Playlists > Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

Bacon’s Law states that anyone involved in the Hollywood industry can be linked by six steps or less to uber-prolific actor Kevin Bacon through the co-stars of their roles. Everything goes with bacon.

Creator: expresso
Posted: 4 years ago

17 favorites


TV Show: The Following ( 2013 )
The FBI estimates there are currently over 300 active serial killers in the United States. What would happen if these killers had a way of communicating and connecting with each other? What if they were able to work together and form alliances across the country? What if one brilliant psychotic serial killer was able to bring them all together and activate a following? Welcome to The Following, a terrifying new thriller.
TV Show: City on a Hill ( 2019 )
In the early 1990s, Boston was rife with violent criminals emboldened by local law enforcement agencies in which corruption and racism was the norm - and then it all changed in what was called the "Boston Miracle". In this fictional account, Assistant District Attorney Decourcy Ward comes from Brooklyn and forms an unlikely alliance with a corrupt yet venerated FBI veteran, Jackie Rohr. Together, they take on a family of armored car robbers in a case that grows to involve, and ultimately subvert, the entire criminal justice system of Boston.
TV Show: I Love Dick ( 2016 )
Adapted from the lauded feminist novel, I Love Dick is set in a colorful academic community in Marfa, Texas. It tells the story of a struggling married couple, Chris and Sylvere, and their obsession with a charismatic professor named Dick. Told in Rashomon-style shifts of POV, I Love Dick charts the unraveling of a marriage, the awakening of an artist and the deification of a reluctant messiah.
TV Show: Marriage ( 2022 )
Marriage sees married couple Ian and Emma negotiate the ups and downs of their 30-year marriage. We see them dealing with the insecurities, the ambiguities, the hopes and the fears that are part of all marriages, as the drama explores the risks and the gifts of a long-term intimate relationship.