Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


Movie: The Late Great Planet Earth ( 1979 )
Events that are prophesied in the Bible are illustrated to show that civilization is headed for doomsday.
Movie: UFOs: The White House Files (TV Special 2019) ( 2019 )
From Truman to Trump, there has been a legacy of secrecy and controversy surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrials. Are leaders hiding the truth about UFOs from the public? Or is it possible that some Presidents are kept in the dark?
Movie: UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary Sightings ( 2010 )
The year was 1973. It was a tumultuous year filled with news of Watergate, the Vietnam War and many other historical events. UFO sightings were on the increase culminating in abductions and extraordinary sightings through the fall of 1973. Unparalleled UFO encounters and Alien Visitation's occurred worldwide during the most extraordinary "UFO Flap" of all time. The number of UFO reports was unprecedented during this landmark year, among them are many of the most documented cases of all time. UFO's 1973 Film takes you inside the Pascagoula Incident, the Charlie Hickson case, the Iran Pilot sighting, the Coyne case, the Jeffery Greenhaw case, and many more from around the world where in this landmark year, the strangest and most mind-bending cases in UFO history occurred.
Movie: Hopkinsville: The Alien Goblins ( 2023 )
The narration of the events occurred to a family who was attacked by goblin-aliens throughout the all night. The Hopkinsville-Kelly mystery, one of the most peculiar cases of close encounters.
Movie: Aliens Uncovered: Origins ( 2023 )
Phoenix, Arizona wasn't supposed to be the city we know in present day. Before Area 51, hidden deep in the desert, the military discovered a hidden gem that helped them cover up the UFO wave of 1947. Roswell was not the only event that took place. Arizona was home to three major UFO events that the public hardly knows about. These events helped create Project Bluebook...Read all
Movie: Aliens Uncovered: ET or Man-Made ( 2022 )
The crash of Roswell wasn't meant for New Mexico. In 1947, a neighboring state had 3 major sightings that were swept under the rug. With The Phoenix Light's and Travis Walton's "Fire in the Sky", there's a rich history of UFO involvement in Arizona. This film focuses on fresh UFO content from present day, containing interviews from residents and law enforcement office...Read all
Movie: Alien Mass Sightings: The Undeniable Truth
Mass alien sightings are one of the main phenomena of study in ufological matters. In this documentary, the most important testimonies will be analyzed and an attempt will be made to understand whether the official explanations given by experts are reliable. In addition, by comparing the various testimonies, a common pattern will take shape that needs to be investigat...Read all
Movie: Watchers 7: Physical Evidence ( 2013 )
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before...
Movie: Unidentified Flying Objects: The True Story of Flying Saucers ( 1956 )
Interviews and documentary footage combine with the fictional story of an air-force pilot who encounters aliens.
Movie: Alien 51 ( 2023 )
Featuring in-depth interviews with respected scientists, authors, and field experts; Alien 51 separates fact from fiction on UFO's, hyperspaces, interstellar travel, and alternate dimensions.
Movie: The Phoenix Lights ( 2005 )
Celebrating the historic and still unexplained Arizona mass sighting of 1997 this critically acclaimed and internationally award winning Documentary is based on the bestselling book, "The Phoenix Lights...A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone". Over 30 credible eyewitnesses, children, scientists, military, pilots and experts give compelling testimony to the reality of these mysterious global visitations, including former AZ Gov. Fife Symington who discloses that he witnessed the event and it wasn't military! Astronaut and moon walker Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D. confirms that these phenomena are real! A Commercial & Vietnam pilot witnessed the silent, mile wide craft glide above his head. A Veteran 911 Phoenix Police operator tells all about that fateful night. NASA footage confirms that these phenomena are here. UFO buffs call it the most documented and important mass sighting ever recorded. But still today, the military and government can only offer questionable explanations as to what the anomalous lights truly were. In over 11 years, the strange phenomena have never been duplicated or re-enacted [although the military tried fruitlessly, three years later]. Many experts and witnesses insist that what appeared in the Arizona skies was something beyond this world. But there is much more to the story! What were they? How did they affect the witnesses? What do they mean?
Movie: Moon Shot ( 1994 )
Movie: Explorers: From the Titanic to the Moon ( 2006 )
An adventure into the realities of the No Oxygen Zone.
Movie: UFO Hunters II: Tales from the universe
Someone from above has been observing us since the dawn of time... Some Italian ufologists retrace various historical events connected to UFO sightings and close encounters with extraterrestrial entities. In this journey back in time, the stories collected from various folk tales, essays, novels and religious books, will be narrated trying to confirm the reality of a ...Read all
Movie: James May on the Moon ( 2009 )
James May commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings.
Movie: Watchers 8 ( 2014 )
IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant. We will go into surgery and watch the incredible details where a simple prayer seemed to defy logic. No one could have known that this would be Dr. Leir's last "alien" surgical procedure. You'll see some of the latest UFO footage, including infrared photography showing light formations flying overhead. Could they be preparing for something? Gary Stearman and Paul McGuire weigh in. You'll hear from Captain Robert Salas about how a glowing red UFO disabled the nuclear missiles at the base he commanded, and at others - revealing newly declassified information from the Air Force. Then, we'll go back to Peru and unwrap a baby mummy skull. The results were astonishing. Were there creatures that roamed this earth that weren't fully human? Do hybrids walk among us? The film ends with a tribute to the late Dr. Roger Leir, who was in every WATCHERS to date.
Movie: Real Monsters: Bigfoot, Goatman, Aliens, Humanoids and UFOs ( 2016 )
Scientists now admit it's possible that unknown species are still lurking undiscovered in remote places around the world. More strange encounters and bizarre, often illogical, paranormal experiences are being reported than ever before. Credible eyewitnesses have reported seeing Bigfoot creatures getting into UFOs; aliens attacking a family in their farmhouse; robed figures materializing out of vortexes while UFOs hover overhead; horrifying screams emanating from inter-dimensional winged apparitions; swamp beasts that hypnotize those they encounter and more. Everyday people are not just encountering real monsters; they are having life altering experiences with strange paranormal and supernatural forces via mysterious beings as well as ghosts and spirits of the dead. Prepare to take a journey into the unexplained in this comprehensive multi DVD set. COMPREHENSIVE MULTI DVD SET.
Movie: Future Flight ( 1987 )
Movie: UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed ( 2016 )
Former U.S. Air Force nuclear missile launch officers come forward with dramatic testimonies about aliens monitoring and tampering with American and Russian nuclear weapons. This is reinforced by revealing shocking declassified documents.
Movie: The Pentagon UFO Files ( 2022 )
For decades, secrets have been kept from us. Kept from us by the powers that be. After years of silence and secrecy the US government has finally revealed evidence of extra-terrestrial life which could shatter our very perception of mankind's place in the universe. Uncover the shocking truth behind the newly revealed Pentagon UFO files as we go deeper than ever before...Read all
Movie: Confessions from Space: Apollo ( 2019 )
Heroes of the Apollo Missions, Buzz Aldrin, Mike Collins , Charlie Duke and more come together to share insights, experiences, and stories of the greatest adventure mankind has ever undertaken.
Movie: Final Target: Planet Earth ( 1997 )
This program takes a stark look at the current efforts to locate and observe possible life-threatening collisions by comets and asteroids, as well as plans humankind may eventually employ for protection and survival.
Movie: Aliens from Spaceship Earth ( 1977 )
While the aliens in this film may seem to be quite human, one must realize that this film is dealing with close encounters of the fourth kind. An inner space journey triggered by the drug culture and rebellion of the sixties, and the non-violent search for self that continues among people in today's culture. Could this be due to some influence from a higher spiritual consciousness? The world's alien leaders are well represented in this film: Baba Muktananda, Swami Satchidananda, A. C. Bhaktivedanta, Guru Maharaj Ji, Yoga Bhahan, Sri Sathya, Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Father Yod, Baba Ram Das, and well-known personalities who present their views on seeking their own terrestrial individuality. Whether inspired by a more highly evolved race than earthlings, or from a visit millions of years ago by space aliens, Aliens from Spaceship Earth are causing great changes on our planet today.
Movie: Alien Highway ( 2013 )
In the 1990s, rumors of recovered crashed flying saucers emerged from a phantom, top secret air base in a remote corner of Nevada's atomic test range, and the terms 'Area 51,' 'Dreamland' and 'Groom Lake' inspired hordes of UFO believers and researchers to descend on a tiny town on the border of Area 51 to trade stories, whisper secrets and watch the skies. Filmed ove...Read all
Movie: Aliens Exposed ( 2001 )
Movie: The Wonder of It All ( 2007 )
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." These words spoken by President John F. Kennedy in May 1961 changed the lives of twelve men who became known as "Moonwalkers." The Wonder of it All focuses on the rarely told human side of the men behind the Apollo missions through thoughtful and candid accounts from seven Moonwalkers. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Edgar Mitchell, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt intimately reflect on the training, the tragedies, the camaraderie and the effect their space travel has had on their families. The Wonder of it All honors the men who walked on the moon and became heroes to a nation. They fulfilled the dream of humankind to set foot on another world and, in so doing, forever changed the way we view ourselves.
Movie: Ufologist ( 2014 )
Peter Davenport runs the National UFO Reporting Center, a one-man operation fielding phone calls and collecting data from UFO sightings around the U.S. Prank calls, hoaxes, and misguided interpretations mix in with legitimately breathless reports of the extraordinary. As a quiet bachelor in solitary scientific pursuit, Peter remains something of an enigma in the small town of Harrington, WA. When he purchased a defunct missile site as his home, the townsfolk began to wonder who exactly is this man?
Movie: Ancient Alien Agenda: Aliens and UFOs from the Area 51 Archives ( 2012 )
There is startling evidence that we were visited by intelligent beings in the ancient past. Why were they here and what was their agenda? Zecharia Sitchin is the author of the hugely successful book series "The Earth Chronicles." Join this amazing scholar of ancient mysteries as he makes a scientific and scholarly argument for Ancient Alien visits to Earth. Sitchin was born in Russia, raised in Palestine and graduated from the University of London. He worked for years as a journalist and editor in Israel before settling in New York. Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Von Daniken, gives a compelling and entertaining presentation detailing evidence that Ancient Aliens from other worlds have not only visited the earth but plan to RETURN. Sitchin's theories are based on his belief that some ancient myths are not myths at all but historical and scientific texts. According to Sitchin, the ancient Sumerian clay tablets discovered in the early 1900's reveal that gods from another planet called "Nibiru" arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago. The ancient Sumerians knew of this planet of the gods, that Sitchin termed the "12th Planet." Learn of a time when there were extraterrestrials among us and how they helped advance our civilization, as well as how they plan to return in the future. Also featuring Jason Martell of the hit History Channel show "Ancient Aliens." OVER 5 HOURS OF ANCIENT ALIENS!
Movie: Aliens, UFOS and the New World Order ( 2012 )
The overwhelming evidence shows that UFOs and the Alien Threat are VERY real. We are being visited by extraterrestrial beings and the Men in Black are fighting a battle of secrecy to keep us in the dark. In this comprehensive collection you will discover firsthand from best-selling authors, and renowned experts from around the globe, just how horrifying the truth really is. The governments and controlling factions of the world DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH. UFOs, ET's and The Men In Black - See real footage of an infamous black helicopter harassing sky watchers looking for UFOs. What are they protecting? The evidence in this film shows that UFO's and the Alien Threat are VERY real. New World Order: The Battle For Your Mind - Who's really behind the New World Order? Are they trying to control our minds? More importantly, why does Big Brother want to keep the Alien Agenda a secret? Crop Circles and UFOs - Are Crop Circles made by man or aliens? They appear around the globe often before the eyes of witnesses. With thousands of images proving their existence, Crop Circles are a fascinating enigma. Aliens, UFO's and Mutilations - Thousands claim they have witnessed strange and bizarre animal mutilations. Discover the link between UFO and Alien sightings and the barbaric acts carried out on cattle and other livestock across the world.
Movie: UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape (TV Short 1997) ( 1997 )
Proffesional photographers and UFO video hunters capture extraordinary objects in the skies around the world
Movie: The Secret Life of the Sun ( 2013 )
Kate Humble and Helen Czerski reveal the inner workings of the sun and investigate why scientists think changes in the sun's behaviour may have powerful effects on our climate.
Movie: Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries ( 2022 )
The world abounds with Paranormal and Alien encounters that defy reality and cross over into the realm of high strangeness, of which there have been many attempts to explain these mind-bending phenomena but still no one has the answers. With the US government finally admitting that many of the unexplained sightings of UFO craft may very well be alien technology, we ar...Read all
Movie: The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time Travel and Mind Control - The Shocking Truth ( 2010 )
A U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone awry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship. During a sea trial, the ship vanishes and travels through time setting off a number of events that continue today.
Movie: The Interdimensional Connection ( 2022 )
With more military data and whistleblower accounts being released periodically, it's becoming increasingly difficult to discount the UFO phenomena. So...where do they come from? For many ufologists posing the question of origination, the answer lies outside of the limits of our senses. Deep within the electromagnetic spectrum. Frequencies that exist within our reality...Read all
Movie: USO: Aliens and UFOs in the Abyss ( 2022 )
Unidentified Submersible Objects are the new UFO. USOs traverse the skies but also traffic in the oceans depths seemingly outside our current understanding of the laws of physics. USOs exhibit no discernible propulsion system, maneuver in and out of water at unfathomable speeds with seemingly no resistance. The phenomenon has captured the attention of the main stream ...Read all
Movie: Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings ( 2007 )
UFO experts select and analyze the 10 best documented UFO sightings in history including the Skylab III case, the Rendlesham Forest case, the Lockheed case, and the Shag Harbour incident.
Movie: The Observers ( 2021 )
Filmed during the release of the much anticipated 2021 UAP report The Observers is a mind-altering timely and comprehensive film that plumbs the depths of the UFO phenomenon and asks the hard questions at the heart of this global enigma
Movie: Into the Unknown: The Pascagoula Alien Abductions ( 2006 )
Charles Hickson is the only Abductee that Johnny Carson ever booked, and he was shocked by the story of the Pascagoula Alien Abductions and its aftermath. Enjoy an exclusive look at the most baffling Alien Abduction ever investigated.
Movie: Alien Armageddon ( 2020 )
A nefarious enemy, hidden from humanity for millennia, has been secretly controlling not only mankind's progression, but the Earth's as well. They are a malevolent Reptilian species from another solar system with one goal in mind - to groom humans for their own sinister needs. Over the centuries humans have been genetically modified by way of abductions and environmen...Read all
Movie: The Mars Underground ( 2007 )
Visionary rocket scientist, Robert Zubrin, has a plan for getting humans to Mars in the next ten years and ultimately turning the Red Planet blue. But can he win over the skeptics at NASA and the wider world?
Movie: UFO Chronicles: Alien Arrivals ( 2013 )
UFO Chronicles is an unprecedented and uncensored film series featuring the top authorities on the UFO enigma. Pilots, Astronauts, Government Officials, Military Officials, Medical Experts, Scientists, Religious Leaders and more reveal in never before seen interviews the ramifications of the Alien Presence on planet earth. Sgt. Clifford Stone spent 22 years in the US Army as part of an elite group that was dispatched to crash sites in order to recover UFO or ET craft, bodies, and artifacts. He maintains that government and military factions have knowledge of intelligent life visiting Earth in craft capable of traveling unfathomable distances, effectively bypassing our current understanding of physics. He stresses that our recovery of these ET craft and artifacts has allowed our government to make staggering scientific gains of great potential benefit to the world and that 'black projects' have continued to keep these important discoveries secret based on motives known only to them. Since his retirement from the Army, he has devoted his time to a diligent Freedom of Information Act search of government archives.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs - In the Beginning ( 2022 )
This documentary catalogues and examines early space age anomalies and UFOs. Cary and Stanton demonstrate NASA's interest in UFOs through astronaut testimony, examinations of declassified documents, and a history of cover up.
Movie: The Shape of Shadows ( 2023 )
This documentary delves into Utah's supernatural mysteries, from UFO sightings to haunting ritual circles and other unexplained phenomena.
Movie: Ancient World Aliens ( 2020 )
Aliens may have been on Earth since the dawn of time and the truth about their visitation over the eons is far more profound than we realize. Mankind has given them many names - angels, giants, demons and more. Our ancestors developed ways of contacting these aliens and called them gods. They were beings of light, shining ones, the watchers. They were both good and bad as mirrored by humanity. They gave great knowledge and after tens of thousands of years mankind suddenly had the ability to create civilization. We built huge monuments in their name and we recorded our contact with them in fables, myths, legends, folklore and religion but they were in fact alien invaders and we were the subjects of their rule. This is the true story of the aliens in the ancient world.
Movie: Ancient Origins: Mankind's Mysterious Past ( 2022 )
Archaeologists generally regard Mesopotamia as "the beginning of civilization" but shocking new evidence the defies comprehension clearly suggests that highly advanced civilizations existed in pre history. With new advanced technology, archaeologists are now able to image undiscovered worlds before our own from above. The truth to mankind's true origins is being rapid...Read all
Movie: UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape 2 ( 2000 )
Proffesional photographers and UFO video hunters capture extraordinary objects in the skies around the world
Movie: UFO Chronicles: The Aliens Arrive ( 2018 )
UFO Chronicles is an unprecedented and uncensored film series featuring the top authorities on the UFO enigma. Pilots, Astronauts, Government Officials, Military Officials, Medical Experts, Scientists, Religious Leaders and more reveal in never before seen interviews the ramifications of the Alien Presence on planet Earth. The UFO Chronicles collector's series discloses information you were never meant to know. Dr. Michael E. Salla explores the socio political ramifications of extraterrestrial life on planet Earth. Learn about the diversity of alien species currently visiting us, the role of the "greys", the agenda of the industrial military complex, ET technology dissemination and how it affects our daily lives.
Movie: Alien Abduction: A True Story
Travis Walton will finally explain his otherworldly experience accurately, away from Hollywood's molested presentation of "Fire in the Sky". Walton's experience and the subsequent effects on his life will be illuminated for perhaps the first time.
Movie: Dreamland: A Storming Area 51 Story ( 2022 )
A life-long alien enthusiast and comedian, Brian Moreno, hires a film crew to follow him on his extra-terrestrial fact finding adventure to the viral "Storming Area 51" event.
Movie: UFO Days ( 2017 )
An enigmatic, strangely familiar man attends the annual UFO Days celebration in a small Wisconsin town.
Movie: Alien Contact: Nazi UFOs ( 2016 )
The Nazi party was obsessed with the Occult; they scoured the globe in search of mysterious forces that would enable them to build their 1000 Year Reich. From the Holy Grail to the lance that pierced the side of Christ; from Tibet to the Antarctic; no region or mythological device was ignored. In fact, they turned the planet inside out looking for something ancient, something the Nazi elite called "the most powerful weapon" - a weapon that would instill such awe that it would cause the entire world to surrender overnight. Then suddenly during World War II, the Nazi's achieved a massive leap in technology. From the first jet aircraft and V-2 rocket encompassing incredible advancements in science and engineering, the Nazis were miles ahead in every area, including genetic manipulation, mass hypnosis and unfathomable experiments into the nature of time and space itself. But where did this quantum leap emanate from? The US captured Nazi Germany's top scientists, including rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, who with other former Nazis, provided information and technological advancements that would propel the US space program on a fast track to the Moon. But where did the Nazis get this knowledge? Von Braun said more than once "we had help." This is real forbidden history; this is the story of the Nazis and the Aliens from outer space.
Movie: UFOs and the Alien Presence ( 1992 )
World renowned UFO author and researcher Michael Lindemann presents the facts on how the government has worked to shape the public view about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Now referred to as the "spin factor," we find that our current views are based on sensationalistic Hollywood propaganda. Government deception, secret underground bases, unexplained cattle mutilations, secret advanced technology and alien abductions are just a few of the many topics covered in this intelligently researched program exposing the misinformation and the facts behind the truth. The presentation is not slanted in any direction, and the director (Marty Thomas) framed the documentary with a unique, fast paced style. The real photos and film clips (over 500) are strange and fascinating.
Movie: The Hills' Abduction: The Zeta Reticoli Incident ( 2023 )
It was a peaceful night on Sept. 19, 1961, Barney and Betty Hill were driving down the quiet U.S. ROUTE 3 when suddenly they were faced with the answer to the question, "Are we alone in the universe? The couple that night will find themselves the victims of gruesome bodily experiments. Explore the documents, excerpts from psychological sessions and terrible drawings o...Read all
Movie: Encounters of the Fourth Kind ( 1989 )
Documentary based on the best selling book Communion, written by Whitley Strieber. The last TV project Roddy McDowall was involved with prior to his death. A fact filled documentary with ...
Movie: The Jupiter Menace ( 1984 )
Movie: Hot Planet ( 2009 )
Professor Iain Stewart and Professor Kathy Sykes take a timely look at global warming, exploring the world's leading climate scientists' vision of the planet's future.
Movie: Brian Cox: Seven Days on Mars ( 2022 )
Cox will reveal how the mission could potentially transform our understanding of life not just on Mars but Earth as well.
Movie: God Versus Aliens ( 2023 )
Movie: Wow Signal ( 2017 )
On a late summer evening in 1977, Ohio radio astronomers discovered a strong, interstellar signal that is believed by many to be the best evidence of communication from an extraterrestrial civilization.
Movie: Ancient Extraterrestrials: Aliens and UFOs Before the Dawn of Time ( 2012 )
Zecharia Sitchin presents his theory that the Anunnaki of Sumerian myth and the Nephilim of the Old Testament were a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race. He argues that many ancient technological developments can be attributed to this alien race.
Movie: The Road to Rachel ( 2011 )
What if we have been visited by aliens from another world, or even time travelers and your government is involved in a conspiracy of lies and deception? What if you cannot trust anyone but your own conscience? How far will you go to get the truth?
Movie: Aliens, Cryptids and Creatures, Top Ten Real Monsters ( 2023 )
Earth was Paranormal before humans ever existed. Sea Serpents, Bigfoot, Thunderbirds and weird Crytpids and Aliens are nothing new. 150- Earth was Paranormal before humans ever existed. Real Monsters from Sea Serpents, Bigfoot, Thunderbirds Weird Crytpids and even Aliens are actually nothing new.
Movie: Watchers 2 ( 2011 )
Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what are the Torah Codes saying about the moon? What about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true - that we are entering a period where there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines - including signs in the skies and the heavens. L.A. Marzulli offers brilliant comment as well as interview experts on this volume. Including: Chuck Missler, Rabbi Aaron Parry, Stan Deyo and Jim Wilhelmsen, Marshall Masters and Dr. Roger Leir will also give us his update on alien implants.
Movie: A Strange Harvest ( 1980 )
A documentary film of animal mutilation.
Movie: The Falcon Lake Incident ( 2023 )
Throughout the evolutionary course of history, extraterrestrials have not only visited our planet but have gone much further. The Falcon Lake UFO incident is one of the most chilling cases of all time. Stephen Michalak, in 1967, is in Manitoba on business when he is burned by a UFO. This is the most documented, disturbing and famous case ever seen where not only verba...Read all
Movie: UFO Chronicles: What the President Doesn't Know ( 2013 )
Dr. Steven Greer, Founder and Director of the Disclosure Project and Project Orion, speaks frankly about his compilation of over 400 government, military and intelligence witnesses testifying to their direct, firsthand experience with UFOs, ET technology, and the cover-up and/or suppression of evidence of an Alien presence on earth. Commander Graham Bethune, a Navy Pilot who has extensively documented an eight minute encounter with an "Unidentified Flying Object" that was 300 feet in diameter, discusses this mind blowing encounter and many others experienced by pilots and air traffic controllers around the globe. Jim Marrs is a New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover-ups and conspiracies. Mr. Marrs is a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book "Crossfire" was a source for Oliver Stone's film "JFK." He has written books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, 9/11, telepathy, and secret societies. In this frank interview, Marrs reveals the true nature to the conspiracy of control by the ruling elite.
Movie: Alien Bases: Reptilians, Greys and Black Programs ( 2023 )
For Millennia, a secret world of otherwordly entities have existed, thrived and conspired against us from within Earth's depths. Concealed in global cave systems, mountain bunkers, Antarctic caverns and constructs deep beneath the oceans, these malevolent beings have spawned a new race of Alien-human hybrids and have been using thought control to manipulate humanity. ...Read all
Movie: UFOs in the United Kingdom: inside his majesty's x files.
United Kingdom, one of the most powerful and influential nation in history where dozens of UFO sightings have followed one another over the decades. Through the declassified archives of the British Ministry of Defence, we will discover and analisi X-Files which for years have remained hidden under military secrecy.
Movie: UFO Abductions ( 1991 )
Movie: The Watchers ( 2010 )
This documentary brings LA Marzulli, a favorite on the wildly popular Coast to Coast AM, into a realistic discussion on UFOs, entities, and the actual facts that are surrounding them. Dr. LA Marzulli is a leading expert in the field and author of several books on the topic including the most recent "Alien Interviews." Marzulli looks at the current manifestations of UFO activity worldwide and relates these experiences to what ancient texts say about them, as well as current scientific hypothesis. There is no doubt that UFOs are here and not going away. What does this mean? What are inter-dimensional beings? What are Orbs? What is the difference between Orbs and Craft? Are implants real? Has humanity finally become enlightened enough to accept new life forms? The film also continues with an in depth interview with Dr. Roger Leir at his offices. Dr. Leir is known in 41 countries for his surgical removal and scientific testing of alien implants.
Movie: Alien Outer Space: UFOs on the Moon and Beyond ( 2023 )
Aliens are monitoring planet Earth watching mankind from afar and quite possibly using our planet as a resource for their agenda. The human species does the same on our home planet, we monitor and experiment on lower species in our hierarchy of evolution - we test and probe, and do so for our own benefit. Governments have denied the existence of UFOs, yet the number o...Read all
Movie: UFO Chronicles: Contact with Aliens ( 2013 )
Alfred Lambremont Webre is an American author, lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental and space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons. Mr. Webre's book, Exopolitics: ...
Movie: Ufo Chronicles Files ( 2013 )
Sean David Morton is a born psychic, trained Remote Viewer, intuitive consultant, investigative reporter, and accomplished award winning director, producer and screenwriter. Mr. Morton's expeditions to Area 51 made front page news in newspapers across America in the 80's and 90's. In 2005, Morton received his PhD. doctorate in Therapeutic Psychology and counseling from the International Institute of Health and Spiritual Sciences in Montreal, Canada. Mr. Morton has been the most popular guest on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell since his first appearance in 1991. In this shocking, no holds barred interview, Morton exposes the deceit, manipulation and control the government and military factions impose over the human race in the continued effort to cover-up the reality that we are not alone.
Movie: When We Were Apollo ( 2019 )
Who were the men and women of the Apollo Space Program? Where are they today? What do they think of the extraordinary effort they helped make possible? Half a century later, Project Apollo remains the single greatest initiative in peacetime the world has ever known. Its story speaks to the most beautiful characteristics of our humanity: a metaphor for our ability to rise to challenges once thought insurmountable and push past them with even bigger and bolder solutions. Behind every astronaut who set foot upon the moon and every figurehead who inspired us to get there was Apollo's massive workforce: a team of men and women over 400,000 strong--spanning race, socio-economics, culture and company--who came to understand that the overall Program was only as good as the effort they put into it. When We Were Apollo is a feature-length documentary offering an intimate and personal look at Apollo through the lives and experiences of some of its most inspiring behind-the-scenes figures: engineers, technicians, builders and contractors who spent the better part of a decade working to get us to the moon and back.
Movie: UFOs: Earth's Closest Encounters ( 2021 )
Witness some of history's most baffling, puzzling and perplexing mysteries on our planet, as we look back at the most influential UFO sightings in history... from the Battle of LA, to the infamous Rendlesham Forest Incident. As we question the unquestionable facts, and explain the unexplainable. Blurring the lines between science fiction and reality. Are we alone? Whi...Read all
Movie: Alien Chronicles: Moon, Mars and Antartica Anomalies ( 2022 )
The Moon, Mars and Antarctica share a staggering secret - they may have been home to long lost and highly advanced ancient civilizations. Artifacts on the surface of these orbital bodies suggest an alien race with unimaginable technology. With astonishing structures and unexplained activity photographed on the surface of the Moon and Mars as well as anomalies deep wit...Read all
Movie: Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Unlocked ( 2020 )
The most famous UFO case of all time is the alleged UFO crash in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Did humanity make its first contact with alien life that dark starry night? Dive into a shocking and complicated mystery that spans decades and continents. Discover how leaked CIA memos and ex-army officers fought to keep top secret information from the public - but nothing can remain hidden forever.
Movie: Watchers 3 ( 2011 )
All over the world, mysterious and unexplained events continue with little or no explanation from our governments or media. People are seeing multiple suns or hearing strange, anomalous sounds. NASA's SOHO images seem to be revealing unknown objects around the sun. Planet X/Nibiru - could there be large unseen forces affecting our solar system? Then there's the Shroud of Turin, which may be the most probed, enigmatic artifact on the planet. L.A. talks with two of the premier experts: recently knighted The Right Honorable Barrie Schwortz, whose photographs of the Shroud are iconic, and Dame Isabel Piczek, muralist and particle physicist. With the unprecedented Arab Spring, how does the unrest in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Jordan affect Israel? Is this uprising of millions of people being fanned by unseen supernatural forces? Later, the world experts weigh in on the Torah Codes, explaining how science and an understanding of ancient Hebrew are both required to get the best results. What new updates have been discovered by Dr. Roger Leir? Have so-called "alien implants" become more inscrutable and is there evidence that the technology may be ramping up for some unknown purpose? L.A. Marzulli will interview the experts on each topic.
Movie: Vladimir Ilyushin: The Real First Man in Space ( 2000 )
Profiling the real first man in space, who could not be presented to the world by the former Soviet Union as the returning, conquering hero, due to the fact that he crash landed and was seriously injured, resulting in the story being covered up for years.
Movie: UFO Government Files Declassified ( 2023 )
Governments keep secrets. But what happens when these secrets can't be covered up any longer? The mystery of UFO's or unidentified flying objects has intrigued and confused the public for decades. This documentary explores declassified government files that can finally point to the existence of UFOs.
Movie: Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs - Seeing Is Believing ( 2005 )
UFOs: Seeing is Believing investigates, speculates and ultimately celebrates the possibility that we are not alone.
Movie: Pyramid World: Aliens and Origins ( 2023 )
They are the most enigmatic structures on the face of the Earth. Monolithic wonders found on every continent designed with precise alignments to the stars and ancient energy grids. Encoded with vast knowledge about the history of the planet and constructed with technological sophistication beyond our current abilities, they are monuments of the past epochs like no oth...Read all
Movie: UFOs Above and Beyond ( 1997 )
Narrated by James Doohan, this riveting document explores mass sightings of purported alien spacecraft and features never-before-seen footage and exclusive interviews with UFO researchers.
Movie: Alien Agenda: Into the Future ( 2023 )
The abundant evidence suggests UFOs do exist and have been encountered for decades and that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial entities.
Movie: UFO's: The Secret Evidence ( 2005 )
Aviation journalist Nick Cook investigates UFO sightings from the 1940s to the 1990s. Are these sightings the result of secret high-technology military programs?
Movie: The Mysterious Origins of Man ( 1996 )
Based on archaeological discoveries the documentary challenges the official stance of the contemporary scientific community on the origins of man evolving from an ape and the supposedly gradual advance of human knowledge.
Movie: Alien Worlds: Giants and Hybrids ( 2021 )
Explore evidence of colossal, biblical Giants that once towered over man in a mysterious realm of our ancient past that is far stranger than any fiction.
Movie: Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal Vortex ( 2022 )
The Bridgewater Triangle in Southeastern, Mass. is a place where truly paranormal encounters abound. Sightings of UFOs, bigfoot, ghostly apparitions, giant birds, devil dogs and roaming spirits occur frequently. The triangle features a number of sites said to possess an energy unlike any other area in the state. Researchers have long deemed the triangle a breeding gro...Read all
Movie: Reality UFO Series: V1 ( 2008 )
Reality Entertainment presents the Reality UFO Series V1, a unique series in conjunction with Hard Evidence and Ufologist Magazines, featuring the most compelling, well documented cases in UFO and Paranormal History.
Movie: Leaked: Top Secret UFO Report ( 2023 )
Governments have secrets. After years of silences, secrecy and classified documents, researchers struck gold as a previously hidden Pentagon UFO report was discovered. This began a storm of revelations that took investigators closer than ever before to solving the mystery of the alien autopsy and to finally finding out what really happened in the desert of Roswell in ...Read all
Movie: The British UFO Files ( 2004 )
Since the 1940's the British Government has been investigating the Flying Saucer phenomenon. High ranking military and government personnel, speak out for the first time, offering unique eye witness accounts and inside information.
Movie: UFO Journals ( 1979 )
A documentary exploring the existence of extra-terrestrials.
Movie: Mussolini's UFO
Find out about the project 'Cabinet RS/33' authorized by Mussolini, the mysterious UFO sightings that stopped a football match in Tuscany, an airplane crew that spotted strange objects and other cases throughout this country's history.
Movie: Secrets of the Ancient World ( 2019 )
From the mysterious origins of civilization to startling revelations about the pyramids, discover how the ruling elite have hidden ancient knowledge from the masses for millennia. We are just now beginning to re-discover our true past.
Movie: Watchers 5: Let Me In ( 2012 )
Movie: Space: Into the Great Beyond ( 2021 )
We have all dreamed of going where no man has gone before but that time is here and now. We are on the very edge of a new era in humanity. Within our lifetime, mankind will not only be journeying to other planets, we will be inhabiting them. Our ultra-high technology robots are even now walking upon the surface of Mars, sending back information and preparing the groun...Read all