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Petacci ingested barbiturates but was saved; the Duce reads her letter in which she reported Ciano's betrayal and he is therefore kept under surveillance. Galeazzo reassures his wife by saying that she will not betray her father and that he is playing a double game to deliver the traitors to the Duce so as to make a good impression on him. Vittorio Ambrosio, Chief of Staff of the Italian Army, reports to the King the harsh discussion that took place between Hitler and Mussolini in Feltre and proposes to stop the Duce but Savoy is not at all convinced and asks Pietro Badoglio for advice who tells him that Mussolini's successor must be one of his most loyal followers. The King receives the Duce and tells him that he will continue to support him. Ciano meets Mario Josè and suggests her not to attempt any risky moves. On the eve of the Grand Council, Grandi is received by Mussolini and advises him to pass the buck but the Duce becomes furious and shouts at him that defeatists like him will be punished. Maria José is intercepted while she is talking on the phone with the ambassador to Portugal, Umberto Capodilista, and the King is made aware of it. Grandi decides to send her niece to Cremona to distance her from Italo but despite this the two promise each other eternal love.

July 24th. It is the day of the Great Council. Mussolini claims he must resist the attacks. Grandi presents to the participants an agenda for the return of military power to the King. The debate goes on for hours and during a break Mussolini proposes to Grandi to become Foreign Minister in the next government and his future successor but he refuses. In the meantime his wife has been locked in a room by Ruggeri.

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Title: Episodio 5
Air Date: January 29, 2024
Runtime: Unknown
Genres: Drama History

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