Playlists > A day For An Judgement

A day For An Judgement

-Evil’s Stikes For an Harvesting Day

-An Ancient Evil From an Beginning of Time

-An Biblical Plague and Soul Feasters

-Now it is Time For a the Ultimate Sacrifice

-Hell As break Loose

Creator: Terminator
Posted: 3 years ago

17 favorites


TV Show: Storm of the Century ( 1999 )
A small village off the mainland is about to receive a huge winter storm. It won't be just another storm for them. A strange visitor named Andre Linoge comes to the small village and gives the residents havoc. He knows everything about them, and when he tells the truth about one of them, that person denies it. The town constable, Mike Anderson, tries to keep everyone in check with the huge storm and Linoge. Linoge keeps telling the people, "Give me what I want and I will go away"
TV Show: Stephen King's The Stand ( 1994 )
When a government-run lab accidentally lets loose a deadly virus, the population of the world is decimated. Survivors begin having dreams about two figures: a mystical old woman, or a foreboding, scary man. As the story tracks various people, we begin to realize that the two figures exemplify basic forces of good and evil, and the stage is set for a final confrontation between the representatives of each.
TV Show: Point Pleasant ( 2005 )
All hell is about to break loose in a sleepy New Jersey town when a sudden violent storm washes in more than the tide. The peaceful existence of a small seaside community will dramatically change forever when Christina Nickson is rescued from the ocean by local lifeguard Jesse Parker and brought to the home of local doctor Ben Kramer. The Kramers, including Ben's wife, Meg, and daughter, Judy, take an instant liking to Christina and invite her stay with them as she searches for clues to her past and attempts to find her mother, a Point Pleasant native whom Christina never knew. Unbeknownst to Christina, her presence in the town is having a profound effect on its inhabitants - awakening repressed feelings, unlocking secret desires and heightening emotions. As Christina seeks answers to her mother's disappearance, she will come to realize that she has never known her "real" father either - for Christina is the offspring of a mortal woman and the Devil. While Christina struggles to control the demon inside her (and the powers that come with it), the fight for her soul has begun and the town of Point Pleasant has turned into the ultimate battleground of good vs. evil.
TV Show: Sleepy Hollow ( 2013 )
Sleepy Hollow is a thrilling mystery-adventure drama series spanning two and a half centuries, in which a resurrected Ichabod Crane pairs up with a present-day police lieutenant to save the enigmatic town of Sleepy Hollow--and the world--from unprecedented evil.
TV Show: Poltergeist: The Legacy ( 1996 )
"The Legacy" is a secret society that began many centuries ago to accumulate knowledge and artifacts to help fight against the evil in the world. This particular Legacy team is set in San Francisco in a castle-like house on Angel Island. Dr. Derek Rayne heads up the team comprised of psychiatrist, Rachel Corrigan; priest, Philip C.; ex-Navy SEAL, Nick Boyle; and researcher/psychic, Alex Moreau.
TV Show: Stephen King's It ( 1990 )
A creature from beyond the stars can take on the shape of your worst fear... or a clown, because everyone loves clowns. Every 27 years the creature--It--emerges from hibernation to feed on children. But seven children stopped It during its last cycle. Now It is back, and the children who had the power of faith and imagination are 27 years older... and may be easy prey.