Set in Bob Mortimer's home, every episode of House of Fools sees Bob frustrated by his uninvited lodgers, visitors and guests who constantly fill his house. Led by Vic - Beef, Bosh and Julie knit together each week to wreak havoc on Bob. Vic Reeves is the long term and mostly unwanted guest in Bob's house, always treating the place like his own, with little regard for Bob's wishes. Living alongside them is Bob's Norwegian son, Erik, who has absolutely no time at all for his ‘moron' father and next door is Julie, who lives in a haze of imagined fantasies. Adding to the chaos is a constant stream of unwelcome visitors to Vic and Bob's flat. Amongst them is Beef a lady-obsessed lothario, not to be confused with Bosh, a Geordie ex-con, who has designs on moving in as well.

  • Currently 46.666666666666664/5
(3 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: January 14, 2014
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Comedy
Countries: United Kingdom
Companies: BBC One Pett Productions BBC
Cast: Matt Berry Vic Reeves Bob Mortimer Morgana Robinson Dan Skinner Daniel Simonsen
Crew: Mark Freeland

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