Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez (2020)
DebbyDebb 2 points 4 years ago*.

I have such mixed feelings after watching this documentary. He was a very troubled young man and I believe a lot (not all) has to do with the club owners and coaches. It’s all about money. I think they turned their heads quite a bit and Aaron got away with a lot. I’ve known professional athletes personally in the past because I worked for Molson and they sponsored many teams. A player for the NHL stands out in my mind. I won’t mention his name but he was traded from team to team to basically be a body guard/fighter when all he wanted to do was play hockey. I remember him saying “if I wanted to be a boxer and fight, I would have been a boxer and fought”. He too had a troubling upbringing and not the best relationship with his father. When I heard he died from a drug overdose (they didn’t call it suicide but I put two and two together), I was not in the least bit surprised. I put the blame on the NHL and the owners and coaches. Having said that, hockey too is a high impact sport where they’re brains and bodies get knocked around big time. I also think the pain killers they were injecting into Aaron’s body, mixed with the high amount of weed he smoked were a recipe for disaster. Shame on them.