etim's comments

RRR (2022)
etim 2 points 11 months ago.

Thank you uploader—-you found it!

The Gallows Pole - This Valley Will Rise (2023)
etim 2 points 11 months ago.

It took me a minute to catch on but this is turning out to be a bit of a comedy too.

FDR (2023)
etim 1 points 11 months ago*.

Good doc on FDR. Lots of clips and active editing to keep it moving along and interesting.
Wish they’d done a better job at casting for FDR though.

The Warrant: Breaker's Law (2023)
etim 1 points 11 months ago*.

Fairly watchable B movie with some experienced actors, a little corn and extra cheese.

The White Queen (2013)
etim 3 points 11 months ago*.

Great show. I’m tempted to go back and watch it again every time I watch an ep of Silo.

Skinford: Death Sentence (2023)
etim 2 points 11 months ago*.

Here’s another (a bit more interesting) IMDB link for this flick. Looks like it was meant to be released back in 2017 too.
Looks weird enough to make me wanna check it out.

etim 2 points 11 months ago*.

Whacked out dark comedy-horror.
Typical Ozzie style flick of this sort with gore, action, pretty girls running around in their skivvies and lots of confusion…all loosely following a plot (?). Decent quality production.
Good for a watch some evening with a few buddies and beers. 6.3/10

Skinford: Death Sentence (2023)
etim 2 points 11 months ago*.

Here’s another (a bit more interesting) IMDB link for this flick. Looks like it was meant to be released back in 2017 too.
Looks weird enough to make me wanna check it out.

John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
Pringokid 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Movie was great tons of actions and great story…Ending NOT so much!! killing John Wick off after all he went though was very very disappointing.

etim 2 points 11 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

His pals’ little side grins over John’s gravesite at the end told me that Mr Wick won’t stay ‘dead’ for long—-if the studio money gods deem it to be so.

John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
etim 3 points 11 months ago.

Heads up! A good copy’s out.

Titans (2018) S4 E1
McCainiac 2 points 11 months ago.

since when do bowling pins have strings on them?

etim 4 points 11 months ago*.

Those setups have been popping up in some bowling alleys in the past few years. They’re a lot cheaper than the traditional pin setting machines.
Many bowlers hate ‘em though, say that the pins don’t fall and knock around like they’re supposed to.

Valerio's Day Out (Short 2019) (2019)
etim 2 points 11 months ago.

Journal of a mass murderer’s fun night out, told in the style of Werner Herzog.

Silo (2023) S1 E3
expresso 4 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)


etim 3 points 11 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t think the planners really wanted ppl to be able to move up and down between levels easily.
They likely wanted the different social and functional classes to be kept somewhat separated, both for plain ol’ elitism/segregation and worried about future problems with angry mobs easily traveling up and down.
Though a pulley driven dumbwaiter system to carry lighter loads would have made sense. I’d think that in 140-some years, someone wd have rigged one up by now.

Besides, climbing those stairs is the only exercise a lot of ‘em get.

One Ranger (2023)
etim 1 points 11 months ago.

Oh boy, that was a stinker. Why, Jane, why?

Discontinued (2023)
etim 1 points 11 months ago.

Enjoyable watch, esp. considering it was a comedy/sifi done on the cheap with zero special effects and not much comedy.
A fun take on the old ‘we’re all living in a sim…now what?’ concept.
Well made, well written—and for the most part, well acted.
I’m surprised it didn’t get a better rating—I’d give it a 6.7 or so. Worth checking out sometime.

Silo (2023) S1 E3
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 year ago.

Is kind of reminding me of Snowpiercer.

etim 2 points 11 months ago.

Ha! I’ve been thinking the same thing but just couldn’t remember the name of that show to make the comment.

Jethica (2023)
etim 2 points 1 year ago.

Interesting story, half decent acting but dialogue needed lots of help.

Simulant (2023)
Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E8
etim 4 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Great ending!
I’m surprised they got it all (mostly) cleaned up in one final ep. I really expected this to end in a cliffhanger and go multi-season.
At least they left it open for more ifn’ they want (i. e. get the cash to do it).

Bupkis (2023)
etim 2 points 1 year ago*.

This was better than I’d expected. First ep was a hoot, made me wanna watch more.
Surprising to see that Pete has so many famous ppl in his family.

Renfield (2023)
etim 1 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Apparently some Ska haters were in on making this flick. What’s so awful about Ska?
Clearly they never had to live through the Disco years.

The Pope's Exorcist (2023)
Christmasstar 1 points 1 year ago*.

Can someone please translate some of the Italian in the movie, please. What a great movie, God Bless.

etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

You can get subs for this on Opensubtitles.

Soft & Quiet (2022)
etim 2 points 1 year ago.

Whew! That was nuts.

Mini Van Moms Gone Wild
Blame It On the Pie

Mrs. Davis (2023) S1 E5
etim 1 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Allright! Another Preacher parallel!
Though I gotta admit, back when it happened with Tom Cruise it was truly a memorable and joyful experience in the history of bizarro TV landmarks.
I’ll cherish that scene forever.

Ghosted (2023)
etim 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was trying to figure out why ‘Mom’ looked so familiar. She’s the crazy little mechanic lady on The Mandalorian.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (2022)
etim 3 points 1 year ago*.

Like the description says, both cute and creepy. Worth checking out (watch whole eps—don’t quit too soon).
Not for little kids (unless their last name is Addams) or for watching right before bed.

Could we get some more hosts besides just Mixdrop, please?

American Maroon (2023)
etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

‘’American Maroon is a groundbreaking documentary film about the Foundational Black American rebel fighters who freed themselves during formal slavery in America. For centuries, enslaved Black people fought the oppressive forces in America, while finding sanctuary in swamps and other maroon communities. American Maroon reveals the untold history of these unsung freedom fighters, and how their legacy is alive today’’
—-Amazon review/synopsis

Mrs. Davis (2023) S1 E1
Annabella 1 points 1 year ago*.

Huh…, that was different.
Wonder how long they can keep this up?
Reminds me of Pennyworth - if you watch it, I think you’ll see what I mean…

etim 3 points 1 year ago*.

Hmmm. I got a bit more of a ‘Preacher’ vibe from it. I wonder if they grabbed some writers or inspiration from the big P?

Swarm (2023)
etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

Intense (true?) crime drama, a big shift in direction for Glover considering that he recently finished Atlanta.
7/10 for it overall, though I’m still trying to make sense of the ending.

60 Minutes (1968) S55 E30
etim 3 points 1 year ago.

Interesting ep. The soccerbots were a hoot!

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E9
etim 5 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t get it.
They said in this ep that they hadn’t had contact with the Borg in over a decade but Picard, etc. just dealt with them last season. And at the end of the last season they were on pretty decent terms with the Borg queen.
What happened to Star Trek’s continuity?

The Portable Door (2023)
etim 4 points 1 year ago*.

Good movie! I dunno why it only got a 6.0 on IMDB…Were people expecting something else? Was it ruined for them by getting overhyped?
I hadn’t heard much of anything about it before I went in…maybe because of that, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’d give it a 7.5 easy.

The writer (Tom Holt) must be a big Douglas Adams fan. It has a distinct Adams flick sort of feel to it, with a batch of Adams references/easter eggs tossed in—it even brought its own towel.

I can’t get over how much Patrick Gibson looks (and sometimes acts) like a young, young Michael Palin. Had to check to see if they were related (they aren’t—at least not officially anyway).

Saturday Night Live (1975) S48 E17
etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

Surprise! This week was better than usual, had 2 or 3 good skits. Definitely don’t miss the office baby shower @~19:25.

Everyone Else Burns (2023)
etim 2 points 1 year ago*.

Worth checking out. If you like the first half hour ep, watch the other five too. Together, they’re a complete story.

The Power (2023)
etim 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey, baby. Why don’t you come over tonight and uh…charge my Tesla?

Succession (2018) S4 E1
grasshopper rex 0 points 1 year ago.

Corporate GoT, just less murdery.

etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

Or like Yellowstone for rich folks. With villas and limos instead of ponies. And cowboy hats.

Assassin (2023)
etim 3 points 1 year ago*.

‘ “Assassin” will officially be the last Bruce Willis movie, following the announcement in 2022 that he will be retiring from acting…’

Hopefully, the end of sleazy producers taking advantage and sticking him in their crap movies.

Plan B (2023) S1 E2
Birdsforme 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The main character, Phil, cannot seem to catch a break. This episode seemed more like a soap opera to me than just drama.

etim 2 points 1 year ago.

You picked up on that too, huh?
That was my thoughts about it, that I was watching a soap—and called it quits here.

The Big Door Prize (2023)
etim 10 points 1 year ago*.

I almost passed this by, thinking it was just another game show. (It ain’t).

We're the Fugawis (2013)
etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

I knew I was gonna like these guys early on—-right about when they told us how they got their club’s name.

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
NoelCoyotebleu 4 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t see that at all. the bartender was in on it. (well he was blackmailed into it) so maybe he did wanna kill him! lol

etim 3 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The bartender was also paid hundreds of $$ to help with the scam. That tip Kiefer offered him to put on the soccer game had a fiver on top with hundreds hidden under it.
But he got burned out of his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to score another 5 grand on top of that.

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
etim 4 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Ha! Not even 5 minutes in and someone already wants to kill Kiefer.
That bartender’s ready to reach over the bar and strangle him…no doubt he’s thinking—‘’WTF, dude! You coulda told that guy to give the 5 grand to ME instead!!’’

Class of '07 (2023)
etim 4 points 1 year ago*.

Great start to this featuring Emily B., worth catching the first few minutes even if you don’t watch the whole series.
This was one of those shows I didn’t expect to be able to tolerate much of but ended up binging the 1st half of the series before I took a break.

High energy dark humor; some hilarious spots.

Lucky Hank (2023)
etim 1 points 1 year ago*.

Oh, cool. A new Odenkirk show.
On AMC too—-the same folks that came up with Breaking Bad and other great stuff.

The Serpent Queen (2022)
etim 1 points 1 year ago.

This is off to a good start! Starz does some good historical-ish dramas—looks like they got another winner here. Took a minute to get Alpha out of my head, tho.

Last Light (2022)
etim 1 points 1 year ago.

Ok to watch, I suppose—only 5 eps. long. Nothing much to get real excited over. More of a broadcast TV feel to it, nothing very original or outstanding.

House of the Dragon (2022) S1 E3
errrwhocares 1 points 1 year ago.

Was it just me or is this just like a really slow boring episode? 😴

etim 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, it was…till it wasn’t.

Little Demon (2022)
grasshopper rex 4 points 1 year ago*.

Rick & Morty co-creator Dan Harmon is the executive producer of this violent, raunchy coming of age comedy that is voiced by Danny & Lucy DeVito and Aubrey Plaza. This scratches all my itches.

etim 4 points 1 year ago.

Ooo! Thanks for the heads up! I saw this but had ignored it. Time to check it out!

Glorious (2022)
etim 3 points 1 year ago.

Real good horror flick. Very well done, hilarious in spots. Freaky enough to potentially end up a cult classic. Def. worth the watch! 7.5/10