Hiding Out (1987)
WeirdMonkey 1 points 5 years ago*.

My how times have changed…Jon Cryer’s character is supposed to be around 26-28, and his romantic interest is a 16 year old. Literally. The actress who plays the romantic interest is actually 16 at the time of filming. I used to watch this movie quite a bit as a kid in the 80’s, and never even thought of it as odd. Until now. Now it’s quite a protruding distraction from an otherwise decent 80’s flick. Probably the best of any of the 80’s flicks that featured Cryer as a lead. Can you imagine if they tried to release a movie like that these days that had a very casual storyline about a 28 year man pretending to be a high schooler, and seducing a 16 year old girl? These days, we call that show, “To Catch A Predator”, right?