Australian Survivor (2002) S7 E10
PacificLilly 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

!WARNING! Spoilers in this comment! šŸ˜‰
Personally, I really enjoyed watching his game playā€¦ Iā€™m so sad that Matt was voted out!!!! šŸ˜¢ Iā€™m not surprised in the least that they voted him out bc heā€™s a huge threat- and yet, keeping Shonee and Harry?! They are huge threats as well. Shonee I get keeping her bc sheā€™s 1000% done with the other tribe since they voted her out. So Shonee I get bc sheā€™s a number for them and has no other alliances. (I did enjoy watching Shonee get her revenge with Abby and Lydia!! And they better watch out for her, her social game is unreal this season) But keeping ā€œDirty Harryā€ lol that may come back to bite some, if not all, of them right in their derriĆØres. Harry has played it cool thus far since he wants to be seen as not such an evil mastermind and seen as more trustworthyā€¦ but heā€™s still just as smart, cunning, and ruthless. Donā€™t get me wrong, heā€™s fun to watch when heā€™s his witty, maniacal self. Haha. But I was really rooting for Matt to make it to merge, even if only to just see how his secret alliance with Dave could have turned out!!!! That would have been epic to watch!!!
Speaking of Dave, hahahaha what a funny character. I love the way he speaks in his interviews! šŸ˜‚ His ego is larger than life and he plays the game so hard! (Heā€™s not my favorite player by any means. Butā€¦. he is seriously sooooo entertaining to watch!) Iā€™m a little worried that Phoebe is going to learn the hard way how vengeful Dave can be. And goodness me, I hope she doesnā€™t tell Dave if she finds an idol. Thatā€™d be terrible for her game to get blindsided with an idol!!! Ekkks!
There are so many great players this season, too many to list here in this already long comment. Lol. With so many amazing players, I absolutely cannot guess whoā€™s going to win. All of them are out for blood and have learned from their previous seasons. The social threats or masterminds have upped their game play and seem physically stronger, the physical beasts have improved thier social games and are also even stronger. All the players seem to have evened out thier strengths and weaknesses so that they are all really great players. This is the absolute best season thus far and I am stoked to watch it all unfold and see how the winner gets to the end!!!!!!
I also love that this version of Survivor plays out over 50 days and airs a few times a week. (Unlike the US version that is 39 days and airs only once a week.) Itā€™s awesome! Not only more episodes but more challenges, twists, and especially more game play! Ekkkks and wowzah, sooooo exciting!!!!