Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

49 favorites


Movie: The Orphan Egg ( 1953 )
As usual, little Dinky Duck gets no cooperation as he goes about his usual rounds doing good deeds. He finds an orphan egg, and, unable to get anyone else to care for it, he takes it home with him. After it hatches, he feeds the young bird as it grows ever larger. Meanhile, back in the barnyard, a sneaky fox has captured all the farm animals and birds including, to the fox's delight, the succulent ducks and chewy chickens. But Dinky's bird, now a full-size eagle, comes to the rescue and, as a result, Dinky is acclaimed a hero.
Movie: The Organ Grinder (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
An organ grinder and his monkey make their way down a New York streetscape. The monkey climbs up several stories to get tips from a couple of women. It does a little dance for a group of kids, then uses some props to impersonate Harpo Marx, Stan Laurel, and Oliver Hardy. It then sits down at a couple of pianos and begins playing, first, the title song, then 42nd Street. It gets caught in a runaway car, and after running into a fruit cart, crashes into a music store and comes out as a one-man band with the organ grinder in the rear.
Movie: The Opry House ( 1929 )
Mickey Mouse runs a cheap opera house and performs on stage as a snake charmer, a belly dancer and a long-haired pianist.
Movie: The Olympic Champ (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A narrator explains the history of the Olympic Games while Goofy demonstrates events.
Movie: The Old Mill ( 1937 )
A variety of animals find a shelter in the old mill during a fierce storm.
Movie: The Old Man of the Mountain ( 1933 )
Betty Boop goes to see the fearsome Old Man of the Mountain for herself; he sings the title song and a duet with Betty.
Movie: The Old Grey Hare (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Elmer Fudd asks God when he will finally be able to catch Bugs. God tells him to look far into the future so he imagines a little Elmer still trying to catch a baby Bugs years later.
Movie: The Old Army Game (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Private Donald is caught going AWOL and Sgt. Pete is waiting in his barraks for him.
Movie: The Nutty Network ( 1939 )
A jungle land radio station run by monkeys pulls a prank by reporting an invasion from space is occurring and a large cutout face is hoisted above the trees so all can see. Fireworks are employed to sound like a war has started. The King,a Lion with a Bert Lahr voice, finally exposes the fakers.
Movie: The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat ( 1974 )
Fritz the Cat may have lost one of his lives in the comics, but in his new movie, he has eight more lives left to go! While his wife screams at him, Fritz lights up a joint and reminiscences about what could have been.
Movie: The Night Watchman (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A little cat must take his sick father's place as night watchman, but is bullied by a tough mouse and his gang, leaving the rest of the mice free to eat all the food and stage a musical floor show.
Movie: The Night Before Christmas (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
A narrator sings the opening stanzas of the classic poem while we see the house at rest. Santa lands on the roof, comes down the chimney, and opens his bag. The toys march out and decorate the tree, with the toy soldiers shooting balls from their cannon, a toy airplane stringing a garland like skywriting, and the toy firemen applying snow. A blimp delivers the star to...Read all
Movie: The Night Before Christmas ( 1941 )
Well, a mouse *is* stirring... And he's having fun playing with the toys, until he mistakes Tom for a stuffed toy and wakes him up.
Movie: The Nifty Nineties ( 1941 )
Mickey courts Minnie in the Gay Nineties: they take in a vaudeville show and go for a drive in his horseless carriage, to the strains of "While Strolling Through the Park" and "In the Good Old Summertime". Goofy rides by on a penny-farthing bicycle, and the whole Duck family rides by on a bicycle built for five.
Movie: The New Deal Show ( 1937 )
Betty Boop emcees a show of pet-aid gadgets. Object: a "new deal for pets." Some ideas copied from Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions (1933).
Movie: The Mysterious Island ( 1975 )
Movie: The Music Mice-Tro (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Daffy Duck falls victim to being tormented by Speedy Gonzales and two other mice who form a band and wants to put a stop to it.
Movie: The Mouse on 57th Street (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
A mouse in a yellow hat helps himself to what he thinks is a huge lump of cheese in a bakery but, after chewing a hole straight through it, realizes that it is really rum cake, which has made him more than a little drunk. The mouse staggers away, hiccupping. The next morning, he has a severe hangover, and sounds of drilling at a nearby construction site give him excruciating pain. He grabs the nearest piece of ice he can find to apply to his head, and again he has made a mistake. The ice is the Sunflame Diamond, and two policemen, one of them a lunkhead, are assigned to investigate the "theft" of the jewel. They bungle all their attempts to catch the mouse, who has the jewel tied to his head.
Movie: The Mouse-Merized Cat (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
Babbit hypnotizies Catsello, despite his efforts to resist, into believing he's Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and 'Jimmy Durante', then a chicken, and finally a dog, who he sics on the cat. The cat hypnotizes him back. Finally, Catstello hypnotizes both of them into cowboy and horse, leaving him alone to enjoy the deli they live in.
Movie: The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R. ( 1967 )
Secret agent Jerry-akin has to steal a giant refrigerator full of cheese, guarded by the evil Tom Thrush with a vast array of diabolical gadgets and traps. Of course, Jerry has a few tricks of his own.
Movie: The Mouse Comes to Dinner ( 1945 )
Tom invites Toots to an elegant dinner. However, he's made the mistake of trying to put Jerry to work, as a serving boy, a corkscrew, and other tasks. Jerry puts up with a little of this, but mostly gets revenge on Tom, mostly involving the tip of Tom's tail, which ends up in a sandwich, inside a dessert, and in a candle-holder. Meanwhile, Toots isn't too happy about Tom getting fresh with her. There's a chase, of course, featuring Tom stabbing a turkey while Jerry, safely outside, makes sounds of pain. Tom ends up with his tail stuck up like a mast as Jerry paints "S.S. Drip" on his side and Toots launches him into the punchbowl with a bottle of champagne.
Movie: The Missing Mouse ( 1953 )
Upon hearing about a white mouse that could explode is on the loose, Jerry decides to impersonate it to torment Tom.
Movie: The Million Hare ( 1963 )
As Daffy continuously watches Bugs television, when "Beat Your Buddy" (Daffy's all-time favorite), in order, the two contestants mentioned are Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Daffy immediately left Bugs' home to head to the station, but has numerous accidents. As Bugs gets to the building first, Daffy used a secret-weapon, to him and get to the top floor, from outside and injures both Bugs and Daffy. As soon as they are able, they head to the station a second time and Daffy is the winner. Seeing the big wooden million box, Daffy freely gave it to Bugs, before being informed the big wooden box contained 1,000,000 little paper boxes, that a brand new new one-dollar bill is inside each box, with a value of $1,000,000. Daffy then regretted giving it away, started braying like a donkey, in embarrassment, as it concludes.
Movie: The Million Dollar Cat ( 1944 )
Tom inherits $1,000,000 from an eccentric aunt on the condition that he not harm any living thing - even a mouse. And guess which mouse keeps following him around and pointing this out to him?
Movie: The Miller's Daughter (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Ceramic figurines come to life after one of them is knocked over and broken by the household cat.
Movie: The Milky Way ( 1940 )
The Three Little Kittens tie helium balloons to a basket and travel up to the Milky Way, which is filled with all the milk they can drink.
Movie: The Milky Waif ( 1946 )
Jerry finds himself in charge of a foundling mouse called Nibbles, who is eager to steal milk from Tom's bowl and oblivious to the danger.
Movie: The Midnight Snack (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Jerry's raiding the fridge, carrying off a giant wedge of cheese. Tom's feeling playful, so he piles the cheese high with dishes, builds a set of bread-slice steps, and ends them on a rolling pin. This sends Jerry crashing, of course. Jerry puts the cheese back. Tom dips a paw into a bowl of jelly in the process and decides to raid the fridge; he puts Jerry's tail under an iron. After some snacking, Tom buries Jerry in the cream from a creampuff. But he also tosses the cheese wedge into the china cabinet, bringing Mammy down to scold him. Time for a scapegoat: Tom stuffs Jerry into the fridge, then runs to the next room. When Mammy screams, Tom chases Jerry but this chase ends differently, with Tom trapped in the ironing board. Jerry takes careful aim with a fork, sending Tom into the fridge, where Mammy thrashes him as Jerry munches on the cheese.
Movie: The Mice Will Play (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The mice are on the loose after hours in a doctor's office, playing with the various pieces of medical apparatus. Susie Mouse is caged for research until her lover Johnnie frees her. A mouse orchestra plays a swinging wedding song. But throughout, a cat is stalking...
Movie: The Merry Old Soul (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Oswald is at the dentist. A tooth being pulled hangs on tight. Just then, the radio reports "Old King Cole has the blues" and Oswald races off in his car. He gathers up a collection of comics: Charles Chaplin, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, etc. At the castle, they start singing off-kilter versions of Mother Goose rhymes, with Al Jolson in a blackface routine, and the king is quickly cheered up. Laurel & Hardy haul in a large pile of pies, and an all-out fight breaks out. The jester, who has been getting jealous of Oswald, kidnaps him during the fight and hauls him into a dungeon, submitting him to various tortures, where we discover that the real torture has been the dentist pulling the tooth all along.
Movie: The Mechanical Monsters (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
As the headline on the Daily Planet tells the public: "Mechanical Monster loots bank!" In fact, a scientist has an army of these flying robots able to steal anything in sight. Police are set up everywhere to guard an exhibition of rare jewels, but it's no use. When a robot crashes into the building, it steals all the precious stones in sight, while the policemen's bullets harm it no more than flies. Clark and Lois are at the exhibit. While Clark phones in the story from a booth, Lois stows away in the robot's compartment. Clark sees that Lois has gone missing and decides to change into Superman there in the phone booth. Superman follows the monster, while his X-ray vision allows him to spot Lois inside. His attempt to get Lois out fails. The robot knocks him onto some power lines, losing the jewelry and (nearly) Lois in the process. The robot returns to the scientist's hideout with Lois, but no jewelry. She refuses to tell the scientist where it is. He retaliates by tying her up and setting her on a platform over a pot of boiling metal. The platform slowly descends, as Superman breaks in. But he'll have to fight the scientist's entire army of robots to save the day.
Movie: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1977 )
A collection of animated shorts based on the stories and characters by A. A. Milne.
Movie: The Man Who Planted Trees (Short 1987) ( 1988 )
The story of a shepherd's single handed quest to re-forest a barren valley.
Movie: The Man Called Flintstone ( 1966 )
While preparing for a camping trip, Fred Flintstone is enlisted by the Bedrock Secret Service to capture a criminal mastermind after a spy who looks like him is injured on the job.
Movie: The Major Lied 'Til Dawn (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
We open on a big game hunter telling a little boy (a caricture of child star Freddie Bartholomew) stories about hunting in the jungles of Africa. He tells him a story about a day he was hunting there. The game hunter gets help from African natives to catch some animals, with some odd results. Sight gags include a African native with a record player hidden in his huge lower lip, an elephant who can't remember something he was supposed to do, and the game hunter riding a elephant and having to "shift gears" like an automobile to get up a steep hill.
Movie: The Mad Magazine TV Special ( 1974 )
An animated adaptation of the notorious satire comic magazine. The skits include a look at a modern American car factory, the inner workings of a hospital, a spoof of The Godfather (1972), Mad Magazine's X-Ray vision and Spy vs. Spy.
Movie: The Mad Doctor ( 1933 )
Mickey must save Pluto from a mad doctor's lair.
Movie: The Lyin' Mouse (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A mouse is trying to free himself from a trap when a cat arrives. The mouse, desperate, asks if the cat has heard the story of the lion and the mouse. We see the lion, scaring all the animals; the mouse has a horn that imitates the lion's roar, and has some fun with it until the lion catches him. The mouse pleads for his life, and the lion, distracted by a bigger catch, agrees. The bigger catch is a trap set by the Frank Cluck expedition; the lion avoids the first trap, but falls for the second, and find himself in a circus lion-taming act (where he put his head inside the tamer's mouth). The mouse happens by, and chews a lion-shaped hole in the lion's wooden cart/cage, setting him free. Back to the cat: moved by this story, he releases the mouse; just before entering his hole, the mouse has one last word for the cat: "Sucker!"
Movie: The Lord of the Rings ( 1978 )
A young Hobbit known as Frodo has been thrown on an amazing adventure, when he is appointed the job of destroying the One Ring, which was created by the Dark Lord Sauron. He is assigned with three warriors including Gandelf, Aragorn, and Boromir. But it's not going to be an easy journey for the Fellowship of the Ring, on the ultimate quest to rid the Middle-earth of all evil.
Movie: The Lorax (TV Short 1972) ( 1972 )
A ruined industrialist tells his tale of his environmentally self-destructive greed despite the warnings of an old forest creature.
Movie: The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie ( 1981 )
Bugs Bunny hosts an award show featuring several classic Looney Toon shorts.
Movie: The Lone Stranger and Porky (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
The Lone Stranger is sleeping when his faithful, if overly caricatured, Indian scout sees stagecoach driver Porky being robbed by a bad guy. The scout summons the Lone Stranger, who rides to the rescue. The bad guy goes after him (and, briefly, the narrator). But just in the nick of time, the Lone Stranger recovers and conquers the bad guy. Meanwhile, Silver and the villain's horse have been having their own close encounter, and Silver returns with several little colts.
Movie: The Lonesome Mouse ( 1943 )
Jerry is bored and lonely after Tom gets booted from the house so he decides to get him back inside.
Movie: The Lone Chipmunks (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
In this Lone-Ranger spoof,a cleaned-up version of Pegleg Pete robs a western bank and makes his getaway, and decides to hide his loot in a tree inhabited by two chipmunks, the chattering-and-clattering Chip 'n' Dale. They resent the intrusion but really begin to give Pete a hard time when they discover a reward if posted for his capture. The cavalry arrives but Chip '...Read all
Movie: The Little Whirlwind ( 1941 )
Mickey wants some of the cake Minnie has just baked, so he offers to clean up her yard. As he's working, a tiny tornado (smaller than him) with a mind of its own comes along and causes trouble. After Mickey finally chases the little twister off, it gets its big brother, which makes a grand mess of the yard. Most of the cartoon, except for the opening and closing, has no dialogue.
Movie: The Little Stranger ( 1936 )
A stranger deposits an egg in a duck's nest; it hatches as a baby chicken. It doesn't fit in well with its three duckling nestmates, particularly when it comes to swimming. Momma tries to solve the swimming problem with a couple of leaves, but sends the chick home when that fails. The chick hits on using a half-eggshell as a boat, and manages to rejoin the group. Then trouble, in the form of a bird of prey, which tries to snatch a duckling, but loses a tailfeather to the chick. It chases the chick into an old mill, but gets its head stuck in a wheel. The chick is a hero, and teaches his siblings to crow like a rooster.
Movie: The Little Orphan ( 1949 )
The Bide-a-Wee Mouse Home has sent the orphan mouse, Nibbles, to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry. But Jerry's cupboard is bare, and Nibbles is always hungry. They start by raiding Tom's milk dish, but Tom wakes up and drains it. Fortunately, Mammy has just put out a huge Thanksgiving feast, just ready for the raiding. And that's just what Jerry and Nibbles do, grabbing Pilgrim hats from the table decorations. All goes fairly well until Nibbles eats a whole orange, which is way too big for him. Jerry smacks him with a spoon, which sends the orange flying, right into Tom's mouth. Tom stalks up to the table in a feather duster, which turns into an Indian headdress. Battle follows, featuring Tom sending flaming cat-tails after the mice, and culminating in a champagne bottle launching Tom into the dish cabinet, which crashes down. Tom waves a white flag, and all three sit down to a polite dinner, but Nibbles eats the whole turkey before anyone else can touch it.
Movie: The Little Mermaid ( 1989 )
A mermaid princess makes a Faustian bargain in an attempt to become human and win a prince's love.
Movie: The Little Lion Hunter (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Out hunting in the jungle with his spear, African native boy Inki keeps narrowly missing his prey: a parrot, a giraffe, even a butterfly. Then there's that weird black bird with the syncopated hop who keeps popping up out of nowhere, only to disappear mysteriously once again. Back to big game hunting, Inki puts his ear to the ground, not noticing the ferocious lion sneaking up on him.
Movie: The Little House (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
The story of a little house, experiencing isolation progress through the ages, finding happiness in the quiet, simple countryside.
Movie: The Little Goldfish (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A goldfish gets out of its bowl and has an adventure under the sea.
Movie: The Lion's Busy (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Hungry Beaky Buzzard steadfastly waits for Leo the Lion to be decently deceased before trying to devour him.
Movie: The Lion King ( 1994 )
Lion prince Simba and his father are targeted by his bitter uncle, who wants to ascend the throne himself.
Movie: The Lion Hunt (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
The talking magpies go to Africa to indulge in a bit of lion-hunting and, once there, they find a lion who has no desire to be hunted by two wise-cracking birds. Heckle almost meets his maker when Jeckle persuades him to serve as lion bait. The lion is deceived for a little while when they promise him a movie contract but the end finds the score about dead-even between the hunters and the huntee.
Movie: The Leghorn Blows at Midnight (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Foghorn Leghorn tricks a naive young chicken hawk into believing the barnyard dog is a pheasant.
Movie: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow ( 1949 )
In a small town, a brewing romantic rivalry with a local tough and a school-teacher culminates in a terrifying ride in the night.
Movie: The Last Unicorn ( 1982 )
A brave unicorn and a magician fight an evil King who is obsessed with attempting to capture the world's unicorns.
Movie: The Last Hungry Cat ( 1961 )
Sylvester Cat slips when making a grab for Tweety Bird in Granny's flat, and falls dazed to the floor as one of Tweety's feathers lands in his mouth. Tweety runs off. Sylvester comes to and finds the feather lodged between his lips. He thinks he has swallowed and killed Tweety and suffers terrible remorse as an Alfred Hitchcock-like voice-over chides him for his "crime". Sylvester cracks, runs into the streets confessing, and returns to Granny's place, where he finds he didn't eat Tweety after all.
Movie: The Lady in Red (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
A Mexican Cafe after hours is the setting for a cockroach party a la Joe's Apartment (1996), where the eponymous star of the show is a hot, six-legged senorita in a red dress. An interloping parrot chashes the party, apparently determined to have the guest of honor as a snack. But the audience is not about to give up the object of their collective affection so easily, and one heroic bug manages to torch the parrot's tail and rescue the damsel in distress, which is, of course, a good excuse to continue the fiesta on into the night. Freling did partial remake of this cartoon the following year with flies and a spider standing in for the roaches and parrot in Bingo Crosbyana (1936).
Movie: The King and the Mockingbird ( 1980 )
A chimney sweep and a shepherdess seek to escape from the clutches of a tyrannical king.
Movie: The Karnival Kid ( 1929 )
Mickey, a hot dog vendor, meets and quickly falls for Minnie the "Shimmy Dancer". He serenades her by performing the song "Sweet Adeline", much to the dismay of Kat Nipp, who is trying to sleep.
Movie: The Jungle Book ( 1967 )
Bagheera the Panther and Baloo the Bear have a difficult time trying to convince a boy to leave the jungle for human civilization.
Movie: The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones ( 1987 )
Elroy Jetson invents a time machine that takes his family back to prehistoric times, where they meet the Flintstone family.
Movie: The Isle of Pingo Pongo (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A travelogue spotlights the tropical island of Pingo Pongo, showing the unusual flora and fauna and the lives of the happy natives.
Movie: The Invisible Mouse ( 1947 )
Tom chases Jerry into a bottle of invisible ink, and Jerry then proceeds to have fun torturing Tom.
Movie: The Infantry Blues (Short 1943)
Pvt. Snafu complains about being assigned to the infantry only to learn that other branches have their own problems.
Movie: The Impatient Patient (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Telegram deliverer Daffy Duck is in a swamp, with a message for someone named Chloe, when he starts hiccupping. Unable to stop his hiccups, Daffy decides to seek medical help, in a old house belonging to a Dr. Jerkyl, who advertises his services on a neon sign atop his house. Examining the hiccupping Daffy, Jerkyl decides to use a "scare cure" and chemically transform...Read all
Movie: The Iceman Ducketh ( 1964 )
When Daffy hears that the Klondike trading post is paying good money for furs, Bugs' pelt becomes endangered.
Movie: The Huffless, Puffless, Dragon (Short 1964) ( 2000 )
While all the other dragons are puffing away, one dragon refuses to smoke. They all think he's totally square and a number of them challenge him to fights, races, and arm-wrestling contests. As he defeats them all with his clean lungs and nicotine-free body, they begin to think that maybe he's the cool one after all.
Movie: The House of Tomorrow (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A narrator takes us on a tour of the dream house of the future, and its many innovative appliances.
Movie: The Honey-Mousers (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
The Honey-Mousers are starved for food and a cat stands between them and the refrigerator. Ralph and his friend concoct unsuccessful cat-passing techniques, the best being a Trojan dog made from a barrel.
Movie: The Homeless Flea ( 1940 )
A hobo flea finds an unoccupied dog and settles in, chopping down hairs, stringing a hammock, and building a fire. This forces the dog to take comfort in a fish-bowl, and to go after the flea.
Movie: The Home Front ( 1943 )
A homesick Pvt. Snafu learns that his family are almost as commited to the war efforts as himself.
Movie: The Hobbit ( 1977 )
A homebody hobbit in Middle Earth gets talked into joining a quest with a group of dwarves to recover their treasure from a dragon.
Movie: The High and the Flighty (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Salesman Daffy Duck comes upon a farm, the site of Foghorn Leghorn's ongoing feud with the barnyard dog, and proceeds to sell Foghorn and the dog contraptions to continue their violent, mutual heckling.
Movie: The Hick Chick ( 1946 )
Clueless country rooster Clem's plan to marry his sweetheart Daisy are ruined when city slicker Charles sweeps Daisy off her (hen's) feet. When Charles takes Daisy to the big city, Clem follows and tries to win her back (while get punched a lot by Charles).
Movie: The Hep Cat (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A cat-about-town fancies himself such an irresistible "hunk" he momentarily resembles Victor Mature. His wooing of a cute kitten gets derailed by a prankster dog using a cat hand puppet to trap him.
Movie: The Henpecked Duck (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Mrs. Duck sues Daffy for divorce in Judge Porky Pig's courtroom, charging her husband with losing their egg in an abortive magic trick.
Movie: The Heckling Hare (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
This time Bugs is chased by hunting dog Willoughby.
Movie: The Haunted Mouse (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A starving cat wandering in the wilderness sees a sign that says, "Ma's Place/Home Cooking/3 Miles." The cat speeds into town, without noticing the sign that says, "Ghost Town / Population 100 Ghosts." One of these ghosts is a mouse eager to get revenge on cats for having tormented him in life. The dopey cat makes for a perfect scapegoat, and the ghost mouse immediately sets out to harass the hungry kitty.
Movie: The Hasty Hare (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A fey little Martian, with his green dog-soldier, K-9, arrive on Earth with instructions to bring back an Earth creature. He chooses Bugs Bunny.
Movie: The Hare-Brained Hypnotist (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
This time Elmer Fudd goes after Bugs using hypnotism, only the plan backfires.
Movie: The Hard Boiled Egg ( 1948 )
Movie: The Hand Is Pinker Than the Eye ( 1967 )
Seeking winter shelter, the Pink Panther enters Zammo the Great's house while the magician is away, and the panther discovers a mischievous rabbit that leads him through a series of phantasmagorical phenomena, including a mobile door with stairs that change from ascending to descending, depending on what position the door is at in relation to the floor, a tilted will picture that, when straightened, causes the whole house to tilt, a deceptive, two-way mirror, and a subjective, psychedelic hole in the floor.
Movie: The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ( 1982 )
The Grinch leaves home in a foul mood, looking for trouble. He runs into the Cat in the Hat and decides to make the cat's life unbearable.
Movie: The Grey Hounded Hare (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Bugs is in love with a mechanical bunny at the dog race track.
Movie: The Greener Yard (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
An old beetle (though he looks more like Jiminy Cricket) living next door to Donald Duck explains to his young charge why Donald's garden isn't the paradise it appears to be, by recounting his battles with Donald when he first discovered the garden, and his narrow escape assisted by a couple of birds.
Movie: The Great Mouse Detective ( 1986 )
Basil, the rodent Sherlock Holmes, investigates the kidnapping of a toy-maker and uncovers its link to his arch-enemy, Professor Ratigan.
Movie: The Great Carrot-Train Robbery (Short 1969) ( 1969 )
Bunny and Claude are still at their carrot caper. This time, they rob a train as the Sheriff is once again called out to stop them. Just when the Sheriff think he has them, his horse eats all the evidence (the carrots) up.
Movie: The Grasshopper and the Ants ( 1934 )
As in the classic fable, the grasshopper plays his fiddle and lives for the moment, while the industrious ants squirrel away massive amounts of food for the winter. With his song, he's able to convince at least one small ant until the queen arrives and scares him back to work. The queen warns the grasshopper of the trouble he'll be in the coming winter. Winter comes, and the grasshopper, near starvation, stumbles across the ants, who are having a full-on feast in their snug little tree. They took him in and warmed him up. The queen tells him only those who work can eat so he must play for them.
Movie: The Goose Goes South (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
The geese are flying south all except for the runty one that's the focus of this cartoon. He tries hitchhiking, but since nobody picks him up (though one car stops and gives him a double-talk explanation), he walks. This gives us the chance to see a number of regional gags: a hillbilly father tells his son to work, and the son asks why?; the long arm of the law (literally) goes after a moonshiner; the goose eats a watermelon, and is chased off by the farmer; two Southern gentlemen cordially tilt the pinball table. Meanwhile, the doubletalking car stops a few more times, the last of them on a dock; it drives off the dock, and the goose says he can't rescue the driver, complete with the same kind of double-talk explanation.
Movie: The Goofy Gophers (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Two polite twin gophers raid a vegetable patch guarded by a rather smug dog, whose various unsuccessful schemes to nullify the crafty and modest gophers involve a female gopher disguise, a hand grenade, and a carrot stuffed with TNT.
Movie: The Good Egg (Short 1945)
Navy seaman Mr. Hook is convinced of the value of holding on to his war bonds.
Movie: The Good Egg (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A hen adopts an abandoned egg which hatches into a turtle. The baby turtle becomes the butt of all the real chicks' jokes until danger threatens.
Movie: The Golden Touch ( 1935 )
Greedy King Midas is granted his wish that everything he touches turns to gold. However, he realizes this may be a curse, when he sits down to eat and the food turns to gold as well.
Movie: The Goldbrick (Short 1943)
A fairy encourages Snafu to duck out of his training regime for his own reasons.
Movie: The Goddess of Spring ( 1934 )
The lovely goddess of spring Persephone is kidnapped by Hades, thus bringing about the winter season.
Movie: The Girl at the Ironing Board (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Mysteriously, late at night, the laundry comes to life.
Movie: The Genie with the Light Pink Fur ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther find a magic lamp that promises to turn him into a genie.
Movie: The Gay Anties (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
The 1890s; a picnic in the park. A man is pitching woo to his girl, while behind them a steady stream of ants is methodically devouring and carting off their food. Some other interludes include four ants eating Russian rye bread, then breaking for a Russian dance; a torch singer that sends everyone scurrying for some kind of ear plugs; a chef ant that coordinates the ...Read all