Playlists > HyzMyzFyt's Unsolved, Solved, and Cold Case Mysteries

HyzMyzFyt's Unsolved, Solved, and Cold Case Mysteries

My favorite Unsolved Mysteries tv shows, some may contain graphic materials, not for the children or faint at heart. If you love a good who did it, crimes, murder, and even getting the creeps give it a go… Always looking for more material, leave a message in my comments if you know a good tv show I am missing.

Creator: HyzMysFyt
Posted: 3 years ago

3 favorites


Movie: Aliens, UFOS and the New World Order ( 2012 )
The overwhelming evidence shows that UFOs and the Alien Threat are VERY real. We are being visited by extraterrestrial beings and the Men in Black are fighting a battle of secrecy to keep us in the dark. In this comprehensive collection you will discover firsthand from best-selling authors, and renowned experts from around the globe, just how horrifying the truth really is. The governments and controlling factions of the world DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH. UFOs, ET's and The Men In Black - See real footage of an infamous black helicopter harassing sky watchers looking for UFOs. What are they protecting? The evidence in this film shows that UFO's and the Alien Threat are VERY real. New World Order: The Battle For Your Mind - Who's really behind the New World Order? Are they trying to control our minds? More importantly, why does Big Brother want to keep the Alien Agenda a secret? Crop Circles and UFOs - Are Crop Circles made by man or aliens? They appear around the globe often before the eyes of witnesses. With thousands of images proving their existence, Crop Circles are a fascinating enigma. Aliens, UFO's and Mutilations - Thousands claim they have witnessed strange and bizarre animal mutilations. Discover the link between UFO and Alien sightings and the barbaric acts carried out on cattle and other livestock across the world.
Movie: Ancient Aliens and the New World Order ( 2014 )
Uncover the secret conspiracy linking America's power elite. What are its implications on future generations of American citizens?
Movie: Ancient Aliens and the New World Order 2 ( 2016 )
Throughout history, it has never been more obvious that we are being controlled and manipulated than we are today. The New World Order has been shrewdly governing humanity for centuries through control of the media and monetary systems of all nations. They are working toward the goal of making every man, women and child an "obedient robot," just intelligent enough to handle our daily needs via the very technology and systems they control. We are systematically herded like sheep into a thought process that keeps the power elite in position to rule over us; with a master blueprint so diabolical, it allows us to think we have freedom of choice in the process. Who are these overlords that govern us and where do they derive their power? The truth is, it comes down to a select few individuals pushing for a one world government and a heightened national security state with Alien influence. Recent discoveries across our planet reveal that a highly advanced race of nonhuman beings did indeed come to Earth in our ancient past, but the most shocking realization is that they are here now, among us and may have a sinister agenda beyond our wildest imaginations and are secretly manipulating developments and changes in human society in order to more efficiently control and exploit human beings. "Fascinating, shocking and enlightening." - Starburst. "We have had contact with Alien cultures." - Astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary. "Finally, the facts coming to light." - Paranormal Magazine.
Movie: Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the Illuminati ( 2018 )
It is widely believed that the 9/11 attack was an inside job - but by whom? Many believe it was a political ruse to instigate war with the Middle East and to justify removing many of our civil liberties. Also, since 9/11 we have been placed under a microscope, our privacy removed as we are being watched and profiled by a sinister force with a malevolent agenda. The theories and conclusions that the Government was responsible, though partially true, have taken a surprising new twist - as there may be another explanation, one much larger in scope and much more terrifying. Testimony from an insider reveals an unholy alliance that formed in the 1940's between the elite force that truly governs our planet, the Illuminati, and an Extraterrestrial race that has inhabited the Earth since Man's beginning. Together they have orchestrated a plot to eventually enslave the human race through a single planetary Governing system - known as the New World Order. The 9/11 attack was one of many stages, but the insider warns that the stage we face next may be the final phase - and the end of humanity as we know it.
Movie: Alien Skies Mass UFO Sightings ( 2015 )
In 1561 the skies above Nuremberg, Germany, were lit up by an incredible sight. Thousands of people witnessed what they called a battle in the sky. The scene was so well known it was even painted on the walls of historic buildings. Now, hundreds of years later, similar mass sightings are on the increase. Around the world, and throughout time, thousands of people have witnessed the most extraordinary UFO phenomenon. Denying the existence of the lights in the sky is not an option, as they are repeatedly witnessed by large groups. In one African village, an entire school not only witnessed UFO ships, they were contacted by them. A Harvard Professor stated categorically that what those children saw was real. For decades the governments of the world have attempted to make people feel like fools and to cover-up the truth about the incredible world of the UFO and the Alien presence on Earth. We investigate the mass sightings of UFO craft around the world and throughout time and uncover an unreported sighting by a large group of people on vacation who all saw something amazing. We tell their tale and visit the location. We reveal their captured footage. Prepare to witness the Alien Swarm.
Movie: American Murder: The Family Next Door ( 2020 )
In 2018, 34-year-old Shanann Watts and her two young daughters disappear in Colorado. With the heartbreaking details emerging, the family's story made headlines around the world.