Space Command follows the adventures of the United Planet's Space Command, a dedicated group of scientists, soldiers and adventurers exploring the solar system. The series recalls the space operas of the golden age of science fiction that enthralled audiences with an optimistic view of future and a belief in the triumphant spirit of mankind.
Seen through the eyes of three families, the Kemmers, the Odaras and the Sekanders spearhead a new wave of settlers who head out into the new frontier as the exploration, settlement and  development of Mars, the asteroid belt and the outer moons and planets of our solar system begins.

To Be Determined
  • Currently 76.25/5
(16 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.0/10
Released: February 15, 2020
Genres: Adventure Sci-Fi
Companies: YouTube
Cast: Bruce Boxleitner Doug Jones Robert Picardo Mira Furlan Ethan McDowell Bill Mumy Bryan McClure Michael Harney Sara Maraffino Jelena Mrdja
Crew: Marc Scott Zicree

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