Leslie Pool returns to his native Ohio to run the Green & Grains grocery store he has just inherited from his father. His somewhat dysfunctional staff includes Carl, the sweet, doofus stockboy who serves as Leslie's sidekick; Yolanda, the straight-talking dominant force in the produce department who's also pregnant with Carl's baby; Buck, the bagger who is looking towards the future by attending night school; Ingrid, the quirky-soft-spoken customer service representative who lives for Renaissance festivals; Richard, the dignified cashier who dreams of becoming a professional ice dancer; and Todd, the sexy butcher who hopes one day to be a stock car driver.

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Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: November 27, 2006
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Comedy
Countries: United States
Companies: TBS Howler Monkey Productions
Cast: Jennifer Elise Cox John Lehr Chris Payne Gilbert Kirsten Gronfield Greg Davis Jr. Roberta Valderrama Robert Clendenin Christopher Liam Moore
Crew: Nancy Hower John Lehr Robert Hickey

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