in this film. Researchers present the facts with expansive UFO evidence presented on each space mission from X-15, Project Mercury to the final Gemini Missions.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs - In the Beginning ( 2022 )
This documentary catalogues and examines early space age anomalies and UFOs. Cary and Stanton demonstrate NASA's interest in UFOs through astronaut testimony, examinations of declassified documents, and a history of cover up.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: Fastwalkers ( 2023 )
Expert researchers reveal the truth behind NASA UFO sightings, military involvement and cover-ups in a journey spanning five decades. Discover the reality of UFO activity in outer space and our atmosphere.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: Apollo 1-11 ( 2023 )
UFO phenomenon has been recorded far beyond the boundaries of Earth with hundreds of sightings during the Apollo missions 1-11. James Fox, Mike Bara and Richard Dolan discuss this hidden history of UFOs in space and structures on the Moon.