The Recruit follows Owen Hendricks, a fledgling lawyer at the CIA who becomes enmeshed in dangerous international power politics when a former asset threatens to expose the agency.
GeminiSaga : Can't wait to watch a show about how evil I am.
ErichKlopfton : What a time to be alive that was! I got my moped in 1987, went straight to the rocker´s jo...
SkyBisonAlpha : Contains spoilers. Click to show.
SkidMarx : I enjoyed it. Joaquin was made for this character.
GeminiSaga : It's ok. Similar to The Village but pretty predictable.
Birdsforme : This was an odd story, but actually very good.
Rix : Lmao..too cute..late 70's early 80's parking lots were lot wilder..
darklighter1 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Yeah this stunk. Keaton was great but the rest was a mismatch of about 4 stories. Like the...
bluetwinkle13 : This movie is gnarly!! It really surprised me in the best and most awful way!! Highly reco...
Yurocalling : I feel bad for the kids if this was what the movie was aimed that, this was.....bad for al...
GeminiSaga : Can't wait to watch a show about how evil I am.