Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


TV Show: Drain the Oceans ( 2018 )
Maritime mysteries -- old and new -- come to life in this 10-episode series, combining scientific data and digital re-creations to reveal shipwrecks, treasures, and sunken cities on the bottom of lakes, seas, and oceans around the world. Innovative technology allows viewers to see what lies on the floors of large bodies of water such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Nile, the Indian Ocean, the Baltic Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean as if they had been drained. Then, in a quest to explain natural wonders and man-made catastrophes, stories tell of how vessels sank, what ancient geological formations reveal about life on Earth, where Nazi secrets now reside, and why so many continue to search for the legendary city of Atlantis.Pull the plug on the ocean to reveal hidden secrets and lost worlds. Using groundbreaking technology, breathtaking photography, and insights from top marine archaeologists, Drain the Oceans delivers penetrating new insights into the epic history of human civilization and the deepsea world, exposing sunken cities, shipwrecks, and amazing natural wonders of the deep.
Movie: Drain the Bermuda Triangle ( 2014 )
What lies beneath the mythical triangle? With the aid of data from sophisticated sonar surveys, National Geographic explores what the ocean floor looks like below the Bermuda Triangle.
Movie: Do You Believe in Majic? ( 2004 )
A documentary look at the infamous Majestic-12 documents, which proponents claim as proof of a crashed alien spacecraft at Roswell and subsequent government cover-up; detractors assert that the documents are a hoax.
Movie: Do We Really Need the Moon? ( 2011 )
Through an immersive combination of footage, photos and 3D CGI, this documentary reveals how different the Earth might be if the moon wasn't exactly where it is now. How does a rock orbiting a quarter of a million miles away from Earth hold the power to shape our future?
TV Show: Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End ( 2016 )
Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End looks at apocalyptic disasters so cataclysmic that if they happened today, they could extinguish the human race. From massive asteroid impacts to volcanic hyper-eruptions to sudden energy blasts from outer space, will you be ready? Can any of us survive?
Movie: Dive to Bermuda Triangle ( 2004 )
There is a mystery there and the answer lies somewhere between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared in the ocean with little or no trace at all. Most of these cases can be explained quite easily by human error or bad weather. But there are some that defy all explanation. Theories abound on these causes: Aliens, massive gas eruptions and freak waves. The documentary reveals that the boats and planes face a real danger in a triangle, but the true threat is often as strange as the wildest theory.
TV Show: Discovery Project Earth ( 2008 )
Project Earth is a reality TV series on the Discovery Channel in which several groups of scientists experiment with radical ideas to slow and/or stop global warming with the financial aid of the Discovery Channel.
TV Show: Digging for the Truth ( 2005 )
Digging for the Truth explores some of the world's greatest archaeological mysteries, from the Pyramids of Egypt to the Lost Ark of the Covenant, from the Holy Grail to King Solomon's Gold. Hosted by adventurer and survival expert Josh Bernstein. Shot in High Definition for The History Channel.
Movie: Die Weltherrschaft ( 2017 )
The central protagonist of the film is a fictional figure named Anna. Anna is a young photographer, a philosopher of everyday life who is constantly thinking about the representation of reality and truth. Conspiracy theories and fake news start to invade Anna's animated world. The film presents the leading experts in a dialectical discourse - conspiracy theorists, network researchers, power analysts, historians, psychologists.
Movie: Die Akte Apollo ( 2002 )
According to a comprehensive survey, 20 million Americans think that the moon landing in 1969 was nothing else than a well-mounted hollywood spectacle. There are fundamental indications that the moon landing was faked and partly or completely filmed on earth in some sort of hidden television studio. On July 21st, 1969, the world was observing a perfectly contrived landing on the moon that aired on TV - but did the landing really happen? At least there are coercive reasons for speculations.
Movie: Did We Go? ( 2005 )
Documentary filmmaker Aron Ranen travels across the USA to interview former astronauts, mission controllers, scientists and others, in an attempt to prove that NASA actually sent men to the...
TV Show: Destination Truth ( 2007 )
Led by intrepid world adventurer Josh Gates, each episode of Destination Truth takes viewers on a trek across the globe as Josh investigates stories of the unexplained. Accompanied by his small crew, Josh dives into the local cultures and searches for clues to the existence of strange creatures and paranormal phenomena.
TV Show: Destination: Pluto
The series examines the Pluto planet controversy, the personal stakes of mission scientists, as well as the challenges of a long duration spaceflight of nine years, and shares with viewers the thrill of discovery as the strange, unique geography of Pluto and its giant moon Charon is revealed for the first time.
TV Show: Destination: Moon ( 2016 )
What role will the moon play in man's next attempts to conquer space?
Movie: Destination: Mars ( 1996 )
TV Show: Destination: Jupiter ( 2016 )
Catch up on all the discoveries made by the space probe Juno, which is up close and personal with the largest planet in the solar system.
Movie: Demonic Aliens: UFOs from Inner Space ( 2023 )
Are what we call "Aliens" actually demonic forces and using the phenomenon to further their agenda on earth? With negative effects on many people, from burns to psychological damage, it would seem there are nefarious forces at work here on earth that may not be from outer space. The bible speaks of entities upon the earth before man as well as ten dimensions that scie...Read all
TV Show: Deep Space Marvels ( 2011 )
Examining aspects of the universe, including extraterrestrial life, the big bang, space travel, black holes and the possible colonization of other planets.
TV Show: Deep Space ( 2016 )
From the moment the real space race began, it was enshrouded with secrecy and disinformation. Now reports of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, suppressed advanced technologies and expansive government cover-ups are making their way into mass consciousness. But we have all been denied the whole story by those who would benefit from our continuing ignorance.What has been hidden will become evident as the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally put together. In Deep Space, Gaia brings together the best minds in their fields to shed new light on an extremely controversial subject which can no longer remain hidden or denied. It is up to you to evaluate the evidence and decide where you stand on the question of humanity's presence in the far reaches of the universe.
Movie: Deep Sea UFOs ( 2006 )
Movie: Decoding the Past: Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle ( 2005 )
Researchers use current scientific knowledge and investigative techniques to study the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle.
TV Show: Decoding the Past ( 2005 )
The History Channel series examining ancient mysteries related not only to a possible Bible Code and predictions of catastrophes, but also the prophecies of Nostramdamus, the Shroud of Turin, and secret societies said to guard forbidden knowledge.
TV Show: Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies ( 2016 )
In Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies, explore the true stories of America's covert operations told firsthand by the agents who lived it, while getting unprecedented access to the riveting and secret world of espionage. Hosted by former U.S. Congressman, former House Intelligence Committee chair and current CNN national security contributor Mike Rogers.
TV Show: De Carona Com os Óvnis ( 2018 )
A Brazilian ufologist travels to thirteen hotspots in his country
Movie: Death Valley Aliens ( 2020 )
Paranormal activity abounds in the California and Nevada deserts. Phantom beings and ghosts are reported but there is much more happening in Death Valley and Area 51 than spirit entities. Many have encountered UFOs firsthand and even encountered Alien beings from another world. From Nuclear testing to grisly murders over gold and riches, the darker truth is that Aliens may be inhabiting underground bases and operating portals to other dimensions in the deserts of the US.
TV Show: Days That Shook the World ( 2003 )
Series focusing on some of the defining moments of history.
Movie: David Adair at Area 51 ( 1999 )
Space technology transfer consultant and former rocket whiz kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this 1997 interview about his remarkable encounters with an off-world engine, DOD agents, and Air Force General Curtis LeMay in 1971 at Groom Lake, Nevada. Hear first hand testimony about advanced extraterrestrial technology and our military's most closely guarded secrets surrounding the UFO phenomena.
Movie: Das Rätsel von Tunguska ( 2008 )
On June 30th, 1908, 7:14 am, the largest explosion recorded in human history reverberated throughout our planet, two thousand times the force of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb. To this day, internationally renowned scientists still argue the causes of the Tunguska catastrophe. This film discusses the latest scientific insights and identifies the reasons why Tunguska has evolved into a phenomenon.
Movie: Dark Side of the Moon ( 2002 )
This hard-hitting mockumentary exposes how Stanley Kubrick faked the 1969 moon landing, with seeming-endorsements from many key players in NASA and the US government.
TV Show: Dark Matters: Twisted But True ( 2011 )
Dark Matters: Twisted But True examines what happens when scientific research goes too far.
TV Show: Dara O Briain's Science Club ( 2012 )
Experts and a lively audience join Dara O Briain to tackle the biggest concepts in science and discover the great ideas that are changing the world we live in.
Movie: Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs ( 2005 )
A UFO enthusiast interviews Dan Aykroyd on the subject of extraterrestrials visiting Earth.
Movie: Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs ( 2016 )
Christo Roppolo claims to have been videotaping and communicating with UFOs around Monterey, CA for several years. He contacted filmmaker Justin Gaar in 2013 to begin creating a film about his sightings. Skeptical of the footage but intrigued by Christo's eccentricities and wild stories, Justin begins spending time with Christo hunting UFOs along California's beautiful central coast. When a crop circle appears in Monterey County and becomes international news, Christo is validated in his belief of alien contact and Justin, shocked, begins investigating the source of the crop circle and how Christo knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's being contacted by his 'brother's from space'. The two travel up and down the central coast and through the central valley hunting for UFO activity. Christo is like a traveling UFO preacher, explaining the sightings to passersby, asking about their own experiences with the unknown, spreading his gospel of extraterrestrial salvation. In their journey together Justin finds that sometimes aliens from space can tell us more about our own humanity than the people on Earth.
TV Show: Curse of the Bermuda Triangle ( 2020 )
Throughout Curse of the Bermuda Triangle, the team investigates a variety of mysteries and attempts to determine whether these stories of strange mishaps are purely coincidence, or if there's an explanation – scientific or supernatural – hidden beneath the surface.
TV Show: Curiosity ( 2011 )
Curiosity is an adventure of discovery, an expedition to uncover the truths behind life's most challenging questions. With an insatiable thirst for answers and experiences, we're prepared to do anything, go anywhere and ask anyone to get to the heart of the matter. Curiosity asks and answers the most fundamental questions facing the world today.
Movie: Crossovers from Another Dimension... ( 2005 )
Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation. Includes spectacular cinematography of the latest, greatest and most up to date Crop Circles and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, experiencers, and the best known, most credible Crop Circle authorities in the world today. Packed with expert analyses and an exclusive cinematic archive of the latest and greatest Crop Circle formations ever captured on film.
Movie: Crop Circles the Enigma ( 2009 )
Embark on a journey into the mysterious world of crop circles like never before.We take flight high above the ground at sacred sites such as Silbury Hill and Avebury to get a new and unique angle on this phenomenon.
Movie: Crop Circles: Quest for Truth ( 2002 )
Signs indicate that some form of non-human intelligence is communication with us ... What's the message? Academy Award nominated documentary filmmaker William Gazecki offers a compelling and provocative look at the mysterious phenomenon of Crop Circles.
Movie: Crop Circles ( 2002 )
Movie: Crop Circle Realities ( 2021 )
This phenomenon stretches far beyond the boundaries of England with over a thousand crop circles spanning the globe. Although there have been some claimants to come forward to take responsibility for the creation of some crop circles, this documentary seeks out the most incredible crop circle designs and a possible E.T connection to their making. Realities that some may never have been exposed to before in regards to the UFO and crop circle phenomena.
TV Show: Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies ( 2022 )
Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies follows sci-fi favourite and long-time UFO enthusiast Craig and astrophysicist Sarah as they scrutinise compelling evidence relating to some of the most perplexing UFO encounters of recent years, revealing never before heard testimony to separate fact from fiction and ask: are the unexplained aerial phenomena prowling our skies extra-terrestrial?  
Movie: Cradle of the Gods ( 2012 )
Could a recently excavated, 12,000-year-old temple have propelled us out of the stone age and into the space age? Archaeologist Dr. Jeff Rose investigates an extraordinary find in Turkey.
TV Show: Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space ( 2021 )
This September, four civilians will launch into space for a three-day trip orbiting Earth and reaching an altitude higher than that of the International Space Station (ISS). The SpaceX Dragon mission, dubbed Inspiration4, is the most ambitious step to date in the rapidly-developing age of civilian space exploration, making history as the first all-civilian mission to orbit.
TV Show: Cosmos ( 1980 )
the season has beena dded as 1st season  to:
TV Show: Cosmos ( 1980 )
Hosted by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cosmos will explore how we discovered the laws of nature and found our coordinates in space and time. It will bring to life never-before-told stories of the heroic quest for knowledge and transport viewers to new worlds and across the universe for a vision of the cosmos on the grandest scale. Cosmos will invent new modes of scientific storytelling to reveal the grandeur of the universe and re-invent celebrated elements of the legendary original series, including the Cosmic Calendar and the Ship of the Imagination. The most profound scientific concepts will be presented with stunning clarity, uniting skepticism and wonder, and weaving rigorous science with the emotional and spiritual into a transcendent experience.
TV Show: Cosmic Vistas ( 2009 )
From the stone age to modern day, the stellar lightshow that unveils itself to humanity each night has captivated, confused and inspired the countless souls that have wandered our own corner of the cosmos. This series looks at the ways we have gazed beyond our own atmosphere and explored via telescopes and spacecraft, all with the goal of bettering ourselves.
Movie: Cosmic Travelers: Comets and Asteroids ( 1997 )
That It would happen if a comet hit against the Earth now, in present times?, the humanity would survive to the asteroid's impact?.
Movie: Cosmic Thoughts ( 2003 )
TV Show: Cosmic Front ( 2011 )
In the 21st century, scientists have developed amazing new ways to observe the skies, and have made discoveries that have changed our understanding of the universe. Cosmic Front visits scientists who are pioneering the latest techniques in space research, and brings us the latest pictures of the universe, with dramatic video images and dynamic CG simulations.
TV Show: Cosmic Disclosure ( 2015 )
There are those who believe it is not humanity's destiny to wither away within the clutches of Earth's cycles of life and extinction. Rather we are to venture forth, beyond our terrestrial origins and establish thriving civilizations throughout the cosmos. Some have already secretly realized this vision, while others are relegated to technology dependent upon dwindling resources. A conflict now rages whether to preserve these advancements for the ranks of the elite, or to share this destiny with the whole of humanity and usher in a new era of peaceful conscious advancement.
Movie: Cosmic Conspiracy ( 2019 )
There is a conspiracy to rule the world, but the truth is far stranger than fiction. The truth in essence, is that Reality isn't what it seems. With UFO sightings on the rise, sinister programs to spy on unsuspecting citizens and black projects like MK Ultra proven to be real, what's left in that massive wake is the question of "what else" is going on that we are not aware of? This is the question we should be asking ourselves, what is being kept from the people and why? An intelligent mind can only deduce that there are indeed clandestine groups that control the world, through a web of deceit spun from their conspiracy machine, creating a "reality" that most people abide by. Reality is changing everyday, being manipulated like clay to serve the agenda of these elite puppet masters. Now is the time to awaken, and realize the biggest conspiracy of them all - the Cosmic Conspiracy.
TV Show: Cooper's Treasure ( 2017 )
In the 1960s, the "Original 7" astronauts were both rock stars and daredevils. With movie star looks and a penchant for sports cars, Gordon Cooper was the youngest and the flashiest of the bunch. As a space pioneer, he first took orbit in Mercury-Atlas 9, setting a record that still holds today for the longest solo space flight in US history. During one of his key missions, while Cooper claimed to be scouring the globe for nuclear sites, he actually discovered something else: shipwrecks. Working for decades in secret, using the information he collected while orbiting the Earth, Cooper created a document that he thought could lead to unimaginable wealth – a treasure map from space. Uncover the truth – and the treasure – when Cooper's Treasure premieres on the Discovery Channel. Before passing away, Cooper shared his secret with long-time friend Darrell Miklos with the hope that his exploration would continue and the treasure would ultimately be found. Miklos is now setting out on a personal quest to fulfill the legacy of his lost mentor, once and for all realizing Cooper's long-held dream and proving to the world that the mysterious documents hold the key for a new generation of explorers.
Movie: Contact: The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence ( 2007 )
We ask the age-old question: Are we alone in the Universe? Who is out there? Scientists around the world are trying to receive extraterrestrial signals. What do they hope for? What have they found? Where is the evolution of human beings headed?
Movie: Contact: The CE-5 Experience ( 2023 )
In the follow up to Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Dr. Steven Greer goes deeper into the practice of CE-5 with Investigative Filmmaker Serena DC. Join Dr Greer as he reveals how to have your very own Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind.
Movie: Contacto - La búsqueda para la inteligencia extraterrestre ( 2007 )
Contact: The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence - We ask the age-old question: Are we alone in the Universe? Who is out there? Scientists around the world are trying to receive extraterrestrial signals. What do they hope for? What have they found? Where is the evolution of human beings headed?
Movie: Contact ( 2003 )
TV Show: Contact ( 2019 )
It's the age-old question that has daunted scientists, government officials, explorers, religious leaders and populations around the world for centuries - have aliens made contact with Earth? While more than half the U.S. population believes they have, most sightings and theories still lack the evidential proof to silence the naysayers. In Contact, six highly trained investigators seek to find the answers we've all been searching for. Using groundbreaking CIA developed software, military special operations investigative techniques and boots-on-the-ground journalism to track down leads around the world, Contact is the first ever global investigation to determine whether or not aliens have made contact here on Earth.
Movie: Contact ( 1987 )
Movie: Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? ( 2001 )
Were the Apollo moon landings faked?
TV Show: Conspiracy Test ( 2007 )
Delving into the theories behind some of the nation's biggest mysteries.
Movie: Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the Illuminati ( 2018 )
It is widely believed that the 9/11 attack was an inside job - but by whom? Many believe it was a political ruse to instigate war with the Middle East and to justify removing many of our civil liberties. Also, since 9/11 we have been placed under a microscope, our privacy removed as we are being watched and profiled by a sinister force with a malevolent agenda. The theories and conclusions that the Government was responsible, though partially true, have taken a surprising new twist - as there may be another explanation, one much larger in scope and much more terrifying. Testimony from an insider reveals an unholy alliance that formed in the 1940's between the elite force that truly governs our planet, the Illuminati, and an Extraterrestrial race that has inhabited the Earth since Man's beginning. Together they have orchestrated a plot to eventually enslave the human race through a single planetary Governing system - known as the New World Order. The 9/11 attack was one of many stages, but the insider warns that the stage we face next may be the final phase - and the end of humanity as we know it.
TV Show: Conspiracies Decoded ( 2020 )
Throughout Conspiracies Decoded, experts revisit the most enduring and inexplicable crimes and conspiracies from throughout history, applying new forensic science techniques and stunningly accurate CGI to reconstruct each scrap of astonishing evidence and potentially uncover answers that were once thought impossible.
Movie: Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure ( 2021 )
For as with all things paramount to humanity's survival, when the issues and interests reach a boiling point, the masses will enact change. Are we truly alone? Or have we evolved to a new epoch in the annals of mankind's existence?
Movie: Confessions of an Alien Abductee ( 2013 )
This film focuses on one of Britain's most unusual phone-based services. The "Anomalous Mind Management Abductee/Contactee Helpline" was set up for people who claim to have had close encounters with extraterrestrials. As the film profiles three callers to the service, including a housewife who claims to be "the most abducted person in Britain," it makes its case that aliens are regular visitors.
Movie: Confessions from Space: Apollo ( 2019 )
Heroes of the Apollo Missions, Buzz Aldrin, Mike Collins , Charlie Duke and more come together to share insights, experiences, and stories of the greatest adventure mankind has ever undertaken.
Movie: Comet Collision! ( 2005 )
TV Show: Colour: The Spectrum of Science ( 2015 )
Helen Czerski uncovers what colour is, how it works and how it has written the story of our planet. She seeks out the colours that turned the Earth multicoloured.
Movie: Cold Fusion: Fire from Water ( 1998 )
Cold fusion, one of the most important scientific discoveries in history, burst onto the world scene in 1989. This much maligned yet now confirmed discovery may radically change the energy structure of civilization. This documentary details the scientific quest for an explanation for cold fusion and also explores modern alchemy that still cannot be explained within the framework of physics.
TV Show: Codes and Conspiracies ( 2014 )
Codes and Conspiracies unveils the startling truth and hidden history behind the world's most iconic clandestine institutions, top secret locations, and mysterious symbols.
Movie: Close Encounters: Proof of Alien Contact ( 2000 )
This documentary examines whether UFOs are real. It examines over 250 amateur video clips, evaluates several recent revelations about Roswell, and examines footage of the removal of an alien implant.
Movie: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind ( 2020 )
As the UFO's suddenly hits the covers of Washington Post and NY Times in the age of "fake news" and conspiracy memes, how can we make sense of these revelations without losing grip on reality?. "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" is a feature documentary that is presented by the global authority on extraterrestrials who has created the world wide disclosure movement and routinely briefs the presidents and the heads of state on the ET phenomenon: Dr. Steven Greer. His preceding works: Sirius and Unacknowledged, broke crowdfunding records and sparked a grassroots movement. In this film, Dr. Steven Greer presents the most dangerous information that the architects of secrecy do not want you to know; how forgotten spiritual knowledge holds the key to humans initiating with highly advanced ET civilizations. This film features a large amount of groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from some prominent figures such as legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan; Adam Curry of Princeton's PEAR Lab and Dr.Russel Targ who headed the CIA's top secret remote viewing program. Their Message: For several thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story.
TV Show: Close Encounters ( 2014 )
Weird weather patterns, flight schedules, and extraordinary imagination - ultimately, of the thousands of "UFO sightings" that are reported each year around the globe, most can be explained and attributed to normal, Earthly phenomena.
TV Show: Clash of the Gods ( 2009 )
"Clash of the Gods" explores assorted fables, legends, and figures from various mythologies.
TV Show: Civilisations Stories ( 2018 )
A series of programmes exploring art, history, science and innovation across the UK.
Movie: Children of the Stars ( 2012 )
Using rare archival footage and interviews, Children of the Stars chronicles a UFO contactee group as they relive their past lives on other planets by making their own science fiction films.
TV Show: Chasing UFOs ( 2012 )
A team of trained investigators sets out to uncover the truth about UFOs. But they're not just looking for more stories on extraterrestrial activity - they want answers. Risking it all, this team of scientists and UFO researchers investigate and dissect some of the most mysterious sightings on the planet to unearth stunning new evidence. The data they collect on these adventures paints an entirely new picture of what we know about these strange lights in the sky.
TV Show: Chasing the Moon
For those who are following this show, the episodes have been added into American Experience:
Movie: Chasing the Equinox ( 2020 )
Documentary examines how ancient civilizations built iconic monuments that align with the sun on the same day.
TV Show: Chasing Conspiracies ( 2016 )
Chasing Conspiracies chronicles some of the world's greatest conspiracy theories, identifying key aspects and presenting historical evidence to support each one.  
Movie: Chariots of the Gods? The Mysteries Continue ( 1996 )
An update of "Chariots of the Gods" (1970), this slick production provides updates of Erich von Däniken's controversial theories with von Däniken himself acting as co-host. Shooting locations include the Giza Plateau in Egypt, the megalithic ruins at Carnac in Brittany, the ancient Mayan cities of Chichén Itzá and Palenque in Mexico, Deder and Kaimalkin in Turkey, as well as other mysterious sites around the world.
Movie: Chariots of the Gods ( 1970 )
Documentary based on the book by Erich Von Daniken concerning the ancient mysteries of the world, such as the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, ancient cave drawings, the monuments of Easter Island, etc. and the fact that these things and modern civilization could have been influenced by extra-terrestrial visitations hundreds(or perhaps thousands) of years ago.
TV Show: Challenger: The Final Flight ( 2020 )
Challenger: The Final Flight examines the 1986 Challenger space shuttle, which tragically broke apart 73 seconds after launch as millions of Americans watched live on television. Incorporating never-before-seen interviews and rare archival material, this series offers an in-depth look at one of the most diverse crews NASA assembled, including high school teacher Christa McAuliffe, who was selected to be the first private citizen in space.
Movie: Celestial ( 2012 )
Featuring some incredible imagery of the moon, Celestial brings forth lunar anomalies including glass domes over craters with buildings and structures underneath, six-mile-tall statues, even a tower that resembles the Eiffel tower.
TV Show: Catastrophe ( 2008 )
This spectacular five-part series, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence – that we are the product of catastrophe. Using the latest CGI effects and featuring scientific experts, the series reveals how the evolution of life on Earth has been shaped by lethal catastrophes that have caused mass extinctions, almost to the point of wiping out life altogether.
TV Show: Catalyst ( 2001 )
Catalyst is Australia's premier science investigation series. Each week the team brings you stories from Australia and around the world, meeting scientists at the forefront of discovery.
Movie: Carter's UFO: The Truth Behind the Leary Lights ( 2015 )
Carter's UFO: The Truth Behind The Leary Lights, tells the never before heard story behind President Jimmy Carters UFO sighting and explores the rash of UFO sightings from 1969 until 1973.
Movie: Capel Green ( 2018 )
Movie: CAPCOM GO! The Apollo Story (Short 2019) ( 2019 )
An immersive 3D Planetarium Dome show documentary that showcases the historical achievements of the Apollo program and what it took to put the first human on the Moon.
Movie: Calling Occupants ( 2016 )
A young man and his friends experiment with human-initiated contact techniques in an attempt to develop a peaceful relationship with extra-terrestrials.
Movie: California Paranormal ( 2018 )
Ten California residents share their true stories of paranormal experiences, extraterrestrial encounters and unexplainable phenomenon.
TV Show: Buried Secrets of the Bible with Albert Lin ( 2019 )
Albert Lin seeks out the truth behind two great stories of the Bible. Could real events lie behind the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? To solve these mysteries Albert will use satellites and space age technology to look beneath the earth's surface to reveal secrets that have been buried for thousands of years.
Movie: Britain's Secret UFO Hunters ( 2002 )
Half a century ago a bright object was seen flying rapidly over Farnborough Airfield. Was it a top secret aircraft or a flying saucer from another planet? Unlike hundreds of other UF sightings during the 1950's, this couldn't be igno