Playlists > Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Shorts

Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Shorts

Here’s a List of Pink Panther Classic Short Animated Features, from 1964 to 1980 and produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises (DFE).

Creator: RoboPhone
Posted: 4 years ago

3 favorites


Movie: Pink Pistons ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther buys a compact, multi-gadgeted car, but has a driving argument with an elderly lady - determined to out-speed her in a drag race.
Movie: Lucky Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther thinks he is doing the right thing returning a horse shoe to a robber who gets bad luck when he is around it.
Movie: G.I. Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther joins the U.S. Army and goes to boot camp, where he unwittingly causes no end of trouble for a short, pointy-nosed drill Sergeant. Before long, the Sergeant is plotting to do away with the Pink Panther. He tries to trap the panther in a mine field, only to become trapped himself. He orders the Pink Panther to dig a hole in the middle of a grenade testing area and throws a grenade in, but the Pink Panther uses his shovel to hit it back baseball-style, and it rolls into the house of the camp mascot- a short-tempered bulldog- and explodes. The bulldog chases the Sergeant into the obstacle course the Sergeant had intended for the panther. The Sergeant next mails the Pink Panther to the Navy, who sends the panther back. So, the Sergeant runs off to join the Navy.
Movie: Pinkadilly Circus ( 1968 )
A little, pointy-nosed playboy coming out of a nightclub does a good deed for the Pink Panther by pulling a nail out of the panther's foot, and the grateful panther becomes slave to the little man, assisting him to compel his shrewish wife to do all the chores at home, cleaning behind him as he drops his cigar ashes and beer cans on the floor. Each time the wife tries to retaliate against her inconsiderate husband, the playboy slob whistles for the Pink Panther to roar at her and frighten her into submission. Tables turn when the wife pulls a nail out of the Pink Panther's foot and the panther is now her slave and allows her to smash bottles on her playboy husband's head.
Movie: An Ounce of Pink ( 1965 )
The Pink Panther comes in contact with a coin-operated talking weight and fortune machine which suggests that he bring it home with him on the basis of it being a valuable asset - it doesn't go so well.
Movie: The Pink Pro ( 1976 )
The panther is an eager wanna-be instructor who forces his services on the short, pointy-nosed man. The man first chooses to be taught archery, but this only results in the man flying straight through the archery board, and the panther repeatedly failing his attempts to hit the board. Further lessons in skiing, sailing and sky diving result in the man to be severely injured and hospitalized. Still, the panther wants to teach the reluctant man water skiing and golf, resulting in more horrible accidents.
Movie: Pink Panther in the Olym-pinks (TV Short 1980) ( 1980 )
The Pink Panther tries his paw at various winter sports, getting ready for the Lake Placid Olympic Games.
Movie: Smile Pretty, Say Pink (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
A diminutive, pointy-nosed naturalist goes to a national park to photograph the flora and fauna and refuses to donate a small sum of money to a worthy cause: the welfare of the park's resident Pink Panther. The naturalist kicks the Pink Panther's donation box away and provokes the panther into sabotaging his photographic efforts. The Pink Panther secrets himself in a bush and won't keep the bush still for the photographer to take a desired picture. The panther next commandeers the controls to a wooden bridge and sends the naturalist into a river. He then swallows the little man's flashcubes and lights up every time he hiccups; so, when he runs into the little naturalist's dark-room-hut and hiccups, he ruins the pictures that the man is trying to develop. Next, he sticks his hand, eye, and teeth in all of the little man's pictures. But the little man avenges himself upon the panther by blasting the pink cat with a rifle disguised as a camera.
Movie: Pink Panzer ( 1965 )
The next-door neighbor neglects to return the Pink Panther's lawn mower, resulting in a feud that escalates into all-out war.
Movie: Pink Aye (Short 1974) ( 1974 )
The Pink Panther stows away on the S.S.Luxitania while a famous opera singer is aboard the cruise ship. A short, pointy-nosed steward, assigned to cater to the singer's comfort, discovers the stowaway Pink Panther and endeavors to catch the unwelcome passenger, only to repeatedly disturb the ship's Captain, who violently punishes the steward. A troublesome deck chair begins to snap its foot rest as though it were a dog and chases the Pink Panther and the steward off the ship and onto a tropical island.
Movie: Pink Breakfast ( 1979 )
The Pink Panther's attempts to make an ordinary breakfast for himself result in nothing but mishaps.
Movie: Put-Put, Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther wants to go on a ride with his self-built motorcycle, but it starts driving backwards at a frightening speed, and a policeman tries in vain to catch him for speeding. The panther builds another motorcycle, which splits in two in the midst of the ride, and the other half continues its way. When the panther rides his next vehicle, made out of bed frame bars, he gets caught by the policeman and sent to prison.
Movie: Pink in the Woods (Short 1979) ( 1979 )
The Pink Panther gets a job as a lumberjack. The trouble immediately begins when the axe blade flies off and cuts down the wrong tree, which destroys the manager's car as it falls down. When the right tree finally falls down, it destroys the lumber cabin, which makes the manager mightily angry. The panther is given a chainsaw, which immediately gets a mind of its own and starts chasing the panther, until he manages to crush it with a mallet. He instead applies a beaver to do all the woodcutting work. The work gets done so fast that the manager awards the panther with a big bonus.
Movie: Pink Tuba-Dore ( 1971 )
In an Alpine community, a pointy-nosed, little man's incessant tuba-playing results in the entire community threatening to evict him. So, the man, accompanied by his dog, goes into the mountains to play the tuba in supposed seclusion. However, the tuba-playing disturbs the sleep of a tree-dwelling Pink Panther, who, unseen by the man, drops a potted plant, bubble gum, cement, and soap and water into the tuba, and the man, undaunted, persists in playing and blames his dog for these attempts to silence the tuba.
Movie: Pink, Plunk, Plink (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther is an amateur violinist who wants to play in the orchestra at a concert but is forcefully removed from the concert hall. The sly panther sneaks into the hall and secrets himself in the orchestra. A diminutive, short-tempered conductor tries to direct the orchestra in performing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, but the Pink Panther keeps injecting his own theme into the music, first with his violin, then with a horn and a trumpet, enraging the conductor.
Movie: Pinky Doodle ( 1976 )
During the American Revolution, the Pink Panther attempts to warn the people of Boston that the British are coming.
Movie: Pink Quackers ( 1979 )
A toy duck a street vendor is selling takes on a life of its own and starts following the panther. He tries to get rid of the persistent duck, even sending it to Japan in a package. Come winter, come spring, and the panther receives a package from Japan, with the duck inside - so he decides to keep it as his pet. Immediately the duck adopts itself into the family of a real duck. Again, seasons change, and finally the duck is back on the panther's doorstep. It has travelled the world and got itself a family of its own.
Movie: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin. The little astronomer tries to dynamite the wall, and it falls on top of him, while the Pink Panther operates the observatory's telescope door to close and cut off the outer part of the telescope. While the astronomer zooms the repaired telescope into a view of the Moon's surface, he sees dancing, little green men, which are really puppets being controlled by the panther onto the lens of the telescope. When the little astronomer telephones this discovery to his superiors, he is fired pending a sanity hearing!
Movie: Trail of the Lonesome Pink (Short 1974) ( 1974 )
Fur-trapping French-Canadian brothers Jules and Jacques provoke the righteous wrath of the Pink Panther when one of their leg-traps in a forest ensnares the picnicking panther's tail. The panther, declaring himself "Pink Avenger", follows the two trappers to their cabin and plants biting turtles in each of their beds, causing each to think the other is responsible for the seeming practical joke. After fist-fighting, the two men realize that, "something's fishy," and they use their dog, Armand, to trail the Pink Panther. They are bitten by more turtles, one of them is caught in his own leg-trap, and the pair are then both catapulted by a recoiling tree into the horizon.
Movie: The Pink of Arabee ( 1976 )
The Pink Panther visits a Middle Eastern town, but is chased around when a rope conjured by a snake charmer falls in love with the Panther's tail.
Movie: Rocky Pink ( 1976 )
The Pink Panther longs for a pet, but he hasn't got enough money to buy one. A suspect man in a street corner fools him into buying a rock as his pet. The panther adopts the rock anyway, and it immediately takes on a life of its own. When the panther is out walking the rock, they pass a place where rocks and gravel are sold. The rock goes wild and eats the entire supply, growing into a huge boulder. The panther is kicked out of his home by his own mother after the boulder has made a large hole in the floor. The persistent boulder rolls into some wet cement, making it so huge the panther gets terrified and runs away from it.