Party Down (2009)
somniloquist 3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Shitty workplaces are where the misfits meet. If it’s not retail, then it’s going to be food service. Party Down is a genuinely funny portrait of people who would never otherwise have met, just trying to not break down for one more shift. Some of their attributes are punched up for laughs, but at their core the characters are all recognizable and real humans.
Dark, clever, and featuring dozens of top notch performers right before you knew who they were. Give yourself the privilege of saying you knew about Adam Scott before Parks and Rec, Martin Starr before Silicon Valley, and Lizzy Caplan from something cooler than Mean Girls AND Masters of Sex.
And if that doesn’t sell you, then hear this.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That sold me. S2’s episode NUMBER FIVE IS ALIVE, so to speak.