Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
Skyehawk -1 points 3 years ago.

The Red Menace?? That’s the best you can do?? You need to get in touch with reality in a big way. The 3 leaders of BLM are avowed communists and admit it whole heartedly. A spade is a spade no matter what it’s called. What I said is the truth.

etim 10 points 3 years ago.

What is it with your obsession with commies? And you’re telling others to get in touch with reality? Sheesh! You run out of fresh conspiracy theories so now you’re hoping to bring back McCarthyism?
I’m MUCH more concerned about the violent white supremacist nutbags and the gullible Q-anon idiots who keep threatening to start a ‘race war’ if their Chosen One isn’t re-elected.