Trump: An American Dream (2017)
VacantField42 6 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

JadeEnigma…Keep your glitter close by…always. They let him stay in power because he is filling the courts with conservative judges. Watch Bill Maher’s New Rules this week. Safe Word is Pineapple. Also read the scoop on why Melania choose to stay in NY, instead of moving into the WHouse. Prenup renegotiated. Being Conservative stands for principles Donny doesn’t live by…Watch The Good Fight in order. LMK when you hit “Memo 618”. I feel a deep reckoning is on the horizon in the States. Got to go thru some storms to get to the rainbow. Always keep your glitter.

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I have a vast reserve of glitter, don’t you worry.