Playlists > Niy Playlist

Niy Playlist
Creator: RebelKaos
Posted: 3 years ago

3 favorites


Movie: Spring Breakaway ( 2019 )
After a series of mishaps, Rhyme, Autumn, Zoe, and Effie find themselves together in Miami for spring break. New crushes and new friends will make this a trip they'll never forget!
Movie: An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong ( 2009 )
A fourth grader and her friends deal with bullying from a more popular girl in their class.
Movie: An American Girl on the Home Front ( 2006 )
Molly is a girl living in the year 1944 and WWII has brought many changes to Molly's life. An English girl comes to live with Molly's family to escape the bombings. They slowly become good friends.
Movie: An American Girl Story: Ivy & Julie 1976 - A Happy Balance ( 2017 )
Set in 1976 San Francisco, Ivy Ling is a Chinese-American who struggles to find a balance between her two cultural identities. With the help of her best friend, Julie Albright, Ivy makes a tough call on two important events in her life when her gymnastics tournament and family's Chinese New Year dinner land on the same day.
Movie: Intern-in-Chief ( 2019 )
Faced with another long summer of hard and strenuous work at the Crown Lake country club, Rhyme and Effie jump at the opportunity to work as fashion interns at the high-end magazine "Très Chic." This summer will be one for the books.
Movie: The Last Day of Summer ( 2007 )
Luke hates starting middle school and wishes for the last day of summer, the festival, to keep repeating itself. It does, at least 100 times, until he's learned his lesson.
TV Show: Hotel Du Loone ( 2018 )
Uncover the mystery of Hotel Du Loone, a wacky and wondrous hotel.