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Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


TV Show: Known Universe ( 2009 )
Ever wondered what would happen if you were sucked into a black hole? Or, if wormholes could make time travel a reality? And could life on Earth survive a huge meteor strike like the one that took out the dinosaurs? This series combines the most current scientific information, cutting-edge computer graphics, dramatic time-lapse sequences and everyday examples to shed light on some of the most mind-boggling aspects of our universe.
Movie: For All Humankind ( 2023 )
A deep dive into space exploration means for society by comparing the parallel events of 1969 and 2020.
Movie: Alternative 3 ( 1977 )
World ecological collapse; the next ice-age has already begun! Lucky for us, governments know what to do. Unfortunately it's a conspiracy to end all conspiracies. Vanishing scientists, dubious space missions, and a freak accident which kills the courier of a tape containing a secret radio message from an unmanned Mars probe - holds the key. Ruthless investigative reporters uncover the ominous master plan.
Movie: Mystery of the Maya ( 1995 )
Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, and extending into the Yucatán Peninsula lie the fabled pyramids,temples and palaces of the Maya. This short film explores what happened to the ancient people and places
Movie: Gravity and Me: The Force That Shapes Our Lives ( 2017 )
Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the science of gravity, recreating ground-breaking scientific experiments including the moment when Galileo first discovered how to measure gravity.
Movie: The UFO Battle of Los Angeles ( 2023 )
On the night of February 24-25, 1942, amid terror and neurosis caused by the terrible Pearl Harbor attack only two months earlier, a huge flying object of unknown origin appears in the sky over Los Angeles. The military reacts by imposing a total blackout in the area and firing more than 1440 artillery rounds. However, despite the firepower, no object was shot down. W...Read all
Movie: The Hunt for Planet B ( 2021 )
Taking us behind the scenes with NASA's high-stakes Webb Space Telescope, The Hunt for Planet B follows a pioneering group of scientists - many of them women - on their quest to find another Earth among the stars.
Movie: SpaceDrive (Short 2016)
A NanPhysicist and his Father discover mysterious forces while building a device intended for interstellar travel. The discovery, if real, could revolutionize our world. The ultimate goal? To become extraterrestrials.
Movie: The Search for a New Earth ( 2017 )
Professor Stephen Hawking enlists engineering expert Prof Danielle George and his own former student, Christophe Galfard, to find out if and how humans can reach for the stars and move to different planets.
Movie: Easter Island: Mysteries of a Lost World ( 2014 )
Easter Island. It is one of the most isolated places in the world, and it is famous for its giant stone statues called the Moai, built by the mysterious Rapa Nui. Dr. Jago Cooper travels to Easter Island to investigate how this mysterious civilization rose and fell, and the circumstances of their disappearance.
Movie: A-Bombs Over Nevada ( 2016 )
Movie: The Search for Life: The Drake Equation ( 2010 )
A look at the Drake equation, developed by Dr. Frank Drake as a way to think about the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy that could exist and communicate with us.
Movie: Alien Crash at Roswell: The UFO Truth Lost in Time ( 2013 )
The most enigmatic and universally known UFO incident in history needs only one name - ROSWELL. Roswell will never fade as it represents the true ushering in of the UFO phenomenon for time immemorial. Dwarfing Orson Wells' "War of the Worlds" in national and then international hysteria, Roswell was an unparalleled turning point for all of mankind because for the first time almost every man, woman and child on earth was faced with the reality that we are not alone in the universe. In early July, 1947 Major Jesse Marcel, commander of the most technologically advanced bomb group in the world, discovered the crash site of a downed UFO in the New Mexico desert following a harrowing and record breaking storm. Out of honor and duty to his country, Major Marcel was to become the scapegoat for the largest disinformation cover-up effort in world history. What he saw would be a secret he would keep for many years - knowledge about the crash itself and the ensuing battle to keep the incident covered-up by government and military factions. Roswell would be forever entwined in not just Major Marcel's life but that of his children and grandchildren for generations to come. Today Jesse Marcel III, the grandson of Major Jesse Marcel, tells his grandfather's story and reveals what has continued to haunt his family for over sixty years - the legacy of ROSWELL.
Movie: Ancient Alien ( 1998 )
TV Show: When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions ( 2008 )
Narrated by award-winning actor Gary Sinise, When We Left Earth is the incredible story of humankind's greatest adventure, as it happened, told by the people who were there. From the early quest of the Mercury program to put a man in space, to the historic moon landings, through the Soyuz link-up and the first un-tethered space walk by Bruce McCandless, this is how the space age came of age. The vivid HD series features vintage rushes and all the key onboards filmed by the astronauts themselves. The sequences are captured by cameras onboard the spaceships, enabling the series to tell the stories in a depth never seen before.
Movie: Extraordinary: The Revelations ( 2021 )
'Extraordinary: The Revelations' explores the historical significance of ET presence as well as three specific paradigms - biblical, ascension and colonization - that attempt to define the alien agenda. While individuals in each of these 'thought camps' believe ET interaction is occurring, their endgame assessments are vastly different. Retired military whistleblowers...Read all
Movie: The Moon ( 2006 )
TV Show: The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries ( 2012 )
What do scientists know about the universe? What still remains to be uncovered? What are some of the next avenues of exploration? Professor Neil deGrasse Tyson's course The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries is a marvelous journey to the frontiers of the known (and unknown) universe and introduces you to tantalizing questions being addressed by the world's top scientists.
TV Show: Wonders of the Moon with Dara Ó Briain ( 2023 )
Since the beginning of time, generations have looked to the moon – it's a place filled with wonder, romanticism and dreams. It commands time, tide and life and has had an astonishing impact on life on Earth. It's spawned countless myths and legends, from werewolves to the belief that a full moon can make you crazy.

Now, in this two-part documentary – writer, comedian, amateur astronomer and astrophotographer Dara Ó Briain explores the ways in which the moon shapes just about everything around us and how we are now looking to shape the moon in the future.
Movie: The Cosmic Hoax: An Expose ( 2021 )
Dr. Greer takes the viewer back through modern history, starting in the 1920's showing/proving with evidence about Aliens and UFO's... the cover ups from top government entities, and has almost reached the point of no return.
Movie: ETs Among Us Presents: Alaska's Secret Pyramid and Worldwide Alien Archaeology ( 2023 )
Peabody Award winner Linda Moulton Howe and other experts explore the enigma of the colossal stone pyramids encircling our planet, both their purposes and the incomprehensible technology behind their creation.
TV Show: Strange Days: Cold War Britain ( 2013 )
Historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us back to the strange years of the Cold War. For Sandbrook these are the years in which we were both more secure and prosperous that we had ever been - and at the same time, lived everyday with the very real possibility of nuclear annihilation. This is not just a story of the superpower arms race or daring spies, real and fictional, it is a story in which all we played a crucial part.
TV Show: Mysteries at the National Parks ( 2015 )
America's network of national parks represents vast, dense expanses of virtually unexplored wilderness — hotbeds for mysteries and the unexplained. Each episode delivers several haunting stories to add to the backdrop and natural beauty of some of the country's most famous national parks.
Movie: On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors ( 2022 )
In the 1960s the cattle mutilation phenomenon became a widespread concern across the American west. Cases erupted around states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado of livestock being preyed upon in ways that puzzled even established scientists. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UF...Read all
Movie: Alien Gods ( 2003 )
Alien Gods is a one hour documentary that explores the theory that life on Earth may have been created by Extraterrestrials. It is a documentary that explores the ever popular UFO issue, but with twist. Alien Gods starts with the examination of ancient artifacts and religious manuscripts for some sign of evidence that can prove alien intervention. In addition, Alien Gods explores the religious cults that firmly believe this theory. Within this documentary is an intimate interview with "Rael," the leader of the Raelian Movement, who has recently claimed the creation of the first human clone. Rael discusses his beliefs on cloning and speaks of how he visited an alien planet with the Elohim, who he believes are the creators of all life on Earth.
Movie: Roswell: The Aliens Attack ( 1999 )
Two aliens escape from 1947 Roswell, New Mexico and set out to sabotage the Earth. The lady alien finds she enjoys sex and likes to seduce soldiers. However, the male eventually falls in love with an Earthling and decides to stop the female from setting off a nuclear weapon the two had developed.
Movie: Alien Conspiracies - The Hidden Truth ( 2023 )
From the ancient pyramids to online conspiracies, are extraterrestrials guiding mankind's past, present and future?
Movie: Alien Creatures from Beyond: Monsters, Ghosts and Vampires ( 2015 )
Are there creatures still unknown to science lurking in the remote areas of our planet? Hundreds of eyewitnesses say unquestionably YES. Lurking in Magog is the elusive Memphre, a thirty-foot lake monster that stalks the peaceful waters...
Movie: UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ( 2022 )
UAP is the new military term for UFO. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is a program within US Naval Intelligence implemented to "standardize collection and reporting" of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena. Many say the use of "UAP" is an attempt to better hide the program from civilians but with the acknowledgment of recent UFO videos leaked to the...Read all
Movie: The Middle: Cascadia Guides ( 2022 )
The 2022 Documentary "The Middle" based on the Cascadia Guides in Oregon and the Bizarre UFO activity that surrounds them.
Movie: Return to the Moon ( 2019 )
TV Show: How to Grow a Planet ( 2012 )
In this TV programme Professor Iain Stewart journeys from the spectacular caves of Vietnam to the remote deserts of Africa and sees how plants first harnessed light from the sun and created our life-giving atmosphere. He describes how the plant kingdom has transformed a lifeless planet into our living world.
Movie: The Paranormal UFO Connection ( 2024 )
Explores whether UFOs might be more than just physical spacecraft, looking at their possible spiritual, psychic, angelic, and even demonic elements.
TV Show: Dara O Briain's Science Club ( 2012 )
Experts and a lively audience join Dara O Briain to tackle the biggest concepts in science and discover the great ideas that are changing the world we live in.
Movie: A Tear in the Sky ( 2022 )
This award-winning documentary A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology. What they find in...Read all
Movie: Nazi UFO Conspiracy ( 2008 )
A credible investigation of possible connections between UFO sightings in the past half century and secret flying saucer technologies developed by the Nazis in WW2.
TV Show: Moon Machines ( 2008 )
Moon Machines in the US and UK is a Science Channel HD documentary miniseries consisting of six episodes documenting the engineering challenges of the Apollo Program to land a man on the Moon. It covers everything from the iconic Saturn V to the Command Module, the Lunar Module, the Space Suits, the Guidance and Control Computer, and the Lunar Rover. It was created by the team who made In the Shadow of the Moon in association with NASA to commemorate the agency's fiftieth anniversary in 2008.
Movie: Alien Underworld ( 2002 )
Movie: Space Robot Revolution ( 2015 )
What do space robots look like? Why and how can they lead space missions successfully? To what extent will they collaborate with astronauts or take their place? Find out what is in development around the world from robotic geology labs to space garbage collection.
Movie: UFO Invasion at Rendlesham ( 2003 )
In late December 1980, in Rendlesham Forest, England, numerous U.S. military personnel witnessed what has come to be regarded as the most significant military-UFO incident in the history of Great Britain. Now SCI FI brings you this shocking exposé, complete with documentation, new physical evidence and firsthand accounts by both military and civilian witnesses - inclu...Read all
Movie: Chariots of the Gods? The Mysteries Continue ( 1996 )
An update of "Chariots of the Gods" (1970), this slick production provides updates of Erich von Däniken's controversial theories with von Däniken himself acting as co-host. Shooting locations include the Giza Plateau in Egypt, the megalithic ruins at Carnac in Brittany, the ancient Mayan cities of Chichén Itzá and Palenque in Mexico, Deder and Kaimalkin in Turkey, as well as other mysterious sites around the world.
Movie: Space Masons and the Alien Conspiracy ( 2023 )
Buzz Aldrin is not only an accomplished astronaut and engineer but also a member of the Freemasons. Explore the fascinating world of Aldrin and the Masonic brotherhood, uncovering the hidden history that has been influencing the course of the world for centuries.
TV Show: UFOs Over Earth ( 2008 )
UFOs. Extraterrestrial intelligence. Alien abductions. Whether a believer, a skeptic or somewhere in between, these words are sure to conjure a bit of curiosity. UFOs Over Earth puts you into the shoes of UFO investigators as they search for evidence of extraterrestrial business.
Movie: Tank on the Moon (TV Short 2007) ( 2008 )
The incredible story of two small remote controlled rovers sent by the Soviets to the moon in the 1970's.
Movie: Majic ( 2019 )
An anti-conspiracy video blogger thinks she is slipping into an alternate reality after being approached by an old man claiming to have worked for the legendary Majestic-12 (aka majic), the covert US spy agency, created after the UFO incident at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
Movie: Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure ( 2021 )
For as with all things paramount to humanity's survival, when the issues and interests reach a boiling point, the masses will enact change. Are we truly alone? Or have we evolved to a new epoch in the annals of mankind's existence?
TV Show: Secrets of Our Universe with Tim Peake ( 2023 )
Secrets of Our Universe with Tim Peake is an unmissable, premium landmark series that delivers a fun, action-packed and family-friendly exploration of our universe. Across three mesmerising episodes, Tim will investigate three iconic subjects: The Planets, Stars & Black Holes, and Space Missions.Each episode will share the most incredible stories and exciting revelations on each theme and provides an epic investigation into the Big Questions: What are stars made from? What is a black hole? How far have humans gone in space? Tim will also pause to answer all those niggling queries… Why do some planets have rings? Why does Venus glow?Each episode sees Tim visit astonishing locations, including the extraordinary laboratory where stars are made and the slopes of a volcano that offers the best stargazing on earth. He uses an arsenal of techniques to immerse us in his world – from high-end graphics and stunning archive, to going behind-the scenes with the world's top scientists and the latest discoveries.
Movie: Ancient Graves: Voices of the Dead ( 1998 )
Unwrap the secrets of the dead as scientists discover and learn from ancient preserved bodies.
TV Show: Open Minds with Regina Meredith ( 2012 )
Host Regina Meredith conducts interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, providing crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding and ultimately, transformation.
Movie: Alien Earths ( 2009 )
Astronomers discover wobbling stars with planets where the ice is hot and the rain is made of iron.
Movie: Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D ( 2005 )
This program strives to give the viewer an impression of what it is like to actually be on the moon. It provides a romantic, inspirational depiction of the Apollo astronauts travels on the moon peppered by their quotations of their impressions.
Movie: California Paranormal ( 2018 )
Ten California residents share their true stories of paranormal experiences, extraterrestrial encounters and unexplainable phenomenon.
Movie: The Incredulous Case of Aliens, the US Govt, and Arnie Smith. ( 2022 )
Filmmaker Bill Howard follows up on a letter from a deceased government insider that brings him to some startling information regarding aliens and the United States government. Based on true events.
Movie: PROJECT SERPO Uncovering the Shocking Truth Behind the Secret 10-Year Mission to an Alien Planet ( 2023 )
2005: Ex-agent unveils 3,000-page report on a secret ET exchange mission to planet Serpo
Movie: Moonwalkers: The Men of Apollo ( 2000 )
This program takes a humorous look at the thoughts and feelings of the Apollo astronauts and missions to the Moon's surface.
Movie: The Space Shuttle: Flying for Me ( 2015 )
A celebration of 30 years of NASA achievements with the space shuttle program. The program highlights memorable shuttle missions such as the return of Senator John Glenn to space and the construction of the International Space Station, while exploring the growing diversity among the astronaut corps and space industry personnel.
Movie: Eyes in Outer Space ( 1959 )
Walt Disney, with the cooperation of the U.S. Department of Defense, uses music and animation to speculate on the use of space satellite technology (with a coordinated defense network) as a means to modify weather.
Movie: Aliens Against Nuclear War: Edgar Mitchell
"Only 12 people can say that they have walked on the moon. Now, if one of them told you that ET visited Earth and that the government knew about it and covered up the truth for years; if he also told you that aliens averted a nuclear war between USA and URSS to prevent humanity from self-destructing; would you judge him as a crazy nutcase or would you listen to furthe...Read all
Movie: The Space Race ( 2024 )
Explores the experiences of the first Black astronauts through decades of archive film and interviews in a reflective illumination on the burden of breaking barriers.
Movie: Comet Collision! ( 2005 )
Movie: Europe's Roswell: UFO Crash at Aberystwyth ( 2009 )
On a dark winter's night in January 1983, Aberystwyth was buzzed by a strange flying craft, which hit trees, scattered shiny metal debris over four fields and flew off apparently unaffected. Are these debris genuine pieces of a crashed UFO?
Movie: Aliens: Are We Alone? ( 2013 )
Does alien life exist out there in the Universe Scientists are now getting closer than ever to answering that question thanks to the Kepler Space Telescope. This revolutionary spacecraft is on a mission to find habitable alien planets. Thanks to Kepler we now know of thousands of possible planets and we're getting closer than ever to finding the holy grail: a twin of our Earth. We use CGI to bring these alien worlds to life, and with the help of scientists, we speculate on what extra-terrestrial life might be like.
Movie: Humanoids: The Real Close Encounters of the Third Kind? (2022) ( 2022 )
"Humanoids" is the new controversial documentary about alien contact cases. More commonly referred to as close encounters of the third kind. This film includes video footage never seen before of possible aliens which has yet to be disproven. Jaime Maussan, a famous Mexican journalist, once again returns to Beyond The Spectrum to tell the whole story about some incredi...Read all
Movie: UFOs Over Hawaii ( 2013 )
Could Hawaii be a hot spot for UFO's? Could the majestic landscape and sacred grounds be a magnet for UFO's from other planets? Ancient Hawaiians referred to them as the dancing lights. Now local residents explain there encounters.
Movie: Origins of the Universe ( 2021 )
The world around us contains many complex systems that work so perfectly together. For many years there has raged a heated debate between evolution and creation, with the question at the core of it all being, "Was the earth created, or did it come into existence on its own?" Meet seven experts in their fields who have devoted their lives to the study of this question.
Movie: Faster Than the Speed of Light? ( 2011 )
The mathematician Marcus du Sautoy discusses the recent discovery, the faster-than-light neutrino anomaly, that neutrinos may travel faster than light.
TV Show: Nazi Weird War Two ( 2016 )
Seven decades on from living memory fades, the dark corners of the web are teeming with tales of the bizarre. Dr. Sam Willis, a UK-based historian, and Robert Joe (RJ), a Korean-American urban explorer, combine their talents to embark on a journey to set the record straight. They're one of the oddest partners since Mulder and Scully, and just as determined to get to the truth that's out there. Whether its reports of Nazis dabbling in the occult, the world's worst man-eating crocodile attack, or a long-lost train carrying stolen gold, a path of twists and turns will show us that, when it comes to war, truth is often weirder than fiction.
Movie: Dulce Base: The New Illuminati ( 2023 )
Deep underneath New Mexico, a secret would be hiding. Since the mid-1970s, mysterious and terrifying phenomena have persistently occurred in the small community of Dulce: lights in the sky, mutilations of cattle, strange creatures and alien abductions. This has made Dulce a true Mecca for mystery lovers; As new witnesses came forward speaking of their experiences, the...Read all
TV Show: Stephen Hawking's Science of the Future ( 2014 )
Stephen Hawking's Science of the Future investigates the very latest game changing innovations.Each episode takes one area of progress and sends five top scientists out to actively test the inventions and breakthroughs that are driving it.The team explore human upgrades, the virtual world, bio-mimicry, high-tech emergency responses, and more.Featuring a wide range of examples, from advanced robotics and breathtaking digital actors, to cutting edge smart homes and electronic brain stimulation, the series reveals how science is delivering astonishing improvements to all our lives.Using the evidence they gather, the team reveals the year when each innovation will be rolled out for us all to benefit from, and Hawking then draws out his own uniquely insightful predictions about what our world will be like in the years to come.
TV Show: Ancient Aliens: Special Presentation ( 2022 )
These special compilation episodes of "Ancient Aliens" explore the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.
Movie: Ariel Phenomenon ( 2022 )
The film follows a BBC war reporter and Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, whose careers were threatened by the investigation of the incident, as well as a former student who journeys back to the rural Ariel School.
Movie: The First Ufologist ( 2024 )
Meet Italy's foremost ufologist, Alberto Perego, a trailblazer whose passion and expertise inspired countless others.
Movie: In the Night Sky: I Recall a UFO ( 2013 )
Throughout history, human beings have always been fascinated by the unknown, the mysterious and inexplicable. Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries to face mankind is the question: Is there life on other planets? And, if so, have they ever come to visit Earth? Few people realize that the Hudson Valley of New York is a hotspot for reported UFO sightings, ranking at #3 in the United States. From 1982 to 1986 there were over 5,000 reported sightings, which were followed by organized research teams, newspaper articles, support groups, conferences, books and even an Unsolved Mysteries episode. Research shows that reported sightings started long before the 1980s and continue on to this very day. Join the producers of Big Guy Media and author Linda Zimmerman as they go on an investigative journey that takes them flying through the skies, into the heart of the Stone Chambers and on a vigilant nightwatch in an attempt to experience the otherworldly. Hear the firsthand accounts of dozens of Hudson Valley residents whose stories will have you wondering, questioning, doubting, conspiring, and, just perhaps, believing.
Movie: Top Ten Mysteries of Outer Space ( 2022 )
The wonders of the universe have long propelled our insatiable desire to learn more about who we are and where we came from. With the advancing age of science and technology, we're able to explore our world and the cosmos like never before. We are exploring the unknown at the farthest reaches in space unlocking new wonders and mysteries that are both shocking and amaz...Read all
TV Show: Sound Waves: The Symphony of Physics ( 2017 )
What is a sound? Dr. Helen Czerski investigates the extraordinary science behind the ones we're familiar with, and those we can't normally hear.
Movie: Aliens, Abductions & UFOs: Roswell at 75 ( 2022 )
Explore why Americans became obsessed with proving alien existence through eyewitness interviews, abductees, and scientific experts - all to make you believe: we are not alone.
TV Show: Man vs. the Universe ( 2014 )
Mankind has long been at the mercy of the cosmos – subject to the often violent happenings of the boundless universe that exists beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere. But today humans are taking huge steps to claim space for their own design, evolution and survival in what is becoming a new race for space. In the all-new three-part special "Man vs. the Universe" The Science Channel is bringing viewers a mind-blowing look at the innovative, high-tech work private businesses, engineers and scientists are doing to occupy Mars, mine the Moon's fertile grounds and keep asteroids from destroying life on Earth.
Movie: Aliens Among Us ( 2023 )
The truth about UFO sightings in the modern era; contact with gray aliens; secret government dossiers and projects; crop circles; the creation of deadly weapons through the study of extraterrestrial technologies; the ultra-secret government group the Majestic 12; the dark sides of government agencies: all this and much, much more through the revelations of a man who f...Read all
Movie: Alien Encounters in Ancient Times ( 2021 )
Alien and UFO encounters are not just a modern phenomenon. In fact, they go back thousands of years and amazingly resemble contemporary accounts worldwide. There are eyewitnesses from ancient times that actually recorded them and historical evidence exists in archaeology, landscapes and symbols. Why do we believe ancient accounts about battles and politics and yet ign...Read all
Movie: Swallowed by the Sea: Ancient Egypt's Greatest Lost City ( 2014 )
Documentary following a team of maritime archaeologists as they uncover the remarkable city of Heracleion, lost to the sea and forgotten for over 2,000 years.
Movie: Mufon and UFOs: The Proof Is Out There ( 2022 )
Researchers have been searching for proof of extraterrestrial life for years. Earl Anderson, the head of Investigations of MUFON Los Angeles, and his team search for proof of the existence of UAPs and life on beyond planet Earth. The proof is out there.
TV Show: Time Scanners ( 2014 )
In this series, the Time Scanners use cutting-edge 3D laser-scanning technology to put history's building wonders to the test, exploring the secrets of how the world's most iconic engineering creations were constructed. Leading the quest is structural engineer Steve Burrows. He is joined by laser-scanning experts from the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies at the University of Arkansas. With unprecedented access, they explore, scan and digitally analyse some of mankind's most awe-inspiring architectural achievements, uncovering just how good the engineers of the ancient world really are. Locations include the Colosseum, Petra, Machu Picchu, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Pyramids and Jerusalem.
Movie: Beyond the Light Barrier ( 2023 )
A legendary meteorologist spends her days on earth attempting to convince the world that her alien lover from an advanced human race existed, and held the only solutions to all our problems on earth.
Movie: From the Mothman to the Reptilians: A guide to alien species
For several decades witnesses from all over the world would have come into contact with entities from other planets; the so-called close encounters. However, these encounters would not always be with a single extra-terrestrial race, but of many races, of the most various shapes and sizes. Over time, these stories have settled in our common imagination and in some case...Read all
Movie: UAP: Death of the UFO ( 2024 )
When the infamous Project Blue Book was terminated, the military vowed that they were no longer investigating the phenomena and the UFOs posed no threat to national security. However, in 2016 whistle blowers revealed a secret program the Pentagon was conducting on UFOs and UAPs with three fascinating videos shot from US fighter planes and radar technicians. Now we kno...Read all
Movie: When Aliens Attack ( 2011 )
Movie: Aliens Uncovered: The Golden Record ( 2023 )
In the late 1970s, the US government sent a message to our distant neighbors. Twenty years later, the response we received sparked the biggest UFO sighting in history.
Movie: Lazar: Cosmic Whistleblower ( 2016 )
In 1989 Bob Lazar revealed to the public that he studied an Alien propulsion system for the U.S. Military at a secret base near the infamous Area 51. Experience a glimpse into the personas surrounding the most infamous UFO case of all time.
TV Show: History's Secrets ( 2007 )
Mysterious events, compelling figures and great unanswered questions from the past are explored. Most historians have reached a consensus about the way major world events played out. Yet decades after the fact, certain stories remain touched by an air of uncertainty. Investigate the truth behind some of history's greatest events and most iconic people. Discover new clues about the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes; the CIA's top-secret experiments; the Unabomber and; little known stories from NASA's Apollo missions.
Movie: Project: Man in Space ( 1963 )
Movie: Ghost Rockets ( 2015 )
The Ghost Rockets documentary centers on the key premise of curiosity and the universal human desire to explore and explain the unknown. We follow the members of an organization called UFO-Sweden as they attempt to solve a mystery that has baffled even the Swedish government, the Ghost Rockets. The documentary will weave together an ambitious UFO-investigation with a personal story that gives rare insight into the hearts and minds of a UFO-investigator. The Ghost Rockets project includes a fully funded transmedia project that invites the audience to collaborate in an online investigation into a previously classified military archive.
TV Show: Colour: The Spectrum of Science ( 2015 )
Helen Czerski uncovers what colour is, how it works and how it has written the story of our planet. She seeks out the colours that turned the Earth multicoloured.
TV Show: Stephen Hawking's Universe ( 1997 )
Professor Stephen Hawking looks at the history of mankind's thinking on the Universe, from the ancient Greeks through to the work of Galileo, Newton, Einstein and Hubble. His six-part documentary series covers the major theories in relation to the make up and creation of our universe, including the current thinking on the Big Bang, origins of the universe, dark matter, black holes, etc. The program includes interviews with leading astronomers and scientists, as well as commentary from Stephen Hawking himself. Viewers interested in Astronomy may also want to view the television series Cosmos by Carl Sagan, which offers a more in depth review of Astronomy, especially regarding the history of Astronomy.
Movie: UFOs: 50 Years of Denial? ( 1997 )
This documentary aims to demystify the controversial phenomenon of UFOs and offers explosive information about some of the biggest cover-ups of the last century. From Roswell to Area 51, former government officials, astronauts and military experts offer firsthand accounts of their experiences with the unknown.
Movie: Children of the Stars ( 2012 )
Using rare archival footage and interviews, Children of the Stars chronicles a UFO contactee group as they relive their past lives on other planets by making their own science fiction films.
Movie: Dive to Bermuda Triangle ( 2004 )
There is a mystery there and the answer lies somewhere between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared in the ocean with little or no trace at all. Most of these cases can be explained quite easily by human error or bad weather. But there are some that defy all explanation. Theories abound on these causes: Aliens, massive gas eruptions and freak waves. The documentary reveals that the boats and planes face a real danger in a triangle, but the true threat is often as strange as the wildest theory.