War of the Colossal Beast (1958)
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

Oh great. We’re at war with the Colossal Beast again now too? Aren’t things bad enough already? He looks terrifying these days if that bus isn’t just a prop that’s only actually a little bit bigger than the size of my meat and two veg in real life. And what’s up with that eye? He wasn’t even that colossal when I fought him back in my youth all of those years ago and he was actually quite an attractive man back then too if I’m being a hundred percent honest. It was more like the wrestling scene with Oliver Reed in that Ken Russell adaptation of Women in Love rather than a proper scrap but he’s bigger and uglier now too by the looks of things and I’m pretty out of shape at the moment so some other bugger is just going to have to step up and deal with him this time because I’ve got dishes to wash and the dog is looking at me all funny too because he doesn’t understand why I won’t let him sniff other dog’s behinds any more when I take him for a midnight stroll because of all of this social distancing stuff.