Playlists > ✔️ The Tudor & Stuart eras (1485–1711) films and TV shows

✔️ The Tudor & Stuart eras (1485–1711) films and TV shows

Modern England begins and spans more than 200 years. The Tudors (1485-1603) and Stuart (1603-1711) periods were great times for new ideas and new inventions from newspapers, forks, chocolate, flushing toilets to ingenious way of making cannon balls bounce off castles.

Creator: Greer
Posted: 3 years ago

31 favorites


Movie: 1521: The Quest for Love and Freedom ( 2023 )
In the pre-Spanish era Philippines, a young beautiful native princess falls in love with a handsome Spanish soldier. Against all odds, and pulled apart by their loyalties to their own people, they fight for their clandestine romance.
Movie: Gloria! ( 2024 )
It re-imagines the world of classical music on more equal standing in a Baroque-era Venice.