Event Horizon (1997)
DemandingFemale 4 points 4 years ago.

There is so much to dislike about Event Horizon but there’s also equally as much to love. It has plot holes you could drive a bus through, a cheesy dialogue and some pretty strange deliveries from some of the cast. But… Horror in space - yes please. It was due to be much longer, with extended graphic gore and a few scenes that would have plugged some of the plot holes. In the end, Anderson was made to cut 35 minutes from the test screener and Paramount failed to archive the footage for a Directors cut. It got mixed reviews when it was released in ‘97, but I liked it enough to see it a few times at the cinema. If you can see past some of the bad points it’s a great horror/sci-fi, that doesn’t look at all dated for a 22+ year old movie.