The Rookie (2018) S2 E12
JadeEnigma 2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I need to be honest about this show. I enjoy it. I like Nathan Fillion. What I struggle with is how often he and his rookie police officer buddies get into life-threatening situations, where they are shot at and discharge their weapons, and yet bounce back the next day. As someone who has had to disarm aggressive people and had loaded weapons pointed at me, I find this difficult to really wrap my brain around.

But still, Nathan… Okay.

Eelectric -2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I get that, but they did make a thing out of that in the first season when he was trying to find his way. And he even said it this episode as well when his son asked if he gets used to the danger and fear. I guess they skip over it quicker now because he graduated and the formula of the show. What kinda annoyed me this episode was the ride along, but yeah, not every episode is top notch.