DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016)
Tiger8me -4 points 5 years ago.

RR…I don’t think Hollywood is trying to get people to be gay, I believe the objective is to normalize it since religion has done so much to make it something it isn’t. Research shows homosexuality shows up in the animal, bird and insect kingdom. What most don’t talk about is how many white christian men sexually molest children causing them to become gay. If you were sodomized over 2,000 times,starting at 2.5 years old then gang raped too many times to count by 14 and called a whore because those kinds of men taught you at an early age if you give in you only get raped, but if you fight back you get beaten and raped, so you give in…would you still want to be with men? And would you consider being gay as a result of those experiences a choice?

Tiger8me -4 points 5 years ago.

Homosexuality showing up in the animal, bird and insect kingdom kind of leads one to believe it is natural…I’d like anyone to show me where in any of those kingdoms pedophilia shows up. ALL of the men who abused us were born again Christians from the Baptist, Pentecostal, United and Catholic churches. The thing I haven’t been able to figure out is why men who are molested by men become sexually drawn to other men while women molested by men usually turn to other women.