Playlists > From Another Planet

From Another Planet


Creator: Terminator
Posted: 3 years ago

23 favorites


Movie: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman ( 1958 )
Nancy Archer is a rich socialite who is unhappily married to husband Harry, who left her once but came back to her when he needed money. It hasn't stopped him from continuing his affair with Honey Parker, and Nancy knows it. After a confrontation at a local bar, Nancy takes off in her car and has an encounter with a large sphere on the road. There have been rumors of UFOs in the area, but no one will believe her. After a second encounter, Nancy grows to an amazing size; more than enough to get her revenge.
Movie: Horror Express ( 1974 )
In 1906, in China, a British anthropologist discovers a frozen prehistoric creature and must transport it to Europe by train.
Movie: The Visitor ( 1980 )
John Huston stars as an intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl and her pet hawk, while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Multi-dimensional warfare, pre-adolescent profanity, and brutal avian attacks combine to transport viewers to a state unlike anything they've experienced--somewhere between Hell and the darkest reaches of outer space.
Movie: The Earth Dies Screaming ( 1964 )
In Britain, a group of survivors fights off a deadly alien invasion that uses robots and a poisonous gas to take over the Earth.
Movie: Invaders from Mars ( 1953 )
A young boy learns that space aliens are taking over the minds of earthlings.
Movie: Slapstick of Another Kind ( 1982 )
Caleb Swain and his wife Lutetia are a rich couple deemed to be the most beautiful of all the beautiful people by the press. This changes when Lutetia gives birth to oversize, deformed twins named Wilbur and Eliza. Unknown to them, the twins are really an alien brother-and-sister team implanted in Lutetia to solve the world's problems. When they are apart they are not much smarter than a potted plant, but together they are an intellectual force to be reckoned with. Their closeness is put to the test when a series of events threatens to keep the twins apart. Mixed in with all this is a miniaturized Chinese ambassador who needs the twins' help to make a deal for the sale of gravity.
Movie: Alien Nation: Dark Horizon ( 1994 )
An Overseer named Ahpossno comes to Earth to take the slaves, and all humans, back to the mothership.
Movie: Escape from Mars ( 1999 )
In 2015, five astronauts make the first manned trip to Mars. They must battle and overcome inferior computer components, corporate greed and indifference, their own personal problems, as well as the surprises that the Red Planet has in store for them.
Movie: Creepozoids ( 1987 )
A group of survivors try to avoid the battles of World War III; when they try to escape to the quiet lands, they encounter something much more deadly.
Movie: The Stupids ( 1996 )
An incredibly dull-witted family unknowingly stumble upon an illegal weapons deal while on the trail of their "stolen" garbage.
Movie: Destination Moonbase-Alpha ( 1978 )
Lunar colonists of Moonbase Alpha are marooned in space after a nuclear explosion pushes the Moon out of its orbit and a rescue spaceship from the Earth is not what it seems to be.
Movie: Star Crystal ( 1986 )
Crew members aboard a space ship encounter an alien life form intent on killing them.
Movie: Alien Avengers ( 1996 )
Charlie and Rhonda are a sweet and comfortable married couple on vacation with their lovely daughter Daphne. They find a rundown boarding house and its haggard owner, Joseph, an ex-con whose mother has just died and left him the house. He doesn't know why this cheerful couple would want to vacation in the worst part of Los Angeles, but he doesn't know they're vacation...Read all
Movie: The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest ( 1997 )
Joker goes to Metropolis with an offer and plan to kill Superman for Lex Luthor while Batman pursues the clown to Superman's turf.
Movie: Dr. Who and the Daleks ( 1965 )
An eccentric inventor and his companions travel in his TARDIS to the Planet Skaro and battle the evil menace of the Daleks.
Movie: The Borrower ( 1991 )
Aliens punish one of their own by sending him to earth. The alien is very violent, and when the body he occupies is damaged, he is forced to find another.
Movie: The Guyver ( 1992 )
A young man discovers a mechanical device that merges with his own body, turning him into a cyborg superhero. When strange creatures start appearing, trying to take the device back, he begins to uncover a secret plot to genetically engineer terrifying monsters.
Movie: Laserhawk ( 1999 )
Teenagers in a mid-west town discover that they are destined to fight off an alien invasion as the crew of a spacecraft of unknown origin. They are aided by a mysterious patient in a psychiatric hospital and a frenetic comic book artist.
Movie: Star Hunter ( 1998 )
Star hunters are the space monsters who hunt helpless creatures for pleasure. One night couple of high school football players and their cheerleaders are returning home after the lost game. But, when their bus makes the wrong turn, they are going to meet those creatures, and the real game will begin.
Movie: Stowaway to the Moon ( 1975 )
An 11 year old boy, who has always been fascinated by space and astronauts, wishes he could go into space also. So of course it should be easy to get into Cape Kennedy, up the launch tower, and into the capsule. Naturally when something goes wrong on the journey, he will save the day.
Movie: Unearthed ( 2007 )
An unknown creature terrorizes an archeological dig in the middle of a desolate New Mexico town.
Movie: Space Odyssey: The Robot Pioneers ( 2004 )
This documentary details the science behind all the unmanned space exploration missions from the early days of the Russian "Sputnick", through the "Veneras", "Mariners", "Voyagers" and "Vikings" right up to the modern day "Cassini" probe and the very recent Mars explorers. The documentary also takes a look at the technology currently in development that will be the unmanned space missions of the future especially the probe to explore Pluto.
Movie: Abbott and Costello Go to Mars ( 1953 )
Two workmen accidentally launch a space rocket intended for Mars, and find mistakenly landing in New Orleans just the beginning of their misadventures.
Movie: The Quatermass Xperiment ( 1955 )
Professor Bernard Quatermass' manned rocket ship returns to Earth, but two of the astronauts are missing and the survivor seems ill and unable to communicate.
Movie: Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets ( 2004 )
This two-part science fiction docu-drama examines the possibilities of a dangerous, manned space mission to explore the inner and outer planets of the Solar system.
Movie: The Atomic Submarine ( 1959 )
Ships mysteriously disappear on route across the Arctic Sea, and a specially-equipped submarine is sent to investigate.
Movie: The Space Children ( 1959 )
An alien intelligence aborts the launching of a rocket with the help of a bunch of children.
Movie: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. ( 1966 )
The Daleks' fiendish plot in 2150 against Earth and its people is foiled when Dr. Who and friends arrive from the 20th century and figure it out.
Movie: Alien Nation: Millennium ( 1996 )
It's December 1999 and as the end of the millennium approaches, people are attempting to find spiritual enlightenment. However, a few people want to skip all the work that entails. A holy Tenctonese relic in the hands of a heretic is giving them a shortcut but it's not quite as easily controlled as she says.
Movie: Laserblast ( 1978 )
A teenager stumbles upon an alien weapon, which transforms him into a grotesque killer.
Movie: Spaced Invaders ( 1990 )
Dimwitted Martians drop into a little Illinois town on the day that the local radio station happens to rebroadcast Orson Welles 1938 "War Of The Worlds".
Movie: What Planet Are You From? ( 2000 )
A human-looking alien from a highly advanced but emotionless all-male society is sent to Earth to impregnate a woman and bring the child back to their planet. The alien ends up falling in love there. A suspicious F.A.A. Agent targets him.
Movie: Top of the Food Chain ( 2000 )
An isolated Canadian town (populated by the weirdest group of people this side of Saturn) has seen its share of problems. First the nut factory closed, then the CATV antenna stopped broadcasting, and now something is gruesomely devouring the townsfolk! Can visiting atomic scientist (and expert on "cool fusion") Dr. Karel Lamonte solve the mystery before everyone disappears?
Movie: Immediate Disaster ( 1954 )
Tonight, first contact will be made! A beautifully-crafted tale of a superior being from Venus who has the power of life and death at his touch. Academy Award-winning actress Patricia Neal's glowing and sensitive performance as a woman caught up in the biggest event in history is complemented by Helmut Dantine's powerful, moving portrayal as the Stranger. Suggested by events in the sci-fi classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still," this film is a touching, humanizing and haunting story of "first contact" with a peaceful and advanced intelligence from another planet coming to Earth with an ultimatum and out-of-this-world powers to back it up.
Movie: Space Police ( 1986 )
A New York cop is put in charge of a space police precinct and charged with the duty of protecting alien worlds from the evils of organised crime.
Movie: Star Force: Fugitive Alien II ( 1987 )
In this second film compiled from two episodes of a Japanese TV serial, Captain Joe, reformed interstellar marauder Ken and the rest of the crew of the Backus-3 set off to destroy an alien race's super-weapon, face off with Ken's vengeful ex-lover Rita and confront the sinister leader of the marauding Star Wolves.
Movie: Star Slammer ( 1987 )
Two women who have been unjustly confined to a prison planet plot their escape, all the while having to put up with lesbian guards, crazed wardens and mutant rodents.
Movie: Earthfall ( 2016 )
WHERE DO YOU HIDE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD? As a massive asteroid roars through our solar system, its gravitational forces pulls Earth in its wake. Meteors destroy major cities. Fire and ice storms engulf the land. Casualties are in the millions. And as the situation grows even worse, Steve Lannon (Joe Lando of 'Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman') is determined to reunite with his wife (Michelle Stafford of 'The Young and the Restless' and 'General Hospital') and teenage daughter (Denyse Tontz of "All My Children"). But when they stumble into a secret government installation, they'll uncover a the governments plans that will either blast our planet back into orbit or guarantee front row seats to the end of the world.
Movie: The Starlost: The Invasion ( 1980 )
Devon has been seriously injured, Rachel's sends out a request for help, with an astro-medic ship, with an alien spacecraft also requesting help. The astro-medics do not know which request to respond to first. Within one of the biosphere a power-hungry servant plots to take over the biosphere.
Movie: Seedpeople ( 1992 )
The citizens of Comet Valley are being taken over by seeds from an alien plant that has taken root there. A sheriff investigates the strange goings-on.
Movie: Battle of the Stars ( 1978 )
A spaceship investigates an out-of-control planet and discovers a computer that controls an underground civilization.
Movie: Alternative 3 ( 1977 )
World ecological collapse; the next ice-age has already begun! Lucky for us, governments know what to do. Unfortunately it's a conspiracy to end all conspiracies. Vanishing scientists, dubious space missions, and a freak accident which kills the courier of a tape containing a secret radio message from an unmanned Mars probe - holds the key. Ruthless investigative reporters uncover the ominous master plan.
Movie: Not of This Earth ( 1957 )
An alien agent from the distant planet Davana is sent to Earth via a high-tech matter transporter. There, he terrorizes Southern California in an attempt to acquire blood for his dying race, the result of a devastating nuclear war.
Movie: Star Knight ( 1986 )
Princess Alba is abducted by a dragon, and it's up to Klever to save her. But, it turns out that this dragon is an alien spacecraft, and Alba falls in love with the human-alien inside it.
Movie: Supersonic Saucer ( 1956 )
A group of schoolchildren come upon an alien from Venus, and help him against a gang of criminals who are trying to kidnap him.
Movie: The Love Factor ( 1973 )
A race of topless, large-breasted women from the planet Angvia, in another dimension, come to earth to kidnap women to repopulate their planet.
Movie: Wing Commander ( 1999 )
Blair, a fighter pilot, joins an interstellar war to fight the evil Kilrathi who are trying to destroy the universe.
Movie: Alien Visitor ( 1997 )
In this sci-fi adventure a gorgeous alien woman is sent to Earth by mistake from the planet Epsilon. Landing in the Australian outback she meets a surveyor and they cross the continent together. However, she spends the trip haranguing him for the ecological recklessness and avarice of the human race.
Movie: The Brain Eaters ( 1963 )
The inhabitants of a small Illinois town begin disappearing after a strange cone is found sticking out of the ground nearby.
Movie: Oblivion ( 1994 )
On this planet, it's Cowboys and Aliens.
Movie: Dark Star ( 1979 )
In the far reaches of space, a small crew, 20 years into their solitary mission, find things beginning to go hilariously wrong.
Movie: Vampire Vixens from Venus ( 1995 )
Three Venusians land on Earth and transform themselves into beautiful buxom babes, then go about their task of sucking the life force out of unsuspecting males. Their disguises are a propos since the life force is more valuable when extracted at a moment of extreme sexual excitement. Meanwhile, Detective Oakenshield bumbles his way into the investigation of the dessic...Read all
Movie: Mission Stardust ( 1967 )
A team of astronauts is sent to the moon to rescue an alien who is seeking help to save her dying race. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover that enemy spies are out to kill the alien.
Movie: The Day Time Ended ( 1979 )
Aliens visit the solar-powered house of a middle-class family, and the house is suddenly sucked into a time warp that transports it back to prehistoric times.
Movie: Queen of Blood ( 1966 )
The year is 1990. An alien species makes contact with Earth through radio transmissions. After astronauts from earth venture to the planet, they find one - a female, who's mute. As they transport her back to earth, one by one, the male crew members die. It's too late when they realise she needs their blood to survive.
Movie: Supergirl ( 1984 )
After losing a powerful orb, Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin, comes to Earth to retrieve it and instead finds herself up against a wicked witch.
Movie: Unseen Evil ( 2001 )
A group of hikers led by a college professor are searching the woods for an ancient Indian burial mound. When they discover a likely site, three members of the group reveal themselves to be grave looters, and tie up the others so they can keep the valuable artefacts for themselves. In the course of ransacking the mound, one of them stumbles across a cursed crown that unleashes the mound's guardian: an invisible monster that begins attacking everyone it finds. Will anyone make it back to civilization alive?
Movie: Cosmic Princess ( 1982 )
_Space: 1999_ (1975) season 2 episodes The Metamorph and Space Ward were edited together to create this movie about the adrift in space crew of Moonbase Alpha that meets shape-shifting alien Maya and her father who wants their brains.
Movie: The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra ( 2002 )
A bad scientist and wife, a mad scientist and skeleton, two aliens and their escaped pet are all searching for the elusive element "atmospherium".
Movie: The Toy Box ( 1971 )
When Ralph persuades his girlfriend Donna to participate in a bizarre party, she discovers the guests are there to perform erotic plays in the presence of a corpse, Ralph's millionaire uncle. The players are promised gifts from the "toy box" so Ralph and Donna await their turn. When the mansion's doors lock at midnight, it's not long before they all finally discover the horrible truth about what the box actually is.
Movie: Missile to the Moon ( 1960 )
Escaped convicts Gary and Lon are caught hiding in a rocket by scientist Dirk Green, who forces them to pilot the ship to the moon. Dirk, who's secretly a moon being, wants to return to his home satellite. Dirk's partner Steve Dayton and his fiancé June stowaway on the ship by accident. Will they all make it back safely?
Movie: The Intruder Within ( 1981 )
Personnel on an oil rig near Antarctica discover a bizarre fossil that exerts a mesmeric influence over some of them and gradually regenerates into the horrible embodiment of an evil that has lain dormant since the beginning of time.
Movie: The Glitterball ( 1977 )
Two teenage boys try to help a tiny spherical alien get back to its mothership, while the army and a devious petty crook pursue the creature for its wonderful powers.
Movie: Lords of the Deep ( 1989 )
Man has finally conquered the ocean. America's first self-contained undersea laboratory is the pride of the nation, and expectations are high for an elaborate undersea mining operation. What wasn't expected was the inhabitants of an undiscovered world.
Movie: Galactic Gigolo ( 1988 )
Eoj is an alien who won a game show and the grand prize is a trip to earth to have sex with as many earth women as he can. Hildy is a reporter who is writing a biography on Eoj's adventures.
Movie: Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem ( 2003 )
A continuation of the story told in the Daft Punk music videos "One More Time," "Aerodynamic," "Digital Love," and "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger."
Movie: Remote Control ( 1988 )
A video store clerk stumbles onto an alien plot to take over Earth by brain-washing people with a bad '50s science fiction movie. He and his friend must find a way to stop the aliens before the tapes can be distributed worldwide.
Movie: The Alien Factor ( 1978 )
A spaceship containing specimens for an intergalactic zoo crashes on Earth near a small back woods town. The specimens escape, and soon town folk are turning up mutilated. Very low budget feature was the first for Baltimore filmmaker Don Dohler.
Movie: Alien Intruder ( 1993 )
Space traveling convicts become the victims of their own fantasies when virtual reality is made to go wrong.
Movie: Alien Apocalypse ( 2005 )
An astronaut doctor Ivan Hood and his fellow astronaut Kelly return from their mission in space to find the world has been taken over by aliens. Now Dr. Ivan Hood and Kelly must lead a revolution to free the human slaves from their alien masters.
Movie: Monolith ( 1995 )
Two cops investigating the murder of a young boy become invloved in a very secret project involving alien life. Needless to say, the authorities don't want them to stick their noses into this.
Movie: The Deadly Spawn ( 1983 )
Alien creatures invade a small town and four teenagers, along with a young boy, attempt to escape from them.
Movie: Time Walker ( 1982 )
An alien, buried in King Tut's tomb, terrorizes a college campus.
Movie: Doctor Who: The Crusade ( 1999 )
Ian Chesterton tells the tale of his adventures with the Doctor in Palestine.
Movie: Code Red ( 2001 )
A psychologically disturbed solider is forced to come out of retirement to find his brother who has disappeared in the jungle but nothing can prepare him for the alien nightmare he is plunged into.
Movie: Decoys ( 2004 )
Luke and Roger are just another couple of college guys trying to lose their virginity. But when Luke sees something unusual, he begins to suspect that the girls on campus aren't exactly human.
Movie: Without Warning ( 1980 )
An alien creature stalks human prey.
Movie: The Troops & Aliens ( 1979 )
In St. Tropez, French gendarme Cruchot and his men battle petroleum-drinking, human-looking, metallic aliens.
Movie: Nightflyers ( 1988 )
Professor hires a spaceship to get to the source of weird signals from deep space. The trip is cut short however when the ship's computer gets jealous because the captain is in love with one of the female passengers and it gets homicidal.
Movie: The Monolith Monsters ( 1957 )
Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
Movie: Sex and the Single Alien ( 1993 )
Harry Smith is your typical sexually-unfulfilled husband whose wife Olivia is more interested in UFOs than in him. With the help of his friend Sam, Harry makes Olivia believe that he has been abducted by aliens, when really he has an affair with the new dancer at the strip club which he and his wife own. But the tables are turned when Harry really is abducted by aliens, and they give him the remarkable ability to bring a woman to orgasm simply by looking at her.
Movie: Extra Terrorestrial Alien Encounter ( 1994 )
An extraterrestrial corporation, intending to impress Earth with a technical demonstration, accidentally releases a dangerous alien.
Movie: Decoys 2: Alien Seduction ( 2007 )
Sam, a college student in a small Northwestern town, reluctantly joins his roommates in a contest to see who can hook up with the most gorgeous co-eds by the end of the semester. But when men slowly start disappearing around town, he and his friends learn that when it comes to beautiful women, it's what's inside that really matters.
Movie: Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders ( 1990 )
Space-faring hero and galactically-renowned stud Flesh Gordon is kidnapped by a group of space cheerleaders hoping to use him to save their planet. A being simply known as Evil Presence has been rendering the men of their world impotent, and the women are desperate for some form of relief. Flesh's girlfriend Ardor, meanwhile, is following behind to try to keep him out of trouble, but soon finds herself kidnapped by Evil Presence's henchman who has plans of his own. Can Flesh get the men of this planet standing tall once again?
Movie: Warp Speed ( 1981 )
A ship is found adrift in space with no trace of its crew, or any signs of life at all. A psychic is brought into to try to "join" her mind with the memories lingering in the spacecraft so she can find out what happened to the crew and where they are now.
Movie: Purple People Eater ( 1988 )
A kid plays the old novelty song "Purple People Eater" and the creature actually appears. The two then proceed to help an elderly couple who are being evicted by their greedy landlord.
Movie: Music of the Spheres ( 1985 )
Set in the not-too-distant future, when the existing world economy has collapsed, and the new city-states are controlled by computers, many of which require a kind of telepathic linkage with a human counterpart. When the most important of these computers exhibits strange patterns during a crucial operation, its counterpart, a top scientist named Melody, begins having psychic experiences. For a low-budget film, a surprisingly deep exploration of emotions vs. logic and the elusive search for truth.
Movie: The Giant Spider Invasion ( 1976 )
Giant spiders from another dimension invade Wisconsin.
Movie: Horrorplanet ( 1981 )
A crew of interplanetary archaeologists is threatened when an alien creature impregnates one of their members, causing her to turn homicidal and murder them one by one.
Movie: Contamination ( 1980 )
A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.
Movie: Beach Babes from Beyond ( 1993 )
Three intergalactic beauties beam down off the California coast and have close encounters with three local beach boys.
Movie: Lifted ( 2007 )
A teenage alien tries to abduct a sleeping human, but with so many switches to do so, it's nearly impossible.
Movie: Time Runner ( 1993 )
During the unstoppable alien invasion of 2022, one man flees through a wormhole to 1992 in hope of changing the future. But attempt after attempt is made by someone there to catch and kill him.
Movie: Breeders ( 1986 )
The Manhattan General Hospital admitted a string of young women raped by something otherworldly. Dr. Pace and Detective Andriotti try and isolate the strange organic material found on the victims to find the fiend.
Movie: Breeders ( 1997 )
An alien travels to Earth on a meteorite and mates with humans to preserve its species and destroy humanity.
Movie: Lifeform ( 1996 )
When the Viking space capsule suddenly returns to Earth from its long ago trip to Mars, it brings with it an intelligent visitor that is part "Alien" and part "ET". Encased in armor, it extends a humanlike form from its shell to examine its surroundings and shows an interest in humans including a soft caress of a female scientist prior to the Army killing it. This only enrages its sibling.
Movie: Killer Tongue ( 1996 )
This horror story involves a woman hiding out with four pastel colored poodles in a desert gas station with the loot from a heist while her boy friend does prison time. A meteorite crashes near the station transforming the woman into an alien being with a gigantic voracious tongue and her poodles are transformed into four drag queens. The whole thing grows even weirde...Read all
Movie: 2001: A Space Travesty ( 2000 )
Marshal Dix is to free US president from aliens on the int'l lunar base. A clone has replaced him in The White House. Can Dix prevent an alien invasion?
Movie: TerrorVision ( 1986 )
A family's new satellite TV system starts receiving signals from another planet, and soon it becomes the passageway to an alien world.
Movie: The War of the Planets ( 1968 )
In the 21st century, aliens invade the solar system.