The series is set in the 21st century, where the existence of humanoid animals that have been living in the darkness for centuries have been revealed to the world. One day, Michiru, who was a normal highschool student, suddenly turns into a tanuki person; running away, she seeks refuge in Anima City, a place set up for humanoid animals to be able to live as themselves. While there, Michiru encounters a wolf person, Shirou Ogami, who goes on to investigate why she became a humanoid animal, and in the process gets mixed up in even stranger events.

  • Currently 40.0/5
(4 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: April 8, 2020
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Action Comedy Fantasy Anime
AKA: ビー・エヌ・エー
Countries: Japan
Companies: Fuji TV TRIGGER Toho Co. Fuji Television Network Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Ultra Super Pictures Movic Bandai Bandai Spirits BS Fuji BNA Production Committee Toho Music origami PRODUCTIONS HALF H·P STUDIO TOHO Animation

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