Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


Movie: Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle ( 1978 )
A documentary that explores the more infamous and explainable Bermuda Triangle incidents.
Movie: Secrets of the Ancient World ( 2019 )
From the mysterious origins of civilization to startling revelations about the pyramids, discover how the ruling elite have hidden ancient knowledge from the masses for millennia. We are just now beginning to re-discover our true past.
Movie: Secrets in the Sky: The Untold Story of Skunk Works ( 2019 )
In 1943, in a circus tent in Burbank, CA, a bunch of revolutionary thinkers first gathered together in secrecy to build America's first jet fighter. They were rule benders, chance takers, corner cutters-people who believed that nothing was impossible. In the decades that followed, this secret club would create some of the most iconic flying machines in history: the U-2 spy plane, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-117 stealth bomber - each of them so unfamiliar, so far ahead of their time, that they were often mistaken for something otherworldly. Secrets in the Sky: The Untold Story of Skunk Works pulls back the veil of secrecy on Lockheed Martin's enigmatic Skunk Works program. It features never-before-seen material: rare photos, films locked away for decades, and entries from the private journals and logbooks of Skunk Works' founder and aerospace legend, Kelly Johnson. With narration by Dennis Quaid, in Kelly Johnson's own words, the film plunges deep into a world shrouded in secrecy - where wars are won or lost not just on the battlefield, but at the design table. Secrets in the Sky: The Untold Story of Skunk Works reveals the incredible story of one small group of bootstrapping engineers and pilots whose innovative aircraft changed world history.
Movie: Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space ( 2002 )
In charting the mysterious expanse of space, both men and women pioneers risked their lives to further mankind's reach and influence. Some of these pioneer heroes never came back, while others experienced explosions, catastrophe, and
Movie: Sacred Lines of Nazca ( 2003 )
Movie: Russian Roswell ( 2005 )
Movie: Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Unlocked ( 2020 )
The most famous UFO case of all time is the alleged UFO crash in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Did humanity make its first contact with alien life that dark starry night? Dive into a shocking and complicated mystery that spans decades and continents. Discover how leaked CIA memos and ex-army officers fought to keep top secret information from the public - but nothing can remain hidden forever.
Movie: Roswell Top Secret ( 1998 )
Something happened near the town of Rosewell. This event came to be known as the Rosewell incident. The town has since become synonymous with flying saucers crashes, alien visitation, government cover up, or what many say, a jump to conclusions and a gross distortion of facts.
Movie: Roswell: The UFO UnCoverup ( 1998 )
The 50th Anniversary celebration of the well-documented UFO crash and government cover-up is the setting of this entertaining documentary about America's collective reaction to our planet's encounter with extraterrestrial beings. Without pandering to the fear-based "freak show" style highlighted by the tabloid media, this program turns to the serious aspects -- the evidence, personal testimonies, latest visual proofs and expert analysis on this ever- evolving worldwide phenomenon. With new revelations from ex-military personnel, researchers, experiencers, scientists and ordinary citizens we learn firsthand of the beliefs and remarkable events shaping our reality as we approach the millennium. Although the program briefly details the history of the flying saucer crash of 1947, it quickly moves on to where we stand today in our knowledge both of that infamous event and the more recent sightings and occurrences like the Phoenix lights and video of secret aircraft smuggled out of Area 51 in Nevada. Top researchers report on leaks from military sources and credible contactees provide insights as to what we can expect in the coming years. Ex-Pentagon Colonel Philip Corso and his best-selling "Day After Roswell" are examined as is the announcement of newly-tested metal debris fragments allegedly from the Roswell crash.
Movie: Roswell: The Truth Exposed ( 2022 )
Beginning at a 30-year reunion for members of a military nuclear bomb unit, flashbacks are presented that follow the attempts of Major Jesse Marcel to discover the truth about strange debris found on a local rancher's field in July of 1947. Told by his superiors that what he has found is nothing more than a downed weather balloon, Marcel maintains his military duty un...Read all
Movie: Roswell: The Aliens Attack ( 1999 )
Two aliens escape from 1947 Roswell, New Mexico and set out to sabotage the Earth. The lady alien finds she enjoys sex and likes to seduce soldiers. However, the male eventually falls in love with an Earthling and decides to stop the female from setting off a nuclear weapon the two had developed.
Movie: Rookie Moonshot: Budget Mission to the Moon ( 2019 )
This film follows the journey of the Israeli SpaceIL spacecraft, Beresheet, as it attempts to become the first privately-funded vehicle to make a lunar landing. Interviews with the founders, engineers and space experts interwoven with actuality sequences and graphics, chart the science, passion and determination needed in this new moonshot.
Movie: RODS: Mysterious Objects Among Us! ( 1997 )
Cameraman and filmaker Jose Escamilla with his wife Karen, embarked on a journey to seek out and capture real UFO's on video. This video documents their journey. For the first time, you will see remarkable daytime video that proves UFO's do exist. Testimony by renowned UFO researchers corroborate the authenticity of this video, which includes startling new evidence that reveals what some experts believe may be a previously undiscovered life form.
Movie: Rocketmen ( 2009 )
A documentary about the courage, bravery and triumph of the "Rocket Men" of the U.S. manned space program.
Movie: Return to the Moon ( 2019 )
Movie: Return to Area 51 ( 2002 )
A look at the top secret military base in Nevada that doesn't exist on any map.
Movie: Reptilians ( 2024 )
The story explores the conspiracy theory of reptilian beings secretly controlling humanity, delving into its origins, cultural impact and the psychology behind such beliefs regarding extraterrestrial enigmas.
Movie: Real Monsters: Bigfoot, Goatman, Aliens, Humanoids and UFOs ( 2016 )
Scientists now admit it's possible that unknown species are still lurking undiscovered in remote places around the world. More strange encounters and bizarre, often illogical, paranormal experiences are being reported than ever before. Credible eyewitnesses have reported seeing Bigfoot creatures getting into UFOs; aliens attacking a family in their farmhouse; robed figures materializing out of vortexes while UFOs hover overhead; horrifying screams emanating from inter-dimensional winged apparitions; swamp beasts that hypnotize those they encounter and more. Everyday people are not just encountering real monsters; they are having life altering experiences with strange paranormal and supernatural forces via mysterious beings as well as ghosts and spirits of the dead. Prepare to take a journey into the unexplained in this comprehensive multi DVD set. COMPREHENSIVE MULTI DVD SET.
Movie: Reality UFO Series: V2 ( 2009 )
Movie: Reality UFO Series: V1 ( 2008 )
Reality Entertainment presents the Reality UFO Series V1, a unique series in conjunction with Hard Evidence and Ufologist Magazines, featuring the most compelling, well documented cases in UFO and Paranormal History.
Movie: Reaching Tranquility: The 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing ( 2009 )
With a poignant speech in 1961, President John F. Kennedy made it clear that he wanted to see the United States be the first to land an astronaut on the moon's surface. The U.S. was in the middle of a race for the lunar surface with the U.S.S.R., which had successfully sent the first human to outer space, less than a month before. With the two super powers locked in the Cold War, President Kennedy set a goal to land on the moon by the end of 1969. With heavy costs of money and the loss of eight in the space program during that time, a nervous world witnessed as NASA created the Apollo program, developing a massive rocket ship from technology meant for missiles. The drama of 40 years ago played out on television and radio to worldwide audiences as the crew launched from the Earth, taking 4 days to travel over 219,000 miles to the lunar surface. Starting in late 2008, HD and still cameras were aimed at the moon, capturing it in a variety of ways to help one reach the moon within one's mind. The completed project was posted for the first time online, July 16, 2009 - exactly 40 years to the day that Apollo 11 launched into space to make history.
Movie: Race for the Moon ( 1965 )
Movie: Quantum Mind of God ( 2007 )
Movie: Quantum Communication ( 2009 )
We can create abundance in our lives by awakening the genius within each of us. This insightful film answers some crucial questions about transforming our lives: How is quantum communication connected to the Universal Laws of Attraction? How do we manifest our future soul-mates and business partners, and how can we become fully actualized human beings? What is actually happening when we pray? How do we create an intelligent dialogue with the creative force of the universe to allow us to experience a quantum leap in our own intelligence? Discover how to excel in your relationships, career and achieve super-learning to change your life and achieve a sense of self-actualization. Includes powerful insights from Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. John Gray and many other recognized authorities on the subject.
Movie: Pyramid World: Aliens and Origins ( 2023 )
They are the most enigmatic structures on the face of the Earth. Monolithic wonders found on every continent designed with precise alignments to the stars and ancient energy grids. Encoded with vast knowledge about the history of the planet and constructed with technological sophistication beyond our current abilities, they are monuments of the past epochs like no oth...Read all
Movie: Proyecto Ovni: Verdades y mentiras del fenómeno Ovni en Andalucía ( 2006 )
A peculiar, lighthearted look at the always controversial subject of UFOs. Through various statements made by people in Andalusia, we will hear stories about abductions, sightings and encounters of the third kind.
Movie: PROJECT SERPO Uncovering the Shocking Truth Behind the Secret 10-Year Mission to an Alien Planet ( 2023 )
2005: Ex-agent unveils 3,000-page report on a secret ET exchange mission to planet Serpo
Movie: Project: Man in Space ( 1963 )
Movie: Project Gemini: Bridge to the Moon ( 2008 )
All of the necessary technologies required to reach the Moon was first tested during Project Gemini, which comprised of ten missions in the mid-1960s.
Movie: Project Blue Book Exposed ( 2020 )
Project Blue Book was the catalyst to the modern day UFO cover-up that still exists today. The startling fact is we may be in the same position now as then, as it relates to the phenomena. We are still in an age of denial about the magnitude of this phenomenon and what its implications mean for all mankind. Perhaps there are secret factions that have indeed communicated with alien entities and have received technology from them. But from the outside looking in, it appears nothing has changed as the UFOs continue to violate our airspace with impunity; and as before, military factions are powerless against the unknown invaders.
Movie: Prisoners of the Moon ( 2019 )
This is the story of Arthur Rudolph, one of over 100 Nazi V2 rocket engineers secretly brought to America in 1945 to work on the Cold War missile programme. He became a key figure in NASA's race into space; but in 1990 was arrested in Toronto on suspicion of being a war criminal. As well as dramatizing Arthur Rudolph's trial from previously unseen transcripts, this revelatory documentary draws upon archive footage, expert witness interviews and the testimony of Jean Michel, a slave labour survivor of the subterranean wartime V2 factory. This is the story of America's desperation to beat Russia to the moon at all costs, and of the decades-long journey to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of 20,000 slave laborers in the V2 rocket factory and its Concentration Camp.
Movie: Prehistoric Astronomers ( 2007 )
Cave paintings and lunar calendars exist in the caves and remains of prehistoric hunters studied recently. What if Prehistoric Man were clever enough to develop in depth scientific knowledge? As unlikely as it may seem, new data tend to prove that Prehistoric Man actually invented Astronomy.
Movie: Popular Science, Featuring Moon Rocket ( 1947 )
Rocket research with German V-2's at White Sands, New Mexico (with flight camera footage). Also: bathroom gadgets; a one-man hay baler.
Movie: Planetary Defense ( 2007 )
Who will save Earth? Scientists and the military have only recently awakened to the notion that impacts with Earth do happen. "Planetary Defense" meets with both the scientific and military communities to study our options to mitigate an impact from asteroids and comets, collectively known as NEO's (Near Earth Objects).
Movie: Planetary ( 2015 )
We are in the midst of a global crisis of perspective. We have forgotten the undeniable truth that everything is connected. PLANETARY is a provocative and breathtaking wakeup call, a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. PLANETARY is a poetic and humbling reminder that it's time to shift our perspective. PL...Read all
Movie: Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs - Seeing Is Believing ( 2005 )
UFOs: Seeing is Believing investigates, speculates and ultimately celebrates the possibility that we are not alone.
Movie: Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space ( 2010 )
When a war starts in space, can anyone really win?
Movie: Patterns of Evidence: Moses Controversy ( 2019 )
A filmmaker searches for scientific evidence that Moses wrote the first books of the Bible.
Movie: Patient Seventeen ( 2017 )
Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advanced implants, nanotechnology microchips embedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology.
Movie: Parano ( 2005 )
One man goes on a quest scanning the globe searching for evidence and meaning after aliens abduct him one night from his bed.
Movie: Packing for Mars ( 2015 )
Inspired by a 1970's science fiction novel entitled ALTERNATIVE 3, one man, armed with nothing but a camera and an open mind, sets forth on a journey to reveal the truth behind what may well be one of the most startling secrets: An elite group is said to be secretly building an exclusive off-world survival colony on planet Mars. Credible individuals have begun to emerge claiming to have been actual Mars recruits including the great granddaughter of a historically significant American president.
Movie: ¿OVNIS en Cuba? ( 1997 )
Movie: OVNI Secret Américain ( 2001 )
Movie: Overlords of the U.F.O. ( 1977 )
This documentary puts forth the theory that UFOs are actually beings from another dimension, and reviews past incidents of UFO sightings in support of that theory.
Movie: Out of This World ( 1962 )
Movie: Out of the Blue ( 2003 )
The definitive investigation on the UFO phenomenon narrated by Peter Coyote.
Movie: Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth ( 2021 )
The alarming surge of UFO sightings, alien encounters and military disclosures over the last decade have established a foreboding reality - that in our very near future the human race will be confronted with the presence of a superior Extraterrestrial race. Powerless to resist or combat these beings, we as the human race will be sentenced to our inescapable fate. Will...Read all
Movie: Origins of the Universe ( 2021 )
The world around us contains many complex systems that work so perfectly together. For many years there has raged a heated debate between evolution and creation, with the question at the core of it all being, "Was the earth created, or did it come into existence on its own?" Meet seven experts in their fields who have devoted their lives to the study of this question.
Movie: Orbit: Journey to the Moon ( 2009 )
A documentary commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Flight from Earth to the Moon. Told by the astronauts themselves in their own words.
Movie: On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors ( 2022 )
In the 1960s the cattle mutilation phenomenon became a widespread concern across the American west. Cases erupted around states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado of livestock being preyed upon in ways that puzzled even established scientists. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UF...Read all
Movie: On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky ( 2021 )
Cryptid filmmaker Seth Breedlove and paranormal researcher Shannon LeGro continue their search for the truth behind the enigma of unidentified flying objects. Delving into subjects of The Mothman, Flatwoods Monster, Hollow Earth, Indrid Cold and Eyewitness Encounters.
Movie: One Giant Leap: A Neil Armstrong Tribute ( 2012 )
Featuring footage from Neil Armstrong's last public appearance. The feature also offers interviews with crewmates Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, and leverages special access to the Apollo 11 archives to take viewers through the complete journey from initial training, to moon walk, to splashdown on Earth. The special serves as a definitive exploration of the legacy of Apollo 11 and the man who was first to step foot on the moon.
Movie: Odyssey of Survival ( 2007 )
We take a future trip through our exploratory past. From our initial launches of artificial satellites to men traveling to the Moon. From the construction of the first International Space Station to the first active Lunar Bases. From the first manned missions to Mars to the first autonomous, self-sustained colonies, surviving off Earth. Explore Mankind's first one hundred years in Space. Join us on "Odyssey of Survival".
Movie: Novus Ordo Alienorum ( 2023 )
Dive into a documentary on government-alien ties with experts Luca Riguzzi and Gaspare de Lama. Explore Earth's diverse ET beings and our shared bond. Challenge what you know, ponder our world's vast potential.
Movie: NOVA: To the Moon ( 1999 )
Movie: No One's Watching: An Alien Abductee's Story ( 2006 )
Jeremy Vaeni is an alien abductee whose contact with nonhumans has thrust him into a spiritual enlightenment process. That's what he says. But what does his family say? What do his friends think? Vaeni asks them point blank what they truly make of his life story before journeying to a UFO hotspot in the mountains of Northern California in search of aliens. What he discovers may shock you.
Movie: Nick Pope: The Man Who Left the MOD ( 2006 )
Nick Pope officially goes on the record and spells out his beliefs, opinions and reveals the scope of his incredible insider knowledge. * Russian and Black Technology * Rendlesham Forest * Quantum physics * Govt. reports & sightings
Movie: Next in Space ( 2016 )
Movie: New Swirled Order ( 2009 )
Where does this mysterious crop circle phenomena come from? Is it done by man as a joke? So why do people have extraordinary experiences then? Flying ball of lights were seen in and around crop circles. Or is it an alien intelligence which try to communicate with us? The geometry which can be found in crop circles, include a lot of mathematics which can be also found in nature. Our new documentary "New swirled order" deals with these questions and present some very extraordinary Crop circle formations in 2008, like the "Pi"-formation in Barbury Castle or the Crop Circle near Avebury Manor, which showed our solar system with the planetary constellation of December 21 of 2012. Great film. The one crop circle that is connected to pi equation, I found that if you use Pythagoras's numerology equation by adding each digit together 3+1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5+4=40. then add 4+0=4. Which represents corners on a square which is pi. I thought was interesting.
Movie: Neil Armstrong: First Man on the Moon ( 2012 )
On the 21st July 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on another world. Learning to fly just as the super-sonic era dawned, and honing his piloting skills flying Navy combat missions over North Korea, Armstrong was a product of his time. With additional experience as an elite, rocket-powered, X-15 test pilot he had just the right skill set NASA was looking for in 1961, when they recruited their second group of astronauts to shoot for the Moon. Achieving the first Moon landing and taking that first step onto its surface just eight years later, not only transformed human history, but also it changed Armstrong's own life as well. Drawing on private family archives and told through a series of intimate interviews, this is the story of the real Neil Armstrong, by those who loved, lived and worked with 'the first man on the Moon'.
Movie: Nazi Ufos: How They Fly - Exposing the German Tesla Anti-Gravity & Free Energy Program ( 2004 )
Paul Scarzo interviews author and researcher William R. Lyne. The topic covered in this documentary is alternative forms of propulsion and energy creation methods. The focus is some work done by Nikola Tesla, and that of German scientists under the Third Reich.
Movie: Nazi UFO Secrets of World War II ( 2004 )
A documentary which delves into alternative theories of UFOs, specifically supposed development of similar crafts under the Third Reich.
Movie: Nazi UFO Conspiracy ( 2008 )
A credible investigation of possible connections between UFO sightings in the past half century and secret flying saucer technologies developed by the Nazis in WW2.
Movie: NASA & SpaceX: Journey to the Future ( 2020 )
Elon Musk and the greatest minds from SpaceX and NASA are on the verge of making space history; behind-the-scenes access reveals how these pioneers dream up and test new technology that will make trips to the moon, Mars and beyond commonplace.
Movie: Nano Man: Utility Fog (Short 2015) ( 2015 )
A military funded nanophysicist believes he possesses a mysterious meta-material created by another intelligence. Extraterrestrial Nanotechnology from a UFO landing site.
Movie: Mystery of the Sphinx ( 1993 )
Ridiculed by traditional Egyptologists but supported by geologist Robert Schoch, John Anthony West cites water erosion as evidence that the Great Sphinx is more than 9,000 years old. Charlton Heston hosts.
Movie: Mystery of the Maya ( 1995 )
Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, and extending into the Yucatán Peninsula lie the fabled pyramids,temples and palaces of the Maya. This short film explores what happened to the ancient people and places
Movie: Mysteries of the Gods ( 1976 )
A documentary movie about the influence of "ancient astronauts" in mankind's history.
Movie: Mysteries of Egypt ( 1998 )
Egypt is and ever was a place of mystery. Many rumors spread around the great Pyramids of Gizeh (the only one of the seven wonders of the world left), their age ranges - in different theories - between 3,000 and even 12,000 years. Here, an old Egyptian is asked by his granddaughter about those mysteries of which we all heard in one way or the other. The action takes us to Howard Carter, who, after years and years of searching, finally found King Tutankhamen's (Tut-ench-Amun) grave in 1922. This was a major event in archaeology, as this grave was never robbed and therefore in the same condition as it was left (est.) 1339 B.C. We also get to see the Nile's wells and other historic landmarks that make Egypt an important part of world history.
Movie: Mysteries from Beyond the Triangle ( 1976 )
A ship full of scientists and psychics travels to the Bermuda Triangle to try to document the strange goings-on that are reported there.
Movie: Mysteries from Beyond Earth ( 1975 )
Documentary about UFO's and related phenomena.
Movie: Mussolini's UFO
Find out about the project 'Cabinet RS/33' authorized by Mussolini, the mysterious UFO sightings that stopped a football match in Tuscany, an airplane crew that spotted strange objects and other cases throughout this country's history.
Movie: Multidimensional ( 2021 )
In this film, Peter Maxwell Slattery takes you on a journey into his life with one of the most documented extraterrestrial contact cases in modern times. From photographic and video evidence, to hundreds of witnesses to events around him, to physical evidence, there is much to be explored in this story. This documentary takes one on a mind-altering journey looking into who we really are and an alternative view point on the paranormal topic, focusing on the multidimensional aspect of the phenomena, and how the paranormal, ghosts, UFOs/UAPs, and consciousness are all connected. Featuring image analysis expert Jason Gleaves (Ex UK Airforce / Aerospace), counsellor and hypnotherapist Mary Rodwell, remote viewer John Vivanco (who worked in a think tank for the FBI, NASA Scientists and other agencies - also known as the Psychic Spy), and James Gilliland from the ECETI Ranch. Pete is not the only one experiencing what is looked at as the unexplained, people from all walks of life all over the world are.
Movie: Mufon and UFOs: The Proof Is Out There ( 2022 )
Researchers have been searching for proof of extraterrestrial life for years. Earl Anderson, the head of Investigations of MUFON Los Angeles, and his team search for proof of the existence of UAPs and life on beyond planet Earth. The proof is out there.
Movie: Moonwalk One ( 2009 )
This documentary from 1970 explores all aspects of the Apollo 11 Moon mission.
Movie: Moonwalkers: The Men of Apollo ( 2000 )
This program takes a humorous look at the thoughts and feelings of the Apollo astronauts and missions to the Moon's surface.
Movie: Moonwalker
Only twelve humans have ever walked on the surface of another world. Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell was the sixth man to do so. He also wanted to reveal the secret organization that covers up the extraterrestrial presence engaging humanity.
Movie: Moonstruck ( 2015 )
What happens when a disparate group of entrepreneurs, with limited resources, come together, to confront an audacious challenge? Meet India's new space-age heroes, who have signed up for a global race that stretches across four lakh kilometers of space!
Movie: Moon Shots 4K ( 2015 )
The 56-minute documentary "Moon Shots" shows impressive ultra-HD photographs of the moon shots and tells thrilling stories from the Apollo era.
Movie: Moon Shot ( 1994 )
Movie: Moon Rockets ( 1947 )
This short is one of Paramount's "Popular Science" series (number L6-5, or the fifth one of the 1946-47 production season) and begins by showling moon rockets, weighing 30 tons, aflight in the ionosphere, with mounted color cameras recording pictures hundreds of miles above the earth. Coming back to earth, it discourses on modern bathroom fixtures, and then demostrates a one-man hay-bailer.
Movie: Moonbug ( 2010 )
Bitten by the 'Moonbug', photographer Steve Pyke set out on a journey across America in his search to meet and photograph the Apollo space pioneers. A journey in which he was to meet the adventurers, risk takers and dreamers who were behind one of the most historic endeavors of our time. From living rooms and moonscape deserts, to Cape Canaveral, Steve captures these pioneers in frank, revealing portraits, while unravelling their very personal and divergent memories. With rare archive footage and an original score by Matt Johnson and The The, Moonbug is both a photographic road trip and an exploration of how photographs become signpost for history.
Movie: Moon Beat ( 2009 )
Moon Beat re-examines the epic 1969 flight of Apollo XI, on it's 40th anniversary, with a behind-the-scenes look from top NASA officials and many leading journalists who covered the first moon landing and the U.S. Space program. The Summer of '69 was an historic time, a turbulent time, and a time before cell phones, the Internet or 24-hour cable news. It was a time when newspapers and magazines flourished - alongside just three major U.S television networks. Around the world, the BBC covered the historic flight for an even larger European audience, and reporters from all corners of the globe were focused on just one story - the flight of Apollo XI and mankind's Journey to the Moon.
Movie: Montauk Chronicles ( 2015 )
A study of the dark legends that surround the Camp Hero Air Force Base in Montauk, Long Island.
Movie: Monsters of the UFO ( 2005 )