Playlists > old school cartoon shorts

old school cartoon shorts
Creator: randywang
Posted: 3 years ago

11 favorites


Movie: Bugs Bunny's Wild World of Sports (TV Short 1989) ( 1989 )
From the "Arthur Q. Bryan Pavillon", the sportsman of the year awards is announced. Many clips with Warner Brothers cartoons characters doing sports activities are replayed from years gone by.
Movie: Bugs vs. Daffy: Battle of the Music Video Stars (TV Special 1988) ( 1988 )
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are dueling VJs in this showcase of musical segments from classic Warner Brothers shorts.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Howl-oween Special ( 1977 )
A Looney Tunes Halloween special mostly edited from famous horror-themed Looney Tunes shorts. While trick-or-treating, Bugs Bunny, masked as a witch, unwittingly visits Witch Hazel's home - and she hates competition. The story also flashbacks to Bugs' encounter with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde from Tweety and Sylvester's famous horror short. Daffy also visits Hazel's home with the intention of proving to his young impressionable kid that there's no such thing a as witch. Later, Speedy Gonzales too has fun with Hazel and Porky Pig and Sylvester also arrive, mistaking her place for a haunted hotel. Eventually, in an attempt to fool and capture the rabbit, Hazel turns into Count Dracula and invites Bugs to spend the night in the Count's haunted castle.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Mad World of Television ( 1982 )
The QTTV executives decide that it is time to find a new president who understands entertainment. That's when they turn to Bugs Bunny. The network calls Bugs Bunny and asks him to be the new president.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Overtures to Disaster ( 1991 )
A show of classical music, which includes "What's Opera, Doc?", "The Rabbit of Seville," "Baton Bunny," and footage of Sylvester's "tra-la-la" number from Season 1, Show 14 of The Bugs Bunny Show. New material includes Daffy and Porky's version of The William Tell Overture and audience members Mr. Meek, the Three Bears, and Sam and Granny swatting at the "Baton Bunny" fly.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Cupid Capers ( 1979 )
A collection of classic Looney Tunes shorts hosted by Bugs Bunny and centered around Valentine's Day.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Lunar Tunes ( 1991 )
TV special that never got to air on TV, but was instead released straight to video. This anthology of sorts follows Bugs, who's been abducted by alien Marvin the Martian and taken to space court to represent Earth, since Earth has been charged for presenting a threat to outer space. Marvin has launched a doomsday rocket (his infamous explosive space modulator) and if Bugs can't prove Earth's innocence in the matter, Earth is done for. Marvin, in the role of a self-proclaimed prosecutor, uses clips from several shorts, including "Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century", "His Hare-Raising Tale", "Martian Through Georgia", "Lighter Than Hare" and "Rocket-Bye Baby", to prove his point. On the other hand, Bugs also uses clips from several shorts, including "The Hasty Hare" and "Hare-Way To The Stars", to support his defense and show that Marvin has his own share of blame in the matter. What will the harsh but fair alien judge decide?
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Creature Features (TV Short 1992) ( 1992 )
"The Duxorcist", "Night of the Living Duck" and "Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers" are combined to form this TV special.
Movie: Bugs Bunny Superstar ( 1977 )
Looney Tunes documentary film hosted by Bob Clampett, including nine complete cartoons from the 40s and the artists behind the characters.
Movie: Bugs Bunny: All American Hero ( 1981 )
Primetime episode included recently animated intros and segues to tie the classic clips together into an usually awkward half-hour story line.
Movie: A Few Quick Facts (Short 1944)
An examination of the economic concept and how it is aggravated by soldiers stationed in local overseas economies.
Movie: A Few Quick Facts: Fear (Short 1945)
An examination of the emotion and its influence on human nature.
Movie: Cannery Woe (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
Speedy Gonzales is summoned to help supply cheese for a Mexican mouse festival, and he makes repeated raids on a cheese store guarded by Sylvester Cat, whose attempts to stop Speedy become extreme.
Movie: The Pied Piper of Guadalupe (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
Sylvester the cat imitates the Pied Piper of Hamelin to lure a group of mice into a jug that he seals with a cork. But Speedy Gonzales won't be hypnotized by Sylvester's flute and gradually rescues his friends from Sylvester's clutches.
Movie: Tom Thumb in Trouble (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Tom's father mistakenly believes that the little bird who's just rescued his tiny son from drowning in the dishwater is attacking the boy and drives it away. Tom sets off to find the bird and gets lost in a fierce snowstorm.
Movie: Punch Trunk (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
A tiny elephant arrives in the city and spooks various inhabitants.
Movie: Forward March Hare (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Bugs mistakenly gets his neighbor's draft notice and causes a stir when he shows up as ordered.
Movie: A Peck o' Trouble (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Lazy Dodsworth the Cat wants to catch a woodpecker for his breakfast. The woodpecker has built its home inside the upper trunk of a very tall tree, and Dodsworth puts on a professor's cap, pretending to be a passive teacher of bird-catching and thereby deceive an eager-to-learn kitten into doing the perilous ascending of the tree to try to catch the woodpecker. The tr...Read all
Movie: Kiss Me Cat (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Horrified when he hears his master is threatening to get rid of Pussyfoot unless the kitten starts catching mice, Marc Anthony the bulldog tries to tutor his little charge in proper feline behavior.
Movie: The Mouse That Jack Built (Short 1959) ( 1959 )
In this spoof of "The Jack Benny Program", a mouse with Jack Benny's personality and poor violin playing ability lives, along with a mouse version of Benny's valet, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson, in a hole in a wall of Jack Benny's own home. Jack the rodent takes a mouse version of 'Mary Livingstone (I)' out to dinner, and the two unwittingly walk right into the disguised mouth of an orange cat!
Movie: Much Ado About Nutting (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
A squirrel in a downtown park lugs a giant coconut back home, but nothing he does can seem to crack it open.
Movie: Bugs Bunny in King Arthur's Court (TV Short 1978) ( 1978 )
Bugs Bunny is trying to reach a peanut festival in Georgia, but he has instead time traveled to Camelot in the year 526. He blames faulty directions from Ray Bradbury, and mentions having previously time traveled to 25th-century Mars thanks to Bradbury. Bugs at first thinks that he has landed in Pittsburgh, but is informed that he is in Camelot by Sir Elmer of Fudde, a brave knight. The knight has been hunting for a dragon, and figures that Bugs is a transformed dragon. He captures Bugs and takes him to the castle of king Arthur, where Bugs is presented to Arthur, King of England (played by Daffy Duck), and court magician Merlin of Monroe (played by Yosemite Sam). Merlin wants Bugs drawn and quartered, but Bugs uses a solar eclipse to full the locals that he can affect the sun's movements. He is released and Arthur grants him custody of an actual fire-breathing dragon. Bugs establishes his own armor-making factory, and names it Acme. In 528, his enemy Elmer challenges to a duel, and Merlin has allied with Elmer. Bugs much achieve victory to secure his position in Camelot.
Movie: Porky's Railroad (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Porky is the engineer on the most pathetic train in the fleet. After some routine episodes (using pepper to get the engine to sneeze itself up a hill, chasing a cow off the tracks, only to discover too late that it's been replaced by a very angry bull), Porky gets word that he's going to be replaced by the new streamlined Silver Fish. He insults it under his breath, but the Silver Fish engineer hears and challenges him to a race. The angry bull catapults Porky to victory.
Movie: Crowing Pains (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Foghorn convinces Henery that Sylvester is a chicken. Foghorn sticks Henery in an egg and sticks it under Sylvester.
Movie: Porky's Double Trouble (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Public Enemy #1 wants to wreak havoc again, but he is on the most wanted list in the newspaper. He then notices that there's somebody who looks similar to him: Porky Pig. He kidnaps Porky and disguises himself as the bank teller that Porky is and uses his position to steal. When the police find where Porky has been, and his love captured, Porky's love decides to go out with the criminal instead of him!
Movie: Porky's Road Race (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
It's race day, and first prize is $2 million (less $1,999,998.37 in taxes). Porky's little car is matched against cars driven by stars of yesteryear, including Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin. When the black #13 driven by "Borax Karoff" makes a bid for the finish line, can Porky fend him off?
Movie: Little Red Walking Hood (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Red walks past a pool hall; the wolf sees her and pursues. But Red is oblivious to his come-ons. The wolf short-cuts to granny's house; when Red arrives, granny lets the wolf dress as up and attack. The action pauses for a phone call (granny places her grocery order), some late arrivals, and egghead meandering along.
Movie: The Woods Are Full of Cuckoos (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A program for radio KUKU set in the woods, mostly starring birds as caricatures of celebrities of the day. The MC is bandleader Ben Birdie, heckled by Walter Finchell. Wendell Howell prepares to lead a singalong; he gives several different page numbers in the songbook, then says, "Never mind, we won't use the books." The audience, responding "Oh yes we will" pelts him...Read all
Movie: The Sour Puss (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Porky decides to go fishing the next day and tells his cat. The cat sleeps fitfully. The next day, while they are fishing, the cat gets into a battle with a flying fish who behaves rather like Daffy Duck.
Movie: Sniffles Takes a Trip (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Sniffles the mouse is in the country for a restful vacation, but the woodland creatures keep him awake and eventually frighten him into scurrying back to the city.
Movie: You Ought to Be in Pictures (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Daffy Duck convinces an unwilling Porky Pig to quit his job with Leon Schlesinger. Why be a cartoon actor, Daffy says, when you can be leading man opposite Bette Davis? Schlesinger lets Porky go, but he is confident Porky will be back. Porky's adventures begin when he tries to get past the guard at the studio gate. He manages it by disguising himself as Oliver Hardy, but he has more trouble ahead. Meanwhile, Daffy tries to convince Schlesinger that he should take over Porky's starring roles. Daffy's scheme backfires when Porky returns to get his old job back.
Movie: A Gander at Mother Goose (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A collection of short gags based on classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, in her best Katharine Hepburn, tells us how her garden is really doing. Humpty Dumpty doesn't completely crack up. Jack and Jill go up the hill and have too much fun to come down. Little Miss Muffet frightens the spider off. The Three Little Pigs give the Big Bad Wolf a bottle of mouth-wash. A parade of wooden soldiers, in perfect formation from the waist up. Starlight, Starbright: A dog gets his wish a tree. Jack be nimble but not quite nimble enough. The old lady in the shoe made the old man very happy. (A gag involving Hiawatha, trimmed from the TV version.) Finally, the night before Christmas, and one stirring mouse tells the other to be quiet.
Movie: Birth of a Notion (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Daffy Duck cons a dog named Leopold into offering him a stay in his house, but he has to hide Daffy from his master, a Peter-Lorre style mad scientist who needs a duck's wishbone.
Movie: By Word of Mouse (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
A foreign mouse comes to America and is amazed by its economic system. He goes to a mouse professor who explains how it works while they are being chased by Sylvester.
Movie: Easter Yeggs (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
The lazy Easter Bunny tricks our redoubtable Bugs into delivering his eggs for him. Bugs Bunny is happy to do it until he encounters a nasty little toddler who sucks a pistol for a pacifier. After nearly getting killed by the boy's hillbilly family, Bugs tries to give the eggs back to the Easter Bunny, who whines some more and gets Bugs to continue with the job. Elmer Fudd is eagerly awaiting the Easter Bunny: he wants "Easter Wabbit stew." Bugs will thwart Elmer by cuddling him in the Tunnel of Love, performing a magic act on his watch, and sending the sadistic brat to beat him on the head. Then Bugs will realize it's time to take revenge on the Easter Bunny.
Movie: Rabbit Transit (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
This time Bugs' race with Cecil Turtle features a rocket-powered tortoise shell.
Movie: Speaking of the Weather (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
It's midnight at the bookstore and all the book and magazine characters are coming to life. When a bulldog from an adventure book uses a Boswell Sisters-like performance by girls in a travel magazine as a distraction to rob a bank, he is chased, caught, and sentenced to, of course "Life" (the magazine). But there's also a conveniently placed "Escape" magazine....
Movie: Wild Wife (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
A harried housewife describes to her boorish husband what she did that day.
Movie: My Little Duckaroo (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Daffy Duck is a Wild West outlaw named "The Masked Avenger", righter of wrongs and doer of heroic deeds. Porky Pig is his sidekick. Together, they search for Nasty Canasta, a villain whose crimes include gag-stealing and square dancing in a round house. When they find Canasta's hideout and Daffy challenges Canasta to a duel, Canasta flexes his hulky muscles that entirely rip away his shirt, and proceeds to pound Daffy into a stupor.
Movie: Goo Goo Goliath (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
An inebriated stork must deliver a baby to a giant at the top of a beanstalk, but doesn't feel like flying that high and instead delivers the baby to a normal-sized couple, who try to raise the giant tot as their own.
Movie: The Oily American (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Moe Hican, an Indian, has struck it rich. Oil has been found on his property, and he now owns an estate with oil rigs everywhere. Even the fountain spouts oil! His mansion is as uppercrust as any, but he prefers to live in a tepee and hunt moose, within the rooms of his vast home, which have forests of their own. Moe and his butler go on a hunting expedition, with the butler being hit with every instrument Moe uses to try to kill a pint-sized moose.
Movie: Mexican Boarders (Short 1962) ( 1962 )
Speedy Gonzales' lethargic cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, comes to visit Speedy's hacienda, to the delight of Sylvester Cat, who is confident he will be able to catch Slowpoke for dinner.
Movie: Coming!! Snafu ( 1943 )
Introducing Private Snafu, the nation's worst soldier and his various versions in different branches of the armed forces.
Movie: Paying the Piper (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Pied Piper Porky Pig vows to rid the town of Hamelin of all its rats, and the cats of Hamelin are furious at Porky for usurping their rat-catching job. Disguising himself as a giant rat, the "grand poobah" of the cats intends to discredit Porky in the eyes of the town's mayor, by making it seem that Porky hasn't entirely fulfilled his promise to remove every last rat.
Movie: Gripes (Short 1943)
Private Snafu learns the hard way about the need for military dicipline and procedures to maintain an effective army.
Movie: Bear Feat (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Pa sees a want ad calling for vaudeville acts and tries to whip the family into shape for the job. Pa winds up being the only one getting whipped.
Movie: Norman Normal (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
After a multicolored rock group introduces the cartoon, Norman Normal is asked by a boss to wine and dine a client at a nightclub party, something Normal is uncomfortable with. He talks with his dad about it who rambles on and tells Norman, "don't make waves". At the party, Norman talks with his lampshade-clad friend Leo, disapproves of a joke told by one of the guests suspecting it's about a "minority group" and is ridiculed by the bartender for only having a ginger ale. Norman leaves the party and returns us to the multicolored rock group.
Movie: Porky Chops (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A squirrel's tree is slated for removal, but he won't go down without a fight.
Movie: Often an Orphan (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Charlie Dog tries everything to get Porky to take him in and he finally does. After a couple pranks the dog pound ends up picking up Porky and not the dog.
Movie: Swallow the Leader (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Migrating swallows are making their annual spring return to San Juan Capistrano, and a hungry cat awaits them with a radar scope and with his mouth and head disguised as a bird's nest. The clever advance scout for the flock of swallows tricks the cat into ingesting a metallic statue of a swallow, then uses a magnet to pull the cat through pipes and the prongs of a lad...Read all
Movie: Daffy Duck Hunt (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Porky Pig goes to a marsh on a hunting expedition, accompanied by his dog (who resembles the barnyard dog from the Foghorn Leghorn series), and they bring home a live Daffy Duck. They put Daffy into a freezer to keep him fresh until cooking time, but Daffy keeps jumping out of the freezer to heckle Porky and the dog.
Movie: Buddy's Circus ( 1934 )
Buddy is a owner of a circus; he must save a baby who fell from the seats and performs with the circus acts.
Movie: Princes and Princesses ( 2000 )
A group of animators are in their study trying to make a shadow puppet show with fables from different historical periods and come up with six sweet and naughty fairy-tales: The princess of Diamonds, the Boy and the Fig Tree, The witch, The Old Lady's Cape, The Crunch Queen and the Fabulo, and Prince and Princess. All the stories have a moral message but they are not as traditional as it might be thought.
Movie: To Duck... or Not to Duck (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
While Elmer Fudd is hunting fowl, he shoots Daffy Duck. However, Daffy is wearing a bullet-proof vest and only pretends to be wounded.
Movie: Bye, Bye Bluebeard (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Bluebeard the killer is at large, and in Porky Pig's home, a crafty mouse disguises himself as Bluebeard to scare Porky into providing him with a generous serving of food. Just as Porky realizes the mouse is too tiny to be Bluebeard, the real Bluebeard appears and ties Porky onto a rocket, intending to blast the pig into orbit! But when Bluebeard is distracted by Pork...Read all
Movie: Mouse Wreckers (Short 1948) ( 1949 )
Mice Hubie and Bertie try to remove Claude the Cat from his house by driving him insane.
Movie: A Ham in a Role (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A Shakespearian dog, tired of being a pie-in-the-face looney tune, quits Warner Brothers to study dramatic acting and goes to his country house to practice the bard. He finds that two polite twin gophers have taken over his abode and angrily throws them out. They retaliate by violently heckling him in comical accordance with his Shakespeare speeches.
Movie: Bowery Bugs (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Bugs Bunny recounts a story of how he tricked a man so much so that he jumped off a bridge.
Movie: Hippety Hopper (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A mouse about to commit suicide by jumping off a pier, when he was saved by baby kangaroo, Hippety Hopper. In exchange for the mouse releasing him from his shipping crate, Hippety agrees to help the mouse humble his tormentor, Sylvester Cat, by making Sylvester think that vitamins have enlarged the mouse to Hippety Hopper's size, and when Sylvester fights the "giant mouse", he loses in the usual embarrassing way- this time, in front of a chiding bulldog. The duo also embarrass the bulldog after threatening to pin its ears back, The bulldog and Sylvester then start ballet as this concludes.
Movie: For Scent-imental Reasons (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A perfume shop owner disguises a black cat as a skunk in hopes of luring away Pepe, who has wandered in to sample the scents. The amorous Pepe pursues the cat, but the tables are turned when he winds up temporarily stripeless and odorless, and himself becomes the object of the cat's passionate attentions.
Movie: How Do I Know It's Sunday (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
in a general store. all the products come to life and start singing about Sunday.
Movie: Hop and Go (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Claude Hopper, a kangaroo, and "best darn hopper in the world," is full of himself (and dumb), so a couple of Scottish rabbits take him on. They set up a boxing ring; Claude gets tangled in the ropes. Next, he tries a distance leap, but the rabbits ride on his tail, then leap over as he lands. He tries again, without all the ballast in his pouch, but they've stuck his tail down with chewing gum. Claude falls into the river; the rabbits wash up in his water-filled pouch. Now they start coaching him. First, he's launched from a see-saw, bouncing off a zeppelin and right through the meat price ceiling; he lights a match to find out where he is and attracts anti-aircraft fire. The rabbits had given him a case of dynamite as "ballast"; he pulls it out, and falls -- on Tokyo. "Guess we know who's champeen now."
Movie: Goliath II (Short 1960) ( 1960 )
Goliath II is a 6-inch-tall elephant (son of the huge Goliath). He's a big disappointment to his father, but mom is proud of Goliath II anyway. Goliath II is constantly getting into trouble because he's so small. In particular, the tiger Raja looks for every opportunity to try a bite-size taste of elephant. After one incident where he ran away and his mother scolded him, he runs away. After he's rescued, the rest of the elephants are terrified of a mouse, but Goliath II stands his ground.
Movie: The Penguin Parade (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
An evening at a night club for penguins, (and a walrus or two). The stage show includes an appearance by a penguin incarnation of Bing Crosby, who sings a jazzy version of, "When my dreamboat comes home". The band's three singers do a scat version as well. This is followed by a full swing band instrumental of the song which works the band into a "Hot Jazz" frenzy, literaly melting some of the instruments.
Movie: A Star Is Hatched (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Emily the chicken, lives in Hickville but dreams of Hollywood. Her chance comes when director J. Megga-Phone happens to drive past and gives her his card. She makes her way to Hollywood, and Megga-Phone's office, where she discovers a whole flock of hens with the same card and a completely uncaring Megga-Phone. She returns home to faithful Clem, and a chick with foolish notions.
Movie: Porky's Five & Ten ( 1938 )
Porky sets sail for the Boola-Boola islands in the South Seas with a ship full of general merchandise and plans to open a 5 & 10 cent store. But a swordfish cuts a hole in the ship and Porky's goods fall into the ocean, where the fish make creative uses of them, ultimately opening a Hollywood nightclub, complete with fish impersonating various stars. Porky is saved when a waterspout comes along, re-stocking his ship.
Movie: Porky's Phoney Express (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A pony express office. Porky's only allowed to clean up and lick envelopes. When a rider comes back, unable to get past the Indians, Porky has his chance. The plan is to send Porky out first with a bag full of horseshoes as a decoy (of course, they won't tell Porky he's a decoy). But Porky takes the wrong sack. He encounters the Indians, who attack (well, some of them are too inept, and only attack their own horse, who eventually attacks back). The mail sack rips open, and Porky uses a butterfly net to round up the mail. He fends off the Indians, and makes it safely into his destination of Red Gulch. The tables are turned at the end, with Porky running the station and his old boss licking envelopes.
Movie: The Sneezing Weasel (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Mama hen takes her chicks out to breakfast, but little Wilbur can't get any worms. Finally, a big worm escapes, and he runs after it; meanwhile, the rest of the family has gone inside to escape a thunderstorm. Mama realizes Wilbur's missing and goes after him, just before the weasel (hidden behind a tree) gets him. He's caught a cold and is put straight to bed. Mama runs for the doctor; the weasel disguises himself as doctor Quack and the chicks open the door for him. Wilbur sneezes off the disguise and they recognize Willy the Weasel. The chicks prepare for war: bottle-cap helmets, popcorn ammo. The weasel corners Wilbur, who sneezes in his face and gives the weasel a sneezing fit. His powerful sneezes, among other things, blow the pages out of a book, which closes to reveal the title Gone with the Wind. Wilbur finally beans the weasel. Mama returns home with the real doctor, whose castor oil scares a revived Willy off.
Movie: My Little Buckeroo (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
In the border town of Boiled Beef, Texas, in 1872, a bandit who is wanted by authorities terrorizes the town - but a pig-headed deputy thinks he has a way to capture him.
Movie: September in the Rain (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
The rain is outdoors; the action is indoors, in a grocery store, where the characters on product labels come to life (along with one real worm). While much of the picture features characters in blackface, and hence is usually censored, the remaining part includes a bottle of blueing singing "Am I Blue", a snake charmer from a coffee can playing for a tube of toothpaste, an elegant dancing couple from cigarette packs, the umbrella girl on a salt box under a waterfall, and some baby chicks from cleanser cans chasing the aforementioned worm.
Movie: The Lyin' Mouse (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A mouse is trying to free himself from a trap when a cat arrives. The mouse, desperate, asks if the cat has heard the story of the lion and the mouse. We see the lion, scaring all the animals; the mouse has a horn that imitates the lion's roar, and has some fun with it until the lion catches him. The mouse pleads for his life, and the lion, distracted by a bigger catch, agrees. The bigger catch is a trap set by the Frank Cluck expedition; the lion avoids the first trap, but falls for the second, and find himself in a circus lion-taming act (where he put his head inside the tamer's mouth). The mouse happens by, and chews a lion-shaped hole in the lion's wooden cart/cage, setting him free. Back to the cat: moved by this story, he releases the mouse; just before entering his hole, the mouse has one last word for the cat: "Sucker!"
Movie: Dog Daze (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A series of gags at a dog show, including a stage revue. A dog gets into a trunk of roller skates and crashes through the stage show.
Movie: Porky's Garden (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A small town agricultural fair is giving a prize for the largest home grown product. Porky sets to work planting a garden; his neighbor tries a feed mix for his chickens. But the chickens won't eat the feed, so he sets them loose in Porky's garden (one eats some spinach and does a Popeye impression). Porky rescues a pumpkin that they missed and takes it to the fair. The neighbor's chickens eat a huckster's reducing pills on the way in, and just as they are winning first prize, reduce back to eggs, and Porky wins.
Movie: Plenty of Money and You (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A hen's chicks hatch, but one of them is actually an ostrich. She treats it as her own, but the ostrich keeps getting into trouble, first getting stuck after eating a goldfish, then falling down steps into a basement and swallowing a car jack, then having a little run-in with a worm and a lawn sprinkler, and finally getting captured by the weasel. The weasel sings a version of the title song, with lyrics about how great the ostrich will be when it's cooked. Meanwhile, the ostrich swallows first the hanging light bulb; when forced to disgorge that, he swallows a box of fireworks, which goes off when the ostrich is in the oven. The weasel, having had enough, sets the ostrich free. The ostrich puts on a fireworks show, ending with "eat at Sloppy Joe's."
Movie: A Sunbonnet Blue (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Two mice in love are joking and playing at a fashionable hat shop. But a rat tries to play the old fashiomed villain who kidnaps the girl. So all the other mice there are helping her lover to find her. Hiding under all the hats they finally get her back...
Movie: Egghead Rides Again (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
City dweller Egghead dreams of being a cowboy, but his bouncing around gets him kicked out of his boarding house. He sees an ad for a ranch looking for a cowboy and applies. His tryout includes tests of marksmanship and use of a branding iron, but most of it consist of chasing down and roping a troublesome little calf. He passes the test, but the job isn't exactly what he dreamed of.
Movie: Porky's Super Service (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Porky owns a full-service gas station; he deals with a wide variety of problems, like a bump that migrates to different parts of the car. But his real nemesis is a supposedly sleeping baby in a car whose tire needs changing; in fact, the baby is wide awake and a real brat. Both Porky and the brat end up covered in grease; the irate mother drives off, but the child has tied a pump to a tire, which ends up pulling the whole station into the ground.
Movie: Sweet Sioux (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A satirical look at Hollywood's versions of the American West that features an Indian maiden who is is a dead-ringer for Martha Raye, while the Warner Bros. orchestra plays "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down," while the attacking Indians are circling the lone covered wagon.
Movie: Streamlined Greta Green (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
In the world of this cartoon, cars act like humans. Junior wants to grow up to be a taxi, but mom wants him to be a nice, respectable touring car (taxi dancers are literally taxis). What mom doesn't know is that junior has been sneaking into town to play in traffic, drink hi-test gas, and race trains. He runs out of gas at a particularly bad time and gets towed to the garage.
Movie: Porky's Building (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Building contractors Porky Pig and Dirty Diggs are in a bidding war for the deal to build the new town hall. When both offer the same low bid (down to the penny), the city's mayor declares that both contractors will build their buildings...and whoever finishes first will get the contract.
Movie: Uncle Tom's Bungalow (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
In this parody of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Little Eva and Topsy try to rescue old Uncle Tom from the clutches of the evil slave-dealer Simon Simon [sic] Legree.
Movie: Clean Pastures (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
The Lord sees that the stock value of "Pair-o-dice" is dropping on the exchange so he dispatches a slow-witted and slow-talking angel to sinful Harlem to recruit new customers. When this fails, God finds success sending a group of musical angels with a little more swing in their style, so much so that even the Devil wants to join up!
Movie: Sunday Go to Meetin' Time (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
It is Sunday and black families are getting ready for church. There are mammies who put shoeshine on their son's heads, and pappies who polish their head to be all shiny and new. On the way to church, a lady who has twin sons uses a brassier as a baby bonnet for them. Then a lady who is ready to go finds that her husband Nicodemus is busy shootin' craps. She pulls him by the ear and heads for church, but Nicodemus sneaks out and finds a chicken-yard. He chases a chicken and gets hit on the head by a fence. He finds himself in the devil's court.
Movie: At Your Service Madame (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Mrs. Hamhock finds herself the object of unwanted attention following an article in the paper about her inheritance; her piglets do what they can to thwart the attentions of the con man who's a little too interested in the safe. They ultimately hook him up to a vibrating belt which shakes the money out of his pockets.
Movie: When I Yoo Hoo (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
It's the Weavers vs. the Mathews in Hickory Holler. The Weavers are singing (the title song), the Mathews are sleeping. They wake up and start shooting, which ends the song. A Weaver coonskin cap is shot off, and proves not to be quite dead yet. The sheriff drives up in a very broken-down car and nails up a notice: The feud is to be settled by a rooster fight at Higgins' Barn. The fight is on: The roosters circle each other (getting their necks tangled). They proceed to mix it up, to the William Tell Overture (the storm). The Mathews rooster gets a shot of moonshine, and is soon bashing his opponent. They crash into each other and knock each other out; the sheriff tries declaring either a winner, or a draw, but that only gets the people more riled up; everyone piles into the ring as the roosters watch.
Movie: I'd Love to Take Orders from You (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Quitting time for a scarecrow. He gets home, and his little boy scares him. To the title song, he teaches his son the basics of scare-crowing. Bedtime for junior; he prays to be a big scarecrow, just like his daddy. The next morning he sneaks out before anyone else is up and practices scaring a rooster, a squirrel, and a rabbit. He takes up his father's place, but the crows are not impressed; in fact, the crow goes on the attack. Junior finally thinks he's found a pose that works, but in fact Dad's come up behind him. Of course, in the telling, he's much more heroic...
Movie: Let It Be Me (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Rooester Bingo, a popular radio crooner, takes a girl, to whom her boy-friend was just about to propose, for a ride to the city. But Bingo soon gets bored of her and when she makes a scene at a night club, he has her thrown out. Pennyless she's now struggling to survive in the big city. But her boyfriend hasn't forgotten her, after interrupting and beating up Bingo on one of his radio broadcasts he accidently bumps into her and takes her home. But after the marriage they notice the strange behaviour of one of their children.
Movie: Flowers for Madame (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
A tour of the garden, where every flower dances or plays a tune, especially today, since it's the flower pageant (which looks a lot like the Rose Parade). A series of floats, including the Scottish Heather in kilts and two firefly brake lights. Fire strikes as a badly placed magnifying glass ignites a match. The flowers do what they can to fight it, but the fire manages to get through the sprinkler. Finally, some watermelons put out most of the fire, with a grasshopper spitting tobacco juice at the last bit.
Movie: I Wanna Play House (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Two bear cubs, one black, one brown, frolic near their sleeping father. The black one chases a turtle, who turns around and nips him on the nose. The brown one laughs at this; the black one throws a rock, but he ducks and it hits papa's head. When each blames the other, he arbitrarily spanks the brown one. The black one next suggests they play hide-and-seek. He runs off and hides in a trailer, where he makes a sandwich and washes it down with cider. Feeling tipsy, he puts on a hat in front of a mirror and sings. The brown cub, having counted to a million, finds him. They fight, and in the process, release the brakes, sending the trailer careening down a narrow mountain road. It crashes into a tree, sending the cubs and the contents flying. The cider jug hits the brown bear on the head, making him woozy. Papa comes running, but seeing the jug and his son's actions, comes to the wrong conclusion and paddles him again. The black one thinks he's gotten away scot-free, but the brown one throws another rock at him.
Movie: Pigs Is Pigs (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
A stubbornly officious station master's stand-off with a miserly customer over the shipping rate for transporting guinea pigs gets completely out of hand.
Movie: Porky's Duck Hunt (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Porky tries out his new hunting gear and blasts a hole in his apartment roof (and neighbor's backside). At the swamp, neither he nor the other hunters can hit anything. Porky sets out decoys, then can't tell the real duck from them; he wades out there, but his shotgun gets waterlogged. He shoots a barrel of rum, and some fish get drunk, get in a rowboat, and sing "Moonlight Bay". Porky thinks he's shot Daffy and sends his dog out to retrieve him, but Daffy brings the dog back. After some more shenanigans, Porky breaks out his duck call, which gets him (and his dog, after he swallows it) shot at. They go home, dejected, where the ducks taunt him some more and his gun jams again.
Movie: The Merry Old Soul (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Oswald is at the dentist. A tooth being pulled hangs on tight. Just then, the radio reports "Old King Cole has the blues" and Oswald races off in his car. He gathers up a collection of comics: Charles Chaplin, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, etc. At the castle, they start singing off-kilter versions of Mother Goose rhymes, with Al Jolson in a blackface routine, and the king is quickly cheered up. Laurel & Hardy haul in a large pile of pies, and an all-out fight breaks out. The jester, who has been getting jealous of Oswald, kidnaps him during the fight and hauls him into a dungeon, submitting him to various tortures, where we discover that the real torture has been the dentist pulling the tooth all along.
Movie: Buddy the Gee Man (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy is tasked with a secret investigation into the mistreatment of inmates at the Sing Song Prison.
Movie: Little Dutch Plate (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
A cheery tune in a Dutch kitchen; the girl on the plate and the salt shaker boy are in love. They dance. The girls on the blue plates join in. An evil-looking vinegar bottle comes after them with the mortgage for their windmill. The boy has just 30 minutes to get the money. The piggy bank only yields one cent. Paw's dentures on a shelf have gold teeth; the boy uses a firecracker to set them free, and makes his way back. But in the meantime, his girl's been strapped to a board inside a grandfather clock that's getting the sawmill treatment. He sets her free and pummels the vinegar bottle, knocking his head right off. The vinegar bottle finds a much more handsome head and gets the girl.
Movie: Ain't We Got Fun (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
"When the cat's away, the mice will play." The cat is taking a nap, so the mice invade the pantry and start having the time of their lives. The cat soon wakes up, however, and the mice must act quickly to keep from being eaten. Will they just run and hide, or will they stand up for themselves?
Movie: Buddy Steps Out (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
When Cookie leaves to go out with the real Buddy, the photo of Buddy comes to life as the figure steps out. Various other objects in the house come to life when she is away, including women on soup cans and a man with a globe. It's basically a musical number.
Movie: Buddy in Africa (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy brings his travelling variety store to a local village in Africa.
Movie: Buddy's Bug Hunt (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy learns a valuable lesson on how bugs should be treated.
Movie: Buddy's Lost World (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy sails to a lost world and battles with cave men and prehistoric creatures.