Lessons in Chemistry (2023) S1 E6
JadeEnigma 6 points 6 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This was a difficult and triggering episode to watch, but worth the effort. The way minorities have been treated by a supremacist colonizing culture is shown without holding much back. Such things need to be shown, however, less we think we’re free from such things even now.

Piglet 0 points 6 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I live in a southern state but live in the northwest corner and we are more open minded in this corner of the state. In fact, the rest of the state looks down on us because we are open minded. Our governor is trying to make it difficult for minorities and has passed some new laws that deal with what can be taught like in other states. My state also has a huge Latino population and the governor is trying to get laws passed that will affect them too. I grew up with Native Americans and it seems it doesn’t matter, if you’re not white, you’re discriminated against. Why are we going backwards? Granted, we still had/have a lot of work to do on discrimination, but it has become even harder. My brother recently asked me where our parents were born, he wants to get a passport and a special type of drivers license. He is gay and he is so terrified for his safety if the former president wins (I refuse to type his name in). A preacher in Texas has made the comment that all gays and lesbians need to be rounded up and shot in the back of the head. The man running for the gop has so many people who would do this. I told my brother he could move to Canada but I need to tell him he’ll need a certain type of visa if he plans to stay for a long time. I know a lot of people made the same comment in 2020, that they’d move out of the country if he wins. This time I think a lot of people will actually move out of the country if he wins. Sad, so sad.