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💡 Geniuses & prodigies ( 537 items )
19008 Views | 47 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Greer

Films and TV shows featuring super intelligent, extraordinary and gifted people.

SUPERIOR ( 723 items )
5330 Views | 14 favorites | Created 3 years ago by ftalker


#4:WEIRD, Rare, HARD-To-Find Big & Small Screen ( 500 items )
5472 Views | 25 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Mr_Cary_Grant

Part FOUR: These are the movie, TV Series, Made-For-Television Movies, Specials, Documentary, Drive-In Mature/Action/Grindhouse, Disney, Music (Concerts). Just overall some things that were things I’ve seen over my LONG lifetime to things I’ve discov…

Movies That Will Make You Cry ( 42 items )
1314 Views | 5 favorites | Created 4 years ago by RoboPhone

Here is a Shared List of Movies
that will make you sniffle,
bring a tear to your eye,
or even bawl like a baby.

If you would like to suggest
something to be added to this list,
please visit this Forum Thread :
[**Forum>Latest Movies>Movies Tha…