Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
somniloquist 6 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Jim Jarmusch put his two main characters in long hair, matted into locks. He said he wanted this to always remember that they were animals. And they are.
Two vampires, millennia old, are sophisticated and elegant predators. Those lions you see on a royal seal or coat of arms. Rearing, teeth bared, always in total control, but nevertheless deadly. They’ve spent their years learning, reading, playing music, nurturing artists and scientists, mastering languages.
As our story opens we find them half a world apart, the pleasures they derive from human kind are starting to sour. Returning to their most elemental state means returning to each other. Their exchanges of tenderness and respect surface in dark humor and genuine expressions of affection. Exactly what you came to Jarmusch for, face it.
And, yeah yeah, there’s a central conflict that stumbles into town. And maybe some heraldic lions are ripped from their gilded perches and back into a more real world. But you can go find out about that yourself.